Foam concrete - building blocks of a light shade, which consist of gas silicate and foam concrete. This building material is applicable for both low-rise buildings and high-rise structures. The structure of such raw materials is characterized by high adhesion to any cladding, good thermal insulation and the ability to suppress noise, but many building owners still prefer to perform additional insulation of foam concrete. Installation work with any of the types of heat insulators is quite simple and can be done independently.
High-quality heat and sound insulation
Foam block as a base
Foam block is a building material that consists of cement mortar, sand, water and special substances involved in the formation of a stable foam.
The material has high performance in heat and sound insulation, is resistant to moisture penetration, fire resistant and is not able to freeze.
It is not used as a material for the capital construction of a load-bearing wall, but an internal partition or non-load-bearing structures can be made of it.
Advantages and disadvantages
Key advantages of foam blocks:
- over time, the strength of foam concrete increases (in 10 years - about 2 times);
- low density increases the usability of the material, reduces the pressure on the foundation;
- a wall made of a 20 cm thick block provides thermal insulation at the level of 60 cm of a brick wall, which indicates a very low thermal conductivity;
- high sound insulation;
- relatively low cost.
Of the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting only the need to create mortar joints with a thickness of more than 2 mm (otherwise, the thermal conductivity and sound insulation indicators fall) and in the external decoration, if you want to get an attractive appearance.
Warming reasons
Insulation of external walls only with foam concrete is quite popular, since the blocks are lightweight, durable and have good durability. In addition, in some cases, additional insulation of the foam block itself can be performed.
There are a number of reasons for this:
- protection against moisture, which has a very bad effect on the durability of the wall;
- when freezing, there is a risk of complete destruction of the building material;
- prevention of condensation on the main wall and, as a result, the formation of fungus, mold.
Also, experts advise to insulate buildings from foam concrete exclusively from the outside.
Material selection
The first thing we need to find out is how to insulate the walls from the foam blocks from the outside.
Depending on what kind of insulation scheme is planned, several options can be used:
Construction requiring insulation
- Low density foam blocks... This material is used almost immediately after the building itself is erected. The lining of the house is erected from highly porous foam concrete blocks, which is connected to the supporting structures using reinforcing bars. The disadvantage of this method of warming is its laboriousness, since masters-masons must carry out warming with foam concrete.
Advice! Between two rows of blocks, you can put a layer of insulation - mineral or cellulose wool. It is also possible to fill the space inside the wall with foam concrete.
Foam blocks of different shapes
- Styrofoam or polystyrene... Polymeric slabs are well suited for external thermal insulation under plaster. Their feature is low vapor permeability, therefore, it is necessary to equip the room with powerful ventilation.
- Mineral wool and panels based on it... High vapor permeability and good thermal insulation values make mineral wool an almost ideal insulation for arranging so-called ventilated facades. Insulation of walls from a foam block from the outside involves the arrangement of cladding from siding or metal imitation of a bar.
There are also other materials to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of a building, such as metal sandwich or ceramic insulation panels. However, their rather high cost negatively affects the popularity, and therefore they are used relatively rarely.
The relevance of insulation of houses from a foam block outside
Foam concrete was created for those buildings that are erected in one layer. It has good thermal insulation properties. However, in a continental temperate climate, winters are very cold and windy, so experts still recommend additional thermal insulation of foam concrete.
Another important factor is that foam concrete can freeze during prolonged cold and even absorb moisture. To prevent this from happening, insulation is carried out exclusively from the outside of houses from a foam block, which has a number of advantages over the inside:
- saving space indoors;
- condensation does not accumulate inside, and also does not settle on the main wall;
- thermal insulation protects foam concrete from freezing and moisture penetration.
How to insulate a foam block with foam outside
Stages of warming a house from foam blocks with foam with your own hands:
1.the surface of the wall is cleaned of dust, dirt, if there are irregularities on the wall, then it is leveled; 2. the foam block facade is primed, the primer layer will prevent the glue from absorbing into the thickness of the wall; 3. the starting metal profile is fixed on the wall, the first row of material will be mounted on it; 4. Preparation of glue for expanded polystyrene, following the instructions, thoroughly mix the solution with a drill with a nozzle; 5. installation of slab insulation, the fins are staggered relative to each other; 6. we fix each polystyrene foam plate with a disc dowel in the corners and in the center of the plate; 7. gluing a reinforcing mesh to give the insulation the necessary strength; 8. plastering insulation and finishing with facade putty, you can also sheathe the house with forcing or siding.
