Foam production was started over eighty years ago. The first block was produced in Germany, after which it began to be applied everywhere in various territories. Polystyrene balls serve as the basis for the insulation boards. Initially, they are elements with a dense structure that do not even remotely resemble foam. At the first stage of production, they are foamed. Next, the base is dried and aged, which is subsequently immersed in a special chamber, where it is sintered with steam at a certain pressure. In the pre-sale phase, the foam is in large blocks that are cut to specification.
The size of a standard sheet that is used for insulation has a length and width of one meter, there are also options for a foam sheet with a half-width smaller. The most popular sheet size is 120 by 60 cm.The difference in types lies not only in size, but also in the density of the material. A density of 25 kg per cubic meter is considered normal for facade insulation. Plates with a density of 15 and 40 kilograms are also produced. This indicator directly affects thermal conductivity. The higher the number, the lower the thermal conductivity and the higher the price for the foam. A denser insulation can withstand heavy loads, so it is often used to insulate the floor.
Due to the fact that the balls undergo preliminary foaming, this saturates them with gas, which determines the low thermal conductivity of the foam. Its indicator is in the range of 0.038 W / (m × K). Typically, the foam is produced in white, but in the process of making polystyrene beads, the manufacturer can add any pigment required to make his products stand out from other options. In some cases, extruded polystyrene foam and expanded polyethylene can also be called foam. These materials differ from polystyrene in the manufacturing method and the underlying material.
Based on the characteristics and experience of using foam, it is quite easy to highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of such an insulator include:
- minimum weight;
- ecological cleanliness;
- low cost;
- the possibility of self-assembly;
- the possibility of insulating various surfaces;
- ease of processing and fitting;
- resistance to biological processes;
- soundproofing properties.
The solids in the foam are only a few percent compared to the total volume of gas contained in the material. This makes it lightweight. Thanks to this, the insulation is perfect for use with frame structures, since it does not exert significant pressure on the foundation and walls. This feature also simplifies the process of lifting the material to a height and self-assembly. Polystyrene is a polymer that, in its structure and composition, does not cause any harm to human health and the environment, if you do not eat it, therefore, you can insulate the structure with foam plastic without fear that, over time, harmful substances will begin to be released from heating. The comparative cost of such a material is low, so it is suitable for low-budget insulation of temporary buildings.
The installation of the material does not cause any particular difficulties, therefore it can be carried out without assistance.Due to its versatility, insulation can be made for any available surface. At the same time, the foam does not react with most building materials, if you do not take into account organic solvents. Therefore, when laying foam on wooden, brick or concrete surfaces, there are no problems. The insulation can be processed with an ordinary knife or hacksaw, which simplifies the process of adjusting it to various shapes. The material of small thickness can take curvilinear shapes, therefore, insulation of semicircular bay windows is available. Polyfoam is an excellent insulation for the basement and foundation. This is due to the fact that it can be in the ground for many years without changing its properties, since it is not subject to decay processes and mold and fungus do not develop on the surface of the foam. The wall insulated with foam acquires additional soundproofing properties, which is also a positive effect.
It is important to know about the disadvantages, which, however, are covered by the existing advantages:
- instability to organic solvents;
- low mechanical strength;
- fire hazard;
- lack of vapor permeability.
It is not recommended to use insulation during painting work. Certain types of paints that are diluted with solvents can damage the material by decomposing it. A surface insulated with foam requires additional reinforcement by installing a fiberglass mesh in order to increase its strength, since even a slight mechanical effect can leave a dent in the material. Although fire retardants are added to the insulation during production, this does not make it absolutely fireproof. When exposed to high temperatures, the material melts with the release of carbon dioxide, but is capable of self-extinguishing. Due to the density of the material, air does not pass through it, which provides insulation from moisture, but creates a barrier during its outflow, which can result in the formation of mold under the insulation.
Note! Rodents can get inside the insulation slabs. Mice and rats do not eat it, but simply make passages inside, arranging a dwelling. Poultry also loves to peck on styrofoam, damaging its integrity.
Is it worth it to insulate from the inside
The question of insulating a house or other building with foam from the inside causes a lot of controversy, since it is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. It is worth saying that this method of foam insulation exists, but it also has opponents. The main argument is that heat-absorbing materials should be placed inside the room, since they absorb the ambient temperature, and the heat-insulating materials should be left outside so that they prevent the penetration of cold to the building materials. Insulation from the inside with foam is possible if you provide high-quality ventilation of the room, which will remove moisture in a timely manner, which will prevent the formation of mold. It is also important to calculate everything correctly so that the dew point does not shift towards the dwelling. In this case, due to the difference in air temperatures inside and outside, condensation will occur between the insulation and the wall, which will lead to the destruction of the blocks. A video of the process of internal foam insulation is below.
Wall insulation outside with foam: reviews and recommendations of consumers
Before using this method, you need to make sure that it is effective. The best way to do this is by listening to the comments of other people who have made such insulation. This source is the most informative and at the same time completely free. As practice shows, wall insulation outside with foam, reviews of which are mostly positive, really makes sense. According to consumers, electricity costs are reduced by about 15%, and gas costs by more than 20%.These are very good numbers. In a few years, the purchase of polystyrene will fully pay off. Nevertheless, professionals recommend that you carefully deal with this issue and pay attention to important details. For example, you do not need to buy sheets of the same thickness, since this does not make sense. This is due to the fact that the corners must have a larger layer, like the south wall. In addition, users recommend not purchasing polystyrene brands below C-20 (20kg / m3), since it is easily deformed, and in general there are more problems with it.
