What heating is better in a private house - consider possible options and methods

Basic cottage heating options

When planning the construction of a private house or moving from a city apartment to a country cottage, we estimate not only the size of the initial construction or renovation costs, but also the cost of maintaining such housing.
And it differs significantly from the cost of operating a city apartment. And one of the main cost items here is heating costs.

Consider and compare the main available options for organizing heating in a cottage.

comparison of cottage heating options

Electric heating

electric heating of a private house

The advantage of an electric boiler is its ease of installation and a small number of permits. This boiler practically does not need maintenance. Electric heating is suitable for areas where natural gas is not available.

Electric heating is an environmentally friendly form of energy. It can be carried out using infrared heaters, using electric underfloor heating, using oil heaters, electric boilers of various designs. To convert electrical energy into heat, for private houses, as a rule, electric convectors are used. Usually it is a metal case, in which a heating element is mounted, which heats the air inside the case.

Warm heated air rising up heats the room. The convectors are equipped with a temperature sensor. These devices are quite expensive, and the level of electricity consumption is quite high. When heating a large area, it is impractical to use them. The water heating system using electric heaters does not differ from systems in which boilers operating on other types of fuel are used.

Electricity will be the best heating for a private house if the house is small, if you have nightly electricity rates, if there is no gas and there is no desire to use coal.

The main options for heating a cottage 1. Main gas

This solution seems to be the simplest, but it can only be so if the site is initially gasified. Otherwise, the cost of laying the pipeline can range from 500 thousand to three million rubles per household: it all depends on the size of the village, the distance of the gas pipeline and other conditions.

Actually, gas is still the cheapest type of fuel in Russia, but the ruble cost of its production is growing, and world prices are tending to decline. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the situation for a long time. We proceed from the assumption that an adequate calculation of the cost of heating involves an analysis of costs for some fairly long period of time, taking into account repair and operating costs. In particular, for a country house, it is advisable to consider a 50-year period of operation.

We will assume that for heating a two-story cottage with an area of ​​300 m2 with a kitchen, an automatic boiler with a capacity of 15 kW is needed.

The cost of such equipment from well-known manufacturers today is about 30,000 rubles. It needs to be changed once every 10 years, that is, in 50 years, at today's prices, 150,000 rubles will "run over". Taking into account the cost of annual maintenance (approximately 5,000 rubles) - 400,000 rubles, or 8,000 rubles. in year.

With the cost of main gas 5.14 rubles / m3 (for the Moscow region) and the specific heat of combustion of 33,500 kJ / m3, the cost of 1 kW * h of heat will be no more than 59 kopecks (taking into account the actual efficiency of the boiler, which is approximately 92%) ... During the heating season, which, for example, in the Moscow region officially lasts 215 days, for a cottage with an area of ​​300 m2, the heat demand will be 85,000 kWh, which will cost about 50,300 rubles. Total, taking into account operating costs, we get 58,300 rubles.

In total, in the general case, we get 58,300 rubles. per year (provided that gas has already been supplied to the village).

Types of pipe routing

Much depends on a well-chosen layout. There are 3 options: one-pipe, two-pipe and collector. It is necessary to understand in detail each method in order to determine which one is better in a particular case.

One pipe system

Its essence lies in the fact that all radiators are connected in series to one pipe. Thus, before reaching the last battery, the coolant must heat all the previous ones.

one-pipe heating

It is worth looking at the advantages and disadvantages of a one-pipe system. As always,
dignity first:

  • it is easy to design such a system,
  • easy installation,
  • relatively low equipment costs,
  • quick installation compared to other options.

However, one must also see the disadvantages:

  • uneven heating of all rooms - in the first it is hot, and in the last it is cool,
  • the elements are highly dependent on each other,
  • inefficiency of a large number of radiators on one riser,
  • the heat in each battery is not regulated.

As you can see, this option is economical in terms of installation and is suitable for a room with a small area.

