Technical requirements
The chimney device in the bath is planned before the start of construction. In the diagram, the stove in the steam room is positioned so that the pipe leading to the roof is placed as close as possible to the ridge or to the outer wall. Channels with horizontal sections of more than 1 m do not provide good traction. Light furnaces are equipped with packed pipes, and large ones with free-standing massive root pipes.
The basic requirements for the size of the chimney are as follows:
- Channel diameter. They are chosen depending on the heat output of the furnace. The minimum size is 150 mm, and if the oven is brick, the flow section of the pipe must be at least the area of 1 brick (25x12 cm). The cross-sectional area of the channel for electric furnaces is from 8 cm² per 1 kW. If the duct is too large, the rising smoke will quickly cool down and cause condensation to form, and the narrow duct will not be able to generate the required draft.
- The height of the internal chimney for good draft should be at least 5 m (from the hearth of the stove to the upper edge) and be located on the roof closer to the ridge. If this distance is less than 1.5 m, the pipe should be 50 cm higher than the ridge. For flat roofs, the optimal pipe height is 1.2 m. The structure above 1.5 m must be additionally secured with braces.
- Thickness. The walls must allow the chimney to cool slowly. For an internal structure, their thickness should be at least 12 cm, and for an external one - 38-40 cm.
Channels made of ceramic or brick keep warm for a long time. Less than others, a sandwich is covered with drizzle, which is a structure of two pipes nested one into the other with thermal insulation between them. For a bath, its layer of expanded clay or basalt wool should be at least 50 mm.
It is important that the inner surface of the canal is smooth, not porous. This provides traction and prevents large amounts of soot from accumulating on the walls. Irregularities hinder the movement of smoke, so it is better if the inner part has a circular cross-section.
Calculation of the parameters of the chimney in a private house
To determine the parameters of a household chimney, complex calculations are not needed
What you need to know when calculating
To determine the parameters of the chimney of a household boiler room, there is no need to make serious calculations. It is enough to use a simplified calculation scheme.
To make such a calculation, you need to know the power (heat transfer) of the boiler or furnace, in other words: the amount of fuel burned per hour. This figure is easy to find out by looking in the equipment passport.
The rest of the parameters for all household structures are approximately the same:
- temperature of gases at the inlet to the pipe - 150/200º;
- their speed in the chimney is not less than 2 m / s;
- the height of the household chimney, according to SNiP, must be at least 5 m from the grate;
- natural gas pressure per 1m - not less than 4 Pa (or 0.4mmH2O)
To find out the amount of gravity, it is worth considering what it is: the difference in density that air and flue gas have, multiplied by the height of the structure.
In other words: the calculation of the chimney diameter depends on the amount of fuel burned per hour.
Suppose that you already know the amount of fuel burned, then the volume of gases at the inlet to the pipe, at a certain temperature t, is as follows:
Vg = B ∙ V ∙ (1 + t / 273) / 3600, in m³ / sec. Knowing the speed at which the gases must move in the pipe, you can calculate the area (F) of its cross section:
F = π ∙ d² / 4, in m²
And, based on the formula for determining the area of a circle, you can calculate the diameter (d) of a round pipe:
dt = √4 ∙ B ∙ V ∙ (1 + t / 273) / π ∙ ω ∙ 3600, in meters. Example of calculating a pipe, we find the required diameter
Let's give a specific example of how the calculation of household chimneys is made.
Let it be a metal insulated pipe.
- Let us assume that 10 kg of firewood per hour with a moisture content of 25% is burned on the grate of the furnace.
- Then the volume of gases (V) under normal conditions (taking into account the excess air ratio) required for combustion is 10 m³ / kg.
- The temperature at the inlet to the pipe is 150º.
- Therefore, Vg = (10 ∙ 10 ∙ 1.55) / 3600. After making calculations, we get the volume of gases, 0.043 m³ / sec.
- Taking the gas velocity as 2m / s, we calculate the pipe diameter for the chimney: d² = (4 ∙ 0.043) / 3.14 ∙ 2, we get a value of 0.027.
- We substitute all the numbers in the formula dt = √4 ∙ 0.34 ∙ 0.043 ∙ (1 + 150/273) /3.14∙10∙3600. Having made the calculations, we get the required diameter of 0.165 m.
Determination of gravity
- Let us determine how the gas is cooled per 1 m of the structure. Knowing that 10 kg of firewood is burned per hour, we calculate the power: Q = 10 ∙ 3300 ∙ 1.16, we get the figure 38.28 kW.
- The thermal coefficient for our pipe is 0.34, which means that the losses per meter will be: 0.34: 0.196 = 1.73º.
- Therefore, at the exit from the 3 meter trunk (from the total 5 m we subtract 2 m of the furnace) the temperature of the gases: 150- (1.73 ∙ 3) = 144.8º.
