What is the principle of the gravitational heating system
Gravitational heating is also called natural circulation system. It has been used for heating houses since the middle of the last century. At first, the common population did not trust this method, but seeing its safety and practicality, they gradually began to replace brick stoves with water heating.
Then, with the advent of solid fuel boilers, the need for bulky furnaces disappeared altogether. The gravitational heating system works on a simple principle. The water in the boiler heats up and its specific gravity becomes less cold. As a result, it rises along the vertical riser to the top of the system. After that, the cooling water begins its downward movement, and the more it cools down, the greater the speed of its movement. This creates a flow in the pipe towards the lowest point. This point is the return pipe installed in the boiler.
As it moves from top to bottom, the water passes through the heating radiators, leaving some of its heat in the room. The circulation pump does not participate in the movement of the coolant, making this system independent. Therefore, she is not afraid of a power outage.
The calculation of the gravitational heating system is done taking into account the heat loss of the house. The required power of the heating devices is calculated, and on this basis the boiler is selected. It should have a power reserve of one and a half times.
The principle of operation of the gravitational heating system of a private house
The gravitational heating system of a private house is based on two physical principles. The first is that substances have different densities at different temperatures. The second is that the pressure in the system is created due to the difference in the levels of the liquid, and the greater the difference between the upper and lower points, the higher the pressure in the system.
The first principle of a gravitational heating system is expressed in the fact that when heating a liquid heat carrier, and it does not have to be water, it changes its density. Water in its normal state at a temperature of 20 degrees has a density greater than that heated to 45 degrees; when heated to 80 degrees, the difference will be such that additional volume is required for water. In this case, the coolant of the same mass will occupy a different volume, because of which it begins to expand and be displaced outside the heat exchanger. In a confined space, after the start of the movement of the heated coolant, its place is taken by the cooled coolant. So, under the influence of heating, a flow arises, and the gravitational heating system begins to work.
The second principle of operation of this circuit begins to work from the moment the coolant begins to move. As it heats up, near water or antifreeze, the speed of movement increases, since the temperature rises quickly and the expansion of the volume forces the liquid to be forced out of the boiler water jacket at a higher speed. Leaving the volume of the boiler, the liquid escapes along a vertical pipe to the expansion tank. Having reached the level of the branch, the liquid fills the volume of the pipe and rushes along the pressure loop to the pipelines leading to the heating radiators, creating the necessary pressure. Taking into account the difference in height between the point of entry of the liquid into the pressure loop and the lower point of discharge, the created pressure additionally affects the cold heat carrier.
By gradually warming up, the system reduces the temperature difference between the cold and hot coolant, and thus, the speed of fluid movement in the system increases to its maximum and can even reach 1 meter per second.
Description of the circuit
In order for such heating to work, the ratios of pipes, their diameters and angles of inclination must be correctly selected. In addition, some types of radiators are not used in this system.
Consider what elements the entire structure consists of:
- Solid fuel boiler. The entry of water into it should be at the lowest point of the system. Theoretically, the boiler can also be electric or gas, but in practice they are not used for such systems.
- Vertical riser. Its bottom is connected to the boiler feed, and the top forks. One part is connected to the supply pipe, and the second is connected to the expansion tank.
- Expansion tank. Excess water is poured into it, which is formed during expansion from heating.
- Supply pipeline. In order for the gravitational hot water heating system to work effectively, the pipeline must have a lower slope. Its value is 1-3%. That is, for 1 meter of pipe, the difference should be 1-3 centimeters. In addition, the diameter of the pipeline should decrease with distance from the boiler. For this, pipes of different sections are used.
- Heating devices. Either large-diameter pipes or cast-iron radiators M 140 are installed as them. Modern bimetallic and aluminum radiators are not recommended to be installed. They have a small flow area. And since the pressure in the gravitational heating system is low, it is more difficult to push the coolant through such heating devices. The flow rate will decrease.
- Return pipeline. Just like the supply pipe, it has a slope that allows water to flow freely towards the boiler.
- Taps for drainage and water intake. The drain cock is installed at the lowest point, directly next to the boiler. The tap for water intake is made wherever it is convenient. Most often this is a place close to the pipeline that connects to the system.