Two-pipe system

This method differs from the first in that 2 pipes are connected to each radiator. A heated coolant flows through one of them, and through the other, the cooled one returns back to the boiler.

two-pipe heating

Here, too, you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the system.
The pros are:

  • when it becomes necessary to temporarily suspend the operation of one element of the system (for example, a radiator), then the rest of the line will be able to function further,
  • both the first and the last radiator heat up equally, which makes it possible to evenly heat the entire room,
  • the temperature in each room is conveniently regulated.

Such efficiency of the system complicates some aspects of its organization:

  • more difficult to do editing,
  • it is not easy to independently design such a system,
  • more expensive equipment.

To summarize, it becomes clear that this wiring method is more convenient to use, economical and efficient. Although installation will cost more than a one-pipe system.

Collector wiring

The collector looks like a comb to which various heating equipment is connected. The heated coolant is supplied from the boiler to the collector. He distributes the coolant to different heating devices separately. Thus, a liquid of the same temperature is supplied to each radiator.

collector heating

In this case, it is also necessary to closely consider the advantages and disadvantages.
If we talk about the pros, then they include the following points:

  • if you do everything according to the instructions, then the installation is quite simple,
  • thanks to the collector, each heating device is regulated and switched off separately,
  • the number of pipe joints is significantly reduced, which eliminates the likelihood of leakage,
  • convenient repair of each element of the system.

The only thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages of such a wiring is the cost of the equipment. However, the convenience and savings that this system provides will quickly pay off all your investment.

The main options for heating a cottage 2. Gas tank

If there is no main gas, you can store liquefied gas.Many do this, although this method assumes that a huge container with explosive liquefied gas will be constantly buried on your site. At a minimum, this requires a fairly large fenced area where nothing can be planted or built, and special security measures. In addition, an accessible source of liquefied gas is required with the possibility of delivery to the site.

The cost and efficiency of boilers for liquefied gas are approximately the same as for mains. The installation of the gas tank will cost about 400,000 rubles. In terms of 50 years, we get 800,000 rubles, or 16,000 rubles. in year.

With the cost of liquefied gas 15 rubles per liter (with delivery within 100 km from a large city) and the specific heat of combustion of a propane-butane mixture of about 12.8 kW * h / l, we get the cost of 1 kW * h of heat at 1.23 rubles, which is equivalent to expenses in the amount of 104 550 rubles. in year.

And taking into account the cost of operation - 120 550 rubles. in year.

Types of water heating systems

Now let's look at the options for installing water heating. As in the case of the circulation method, we have a simpler and cheaper option, inferior in technical characteristics to the more complicated and costly one.

One-pipe heating systems

The first - simple and cheap - is a one-pipe water heating system at home, in which the liquid will pass sequentially through all pipes, radiators and other heating devices, if they are in the chain, and return to the boiler through the return pipe. This option is better suited, again, for a small room.

The disadvantage of such systems is the impossibility of their competent balancing. The first appliance is always hot, the last one is always warm.

Two-pipe heating systems

For rooms with a larger area, it is better to opt for a more advanced two-pipe system. In this case, the bottom connection of the radiators will be used. But such a heating gasket will become really perfect if you connect a circulation pump. Otherwise, it will be difficult to heat distant rooms.

In addition, it is possible to reduce the rate of liquid cooling in the system by installing special bypasses for each of the batteries, as well as regulators of the liquid supply to a separate radiator.

The difference between a two-pipe water heating system is the laying of a solid pipe to the furthest of the radiators, from which branching is made to intermediate heating devices. Thus, having passed through the entire heating system, the coolant returns to the boiler through a special return pipe, which makes it possible to evenly distribute heat transfer throughout the room.

Of course, the main disadvantage of such heating is its high cost and complexity of installation, but the comfort that you get in return is worth it.

Radiant heating system

The two above-described types of laying heating pipes are representatives of the perimeter method. But there is an alternative - ray. With such a laying, pipes are supplied separately to each radiator: one, through which the coolant enters the heater, the other is reverse. Such a system allows you to adjust a comfortable temperature regime in each of the premises of the house. In addition, if one of the radiators or pipes breaks down, there is no need to turn off all heating, it is enough to do this only in the desired area.

