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The foundation of any building is the foundation. The integrity and durability of the structure depends on its condition. But just building this part of the house won't be enough. The foundation needs mandatory insulation, the best way for which the Penoplex foundation is suitable.
Penoplex Foundation is expanded polystyrene plates obtained by extrusion. In production, the foamed mass is forced through molding nozzles. As a result, under the influence of temperature and high pressure, the penoplex gets a porous structure with small isolated cells with air.
A heater is produced, which has been making PENOPLEX heat-insulating plates from extruded polystyrene foam for more than 18 years. The standard width of the foundation foam slab is 60 cm, and the length is 120. The thickness of the slabs varies from 20 to 150 mm.
Insulation of the base of a residential building with Penoplex "Foundation" slabs
- 1 Technical characteristics of penoplex Foundation
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the material
- 3 Penoplex insulation technologies Foundation 3.1 Thermal insulation technology for horizontal surfaces
- 3.2 Technology of thermal insulation of vertical surfaces
Technical characteristics of Penoplex Foundation
Basic technical characteristics of Penoplex Foundation:
- The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.031-0.032 W / (m * C).
- The vapor permeability coefficient varies from 0.007 to 0.008 mg / (m * hour * Pa).
- The sound absorption of the Penoplex foundation is 41 dB.
- The moisture absorption coefficient is 0.4-0.5% (according to GOST 15 588-86).
- The density of the foam is from 29 to 33 kg / m³.
- Operating temperature range - from 100 to +75 ° С.
- Compressive strength - 0.27 MPa.
- Fire resistance category - G4 group (according to FZ-123).
Table 1. Comparison of the characteristics of various materials used for foundation insulation
Parameters | Penoplex Foundation | Penoplex | Styrofoam | Expanded polystyrene |
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m * C) | 0,031−0,032 | 0,034−0,039 | 0,033−0,050 | 0,032−0,044 |
Vapor permeability coefficient, mg / (m * hour * Pa) | 0,007−0,008 | 0,01 | 0,05−0,23 | 0 |
Density, kg / m³ | 29−33 | 25−38 | 15−35 | 11−35 |
Moisture absorption,% | 0,4−0,5 | 0,04 | 2−4 | 4 |
Sound absorption | good | good | good | good |
The table shows that Penoplex Foundation has practically the lowest rates of thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and moisture absorption. It retains heat well and can withstand heavy loads.
Calculation of the thickness of the insulation for the foundation. Preparatory stage
Expanded polystyrene PSB-S
First you need to calculate how many insulation slabs you need for the foundation. The dimensions of a standard expanded polystyrene plate are 600x1200 mm, thickness is from 20 to 100 mm. For the foundation of a residential building, slabs with a thickness of 50 mm are usually used, laying them in two layers. To find out how many slabs are needed, the total length of the foundation is multiplied by its height and divided by 0.72 - the area of one sheet of expanded polystyrene.
For example, if a foundation with a height of 2 m is insulated in a 10x8 m house, the area of thermal insulation is 72 squares. Dividing it by 0.72, we get the number of sheets - 100 pieces. Since the insulation will be carried out in two layers, it is necessary to buy 200 slabs with a thickness of 50 mm.
This, however, is a very average calculation based on the fact that the thickness of the insulation will be exactly 100 mm.But this value can be more - it all depends on the climatic conditions of the region, and on the material of the foundation, and on the type of insulation.
There is a special system for calculating the thickness, for which you need to know the R index - this is a constant value of the required resistance to heat transfer, established by SNiP for each region. It can be checked with the local department of architecture, or taken from the proposed table:
City (region) | R is the required resistance to heat transfer m2 × ° K / W |
Moscow | 3.28 |
Krasnodar | 2.44 |
Sochi | 1.79 |
Rostov-on-Don | 2.75 |
St. Petersburg | 3.23 |
Krasnoyarsk | 4.84 |
Voronezh | 3.12 |
Yakutsk | 5.28 |
Irkutsk | 4.05 |
Volgograd | 2.91 |
Astrakhan | 2.76 |
Yekaterinburg | 3.65 |
Nizhny Novgorod | 3.36 |
Vladivostok | 3.25 |
Magadan | 4.33 |
Chelyabinsk | 3.64 |
Tver | 3.31 |
Novosibirsk | 3.93 |
Samara | 3.33 |
Permian | 3.64 |
Ufa | 3.48 |
Kazan | 3.45 |
Omsk | 3.82 |
In order not to bother the reader with calculation formulas, a special calculator is placed below that will allow you to quickly and accurately find the required thickness of thermal insulation. The result is rounded up, leading to the standard thickness of the panels of the selected insulation:
In addition to expanded polystyrene, you will need:
- mastic or roofing material;
Roofing material - gravel;
- glue;
Adhesive for expanded polystyrene - dowels, fungi;
Dowel-fungus - putty or polyurethane foam;
- level;
- notched trowel;
- cement mortar;
- sand;
- reinforcing mesh;
Reinforcing mesh - roller.