Features and principles of the system
In other words, the system is called gravity or natural circulation. When heated, water has the property of "expanding", this is the whole principle by which water is circulated through pipes by creating different pressures in a closed loop. In simple terms, the water heated by the boiler goes to the batteries, gives off its heat and returns, displacing the newly heated part of the water. This is because the mass of the cooled water is greater and the density is higher. This phenomenon is called convection. The process in the gravitational heating system will be repeated an infinite number of times while the boiler is running. The booster collector helps the boiler to give the water movement. It is installed vertically above the boiler, as high as possible, sometimes in the attic of the house, and the boiler itself is as low as possible in relation to the heating radiators. The speed that he will deliver to the water, pushing it out, directly depends on the height of this vertical column above the boiler.
The entire system consists of the following elements:
- Boiler;
- Expansion tank;
- Water circulation pipes;
- Radiators (batteries);
- Gravity valve (if required).
The speed of the circulating water in the gravitational heating system is influenced by another factor - hydraulic resistance. It depends on the following parameters:
- from bends along the water circulation contour and from their quantity. This directly affects the resistance that will be encountered on the way near the water;
- from the pipe diameter;
- on the number of valves, taps, valves, etc.
In order for the taps not to interfere with the water pressure to move freely through the pipes, they must be open and have a gap that will be as close as possible to the diameter of the pipe.
When the water is constantly in the process of heating, a certain part of it will disappear under the guise of evaporation. For this, an expansion tank is installed in the upper part of the structure. Its functions are as follows:
- Removing the generated steam from the system;
- Compensation for the lost volume of water;
Such a scheme using an expansion tank is called open. It has its drawback - water evaporates quickly enough. To avoid such situations, a closed-type circuit is used for large gravity heating systems. It differs from the open one in that:
- it does not have an open-type expansion tank. Instead, in the same place, an air vent is installed, it works automatically;
- the circuit protects the system from rusting pipes and elements installed on them, due to the removal of oxygen from the water composition;
- to compensate for the pressure of the cooled water, an expansion tank with a closed membrane is installed. It is elastic and plays a compensating role in changing the gravitational pressure in a closed loop.
Supporters of closed systems cite a lot of disadvantages of gravitational heating. Many of them look far-fetched, but still we list them:
- Ugly appearance. Large diameter supply pipes run under the ceiling, disrupting the aesthetics of the room.
- Difficulty in installation. Here we are talking about the fact that the supply and return pipes change their diameter stepwise depending on the number of heating devices. In addition, the gravitational heating system of a private house is made of steel pipes, and they are more difficult to install.
- Low efficiency. It is believed that closed heating is more economical, however, there are well-designed natural circulation systems that work no worse.
- Limited heating area. The gravity system works well in areas up to 200 sq. meters.
- Limited number of storeys. Such heating is not installed in houses higher than two floors.
In addition to the above, gravitational heat supply has a maximum of 2 circuits, while in modern houses several circuits are often made.
On the calculation of the parameters of a heating system with natural circulation for a one-story house
Due to the absence of additional mechanisms in the gravitational heating systems of a one-story building, which ensure a consistently high pressure, any of the possible violations during the installation of the pipeline may result in problems with the supply of heat. These violations include:
- neglect of the need to comply with the angles of inclination;
- wrong choice of pipes;
- excess turns when installing the system.
The slope level when installing a pipeline for heating a private house is regulated by the provisions of SNiPs. In accordance with them, for each running meter, a slope of 1 cm is required. This ensures the normal movement of the coolant through the pipeline. If the specified standard is violated, it is possible to air the system and reduce the overall level of its efficiency.
About calculating the pressure and heating power
Based on the provisions of SNiP, each kW of thermal power is designed to heat an area of 10 square meters of a house. When calculating the power level for regions with hot or cold climates, special factors should be used. In the first case, it will be from 0.7 to 0.9, in the second - from 1.5 to 2.