Insulation types
If you still decided to insulate the walls of foam concrete, then the question certainly arose before you: "What kind of insulation to choose?" Considering the fact that today the market is overflowing with various types of insulators for insulating petroconcrete, they all differ in their characteristics and properties. The final choice can be made by examining all the main parameters of the proposed raw materials.
Foam application
Polyfoam, also known as polyurethane foam, is a lightweight plate for thermal insulation of any walls. The advantages include not only low cost, but also resistance to moisture and sudden changes in temperature.
The peculiarities of foam concrete insulation with polystyrene include the mandatory performance of facing work, since the slabs are unstable to UV radiation.
Use of mineral wool
Minvata is also quite popular for foam concrete insulation.
It has a number of advantages:
- long service life if all work has been done correctly;
- fire resistance;
- excellent heat preservation performance;
- additional sound insulation;
- does not absorb moisture.
Penoplex analogue to polystyrene
This insulation looks very much like foam, but the materials are produced in a completely different way. Another name for penoplex is extruded polystyrene foam. These are slabs that do not deform, are resistant to moisture and mold.
However, the vapor permeability coefficient of the material is slightly worse than that of ordinary foam, which increases the ventilation requirements for a house made of foam concrete insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.
Thermal panels
Thermal panels
Thermal panel is a material consisting of a heat insulator layer (for example, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam), a decorative outer layer (clinker, artificial stone, ceramics) and an adhesive base, which serves for gluing the decorative layer and the thermal insulating base.
The main advantage of such slabs is that there is no need for cladding work, since they already contain a decorative layer. In addition, there are other advantages of using thermal panels, and they are quite significant:
- installation at any time of the year;
- resistance to decay, the formation of all types of fungi and mold, as well as other microorganisms;
- special fasteners that simplify installation work;
- the obligatory use of the lathing excludes the violation of the geometry of the facade;
- a variety of colors and textures allows you to embody the most daring design solutions into reality;
- high coefficients of heat and sound insulation;
- durability of the structure and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
The only drawback is the high cost of thermal panels.
Thermal insulation of foam blocks with mineral wool
Thermal insulation of walls outside with mineral wool is as follows:
- We thoroughly clean the surface of the wall from dust and dirt.
- We place dense polyethylene over the entire surface of the wall - it will play the role of a waterproofing agent. Fastening is carried out with wooden blocks, the thickness of which slightly exceeds the thickness of the cotton wool layer. We place the bars vertically along the entire height of the wall - we maintain a distance between them, which is 2-3 cm less than the width of the mineral wool roll.
- As a result, you should get something like a wooden frame - we tightly lay mineral wool inside. To avoid the formation of cold bridges, we glue the joints with adhesive tape.
- On top, we again apply dense polyethylene and nail it to vertical bars using thin wooden planks - as a result, our mineral wool is protected by waterproofing on both sides, and we can not be afraid that it will retain moisture in itself.
- We mount siding or any other type of external decorative coating on the vertical beams of the frame.
What material is most preferable: possible harm to health
Fire hazard
When choosing an insulator for foam concrete insulation, the question of safety arises. It's not only about the release of harmful substances during operation, but also about fire safety.
All of the above-described thermal insulation materials will not harm human health if the installation work is performed correctly. All of them are made with the use of anti-flammable mixtures that prevent not only ignition, but also contribute to self-extinguishing in the event of ignition.
Given the fact that synthetic resins from the phenolic group can be used in the production of mineral wool, it will not emit harmful substances due to its external location.
We insulate the walls from the inside
Having decided to use this method, the home owner will inevitably face the following problems:
- due to sudden changes in temperature inside and outside the foam blocks, their service life will decrease;
- floors, in contact with cold walls, will create a cold bridge directed inward - because of this, corners may begin to freeze;
- only environmentally friendly insulation can be used indoors - it will not emit harmful substances into living rooms;
- rodents can start in the insulating material;
- the formation of condensation on the wall - to solve this problem, you will have to use a vapor barrier and arrange a false wall to provide air conditioning.
