According to experts, about 15% of the heat can go through the roof and attic of a residential building even with basic insulation. If you do not use insulation at all, then the remaining cold bridges in the winter neutralize the effect of the heating systems. At the same time, modern roof structures and roofing provide ample opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of a building. A properly arranged warm roof will not only provide microclimatic comfort, but also extend the service life of the attic materials.
Constructional features of the insulated roof
In its pure form, an ordinary pitched roof is a supporting frame formed by beams, Mauerlat, support posts and battens, on which the roof is laid. The configurations of the rafter system may vary, but most importantly, even when assembled and in use, they can be insulated. The insulated roof structure is characterized by the presence of several layers of insulation in the transition areas. The lowest level is the floor that separates the attic from the living space. This is followed directly by the insulation of the slopes from the back sides and in the layer between the crate and the roofing deck. In addition, the construction of a warm roof provides for technological ventilation zones. They can have a different design, but the task of the ventilation gaps is the same - to exclude the accumulation of condensate in the under-roof and attic space.
The choice of thermal insulation material
The layout of the insulation will largely determine the effectiveness of the thermal barrier, but if an unsuitable material was initially used, then the highest quality installation will not solve the task of heat saving. Roofers recommend paying attention to the following types of heat insulators:
- Glass wool is a cheap and easy-to-install material with acceptable insulation performance. Its strong point will be the complete elimination of biological degradation processes, and its weak point is the loss of insulating qualities after moistening.
- Basalt slab. It is also a moisture-sensitive insulator, but it is fire-resistant, which is also important for the place of operation in question.
- Mineral wool. A variety of designs and durability can be put among the main advantages of this insulation. A warm roof with mineral wool retains its characteristics for 50 years. But this material should be protected from any contact with moisture.
- Styrofoam. Another option for a budget insulation, which has decent insulating properties, but a lot of structural flaws. Use foam only with good mechanical protection.
- Polyurethane foam. Foam insulation with low thermal conductivity. It is difficult to do without it when spot sealing hard-to-reach cracks and gaps.
Why and how to insulate?
As a rule, the roof is insulated in the case of the operation of the roof space, that is, when the device is in it attic
... If the attic is not going to be used, then they only insulate
overlap of the last floor... But in most modern private houses, attics are residential. This means that the roof plane must be insulated in accordance with regulatory requirements (in energy-efficient houses, the heat transfer coefficient must be less than 0.20 W / m² ∙ ° С).In this case, the thickness of the roof should be minimal so as not to limit the space under the slopes that can be used.
will be able to fully function only if moisture does not accumulate in it. In any weather and at any time of the year, he
must stay dry... With an increase in moisture content in it by only 5%, its heat-insulating ability is almost halved. On the inside, facing the room, the insulation must be protected from moisture by vapor barrier, and on the outside - by waterproofing.
Exists many thermal insulation materials: mineral wool based on basalt and fiberglass, expanded polystyrene, foam glass, cellulose, cork agglomerate. For roofing, as a rule, they use materials with a fibrous structure - based on basalt or fiberglass... They are not only characterized by good thermal insulation properties, but also perfectly dampen noise. Moreover, they are not flammable. The total thickness of mineral wool layers under the roof of an energy-efficient house should be at least 20 cm. It is important to fix the insulation well so that it does not slide down over time, especially for soft thermal insulation materials.
In addition to basalt-based mineral wool insulation, you can use fiberglass materials, which consists of many glass fibers, between which there is air. The thickness of glass wool fibers is less than the thickness of human hair and mineral fibers, therefore their number in a conditional volume is greater. Consequently, this insulation has more air gaps, which means that its thermal conductivity is lower, although both materials have similar performance characteristics.
You can also use as insulation
liquid foam - penoizol, which belongs to the new generation of carbamide foams. This material differs from expanded polystyrene in vapor permeability and high fire resistance, low density, resistance to microorganisms and an affordable price. In addition, penoizol has good thermal insulation properties.
Characteristics for the choice of insulation
When choosing heat and sound insulating materials, it is advisable to focus on the following universal criteria:
• specific gravity... The smaller it is (up to a certain level), the better. The standard range is 14-20 kg / m³. Lightweight material saves delivery costs and installation time, reduces the load on the structure and often benefits from heat and sound insulation parameters;
• thermal conductivity... The smaller it is, the lower the cost of heating the room. This value indirectly depends on the air content in the material (specific gravity);
durability... The term of effective operation must be at least 25 years;
• high vapor permeability... This is the key to optimal humidity conditions indoors and in roof structures.