When all the materials are prepared, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the foundation. You need to dig to the level of freezing, that is, to a depth of 1.5-2 m. To make it convenient to work in a trench, its width should be 0.8-1 m. The walls of the base must be thoroughly cleaned of earth, bumps and cracks must be repaired with mortar.
Advantages and disadvantages of the material
Insulation advantages:
- Excellent thermal insulation properties.
- Low vapor permeability.
- Almost zero water absorption according to GOST 15 588−86. It helps to protect the foundation surface from the access of melt and groundwater.
- High strength. Penoplex can withstand significant loads of soil pressure.
- Good soundproofing.
- Even with a long service life, penoplex retains its chemical structure and does not decompose into harmful components.
- Biological resistance. Penoplex foundation is not subject to decay and mold.
- Frost resistance.
- Easy to cut and install. The material is perfectly cut with a painting knife and does not require the use of special tools for working with plates.
- It is possible to insulate the foundation with foam plastic in any weather and temperature, both indoors and outdoors.
- Light weight of the slabs, which does not give additional loads on the foundation.
- The service life is up to 50 years. During this time, the material retains its original shape and functions as a heat insulator.
Disadvantages of Penoplex:
- The insulation smokes a lot even after it has completely faded.
- The material is susceptible to destruction by prolonged contact with direct sunlight and some solvents.
- Quite high cost.
Insulation of the foundation with ordinary foam. The need for thermal insulation of the foundation
Basement basement insulation
Insulation of the foundation of a private house with foam outside is mandatory. This also applies to other buildings, especially those containing a basement. To achieve a high-quality result in installing thermal insulation, many people use polystyrene foam.
A poorly insulated building loses up to 50 percent of its heat through gaps in the thermal insulation coating, causing additional economic heating costs. A fatal mistake during the installation of the insulation of the house is the neglect of the thermal protection of the foundation, believing that it will be enough only to finish the walls of the structure.
You should know! A large amount of heat is released outside through the elements in contact with the soil. Uninsulated basements, the foundation and the first floor of the building are especially affected by low temperatures in winter.
Good thermal insulation of the base is characterized by the performance of two functions:
- minimization of heat consumption;
- preservation of the foundation from freezing and deformation.
The fact is that the predominant type of soil in our country is heaving. Due to the effect of cold, the depth of freezing of the soil can be several meters. During a thaw, the volume of the soil changes, which in turn negatively affects the structure of the base of the house.
Before starting the installation work, it must be borne in mind that the installation of the thermal insulation coating must be complete. The presence of any cracks, defects and details in the insulation layer adversely affects the ability of the building to maintain a temperature suitable for comfortable living. Only a dense air gap containing a ball of insulation is capable of completely restraining the loss of warm air.
Penoplex insulation technologies Foundation
The technology for arranging the foundation provides for 2 main types of thermal insulation:
- Horizontal - for slabs, shallow strip foundations, as well as a blind area.
- Vertical - for a columnar foundation, plinths and outer walls of the basement.
The basement of the future shopping center is insulated with Penoplex plates
Thermal insulation technology for horizontal surfaces
For this type of insulation, Penoplex slabs are used. Foundation with a thickness of 5 cm or 10 cm. Usually, the lower surfaces of the slab and the soles of the strip (often shallow) foundations are insulated:
- At the beginning of work, the topsoil is removed to a depth corresponding to the construction plan. To obtain an even bottom, the lower 20-30 cm of the soil is leveled manually. The entire surface is covered with sand and tamped down.
- Next, they construct a temporary formwork and pour it without a reinforcing mesh with a thin layer of cement, obtaining a concrete base.
- After hardening, foam slabs are laid on the concrete tightly without gaps.
- A layer of waterproofing made of dense polyethylene film is laid on the slab layer, passing the joints with construction tape.
- In conclusion, a slab foundation with a reinforcing mesh is poured, after hardening of which the formwork is taken out and its side walls are laid with penoplex.
Insulation layers:
- Sand pillow.
- Thin concrete layer without reinforcement.
- Insulation layer.
- Waterproofing layer.
- Basic concrete foundation layer with reinforcement.
Thermal insulation of the soil is used to reduce the estimated depth of the foundation and minimize the cost of its construction.
Insulation of the foundation blind area occurs using the following technology:
- First, after drainage of the foundation and its vertical external insulation, a sand and gravel layer is poured 10-15 cm below the ground level.
- Next, formwork is mounted from boards up to 25 cm in height 1 meter from the walls.
- The base of the blind area is leveled and tamped.
- Then insulation plates are tightly laid on it.
- The top of the penoplex is covered with plastic wrap with a slight elevation on the base.
- At the next stage, the formwork is poured with a concrete layer, leveling it with a slight slope from the walls of the house.