- Self-draft value when determining air density, under normal conditions at 0º = 1.2932, at 144.8º = 0.8452. We make calculations: 3 ∙ (1.2932-0.8452). We obtain the value of the natural gas pressure equal to 1.34 mmH2O. This wave is sufficient for normal pipe operation.
As you can see, the calculation of a chimney for domestic use is not as complicated as it might seem.
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Stove pipes for a bath are made of the following materials:
- fired brick (silicate is not suitable) - has good heat exchange with the environment, is fireproof, a solid support is required for such a chimney;
- ceramics - resistant to high temperatures, physical and chemical influences, ceramic blocks are made specifically for chimneys.
- ferrous metal - to protect it from corrosion, it is covered with enamel, it can withstand temperatures up to 500 ° C, but is not suitable for intensively working baths;
- stainless steel - it is durable and lightweight, a pipe from it can be installed on a furnace with a wall thickness of half a brick, the best brand is AISI 321 (with an admixture of molybdenum), the material must be bought from a trusted manufacturer.
Asbestos cement is too porous material, easily absorbs condensate, which, when combined with soot, destroys the pipe, it can burst. To avoid this, it must be insulated and overlaid with brickwork. Chimneys with a galvanized outer casing are not used in the steam room. this material emits harmful substances when heated.
Wooden parts of the roof and roofs made of combustible materials have a high fire hazard. The pipe is placed from them at a distance of 15 and 30 cm, respectively, and these structural elements are insulated with roofing steel, flexible sheet asbestos.
Installing a pipe in a bath
The chimney can be installed like this:
- inside the bath with access through the roof;
- brought out through the wall to the outside of the building.
With an internal design, the pipe additionally heats the room. But its installation is considered difficult due to the need to eliminate gaps in the roof so that there are no leaks and to protect the roof from fire.
It is easier to make a chimney in a bath through the wall with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to place the furnace near the outer wall and exclude contact of the gas or electric mains with sections of the structure.
Installation of the sauna chimney starts from the bottom - each section is inserted inside the previous one. All joints are clamped with clamps and treated with a sealant. The vertical part is installed assembled. Depending on the design and pipe outlet, the channel can have 1-2, maximum 3 turns.Installation recommendations are as follows:
- Part of the chimney is connected to the furnace branch pipe using an adapter. Then a piece of pipe with a gate valve (gate) is put on and sealed.
- The horizontal section is drawn through a hole in the wall with a diameter of at least 450 mm, a tee with fasteners for the vertical part is installed at its end.
- At the exit of the pipe, brickwork is made on cement mortar or a fire-resistant box is made of sheet metal or asbestos cement. A non-combustible thermal insulation material is placed between the walls of the box and the pipe.
- The vertical part of the chimney is fixed to the wall with special brackets at a distance of 1 m.
- The lower outlet is blocked by a plug, which is removed when cleaning from soot.
- Inside the room, the channel laying area is sheathed with metal sheets, which will protect the wall surfaces from overheating and fire.
Ideal height of the chimney on the roof
According to SNiP 2. 04. 05, in the collection of rules 7. 13130. 2009 and standards 41 - 01 - 2003, as well as in the instructions of the manufacturers of heating stoves, as well as what shape of the roof can be used to determine the height of the chimney.
Chimney heights above the roof
For example:
- Flat roof. If there are no fences and other various devices, then the height of the chimney being erected starts from 1.2 meters. If there is protective equipment, then the calculation of this parameter should be based on increasing the maximum length to 100 centimeters. If there is ventilation on the roof of the roof, then the height of the chimney must exceed the ventilation pipe by 0.5 meters. They should be located at a distance of at least 5 - 5.5 meters from each other.
The height of the pipe at a distance of more than three meters from the ridge
- Pitched roof. Here, the parameters are determined from where the smoke exhaust is located, or rather, how far it is from the ridge. For example, the pipe of the heating device is located 150 centimeters from the ridge, then its height is at least 0.5 meters. If the distance varies from 150 to 300 centimeters, then the height of the chimney must be equal in height to the roof. The distance is more than 300 centimeters, then in this case the angle of inclination between the ridge line horizontally and the top of the pipe should be ten degrees.
Chimney height at a distance from the ridge from 1.5 to 3 meters
When calculating, do not forget to take into account:
- The presence of trees and other buildings.
- If heating is installed in an annex to a residential building.
A "wind backwater zone" can form here, and in its domain there is no traction, which is necessary for the equipment to work well.
In order to provide such a draft, it is necessary to raise the chimney pipe at least another half meter.