• incombustibility... An especially important indicator for the components of the roofing "pie", since there are ventilated gaps in the roof structure, contributing to the rapid spread of flame in the case of using combustible materials;
• environmental friendliness... Natural raw materials must be used in the composition of the materials, they must have the appropriate European certificates.
Insulation of roof slopes
First lay on the counter lattice waterproofing... It is placed horizontally, providing a film overlap of at least 10 cm and slight sagging in case of thermal expansion of the material. The joints of the film are sealed. Then between the rafters tightly, without gaps, lay insulation, which is sewn up with a vapor barrier film from the side of the under-roof space. It is desirable that this layer is also sealed.Thermal insulation boards or mats should be semi-rigid so that they hold well on inclined and vertical planes. The number of layers to be laid depends on the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, the value of which is indicated in the certificate of conformity.
Insulation of the ceiling of the last floor
On the ceiling, the insulation is laid in two stages. First mats or slabs are placed between the beams... For ventilation between the layer of insulation and the windproof film (regardless of how well it allows air to pass through), it is recommended to leave a gap of 3 cm.Then follows nail in an additional wooden lattice and lay a layer of mineral wool... Its thickness is individual for each material, and also depends on building codes for the respective climatic region. The insulation should be laid tightly, avoiding gaps at the joints to exclude linear cold bridges. It is possible to prevent the formation of point cold bridges at the joints of the beams and the coating by nailing the next lattice and laying another layer of insulation. Instead of wooden blocks, you can use profiles for plasterboard systems.
Closed loop principle
When starting to insulate a house, remember: in order to achieve the maximum effect of preserving heat, it is necessary to observe the principle of a closed thermal circuit, which excludes the presence of non-insulated areas. therefore insulating material should be laid tightly, avoiding the formation of cracks and gaps between adjacent slabs. The most unreliable in this regard are the joints of walls with ceilings and roofs, slopes of window openings, places under window sills, exits to a balcony or terrace.
Except for loose material
the cause of the formation of cold bridges there may be insufficient thickness of the thermal insulation layer. Too thin a layer of insulation will not cope with the resulting loads. It will allow the cold in winter and hot air in the summer to pass through.
Using insulation of insufficient rigidity and the wrong choice of geometric dimensions can lead to creeping and sagging of the material, the result of which is the rupture of the heat-insulating carpet and the appearance of cold bridges.
Cold bridges are linear and point... Linear causes discontinuity of the thermal insulation layer (for example, along the perimeter of window slopes or balcony doors and lintels in the area of structural assemblies), point - various fasteners (suspensions, anchors, etc.), at the points of connection with the structures of the house (for example, at points installation of television antennas, awnings, etc.)
Thermal insulation tandem for roof and walls
Roof insulation is carried out by laying insulation on the ceilings above the last floor (when arranging a non-residential attic) or on the slopes of the attic (when arranging living space). Insulation of walls in most cases is carried out from the outside - these are plaster and ventilated facades, as well as insulation for siding. Be sure to ensure that wall and roof insulation creates a continuous thermal loop. After all, the essence of the insulation of any structures lies precisely in the creation of a thermal circuit, the interruption of which leads to heat losses, a violation of the microclimate and even the destruction of structures.
If the elements of thermal insulation of the roof and walls are in close contact with each other, then it is enough just to fix them in the desired position by tying them with a fishing line or tape. It should be ensured that no cracks form in these places.
Heat insulator installation
Insulation is built into the construction of the slopes from the inside. Typically, the form of roof insulation is a slab or thick roll material such as mats. Laying is carried out on a prepared surface with profile bearing strips.On the beams of the rafter system, a crate of wooden bars is mounted, to which a heat insulator is subsequently fixed. Fastening can be done with mounting brackets, screws or adhesive. This is not fundamentally important, since the slab or mats should be covered with a counter-grill, the strips of which are nailed to the rafters of the warm roof. Insulation is carried out using the method of solid sheathing with full sealing. Slots, technical gaps and joints are sealed with either moisture-resistant sealants or the aforementioned polyurethane foam. For greater structural reliability, it is advisable to continue the outer crate up to the Mauerlat beams, where the walls of the house begin.