- After the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed, and the blind area is decorated with paving slabs or stone.
Insulation layers of the blind area:
- Sand and gravel pad.
- Penoplex layer.
- Polyethylene film.
- Concrete layer.
- Paving slabs or stone.
Thermal insulation technology for vertical surfaces
It is used for foundations of houses under construction or for additional thermal insulation of already built buildings.In the latter case, the foundation is first dug to the depth of its inception or the depth of freezing of the soil.
Penoplex insulation technology:
- Soil is removed along the perimeter of the foundation to a depth that depends on the foundation.
- The surface of the foundation is cleaned of dirt and dust, and its surface is leveled with a cement mortar.
- After the leveling mortar has dried, a layer of waterproofing made of water-based bitumen or polymer mastic is applied to the surface of the foundation.
Important: the presence of solvents is not allowed in the composition of mastics, since they destroy the penoplex.
- Foam plates are fixed on the dried layer of waterproofing using acrylic glue. The slabs have grooves, so no gaps are formed when they are laid. Installation of several layers is carried out with an offset, both vertically and horizontally in a similar way.
- If necessary, the joints are sealed with polyurethane foam.
- For slabs on the part of the foundation located underground, no additional fastening is required, since they are firmly pressed by the soil. And the insulation slabs on the ground part of the foundation must be additionally fixed with plastic dowels with an umbrella hat.
- After laying the slabs, a reinforcing mesh of fiberglass is attached on top of them, and then plaster is applied to the entire surface.
- The part of the basement remaining after filling the soil from the outside can be finished with decorative plaster or stone.
Insulation layers:
- Leveling cement mortar.
- Waterproofing layer.
- Penoplex plates.
- Reinforcing mesh.
- A layer of plaster.
- Decorative finish (for the outer part of the plinth).
In conclusion, we can say that Penoplex Foundation is a particularly durable material for warming the foundation. It creates effective thermal insulation of foundations and basements, preventing frost swelling and the formation of heat-conducting "bridges". Penoplex insulation The foundation ensures the durability of the entire structure of the foundation or basement.
How to insulate the foundation of a house outside with your own hands is most effective
Having considered three different methods of insulating the foundation of a house using penoplex, you can develop an integrated approach that allows you to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside with your own hands. How can this be done most efficiently? You just need to combine all the methods in one construction.
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At the initial stage of the construction of the house, horizontal insulation of the foundation cushion with foam is carried out. After the completion of the main construction work, a drainage system is arranged around the perimeter of the whole house with water drainage away from the foundation. Then, by the method of horizontal insulation, the walls, basement and side surfaces are insulated. The final touch is soil insulation near the house.
Insulation of the foundation of a block house
How to insulate the foundation of a house outside with your own hands is the most effective way using foam boards? The answer suggests itself. The complex of all the above measures will prevent freezing of the foundation itself and the soil near and under it. In addition, it will exclude temperature drops inside and outside, which will not allow condensation to form. This, in turn, reduces the humidity in the basement, creating a favorable microclimate throughout the house and dramatically extending its life.
Waterproofing and insulation of the foundation
The solution to the issue of thermal protection of the building is one of the fundamental points during construction. The comfort of living in the house depends on how competently this issue is resolved.
Insulation of a columnar foundation (video)
Materials for insulating a monolithic slab foundation
The choice of materials for insulating a slab base depends on a number of specific conditions, first of all, on the possibility of attracting special equipment (insulation with polyurethane must be performed using a special polyurethane foam installation for spraying insulation), the availability of a sufficient amount of free funds for the purchase of insulating materials.
Typically, foundation structures are insulated using the following materials:
One of the best insulation materials is polystyrene.
- Polyurethane foam is a type of foamed plastic that is permeated with pores with air bubbles. The composition for insulating polyurethane foam is made directly at the construction site, for which two compositions are mixed, which, as a result of a chemical reaction, form a strong hardened foam. Different ratios when mixing the original ones make it possible to obtain insulating compounds with different qualities, suitable for warming bases made of different materials (including reinforced concrete). PPU has unique qualities: it helps to preserve heat in the room; reduces noise; improves sound insulation; does not decompose under the influence of excessive moisture; resistant to a range of chemical fluids. The material is highly resistant to ignition (some brands of polyurethane foam are incapable of inflammation, they belong to the group of hardly combustible materials).
- Foam - the structure of the material consists of a foamed substance containing pores filled with air. Polyfoam is used to insulate building structures, including foundations, but the surface of such insulation requires additional surface protection due to the low mechanical strength of the material.
- Extruded polystyrene foam - produced in the form of rectangular sheets with a fine-mesh structure. The material has unique properties - the ability to withstand high compressive loads without changing the geometric dimensions and internal structure. Extruded polystyrene foam is widely used to provide thermal insulation for foundation slabs without additional protection. It is very important when using material for insulating foundation slabs to provide special holes for the free release of soil moisture.