How to calculate the diameter of the chimney
When designing a chimney, you must choose the material to use. And the material largely depends on what kind of fuel will be used for heating. After all, the chimney is designed to remove the remnants of combustion of one fuel, and will not work with another. For example, a brick chimney works great with wood, but is not suitable for gas-fired heaters.
In addition, a correct calculation of the diameter of the chimney is required. If the flue gas vent is used for a single heater, the problem can be solved by reviewing the technical documents provided by the manufacturer of the appliance. And if several different systems are connected to one pipe, then to calculate the chimney, you need knowledge of the laws of thermodynamics, professional calculation, especially the diameter of the pipe. It is wrong to assume that a larger diameter is needed.
Swedish method
Among the different methods for calculating the diameter, the optimal suitable scheme is important, especially if the devices are low-temperature and long-lasting.
To determine the height, the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the chimney to the internal combustion chamber is taken into account.The height of the pipe is determined according to the schedule:
Where f is the area of the chimney cut, and F is the area of the furnace.
Suppose, for example, the cross-sectional area of the furnace F is 70 * 45 = 3150 sq. cm, and the cross-section of the chimney f is 26 * 15 = 390. The ratio between the above parameters is (390/3150) * 100% = 12.3%. Having compared the obtained result with the graph, we see that the height of the chimney is approximately 5 m.
Important! This method of calculation is more suitable for fireplaces, because the volume of air inside the firebox is not taken into account here.
Important! In the case of installing a chimney for complex heating systems, it is important to calculate the parameters of the chimney.
Exact calculation
To calculate the required section of the chimney, be sure to take into account all its characteristics. For example, you can perform a standard calculation of the dimensions of a chimney connected to a wood-burning stove. They take the following data for calculations:
- the temperature of the combustion waste in the pipe is equal to t = 150 ° С;
- the speed of passage through the waste pipeline is 2 m / s;
- the burning rate of wood B is 10 kg / h.
If you follow these indicators, you can do the calculations. For this purpose, the amount of outgoing combustion products is calculated by the formula:
Here V is equal to the amount of air that is required to burn the fuel at a rate of v = 10 kg / h. It is equal to 10 m³ / kg.
Then the required diameter is calculated:
How to calculate the parameters of the chimney?
As already described above, you need to know certain parameters. If the two main parameters are height and section, then there is one more indicator that must be taken into account without fail. These are the characteristics of the heating equipment itself.
There are several forms of calculation, subdivided into:
- Exact.
- Approximate.
- Automatic.
Under the first it is necessary to understand that it is required to take into account a lot of factors, among which are the indicators of the gas temperature, the speed of separation, the height and speed to which the combustion of one or another fuel will occur. These values must be substituted into a special formula, a detailed calculation will be given at the end of the article.
As for the approximate calculation, here the indicators of the size of the combustion chamber are taken into account. For example, we will give the classic size of a conventional chamber in a furnace or boiler - these are dimensions within the range of 500 by 400 mm. The substitution system is applied, that is, 1:10. Then for round ducts, the diameter will be 180 - 190 mm.
The third type of calculation is the use of special calculation calculators. As a rule, they give more accurate data, but you need to know more initial parameters. Roughly speaking, this is the same first method of counting, but it is already performed with the help of a computer.
Determination of the chimney height
We already know that the performance of the system depends on such a parameter. Therefore, keep in mind that according to SNiPs, the average height should be 5 meters, but not more than 7 meters. With a shorter length, natural traction will not form in sufficient quantities. When calculating, follow the described rules:
- More than 5 meters from the base to the highest point.
- The exit to the flat roof is marked by the elevation of the pipe head by 500 mm.
- When erected on a pitched roof, at three meters to the ridge, the chimney, when drawing a visual line, should be located at a 10 degree angle. The smaller the distance to the ridge, the correspondingly greater the degree.
The diagram shows the correct chimney heights in relation to different roof types.
Determination of the section of the smoke channel
In order not to use complex geometric calculus, we recommend that you pay attention to the recommendations of specialists. So, the diameter of the chimney must meet the following criteria:
- If the power does not exceed 3.5 kW, then a diameter of 0.14 cm is sufficient.
- Power up to 5 kW is equal to a diameter of 0.20 cm.
- Power up to 7 kW, equal to a pipe cross-section of 0.27 - 0.30 cm.
If you have a desire to calculate the cross section more accurately, you can use parameters such as the type of fuel, combustion rate, thrust rate, height, speed of passage through the pipe.
How does the diameter of the chimney affect its height?
The diameter of the chimney pipe only partly affects the height. Roughly speaking, you will not be able to expand the cross-section in order, for example, to reduce the length of the channel - these values are not interrelated, as many believe. Therefore, you should not "be smart" with the diameter, adjusting a certain height, which will be below 5 meters or above 7 meters. The thrust level will be the same over the entire length from 5 to 7 meters. But too large a diameter can reduce thrust, form vortices, although at first glance this seems absurd.