Warm roof ventilation system: recommendations
Scheme of ventilation options for the roof of the building.
The next step for proper roof insulation will be the installation of a ventilation system for the under-roof space. This is a very important point, the correct ventilation device will affect the durability of a warm roof. As in all other processes, in order to achieve the desired result, it is worth adhering to certain rules.
After the rafter system is assembled, a vapor-permeable, moisture-windproof membrane is laid on top of it, it is better to stop your choice on a two- or three-layer membrane.
Membrane properties:
- does not let condensate and moisture inside the insulation;
- freely releases fumes from the insulation (insulation in general).
Internal ventilation scheme for the under-roof space.
Moisture insulation is spread horizontally along the entire slope and is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler. It is necessary to leave small gaps above the gable and cornice overhangs.
In order to fix the vapor-permeable membrane, a counter-lattice is laid along the top of the rafters, which is attached with self-tapping screws. The integrity of the counter-lattice is not important, a counter-lattice consisting of several parts is quite acceptable, this is not fundamental when a device of such a warm structure (roof) is performed. After attaching it to the rafters, the crate is laid on top with a step.
Laying hydro and vapor barrier
A review of heat insulators showed that without reliable protection from moisture, the material will simply get wet and stop performing its main function. Therefore, the next step is to take care of hydro and vapor barrier. For this, membrane film materials are used, which do not require a supporting structure for fastening. In particular, for arranging a warm roof, it is recommended to use Uniflex, Linokrom and Technoelast waterproofers. In some modifications, they also perform the function of a vapor barrier. Laying is done on a surface with a fixed heat insulator by gluing. There are self-adhesive films, but universal building compounds can also be used to fix insulators with a water-repellent effect. Without fail, the film is closed from the outside with strips in increments of 20-30 cm.
Roof preparation
First of all, to carry out the work, it is necessary to draw up a clear work plan, as well as select the materials that will be used.
Any roof, regardless of its type, has several parts, external and internal. So, its outer part is directly the roof, and the inner one consists of floor slabs, as well as a frame made of rafters.
In order for the roof to serve for a long time in the future and provide high-quality insulation, it is necessary to first carry out certain preparatory work.
First of all, you need to get rid of moisture, as well as any other negative elements on its structure, such as rust, mold and even fungus. To do this, the surfaces are cleaned with a metal brush, after which it must be covered with anti-corrosion agents.
Creating a ventilated gap
Condensation removal from under the roof space is not only a measure of protection of the heat insulator. The wooden rafter system is also sensitive to dampness and if you do not think over the air circulation channels, then in the very first months of operation you can find foci of development of fungus and mold. How to make a warm roof with a ventilation gap? The best option is to use perforated eaves on the overhangs. These are special plastic boxes that are installed along the edges of the slopes, forming a buffer zone with air heat exchange. Thus, effective ventilation of the space from the bottom will be ensured without the risk of rainfall.
Choosing a warm roof
Roof decking can have different heat-saving qualities. The roof in this sense plays a decisive role, but it is far from always possible in principle to use a dense cover with good sealing. For example, bituminous shingles, due to their severity, are contraindicated for installation on weak rafter systems in many private houses. The way out will be a multi-level warm roof - a roof, the upper level of which is formed by several technological layers. The first layer along the slopes can be laid out with a vapor barrier, and then wind and waterproofers will follow. The task of thermal insulation in this part is not the most important, since the already mounted rear skin will be responsible for the regulation of heat flows. In the structure of the roofing system, it is important to provide protection against physical influences, including wind, precipitation, snow, etc.
Arrangement and installation of a warm roof
Work on arranging a warm roof, as in the case of a cold one, also begins with laying waterproofing. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is no longer possible to use a simple film, since a heater will be located directly under it, which must "breathe", giving off excess moisture to the atmosphere. Otherwise, the thermal insulation may become damp and will not perform its function well.