Advice! When deciding how to insulate a house from foam blocks from the inside, you should know that fibrous and vapor-permeable materials, for example, mineral wool, cannot be used for these purposes. Due to the formation of condensation, they will accumulate moisture in themselves, which will lead to a significant decrease in their thermal insulation qualities. In this case, it is better to use expanded polystyrene.
Scheme of how to insulate a foam block wall from the inside
Plates of this material are attached to the walls with glue or special dowels. The joints of the slabs should certainly be coated with glue.
Features of insulation technology with various materials
After you have decided on the material for the insulation of foam concrete, you can proceed to the preparatory activities. First of all, the amount of material required is determined, and the necessary tools are selected.
It is important to remember that due to the size of any sheets for wall insulation, you will need an assistant to facilitate the entire installation process.
How to insulate a house from foam blocks outside with foam
Before starting work on the insulation of foam concrete walls, they must be prepared. They must be free of old paint, debris, plaster. It is also recommended to patch up all cracks and holes.
The process of foam insulation itself is as follows:
- a deep-penetrating primer is applied to the wall to ensure maximum adhesion of the adhesive to the foam concrete;
- an initial plank is installed at the bottom of the building to support the starting foam strip;
- an adhesive solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions;
- the surface of the foam is processed to create a roughness;
- a layer of glue is applied with a spatula to the plate;
- the insulation is fixed on the foam concrete, the rows should go from bottom to top;
- the foam is additionally reinforced with dowels with a wide head.
After the installation of the insulation is completed, decorative and facing activities are carried out.
Thermal insulation of foam concrete with mineral wool: stages of work
When insulating foam concrete with mineral wool, it is also necessary to pre-clean the walls. In this case, the surface should be as flat as possible.
Step by step, the whole process looks like this:
- a solution of antiseptic agents is applied to the foam concrete;
- steam and waterproofing membranes are attached;
- brackets for lathing are installed;
- vertical and horizontal guides are mounted;
- insulation is inserted and fastened with dowels.
When using mineral wool, plaster and further painting are most often used as cladding.
Installation of thermal panels
The most optimal option for installing thermal panels on foam concrete is a ventilated facade system. As soon as the structure is installed, they begin to install the panels. As a rule, they all contain special grooves for fastening, so work is done quickly and easily. All work should be started from the corner of the building, after installing the starting elements.
In this case, it is recommended to strengthen the film to protect it from moisture on the main wall.
Warming with foam
Work on the insulation of foam concrete with penoplex is completely identical to work on the insulation of walls with foam. In this case, preparatory work is also carried out, an adhesive solution is prepared, the plates are attached to the facade in a similar way, the fiberglass mesh is mounted, and decorative and facing work is performed.
Penoplex thermal insulation
When using foam for foam concrete, there is no need to use additional vapor barrier membranes, since the raw material already has high performance in this parameter. Also, due to the light weight of the plates, the work can be done independently, without the help of a partner.
House insulation with expanded polystyrene
(penoplex) differs in properties from mineral wool. Thanks to this difference the technology of its laying is simplified
- Wall alignment
... This stage is the same as in the case of mineral wool, but with one difference: the wall is primed after cleaning and leveling. This is necessary in order to close the pores on the surface of the blocks. In this case, the glue will not be absorbed into the blocks and will only be used for gluing the expanded polystyrene to the wall. - After the primer has dried, the wall is greased with thoroughly mixed glue.
, and then insulating slabs are laid on it end-to-end. In a single-layer installation, the joints are carefully sealed with construction foam. This foam can also be used as an adhesive by applying it to the inside of the boards. For two-layer installation, the outer slabs are laid, covering the joints of the inner ones. It should be remembered that winter foam containing toluene must not be used for working with polystyrene and polystyrene foam. - Glued polystyrene foam boards
additionally attached to the wall with dowels so that the distance between adjacent dowels does not exceed 50 cm. - Fixing the reinforcing mesh with dowels on top of the insulation
, plaster is applied to it, and then finished with a facade putty.