Calculation of the optimal thrust indicator
In addition to calculating the diameter of the chimney, you also need to know the thrust force. To do this, you need to find Bernoulli's law and substitute the data for the external temperature, internal temperature, and the pressure level. For the final calculation, the total pressure loss in both zones is taken into account. If the indicators are identical, then the thrust is in the optimal range.
Diagram of the movement of gases in the furnace
Chimney diameter table
Nowadays, the tables of diameters compiled for various chimneys are relevant, since many people prefer to install ready-made pipe elements from various materials. In order to easily understand these various materials and learn how to choose the correct parameters, documents with regulatory data entered into special tables have been developed. The relevant parameters are listed here. To calculate the required dimensions, you can use these tables.
Attention! It should be remembered that the cross-section of the flue pipe must be greater than or equal to the cross-section of the internal channel of the heater.
The exact tables of the calculated diameters of the flue pipe for its correct operation are calculated in accordance with the technical parameters of all elements, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, the materials of the flue duct, or using the diameter - power tables.
Chimney diameter.
Installing the chimney, it is very important to calculate the correct chimney diameter, this issue needs to be given special attention when designing an autonomous heating system. Often the chimney is selected based on approximate parameters. Many ordinary people believe that it would be better to make the diameter of the chimney section larger, but this is not at all the case. In order for the heating system to function optimally, an accurate calculation of the chimney diameter is required.
Self-calculation methodology
How high should the chimney be? This parameter is regulated by SNiP 2.04.05-91 (the original document can be found here).
According to this document:
- the minimum height of the flue gas duct from the grate to the head is 5 m;
- the optimal height is 6 m.
Parameters affecting the height of the chimney
How to calculate the chimney height? Experts recommend using the following formula.
How to independently calculate the height of the smoke channel
Based on the presented formula, it is possible to determine the parameters that significantly affect the height of the chimney:
- meteorological conditions of the surrounding area (parameter A). For northern regions, the coefficient is assumed to be 160. For other regions, the value can be found in descriptive documents;
- mass of a substance passing through pipes per unit of time (Mi). The data can be determined on the basis of the documentation supplied with the heating equipment;
- the settling rate of particles formed as a result of combustion (F). For ash with wood heating, this coefficient is taken equal to 25, and when using an electric heating device F = 1;
- concentration of various substances in the gas to be removed (Spdki and Cphi). The indicators are taken from the descriptive characteristics of the heating equipment;
- exhaust gas volume (V);
- the difference between the temperature of the air entering and leaving the pipe (T).
It is quite difficult to make the calculation yourself, so it is recommended to seek help from specialists.
Initial parameters calculation of the chimney.
To calculate the chimney, you can use the chimney calculator.
The characteristics of the future chimney are directly influenced by certain parameters, of which the most important are:
1. Type of heater. The organization of the gas discharge system in most cases is necessary for solid fuel boilers and furnaces. The calculation takes into account the volume of the combustion chamber, as well as the area of the opening of the chamber for the intake of air into the furnace - the ash pan. Often, the calculation is made for home-made boilers that run on diesel fuel or gas.
2. The total length of the chimney and its configuration. The most optimal design is considered to be 5 meters long and with a straight line. Additional vortex zones that negatively affect thrust are created by each pivot angle.
3. The geometry of the chimney section. A cylindrical chimney design is ideal. But this shape is very difficult to achieve for brickwork. Less effective is a rectangular (square) section of the chimney, but it will also require less labor.
Chimney height.
Here we can do without complicated calculations.
Yes, of course, there are rather cumbersome formulas by which the optimal height of the chimney can be calculated with great accuracy. But they become really relevant when designing boiler houses or other industrial installations, where they operate with completely different power levels, volumes of fuel consumed, heights and diameters of pipes. Moreover, these formulas also include an ecological component for the emission of combustion products to a certain height.
There is no point in listing these formulas here. Practice shows, and this is also, by the way, stipulated in building codes, that for any of the theoretically possible solid-fuel devices or structures in a private house, a chimney (with natural draft) with a height of at least five meters will be sufficient. You can find recommendations to focus on the indicator of six meters.
In this case, it is precisely the height difference between the outlet from the device (for furnaces it is often considered - from the grate) to the upper edge of the pipe, without taking into account the worn umbrella, weather vane or deflector. This is important for those chimneys with horizontal or inclined sections. Let's repeat - not the total length of the pipe used, but only the height difference.
The height of the chimney is precisely the height difference between its inlet and outlet, and not the total length of the chimney, on which there may be horizontal or inclined sections. By the way, you should always strive to minimize the number and length of such sections.