In view of the large number of pipes during the installation of the beam system, all communications are mounted directly into the floor or walls, which has a beneficial effect on the interior of the house.

It is most optimal to use the pump circulation of the coolant when radial laying.

The main options for heating a cottage 3. Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel is preferable to use in remote settlements, as it is usually easier to buy and deliver to the site. In addition, you can transport it yourself.The efficiency of a diesel boiler is several percent lower, it costs a little more (a 15-kilowatt boiler, about 40,000 rubles), and lasts a little longer - up to 15 years. An underground fuel tank with a supply system and installation will cost about 200,000 rubles. In addition, a diesel boiler is dependent on electricity: with frequent blackouts, you will have to take care of buying a generator. We will consider the cost of service to be approximately the same everywhere - 5,000 rubles. in year. If we operate with these figures, then the operating costs for 50 years at current prices will amount to 610,000 rubles. or 12 200 rubles. in year. The cost of diesel fuel for boiler houses, taking into account delivery, will be taken equal to 36 rubles. per liter (varies by region). The specific heat of its combustion is 10.3 kW * h / l. Those. the cost of 1 kW * h of heat, taking into account the efficiency of diesel boilers, will be 3.93 rubles, and the cost of the heating season - 333,800 rubles.

Taking into account operating costs - 346,000 rubles. in year.

The main options for heating a cottage 4. Solid fuel

In this capacity, firewood, pellets (briquettes) or coal can be used. However, you need to understand that a solid fuel boiler is not fully automatic. This means that someone must constantly work as a fireman. In the case of pellet boilers, the level of automation is higher, but the level of danger of fuel ignition is also higher.

Basic cottage heating options

This must be taken into account when using coal-fired boilers. Therefore, in both cases, additional security measures will be required. The cost of equipment varies greatly. For example, a 15-kilowatt boiler with manual loading will cost about 25,000 rubles, but the prospect of constantly running into the boiler room and throwing firewood or coal by hand is unlikely to smile at you. A boiler with automatic fuel supply can cost from 100,000 (pellet) to 200,000 rubles. (carbonic). True, they all serve for 20-25 years.

As a result, the operation of a wood-burning boiler will cost 6250 rubles. per year, automatic pellet - at 10,000, and automatic coal - at 15,000 (all - taking into account the cost of annual maintenance).

The cost of fuel depends significantly on the region. For example, in the Moscow region, 1 cubic meter (on average 650 kg) of birch firewood at a wholesale price today will cost 1,400 rubles. (we believe that when ordering a large volume at once, delivery will be free), coal of acceptable quality - 6,000 rubles. per ton, fuel briquettes - about the same price.

If we assume that the specific heat of combustion of firewood is approximately 3.4 kW * h / kg, coal - 7.5 kW * h / kg and briquettes - 5.6 kW * h / kg; that the efficiency of a wood boiler is approximately 75%, and that of an automatic boiler is 80%; then we get the cost of 1 kW * h of heat, respectively equal to 0.84, 0.64 and 0.85 rubles. (firewood, coal and briquettes). That is, heating with wood will cost 71,400 rubles a year, and 54,060 rubles with coal. and briquettes - 72 420 rubles.

And taking into account operating costs: firewood - 77 650 rubles. in year; coal - 69,060 rubles. in year; briquettes - 82 420 rubles. in year.

Coal heating, as we can see, is cheaper than heating with other types of solid fuel, but firewood in 2020 has become more profitable than briquettes. But any solid fuel comes out more expensive than main gas.

The main options for heating a cottage 5. Electric boiler

The cost of an automatic electric boiler of the power we need (30 kW) will be about 50 thousand rubles (it will have to be changed every 10 years). You will also have to pay extra for additional input capacity, which is at least 10 thousand rubles per kilowatt (we take into account the most reasonable prices on the market). The total cost of connection will be 300 thousand rubles.

The cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity in the Moscow region is 4.81 rubles / kW * h, the boiler efficiency is 99%. In total, we get the annual cost of heating - 413,000 rubles.

And taking into account the cost of equipment - 424,000 rubles. in year.



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