However, a calculation method that neglects ceiling heights is not always ideal. Therefore, there is another option - based on the volume of the room. In this case, the calculations are based on heat power indicators (40 watts) for each cubic meter. In this case, the presence of windows increases the resulting number by 100 watts (for each window), and doors by 200 watts (for each).At the same time, a coefficient of 1.5 is applied for one-story private houses.
Actually, the standard volume of power, laid down in the project of private one-story buildings, implies the need for heating power of at least 50 watts per 1 sq.
Calculation of pipe diameter in a natural circulation system
The diameter of pipes in gravity systems is calculated based on:
- building needs in the volume of thermal energy (+ 20%);
- determination of the required type of material for the manufacture of the pipe (for example, the diameter of a steel pipe must be at least 0.5 cm);
- SNiP data regarding the ratio of power and the inner diameter of the pipe.
It should be borne in mind that when choosing pipes with an unjustifiably large cross section, heating costs may increase with a decrease in heat transfer. Calculation of the pipe diameter for self-circulation systems involves the implementation of another simple rule, which involves reducing the pipe diameter by size after each branch.
Differences in the operation of a solid fuel boiler
The heart of any heating system is the boiler. Although it is possible to install the same models, operation with different types of heating will differ. For normal boiler operation, the temperature of the water jacket must be at least 55 ° C. If the temperature is lower, then in this case the boiler inside will be covered with tar and soot, as a result of which its efficiency will decrease. It will need to be constantly cleaned.
To prevent this from happening, in a closed system, a three-way valve is installed at the outlet of the boiler, which drives the coolant in a small circle, bypassing the heating devices, until the boiler heats up. If the temperature begins to exceed 55 ° C, then the valve opens, and water is added to the large circle.
A three-way valve is not required for a gravity heating system. The fact is that here the circulation does not take place due to the pump, but due to the heating of the water, and until it heats up to a high temperature, the movement does not begin. In this case, the boiler furnace remains constantly clean. The three-way valve is not required, which makes the system cheaper and simpler and adds pluses to its merits.
Why do you need a pressure loop in a gravitational heating system
To make it clear, a simple example with a ball can be given. Take a rubber ball, drown it with your hand in a bath of water to a shallow depth, release it. The ball will fly out of the water, float up, measure the distance by how much it will fly out. Let's do the experiment again, only we will drown the ball as deeply as possible and let it go in the same way, again measure how much it will jump out. In the second case, the ball will jump higher. The same thing happens with the heat carrier when it comes to heating systems with gravitational or natural circulation. Hot water is lighter than cold water, which means it will go up. The boiler heats the water, and the higher it rises along the riser from the boiler, and if it is still straight and its diameter is not underestimated in comparison with the outlet from the boiler, the more water can accelerate inside the riser, and therefore create pressure.
Hot water will rush upward and will pull cold water from the return line into the boiler, where it will heat up again. Thus, natural circulation will be realized in the heating system.
The faster and better the circulation, the less the difference between the supply and return temperatures will be in the system. Water speed with a well-functioning system can reach 1m / s. From the drop, the filling of the future heating system is brewed.
What pipes can I use?
For the installation of the system, you can use not only steel pipes. You can also polypropylene, copper, stainless steel, etc. The main thing, when using polymer pipes, look at the temperature at which it is permissible to use this pipe. Risers are then boiled for filling the system, which serve to connect radiators.
Moreover, bottling in a gravitational system can be on floors and downstairs, so everyone's favorite. But for this, the condition must be met: the top of the boiler must be horizontally lower than the bottom of the radiators. That is, the boiler must stand in the basement or, as already mentioned, be buried. But nothing prevents you from making a mixed wiring, the first floor, with the upper filling, and the second and more upper with the lower one. Moreover, the bottom filling of the second or another upper floor can be either one-pipe or two-pipe.
Heating safety
As mentioned above, the pressure in a closed system is greater than in a gravitational one. Therefore, they take a different approach to security. In closed heating, the expansion of the heating medium is compensated for in an expansion vessel with a membrane.
It is completely sealed and adjustable. After exceeding the maximum permissible pressure in the system, the excess coolant, overcoming the resistance of the membrane, goes into the tank.