When insulated with expanded polystyrene, the thermal insulation layer does not allow water vapor to pass through. So that the wall does not damp
due to the penetration of vapors from the inside, the inner surface of the wall is also primed and then finished.
Excess water vapor is removed from the premises by ventilation
Heat insulating properties of foam blocks not always enough
to keep the house warm. If you have to insulate a house from aerated concrete, this can be done with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.
Insulating foam and aerated concrete walls, need to take into account
that they cannot withstand a heavy load. For this reason, curtain walls are not mounted on such walls. Facing masonry is made with support only on the foundation.
Wall insulation not enough to keep warm
... To make the house comfortable even in a harsh winter, you also need to take care of the insulation of the roof, ceiling and floor. Only with such comprehensive thermal insulation will the house be a comfortable home, and a minimum of fuel will be consumed to heat it.
Recommendations of experts on foam insulation at home from foam blocks from the outside and from the inside, see the video:
Stones from this type of aerated concrete, due to their low cost and ease of work with them, are widely used in low-rise construction. Opinions about whether it is worthwhile to insulate a house from foam concrete from the outside differ greatly. This material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, and many consider additional finishing a waste of money. For those who decided that after all, this stage of general construction work should not be neglected - this article.
General information about the material
Before proceeding with a small overview of the most suitable materials for external insulation, it is useful to recall some of the features of foam blocks. If they are not taken into account, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make the best choice.
Firstly, foam concrete stones have a porous structure. And here there is a relationship between their density and thermal insulation properties, and the opposite. Therefore, if you need a better insulation of the house, then you will have to increase the thickness of the walls, and therefore the width of the foundation tape.
Secondly, the porosity of foam blocks dictates the need to minimize the risk of condensation. From this point of view, the best solutions are “wet” or ventilated façades. Although when choosing heaters that are glued or sprayed on the outside (polystyrene, polyurethane foam), there are other options. In any case, this must be taken into account.
Thirdly, the porous structure of the foam blocks makes it difficult to fix the supporting frame on the outer walls, and also limits the choice of insulation based on the total weight of the entire structure. Therefore, for thermal insulation of a house, any material, such as, for example, for a brick structure, will not work.
The reasons when a decision is made to insulate a house are different - local climatic conditions, insufficient thickness of walls made of foam blocks, a desire to save more on heating, and so on. But thermal insulation is always equipped only from the outside. It is impractical to mount from the inside, since it will reduce (sometimes significantly) the useful area of the building. Plus to this - it will complicate the fastening of anything mounted on the walls of the house from foam blocks.
Protecting the thermal insulator
Any insulation needs protection. And it's not just that materials behave differently when exposed to moisture or sunlight.
An open thermal insulator does not look attractive outwardly and in any case decorative cladding will be required.
One of the most expensive, but at the same time durable, cladding methods. During the work, simultaneously with the laying of the insulation, the foundation is expanded. Its thickness is equal to the thickness of the insulation and plastering.
Some construction organizations advise to carry out work on the insulation of foam concrete and brick laying at the same time in order to reduce the cost of gluing the insulator.
Wet facade
This method is often used for basalt wool and expanded polystyrene.
Wet facade
Its principle is as follows:
- the walls are cleaned, their plane is leveled;
- a deep-penetrating primer is applied;
- insulation elements are attached with glue;
- additionally, the plates are fixed with dowels;
- a layer of adhesive solution is applied on top;
- the reinforcing mesh is recessed;
- a thin layer of plaster is applied;
- paint is applied to the dried surface of the facade.
Ventilated facade
This method is ideal for insulating foam concrete walls. The bottom line is to install a special metal structure - a ventilated facade system. The peculiarity of such a hinged system is that there is a ventilation gap between the main wall and the insulation layer, in which air circulates freely, thereby preventing the appearance of condensation and contributing to better heat retention.
Curtain wall system
It should be remembered that when insulating foam concrete with mineral insulators, an additional installation of a windproof film is necessary, but for expanded polystyrene this is not a prerequisite.
