How to connect a thermostat to a gas boiler

Where and where to connect the wires on the gas boiler?

To connect the thermostat from the terminal block of the boiler to the Dry Contact contacts, you need to connect two conductors.

According to the instructions, the recommended cross-section of copper conductors is at least 0.75mm2.

The cable length to the place where the thermostat is installed must not exceed 50 meters.

Look for the necessary terminals on the boiler itself in the manufacturer's instructions, or be guided by the inscriptions on the blocks.

These terminals are most often located on the back of the control board.

However, sometimes manufacturers take them out of the board.

Some installers, during installation, connect a cable here and bring it out so that the consumer does not climb to the board in the future and does not confuse something there. Since the thermostat has not yet been installed, the cable ends are short-circuited.

By the way, be careful with this remote block. Some consumers faced the problem of factory wire entanglement, such as Protherm (Proterm).

As a result, everything started to work as it should, only with the reverse connection.

Initially, there is a jumper between the terminals. If the jumper is broken, the gas boiler will simply stop working.

When the thermostat is connected, the factory jumper is dismantled and a cable is put in its place, laid to the place where the thermostat is installed. Most importantly, there is no need to change any internal settings on the boiler.

A low voltage control pulse (usually 24V) is supplied through these contacts.

We have a control device (thermostat) and a slave (boiler). Between them, a set of requests-responses is constantly being transmitted over a low-current line.

The principle of operation here is simple - by closing the dry contact, we thereby enable the operation of the boiler, by opening it, we interrupt the data transmission and prohibit it. Closing and opening occurs through the thermostat relay, depending on the set temperature on the device and comparing the current indicators in the room.

When triggered, the burner is switched off first, then after a certain interval (pump run-on time) and the circulation pump. Although in different models, the pump operation algorithm may differ.

One of the algorithm variants

It is not advisable for the pump to turn off immediately after the thermostat has tripped. In this case, set the overrun from 5 to 10 minutes in the menu. Then the entire heating system will cool down evenly and the time intervals for the automatic operation will increase.

On expensive models that support the OpenTherm protocol, a remote programmer can be used to control many of the built-in parameters of the boiler, and not just turn it on and off.

Here are illustrative examples of where to connect the thermostat for different boiler models:

BaxiBoschElectroluxVaillantJunkersBuderusViessmanFerroliAtronAlpha CalorImmergas

What happens if the thermostat fails? How will the boiler behave in this case?

It all depends on the position in which the dry contact remains. If closed, nothing bad will happen. The boiler will simply start operating according to its last preset program.

If open, the heating will not start and will not work.

Please note that the thermostat does not affect the operation of the burner in hot water mode.

The voltage of 220V is applied to the power contacts of the thermostat - phase and zero (L and N).This can be done either from a separate outlet or distribution box, or taken directly from the boiler itself.

On a regulator with dry contacts, it does not matter where to start the phase or zero, but on models for electric underfloor heating, this plays a significant role in the issue of operational safety.

Since if the connection is incorrect, only the neutral conductor will break, and the phase will constantly be on duty on the heating cable.

Mechanical or electronic thermostat

By the way, for a gas boiler, you can use another simpler type of regulator, which does not even have to be supplied with a voltage of 220V. For example, Termec Emmeti mechanical thermostat or other similar models.

Here is the "usual" Termec wiring diagram.

You only need to use normally closed contacts 1 and 3, completely eliminating the 220V change (L and N).

The built-in sensor will open and close the internal contact when the temperature in the room changes. He does not need any food. In this case, the entire logic of the heating operation is similar to that discussed earlier.

Just remember that almost all mechanical models have a very large hysteresis. You cannot create a comfortable room temperature with their help.

Therefore, whenever possible, choose electronic devices with a WiFi connection. Fortunately, in our time, the Chinese can find very decent and inexpensive options.

For example, such as this one (thousands of satisfied customers and positive reviews).

More details

Some models have contacts labeled NO (normally open), NC (normally closed), and COM (common). Someone advises to connect through them, namely through NC and COM.

However, be careful, the thermostat is the thermostat, and always read the instructions. Through them, an alternating voltage of 220V can also be supplied, and thereby you start a phase on the control board where you do not need it.

Here's a prime example of these multifunctional Fluoreon and Beok controls.

On multifunctional devices, the room temperature is also determined using the built-in temperature sensor.

However, they have terminals on the body for connecting and external (Sensor). It is most often used for underfloor heating.

Place of installation

As you know, the air temperature in a room with traditional heating systems on radiators warms up unevenly. It is lower near the floor, higher under the ceiling.

Based on the presence of a built-in temperature sensor in the thermostats, their installation height is regulated.

Such thermostats should be placed at a height of 1.2-1.5 m from the floor level and as far as possible from heating sources, including protected from direct sunlight.

It is also not recommended to put thermostats in the hallway or in the kitchen.