In order for the insulation to evaporate excess moisture, the waterproofing layer must be vapor-permeable. Therefore, instead of films, hydro-windproof membranes are used, for example, ISOVER Vetranet (AM). Preventing water from flowing down and wetting the insulation and rafters, it allows water vapor to pass from the bottom up. Another advantage of Vetranet (AM) is that it can act as a temporary shelter, protecting the structure from rain and allowing the installation of roofing to be postponed for up to two months.
The device of the roofing pie of the roof of a private house
Some homeowners are trying to save money and instead of a membrane, they use cheap micro-perforated films, which, according to their manufacturers, also combine waterproofing properties with vapor permeability. However, not everyone knows that this is true only as long as the film is in weight. As soon as it comes into contact with any base from below, a leak immediately occurs in this place. And in a warm roof, waterproofing lies on a layer of insulation.
The height of the timber for the counter-lattice is selected in accordance with the standard
Calculation of the counter-bar for the ventilation gap
- With a standard slope of the slope (25-40º), the height of the counter-beam should be at least 50 mm, for steep slopes (more than 45º) - at least 40 mm. The flatter the slope, the worse the draft under the roof, therefore, with slopes of 5-25º, a counter-beam with a height of at least 60 mm is needed, and with a slope of less than 5º - 100 mm.
- The length of the slope also matters. All the given values are valid for slopes up to 10 m long. If it is more, then it is necessary to increase the height of the ventilation gap by 10% or additionally install aeration pipes. More details on the calculation method can be found in SP 17.13330.2011 "Roofs".
Floor insulation
The main barrier to the outdoor cold from the upper part of the house is the floor that separates the attic from the lower rooms.In this area, there are many more opportunities for insulation. They should be used to their fullest potential. A layer of expanded clay or sawdust can be poured into the very niche of the warm roof overlap. These are bulk heat insulators, the advantages of which include environmental friendliness and affordable cost. However, expanded clay gives a large weight load, and sawdust is a combustible material and is prone to biological damage. Well, then, already on the surface of the floor, a horizontal crate is mounted, in the cells of which heat-insulating plates are also laid. If the design allows for height, then you can make a double lathing with the location of different insulation fibers in a criss-cross pattern.
Insulation overview
Regardless of the type of roof in the house, if it has not been insulated, the house will lose on average up to a quarter of the generated heat. Therefore, you need to be wise when choosing a thermal insulation material.
To simplify installation, it is better to choose slabs that match the available distance between the rafters. Otherwise, areas will be formed through which cold will pass, which will significantly reduce the quality of insulation.
In the case of using rolled insulation, their width must also be selected based on the distance between the rafters.
In total, insulation can be chosen from a large number of options, each of which has its positive and negative sides:
- Glass wool. This material is relatively cheap and very easy to install. It has excellent thermal insulation properties. However, glass wool should be used exclusively in conjunction with some kind of waterproofing, since if moisture gets on it, it loses most of its insulating properties.
- Mineral wool. It has almost identical properties as glass wool, but its service life is much longer and is almost 50 years.
- Basalt slabs. This material is highly resistant to fire. However, similarly with glass wool, it loses its properties if it gets wet.
- Styrofoam. It is one of the most affordable insulation materials, but at the same time it is very effective. It is produced in the form of slabs of different sizes, which makes it possible to use it for arranging almost any type of roof. The main disadvantages of this material are its fragility, as well as susceptibility to rodent habitat.
- Expanded clay. Its main advantages are environmental friendliness as well as fire resistance. In addition, this material is resistant to various biological influences. However, its use is possible only on horizontal surfaces due to its shape. At the same time, expanded clay has a greater weight than mineral wool.
- Polyurethane foam. It is a liquid insulation with a very low thermal conductivity. It is sprayed onto a previously prepared waterproofing. Indispensable for quick and easy thermal insulation. (Read about roof insulation with polyurethane foam here).
Features of flat roof insulation
In this case, the emphasis is on the use of bulk heat insulators and liquid waterproofing. As for the first, not expanded clay with sawdust should be used, but special lightweight materials like expanded polystyrene crumbs, penoizol or foam glass. But the main feature lies in the structural solution - the creation of a special hatch under the roof covering in the form of a niche 15-20 cm thick. This space is completely filled up with an insulator. Outside, the flat, warm roof structure is covered with molten bitumen using a gas burner. A completely sealed roof deck is formed, which will provide hydro and vapor barrier.