So, the minimum length is clear - five meters. Less is impossible! More? Of course, it is possible, and sometimes it is even necessary, since additional factors may intervene due to the specifics of the building (corny - the height of the house) and the location of the pipe head relative to the roof or adjacent objects.
This is due to the rules of fire safety, and the fact that the head of the pipe should not fall into the so-called zone of wind support. If these rules are neglected, then the chimney will become extremely dependent on the presence, direction and speed of the wind, and in some cases the natural draft through it may completely disappear or be reversed (“topple over”).
These rules are not so complicated, and taking them into account, it is already possible to accurately outline the height of the chimney.
Basic rules for the location of chimneys relative to the elements of the roof of the building
- First of all, no matter what roof the chimney passes through, the cut of the pipe cannot be closer than 500 mm from the roof (it does not matter if it is pitched or flat).
- On roofs of a complex configuration, or on a roof adjacent to a wall or other object (say, the edge of the roof of another building, extension, etc.), the wind support zone is determined by a line drawn at an angle of 45 degrees. The cut-off of the chimney must be at least 500 mm higher than this conditional line (in the upper figure - the left fragment) ..
- By the way, the same rule applies even then, for a year, there is a tall third-party object next to the house - a building or even a tree. The figure below shows how the plotting is done in this case.
Tall trees near the house can also create a zone of dense wind backwater.
- On a pitched roof, the height of the pipe section protruding above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge (left fragment of the upper diagram).
- A pipe located at a distance of up to 1500 mm from the ridge must rise above it by at least 500 mm with its edge.
- With a distance from 1500 to 3000 mm, the upper edge of the pipe must not be lower than the level of the ridge.
- If the distance to the ridge is more than 3000 mm, the minimum permissible position of the pipe cut is determined by a line passing through the top of the ridge drawn at an angle of -10 degrees from the horizontal.
To reduce the dependence of thrust on the wind, special caps, deflectors, and weather vane are used. In some cases, the use of a spark arrester is also required - this is especially important for solid fuel devices.
It remains to sit down at the drawing of your house (existing or planned), determine the place of the pipe and then finally stop at some of its height - from 5 meters or more.
We offer you to familiarize yourself with How to make a bench in a bath with your own hands
Approximate and accurate calculation of the chimney diameter.
Accurate calculations are based on a complex mathematical platform. To calculate the diameter of the chimney, you need to know its main characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the fuel and the heating device. For example, you can take the calculation of a standard pipe with a circular cross-section without rotary nodes, connected to a stove and running on wood. The following input parameters of the calculation are taken:
- temperature of gases at the entrance to the pipe t– 150 ° С;
- the average speed of passage of gases along the entire length - 2 m / s;
- firewood (fuel) burning rate with one tab B = 10 kg / h.
Following this data, you can go directly to the calculations. First, you need to find out what volume of exhaust gases is, it is determined by the formula:
Where V is the volume of air required to maintain the combustion process at a rate of 10 kg / h. It equals - 10 m³ / kg.
Substituting this value, we get the result:
Then we substitute this value into the formula by which the diameter of the chimney is calculated:
To make such a calculation, you need to know exactly all the parameters in the future gas removal system. This scheme is very rarely used in practice, especially in the case of organizing a household autonomous heating system. Determine the diameter of the chimney it is possible in other ways.
For example, based on the dimensions of the combustion chamber. Since the amount of fuel burned depends on its size, then the volume of incoming gases also depends on it. If there is an open firebox and a chimney with a circular cross-section, then the ratio is taken 1:10. That is, when the size of the combustion chamber is 50 * 40 cm, then the optimal chimney diameter will be 18 cm.
When erecting a brick structure of a chimney, the ratio is 1: 1.5. Chimney diameter in this case, it must be larger than the size of the blower. The square section will be at least 140 * 140 mm (this is due to the vortices created in the brick pipe).
What should be the height of the chimney pipe for the stove
The calculation of this parameter allows you to avoid the occurrence of reverse thrust and other possible troubles. This issue is regulated by the rules of SNiP and other documents.
SNiP requirements
The length of the exhaust gas exhaust pipelines is regulated by the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05. The rules prescribe several basic installation rules to be followed:
- the minimum distance from the grate in the firebox to the protective canopy on the roof is 5000 mm. Height above the level of the flat roof covering 500 mm;
- the height of the pipe above the roof slope or ridge must correspond to the recommended one. We will talk about this in a separate chapter;
- if there are buildings on a flat roof, the chimney should be higher. In this case, with a high pipe height, it is fastened with wire or cable ties;
- if the building is equipped with a ventilation system, their height should not exceed the hood of the exhaust pipe.