Gravitational heating is called open because of a leaky expansion tank. You can install a membrane-type tank and make a closed gravitational heating system, but its efficiency will be much lower, because the hydraulic resistance will increase.
The volume of the expansion tank depends on the amount of water. For the calculation, its volume is taken and multiplied by the expansion coefficient, which depends on the temperature. Add 30% to the result.
The coefficient is selected according to the maximum temperature that the water reaches.
Traffic jams and how to deal with them
For normal operation of heating, it is necessary that the system is completely filled with a coolant. The presence of air is strictly not allowed. It can create a blockage that prevents the passage of water. In this case, the temperature of the boiler water jacket will be very different from the temperature of the heaters. To remove air, air valves and Mayevsky taps are installed. They are installed at the top of the heaters as well as at the top of the system.
However, if gravity heating has the correct slopes of the supply and return pipes, then no valves are required. The air in the inclined pipeline will freely rise to the top point of the system, and there, as you know, there is an open expansion tank. It also adds the advantage of open heating by cutting down on unnecessary elements.
Is it possible to mount a system of polypropylene pipes
People who make heating on their own often think about whether it is possible to make a gravitational heating system from polypropylene. After all, plastic pipes are easier to install. There are no expensive welding jobs or steel pipes here, and polypropylene can withstand high temperatures. You can answer that such heating will work. At least for a while. Then the efficiency will start to decline. What is the reason? The point is in the slopes of the supply and outlet pipes, which ensure the gravity of water.
Polypropylene has greater linear expansion than steel pipe. After repeated cycles of heating with hot water, the plastic pipes will begin to sag, breaking the required slope. As a result of this, the flow rate, if not stopped, will significantly decrease, and you will have to think about installing a circulation pump.
How it works
Diagram of a gravitational heating system
It should be said right away that thanks to a special device, the system works without forced circulation of the coolant. The movement of water in the pipes occurs due to the fact that during cooling, the density of water increases, and it flows to the boiler through pipes installed at a slope, pushing the heated water out of it.
Although a natural circulation heating system can work without a pump, it is better to install one.When the pump is on, the coolant passes faster through the pipes, therefore, the room warms up faster.
When leaving the boiler, the water enters the booster manifold, travels along it to the top point and continues its path in a circle through pipes installed at a slope from the boiler, cooling down.
Difficulties in installing a gravity system in a two-story house
The gravity heating system of a two-story house can also work efficiently. But its installation is much more difficult than for a one-story one. This is due to the fact that roofs of the attic type are not always made. If the second floor is an attic, then the question arises: what to do with the expansion tank, because it should be at the very top?
The second problem that will have to be faced is that the windows of the first and second floors are not always on the same axis, therefore, the upper batteries cannot be connected to the lower ones by laying pipes in the shortest way. This means that you will have to make additional turns and bends, which will increase the hydraulic resistance in the system.
The third problem is roof curvature, which may make it difficult to maintain correct slopes.
Pros and cons
Although the natural heating system is very popular, it is not without certain disadvantages.
First of all, it is limited pipeline length.
Long piping is not able to evenly distribute the fluid pressure within the entire system, therefore the maximum permissible horizontal length is 30 meters. It makes no sense to exceed this indicator, since the greater the distance between the boiler and the pipe, the lower the pressure in it.
Also, among the shortcomings of the system with the EC, there are high installation cost.
According to experts, the cost of installing a gravitational heating system is about 7% of the cost of building the house itself. This is due to the acquisition of large diameter pipes, which are necessary to create the required pressure for a large volume of coolant.
Another negative quality: slow warming up of heating radiators.
But such a system also has many advantages.
A natural circulation system is the most reliable type of autonomous heating in terms of quantitative self-regulation.
Gravity heating system of a two-story house
When the temperature of the working fluid changes, its flow rate also changes.
The more coolant in the system, the higher the heat transfer of the radiators. This indicator also interacts with the heat loss of the room in which they are installed. The more heat loss in the room, the higher the heat transfer.
This is called self-regulation.
Other pluses gravitational system:
- ease of installation and operation;
- lack of a circulation pump, which means complete energy independence;
- long service life - about 40 years;
- high reliability.