“We used foam to insulate the roof of the garage, which is adjacent to the house. There are no complaints about the thermal insulation qualities of the material, since the temperature in the garage has increased significantly. The joints between the foam sheets were treated with adhesive foam to prevent cold bridges. The main problem is that there are mice in the foam. Especially at night you can hear how they move inside the insulation. Most likely, over time, the holes will become through, which will nullify all the insulation. We are not planning to use foam for other premises, so as not to observe the same effect. "
Julia, Moscow region
“By itself, foam is a pretty good insulation. But before using it, you should think about what specific needs the room has, which will be insulated. If there are problems with rodents in the area or in the house, then it is better not to use this type of material. It is worth using a different type of insulation even if there is high humidity and poor ventilation inside the room. Insulation material can be considered one of the cheapest and ideal for insulating city apartments, but it is not suitable for country houses and summer cottages. "
Elena, Yaroslavl
“I used polystyrene as insulation during construction. The first floor was brought to mind even before the frost, and the second remained unfinished, so I had to think about how to quickly insulate it. Around the perimeter, I stuffed a wooden beam from the outside as a crate for siding. Between it I laid foam plastic, gluing the joints with special foam. Siding was laid on top. In February, it was noticeable that the thermal insulation was working perfectly. I have experience in using such a heater, because two years before the house was insulated I used it for a change house and was satisfied with the result. The main disadvantage of the material is the destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as well as the fragility of the sheets. "
Evgeniy, Ufa
“The need for thermal insulation became an edge after the purchase of a corner apartment in an old brick building. In summer, the temperature was tolerable, but the first winter showed disappointing results. I opted for polystyrene on the advice of friends, who persuaded for a long time, praising the material. For four years after warming, no shortcomings were noticed. In winter, the wall surface remains dry, and in summer it is not too hot in the apartment. Thanks to the use of foam plastic, heating and air conditioning costs have been reduced. Over the entire period of use, no cracks or other damages appeared on the surface of the finish. "
Nikolay, Verkhnyaya Salda
“We are the owners of an end apartment with two walls facing the street. We decided to replace the old wooden windows with plastic ones, which worsened ventilation and led to the appearance of moisture on the walls in winter. Frequent airing did not give a positive result. Over time, cracks were noticed under the windowsill. It was decided to insulate the apartment. We were looking for suitable material from reviews on the Internet and opted for foam. Foam insulation was carried out in early autumn, so I was looking forward to a cold snap to test the effectiveness of the foam.In winter, the effect of wet walls is gone thanks to the foam, and it has become noticeably warmer in the apartment, which allows you to save on heating. The insulation was relatively expensive as the styrofoam was laid on two walls, but the result was worth it. The neighbors realized the benefits and decided to also use the insulation of the walls with the help of polystyrene. "
Elena, Saratov
Frame houses
Frame houses are becoming very popular in the field of suburban housing construction. Lightweight, economical, quickly erected, they make the dream of a country house for almost every family a reality.
- At the moment, there are two technological directions in frame housing construction:
- Canadian technology;
- Finnish technology.
Canadian technology
Due to the peculiarity of the construction region (Canada and the USA), when implementing this technology, local common materials are used - glued particle boards (OSB), polymer insulation (for example, extruded polystyrene foam), factory-made SIP panels. Vinyl siding is the most commonly used exterior finish. In connection with the use of OSB (practically vapor-proof material), there is no acute problem of protection against moisture accumulation.
Scandinavian (Finnish) technology
A feature of the technology is the use of local high-quality sawn timber, the supporting frame is made of beams of a larger section. Mineral wool is often used as insulation. For exterior decoration, the most common facade board for painting. Polymeric thermal insulation is used as additional insulation (for example, extruded polystyrene foam). OSB is practically not used for cladding the frame, more often - facade and moisture-resistant drywall. In the process of design and construction, the sequence of layers in the structure is observed - an increase in the vapor permeability coefficients of the materials used in the direction - to the external environment (prevention of moisture accumulation).
In general, the technology for the construction of frame houses is practically the same for both technological directions, the main differences are due to the availability of certain materials, as well as the culture of local construction.
The use of additional insulation PENOPLEKS® for frame houses in the Russian Federation will reduce the volume of wood used for the construction of the frame by an average of 25-35%, due to a decrease in the cross-section of the supporting beam, as well as significantly increase the energy efficiency of the structure.
Advantages of using PENOPLEX® boards for thermal insulation of a frame house:
- Low coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ = 0.034 W / m-K). To insulate the outer wall of any building, a layer of PENOPLEX® material is required 1.5 times thinner than other insulation;
- Almost zero water absorption, therefore, at negative air temperatures outside, when the dew point is in the insulation, condensation does not form in it, the material is not moistened and does not lose its heat-shielding properties.
- Durability over 50 years and high compressive strength (at least 20 tons per 1 square meter), which ensures a long, maintenance-free service life of the structures.
- Environmental safety - the material is made from safe raw materials, does not contain fine fibers and dust, phenol-formaldehyde resins and other harmful chemicals.
The employees have developed a technical map, which contains a step-by-step description of the process of building a frame house with additional insulation with PENOPLEX® plates. The document includes diagrams of all constructions, technical characteristics of the materials used, installation recommendations. The technical map is available for download.