Self-calculation methodology
How to independently calculate the height of the smoke channel, for this you will need to perform a calculation using the formula:
- "A" - climatic and weather conditions in the region. For the north, this coefficient is 160. The value in other areas can be found on the Internet;
- "Mi" - the mass of gases passing through the chimney for a certain time. This value can be found in the documentation for your heater;
- "F" is the settling time of ash and other waste on the walls of the chimney. For wood stoves, the coefficient is 25, for electrical units - 1;
- "Spdki", "Sphi" - the level of concentration of substances in the exhaust gas;
- "V" - the level of the volume of exhaust gases;
- "T" is the temperature difference between the air coming from the atmosphere and the exhaust gases.
Important! Self-calculation will require finding a large number of quantities and performing complex calculations. Therefore, we recommend contacting professionals.
It makes no sense to give a trial calculation - coefficients and other values will not be suitable for your unit, and extracting square roots will require downloading an engineering calculator.
Chimney height above the ridge table
The table of the height of the chimney above the roof structure will help to determine the dimensions of the pipes without carrying out complex calculations. First, we will analyze the selection of the pipe length for flat roofs.
Selection of pipe length for flat roofs. | Min. pipe height in mm |
There are no parapets and other structures and devices on the roof. | 1200. |
A protective curb or other structures are built on the roof and the distance to them is up to 300 mm. | 1300. |
Excess over other ventilation pipes | 500. The minimum distance to the ventilation shaft is 5000. |
For pitched types of roof structures. | Min. pipe height in mm |
The chimney opens onto the roof at a distance of 1500 mm from the ridge. | 500. |
The pipe is located at a distance of 1500-3000 mm from the ridge. | The pipe is led out to the level of the roof ridge. |
The distance from the ridge to the passage of the exhaust pipe is over 3000 mm. | Set aside 100 from the ridge cavity. The top of the pipe should be at the level of this line. |
Swedish method for calculating the diameter of the chimney.
In the above examples, the height of the flue system is not taken into account. For it, the ratio of the area of the combustion chamber to the cross-section of the pipe is used, taking into account its height. The value of the pipe is determined according to the graph:
Where f is the area of the chimney, and F is the area of the furnace.
However, this method is more applicable to fireplace systems, since the volume of air for the firebox is not taken into account.
You can choose from different methods for calculating the diameter of the chimney, but when installing complex heating systems, an optimally accurate layout is important, especially this applies to low-temperature long-burning heating devices.
Why do you need to calculate the height of the chimney
The chimney height must be calculated for several reasons:
- To increase the efficiency of the heater.If the height of the chimney pipe is determined correctly, then the equipment will give off heat as quickly as possible with minimal fuel consumption.
- For the safety of human health. If the height of the chimney for a boiler or other equipment is not calculated correctly, then combustion products harmful to human health will get into the room. To ensure safety, a normal chimney draft is required.
The presence of traction determines the possibility of using the heater
- To eliminate the threat of fires. If the height of the chimney is insufficient, the hot gases do not have time to cool down to the required temperature, which increases the possibility of ignition.
Due to the low height of the smoke channel, a fire may occur.
Correct calculation of the chimney length saves fuel resources and is a guarantee of the health of the people around.
Do-it-yourself chimney in the bath
Photo from the site
A private bath is a sign of success and an indispensable attribute of every wealthy owner of a private house. If you plan to build such a structure on your own, you will need to carefully approach the calculations. In order to correctly install the chimney, you need to research what the options are and how to install them correctly. A correctly selected smoke outlet will not only allow your steam room to function evenly, but also to remain a safe place.
Today in the article we will tell you how to correctly make, install and bring the chimney in the bath through the wall with your own hands, as well as which of the options is best for your structure.
How to install a pipe in a bath: what devices are there
The installation of a chimney in a steam room can be done in several ways, depending on the place of the stove. The types of smoke removal are distributed according to the following indicators:
- Used raw materials. There are two options here - a metal chimney or a structure made of fire-resistant bricks. The second way is classic. It has long been used by most builders. However, in recent years, many people have preferred metal structures when building a chimney. The main reason for this is that such pipes are easy to install by yourself and it will take much less time.
- Installation method. There are two methods - internal and external chimney. A logical question arises: how to get the pipe out of the bath through the wall? For this, a special hole is drilled and the whole system goes outside. This type is also called North American. This method of constructing smoke ventilation does not have the main drawback of the generally accepted installation method - installing a pipe through the ceiling. This means that you do not have to perform complex manipulations to withdraw the bend. It is enough to drill a hole in the wall and lay the pipe outside. The installation of a chimney in a bath through the ceiling requires more installation costs, so we recommend using a proven method.
If you are in doubt and do not know which type of chimney to choose, keep in mind that the metal version is much cheaper and easier to install. Next, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of pipe.