Summing up, we can say the following: foam concrete is a building material, which still needs to be additionally insulated, despite good heat resistance indicators. In addition, it is better to carry out insulation from the outside of the building so as not to reduce the space from the inside of the room and not to expose the insulation to interaction with moisture and precipitation.
Choosing the best insulator is a matter of personal preference. As for the method of installation, in this case, the most suitable system will be a ventilated facade, which provides free air circulation inside the structure, which will avoid the deposition of condensate on the surface of the main wall.
Determination of the need for insulation
Foam concrete, invented in order to avoid additional work on building insulation, is really an excellent heat insulator, but this is not always enough. We are talking primarily about the regions with the lowest temperature indicators.The house, which will have to endure the severe Russian frosts, is still better to be additionally insulated.
Important! Thermal insulation works are best done outside the building. The materials used for this should be lightweight. It can be polystyrene, polystyrene foam or mineral wool.
Overview of materials and why it is better to insulate from the outside
The following materials are used:
- foam and extruded polystyrene foam;
- mineral wool;
- polyurethane foam.
It is better to insulate a building from foam blocks from the outside. This method of installation for siding or plastering will significantly save the interior space of the house, since the arrangement of the frame and finishing cladding is required. All this together will reduce the space by 15-20 cm.
Also, if you install insulation in the house, then the dew point will move closer to the inner wall. Because of this, condensation will begin to accumulate on it, and high humidity contributes to faster destruction and worsens the microclimate in the room.
1. Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam.
Polyfoam is expanded polystyrene. Extruded polystyrene foam is made from the same component, but by a different method - extrusion (under pressure), so it has better characteristics. It is much thinner, and they have the same thermal conductivity coefficient. Polystyrene foam heaters are produced in the form of slabs. In addition to their light weight, due to which they do not create a load on the base, they do not sag during the entire service life and do not rot. Does not support the growth of mold and mildew.
Polystyrene foam insulation is installed on a special adhesive mixture and plastic dowels. In no case should metal elements be used, as they will conduct the cold. As a result, the characteristics of a foam block house will deteriorate.
The main disadvantage is fire resistance. When exposed to a flame, they ignite and melt, decreasing in size. There are self-extinguishing polystyrene foam boards, but over time they lose this property. Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam must be covered with a finishing finish, since they begin to deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Also, the insulation must be protected from rodents. Mice and rats love not only to eat styrofoam, but also to live in it. Therefore, during installation, all possible places for their passage must be covered, for example, with a fine mesh.
2. Minvata.
Mineral wool is one of the best insulation options for siding. Minvata has not only a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, but also a good indicator of vapor permeability. Due to its porous structure, moisture passes through it. Condensation will not accumulate on the walls made of foam blocks.
Mineral wool includes such types as glass wool and basalt wool. The second is more resistant to fire. But glass wool retains its original structure better, it spreads easily.
Slabs are used to insulate the walls from the outside. There is mineral wool with a waterproof coating to insulate the outside of the house. Water rolls down from its surface. But in any case, after installing mineral wool, it must be covered with a vapor barrier layer - to protect it from moisture. The membrane film will release moisture coming from the walls to the outside, but it will not be able to penetrate into the insulation from the outside of the house.
Judging by the reviews of professional builders, mineral wool is not of interest to rodents as a source of food, but they can live in it. Therefore, just as in the case of expanded polystyrene, you need to close all possible places through which mice can get inside.
The main disadvantage of mineral wool, especially economy-class glass wool, is the abundant emission of dust by splitting, which is dangerous to human health.When laying it, you must use personal protective equipment.
3. Polyurethane foam.
Polyurethane foam is used outside and inside. It not only insulates, but also protects the foam blocks from moisture. It is applied by spraying. The insulation lays down in one layer, without joints, besides, it can be sprayed into hard-to-reach places.
It has a porous structure and light weight, so it does not create stress on walls and foundations. For its installation, the frame is not equipped. It is an environmentally friendly and fireproof material, besides, polyurethane foam increases the strength of walls or other structures.
Polyurethane foam is applied using special equipment. It is recommended to carry out insulation with polyurethane foam with your own hands only if you have experience, since it is applied with a layer of the same thickness. The polyurethane foam dries up in a few seconds. As a result, immediately after the end of the work, you can start finishing with the topcoat.