Tips for installing gravity heating in a two-story house
Most of these problems can be solved during the design phase of the house. There is also a little secret on how to increase the heating efficiency of a two-story house. It is necessary to connect the outlet pipes of the radiators installed on the second floor directly to the return pipe of the first floor, and not do the return pipe on the second.
Another trick is to make the supply and return pipelines from large diameter pipes. Not less than 50 mm.
Is a pump needed in a gravity heating system?
Sometimes an option arises when the heating was incorrectly installed, and the difference between the temperature of the boiler jacket and the return is very large. The hot coolant, not having enough pressure in the pipes, cools down before reaching the last heating devices. Redoing everything is a laborious job.How to solve the issue with minimal costs? Installation of a circulation pump in a gravitational heating system can help. For these purposes, a bypass is made, into which a low-power pump is built.
High power is not required, since with an open system, an additional head is created in the riser leaving the boiler. The bypass is needed in order to leave the possibility of working without electricity. It is installed on the return line in front of the boiler.
Gravity heating the advantages of a gravity heating system
Before considering the positive qualities of gravity heating systems with natural water circulation, it is worth considering separately all the disadvantages of the system. For many, the first and main drawback of the gravitational heating system is its archaism. Indeed, this is one of the most ancient heating systems using a liquid heat carrier. It was from this system that one and two-pipe wiring schemes were subsequently developed, it was this system that was used for mass installation, when the industry mastered solid fuel heating and, a little later, gas heating boilers. But on the other hand, the gravitational heating system is also one of the most reliable - its service life is on average 45-50 years. That is, exactly as long as it takes for the metal pipes to lose their tightness under the influence of the coolant.
The second point is the low efficiency of the gravitational heating system. Indeed, the scheme itself, based on the natural circulation of water, implies the inertia of the process of heating the room, until the heating boiler picks up the required power, and the temperature difference between the heated and cooled coolant reaches a minimum, it will take quite a long time. But on the other hand, even after the boiler stops supporting combustion, the circulation process continues, while a large volume of water in the system will cool down much longer than in a forced circulation system.
Another disadvantage can be written into its asset by the gravitational heating system due to its bulkiness. In practice, with the same area of the heated room, a system with forced circulation compared to gravity will take up much less space. In the gravitational heating system, in addition to batteries, pipes of the upper distribution will also be placed, without which the creation of the necessary fluid pressure is impossible.
And of course, the issue of temperature control in individual radiators, and the possibility of adjusting it. A gravitational heating system in the classic form with a one-pipe construction scheme cannot provide such a function due to the impossibility of shutting off a separate radiator.
But on the other hand, it is an ideal system for installation in homes where there is no electricity or constantly having problems with its supply. The gravitational heating system is capable of operating without electricity, since the main force of movement of the coolant through the system is not the circulation pump, but the thermal expansion of the volume of the coolant.
A large volume of coolant in the system allows for smooth heating of the room. On the other hand, such a volume of heated coolant cools down much more slowly than the volume of a forced circulation system. This is especially pronounced when there is a power outage or damping of fuel in the firebox. A forced circulation system cools down 3-4 times faster than such an archaic gravity heating system.
This property is often used when temporarily staying in the house - just instead of ordinary water, antifreeze is poured into the system, and even after complete cooling, neither pipes nor radiators are threatened with rupture due to freezing of water.
And of course, it just needs to be noted that such a system is simply trouble-free in operation.With proper operation, it can last for about 50 years, while it has only two risk factors. The first is the threat of boiler overheating, but even here it mainly depends on the human factor, and not on the system. The second is the freezing of the coolant, but in this case, the use of antifreeze reduces the risk of this accident to almost zero.
How to further improve efficiency
It would seem that a system with natural circulation has already been brought to perfection, and it is impossible to come up with anything that increases efficiency, but this is not so. The convenience of its use can be significantly improved by increasing the time between boiler furnaces. To do this, you need to install a boiler with a higher power than is required for heating, and remove the excess heat into a heat accumulator.
This method works even without using a circulation pump. After all, the hot coolant can also rise up the riser from the heat accumulator, at a time when the firewood in the boiler burned out.