Main characteristics of sandwich chimneys
Sandwich chimneys are a structure that has three layers. Such a structure consists of an external and an internal pipe of different diameters, and a layer of thermal insulation is laid between them. Therefore, the chimneys got this name. The inner pipe must be made of stainless steel, and the outer part can be made of galvanized steel or other material. Sandwich pipes for chimneys differ in diameter and thickness of thermal insulation, depending on which temperature mode they will be used at. Such furnace devices have a lot of advantages compared to other types:
- There is no condensation;
- Simple installation;
- Highest degree of fire safety;
- Compactness;
- Resistance to aggressive environments.
The only drawback of such a device is its expensive price. Today, sandwich chimneys are the best option, as they can be installed in houses built of any material. They have a high degree of reliability and safety.
Chimney device sandwich
Chimney sandwich pipes are sold in parts, the length of each segment does not exceed one meter.
How to put a pipe in a bath correctly: the advantages of brick devices
In comparison with the metal analogue, this method has been used for much longer. Previously, there were no metals in the production that could withstand extremely high temperatures. Making a brick chimney is a very painstaking task and requires professional training, experience and perfectly verified calculations. We highly do not recommend building such a device yourself, if you are not a pro. Unlike metal pipes, the brick masonry method has the following advantages:
- Thermal and thermal insulation. The old and proven method will allow you to keep warm inside the bath for a long time. Vapor circulation is also improved.
- Durability. The bend, made of refractory bricks, lasts much longer than its iron counterpart. The construction, built according to the correct drawings and made of high-quality material, will delight the owner for many years, and the system will not have to be replaced.
- High fire resistance. The bathhouse is a place with an increased risk of fires, therefore safety and fire resistance become one of the main indicators when choosing materials. The brick structure will prevent the flames from spreading, thereby protecting both the property and the owner himself.
An important feature of the maintenance of a brick chimney is the need for periodic cleaning. The surface of the material tends to collect dust, ash and other elements on itself, thereby impairing the throughput and traction of the pipe. The cleaning process is not complicated and will help keep your sauna clean and safe.
Brick pipe for a chimney in a bath: how and how to clean the chimney
To perform this procedure, it is not necessary to call a specialist, the cleaning technology is simple and within the power of every person. To do this, you will need brushes and chemicals to remove dirt.
The easiest method is to work with a nylon brush. Treat it in the solution and start cleaning.
The main parameters of the industrial chimney
The preparation of design documentation for industrial chimneys is accompanied by a phased implementation of complex calculations.
Calculation of aerodynamic parameters
At this stage of design, the minimum indicators of the throughput of the structure are determined. This parameter should have such a value that allows fuel combustion products to pass through and escape into the atmosphere when the boiler room is operating at maximum loads.
Incorrect calculations of the throughput can provoke the accumulation of gases in any boiler or in the path.
Aerodynamic calculations of the chimney, performed at a professional level, allow an objective assessment of the efficiency of the blast, traction system, pressure drops in the air and gas paths.
The result of the calculations is a professional determination of the optimal height and diameter of the chimney, as well as the most advantageous parameters of individual sections and elements in the gas-air duct.
Height of the structure
The calculation of the height of the boiler room pipe must be environmentally justified. This parameter is calculated on the basis of data that show the dispersion in the atmospheric layers of harmful products formed during the combustion of fuel.
Advantages of a metal chimney
If you plan to install a pipe in a bath with your own hands, the most convenient solution is a chimney from an iron pipe. In any building supermarket or market, you will find many ready-made units. The advantages of such systems include:
- Affordable prices. The cost of such a solution is several times lower than that of brick chimneys.
- Simple installation. The entire installation process can be performed independently and without resorting to expensive wizard services.
- Ease of use. Unlike brick, the surface of the metal is smooth, which means that soot and other dirt will not accumulate on the walls. Thus, you will save your own efforts and time, since there is no need to clean the chimney.
Metal structures also have their drawbacks. The most important of these is poor thermal insulation. In winter, the element brought out to the outside will accumulate condensation on itself. To solve this problem, sandwich pipes have been created. They consist of two layers of metal with thermal insulation material between them.
Next, we will tell you how to properly install the pipe in the bath.
Chimney height: what you need to know for arranging a chimney
The heating system must be approached with a pragmatic calculation. It is not the desire "I want" that has the greatest influence here, but the design characteristics of the house or object. From correctly selected sizes, for example, chimney height, the performance and fuel consumption of the boiler or other equipment depends.
Chimney height for a private house requirements
It would seem that everything is simple here: you need to choose the height that will be slightly larger than the building. In reality, everything is somewhat more complicated: a too high pipe will increase the aerodynamic resistance to the movement of the combustion substances formed in the boiler. The smoke rises much more slowly, gradually cools down, and gives off some of the heat to the walls of the chimney. The result is a decrease in temperature, which leads to a decrease in traction. Therefore, high chimneys do not mean stable draft.
Additionally, the location of the chimney outlet is taken into account: when it is below the level of the roof ridge, the draft becomes unstable. In this case, the direction of the wind has a strong influence.
According to SNiP 2.04.05-91, the height must comply with the requirements:
- The distance between the grate and the pipe mouth is over 5 meters. Ideally, if it is more than 6 m.
- When placed on a flat roof, where there is no high parapet, the height is more than 0.5 m.
- When placing the chimney remotely from the ridge / parapet up to 1.5: the height is made over 0.5 m above their level.
- If the pipe is placed at a distance of 1.5-3 m from the ridge or parapet: the mouth is located at the same level with them.
- At a distance of more than 3 meters from the ridge: the pipe is located at least at the same level of the line that is drawn from the ridge of the roof at an angle of 10⁰ to the horizontal.
Important! The ventilation duct must be at the same level as the chimney, if they are located side by side.
Chimney height: what determines the calculation and formula
When calculating the height, take into account:
- Dispersion of combustion products.
- The rate of their subsidence.
They also take into account the mass of emitted products for a certain time and the number of pipes. These indicators go into an equation that determines the height of the chimney, providing the required draft. It is worth considering that the calculation is extremely time consuming and complex and we recommend that you contact the professionals on this issue.
There are online calculators for calculating the height of the chimney. They will produce it in a few seconds. However, if you do not take into account some indicators or indicate incorrect parameters, the result will be erroneous.
Calculation formula:
- A - meteorological conditions of the local area.
- Mi is the mass of combustible waste over a period of time
- F is the rate of settling of combustion products.
- Spdki and Cfi - concentration of waste in gas that is discharged.
- V is the volume of the outgoing gas.
- T is the difference in air temperature indicators when entering and leaving the pipe.
If there are tall objects near the house (trees, houses, etc.), the height must be increased by 0.5 m. This also applies when placing a chimney in a utility room. It is important to position the chimney head above the wind support zone.
Industrial chimney, what height should be
This calculation requires taking into account a huge number of factors, and we do not recommend doing it yourself. Each project is calculated individually. Here you need to consider:
- The specifics of the enterprise and its activities.
- The composition of the discharged gases.
- Climatic features of the location.
- Calculation of the required smoke pump for the implementation of artificial draft.
- Definition of gravity.
- Aerodynamic, heat engineering calculations.
- Strength and stability with subsequent determination of the type of foundation.
This is just a small list of indicators that need to be considered. Additionally, you need to create construction drawings, make an estimate and other work. Contact our company and we will do it as soon as possible. Our specialists will make the development of the project in accordance with all the requirements of GOST and SNiP.
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Chimney height Reviews
Reviews: 1, Rating: 5.00
Denis Filatov - 2019-10-19:
Rating: 5
If everything is clear with the height of the chimney, what pipe diameter will be ideal for installation and from what material it is best to install a pipe for a house.
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Do-it-yourself chimney installation in a bath: a step-by-step guide
First of all, to start the installation, you should draw up the correct diagram for your chimney. We advise you to contact a specialist. He will arrange a detailed plan for how to make the chimney in the bath and install the outlet through the ceiling and roof. The choice should first of all be based on the oven installed in the bath. Each unit has its own requirements and the pipe should be selected based on these indicators.
Then it is necessary to select the material of the bend. If you plan to carry out the installation yourself, we advise you to take a closer look at the metal options.
Now let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for installing and passing the pipe into the bath through the ceiling.
- Step 1. Insulate the passage in the ceiling for the chimney in the bath. It is important to leave a gap of ten centimeters between the bend and the surface. We recommend using glass wool for fencing.
- Step 2. Install the unloading assembly. It is this part of the chimney that takes over all the loads and dampens lateral vibrations.
- Step 3. Assemble the starter sandwich. An important point - this part must fit snugly to the main pipe, otherwise you can allow the room to smoke.
- Step 4. Place clamps or fasteners on all pipe connections. This will maintain the tightness inside the system.
- Step 5. Close the chimney passage through the ceiling in the bath. To prevent warm air from escaping, use mineral wool to block the hole.
- Step 6. Passage of the ceiling and roof for the pipe in the bath. After insulating the hole in the ceiling, drill a hole in the roof. The chimney outlet must be half a meter above the roof level.
- Step 7. How to fix the chimney pipe on the roof? Install the accessory and fix it tightly. This will be enough for the element to hold firmly.
Chimney for a bath: installation diagram
Today we looked at how to put and mount a pipe in a rooftop bath, talked about the types of chimneys and gave useful tips. If you follow the suggested rules, installing the chimney will be an easy task for you.
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