Connecting a floor heating thermostat to a gas boiler

Often consumers ask themselves the question, is it possible to use a standard thermostat from heated floors for 220V to work with a gas boiler?

Suddenly you did not find a special thermostat with dry contacts, and you already have a model for warm floors in stock. Such a connection is possible.

However, for this you need to “decouple” the 220V voltage. In most underfloor heating thermostats, it comes to the power terminals and then is removed from the terminals that go to the heating cable. And as mentioned above, when working with a gas boiler, “dry contacts” are used, through which low voltage pulses are transmitted.

If you directly connect the cable from the boiler control board here, you will provoke a short circuit and damage your boiler.

For a safe connection, an intermediate relay or an additional contactor with normally open contacts will have to be added to the circuit.

From the thermostat terminals, instead of the underfloor heating cable, apply 220V voltage to the relay (contactor) coil, and through its normally open contacts (1-2 or 3-4), connect the wires to the gas boiler.

The principle of operation is the same as discussed earlier. However, keep in mind the following feature.

Since this is a thermostat for warm floors, it will most likely work according to the following scheme: air sensor + floor sensor. This means that it will require you to install and set a temperature limit for a floor sensor, which you will not have.

Therefore, in the settings, you will have to untie the floor sensor and leave only the air sensor in operation. How to do this, read the instructions for your model in detail. Different devices may differ.

For example, in Devi Touch, for this you have to break a special jumper on the back side.

In order not to have all these difficulties and problems, it is better to choose the correct thermostat model from the beginning.

Water floor collector thermostat

If there is a water floor heating in some rooms, which can be powered from the same gas boiler, a slightly different type of thermostat is needed. It must be connected to the servos on the manifold.

The reverse side of such a device looks like this.

If your servo is normally closed, then the cable conductors are connected to terminals 1 (Close or NC) and 3 (N-zero or COM). If normally open - 2 (Open or NO) and 3 (N-zero or COM).

The principle of operation is as follows. When a normally open servo is installed in the system and there is an interruption in the supply voltage on the supply cable, the servo opens the duct. In normally closed, the situation is the opposite.

At the same time, do not be confused, this is not some kind of relay or electric magnetic drive, which, when a voltage of 220V is applied, flips and instantly switches to another state. It is a thermoelectric actuator that gradually opens and closes the valve.

Therefore, if you want to test the performance of such a device, do not be surprised that it will not immediately respond to a signal and immediately cut off the flow.

The thermostat power connection is carried out on the L and N strips. The cable for the remote temperature sensor in the floor is connected to the side terminals.

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Installing and connecting the thermostat

The efficiency of the heating system depends on the correct placement of the sensor. There are certain installation guidelines that should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to install the temperature sensor above the floor at a distance of 1.5 m.
  2. Attach the device to the inner partition, as the outer walls of the house are colder.
  3. The thermal sensor does not need to be hidden behind anything; air should circulate freely near it. Also, do not install it in the area of ​​drafts.
  4. The sensor must not be exposed to direct sunlight and must not be placed near radiators or air conditioners.

The correct location of the programmer will save you from errors in work and will allow you to regulate the temperature in the room as correctly as possible.

thermostat adjustment

The connection diagram of the thermostat to a gas boiler depends on the model of the unit. To connect the device, you need to understand the diagram of the gas appliance. It should be in the technical documentation. The diagram has the designation "Room thermostat" (or another, depending on the model), where this device can be connected. The connection is made using the terminals on the unit at the indicated points.

Connect the gas boiler to the thermostat following the recommendations of the manufacturer of the unit. Usually this process does not cause any difficulties, so you can do it yourself. After connecting, make adjustments and check if the thermostat is working properly.

Types of regulators

There are several types of thermostats on sale, which allows you to choose the most suitable model for each specific case. The main classification criterion is functionality. There are devices with one option or with a whole set of them.The equipment can be wired or wireless.

In order for thermostats to work properly, they need a constant supply of air. Do not force appliances with furniture or place them under curtains, paintings or other objects that obstruct the flow of air.

Thermoregulators, like any other equipment, are constantly being improved, new technologies are used to create them.

  1. The room programmer is a compact, handy, portable thermostat. Having installed it at home, you can change the operating modes. There are models in which you can set different temperature conditions for every day.
  2. A central thermostat is a device that is used to regulate the heating system of the whole house. Most often, such devices are installed in living rooms or bedrooms.
  3. The control valves do not respond to the room temperature, but to the temperature of the heating medium in the system. The valve is installed directly into the system itself using a tee. It is less convenient than modern thermostats, but their price is much lower.

To service the heating systems of large private houses, experts recommend buying a thermostat. There are schemes according to which you can make a homemade thermostat. They are not as powerful as commercial equipment, but they are quite suitable for heating one or two rooms.

How it works?

In a standard situation, the boiler plant heats the water to the set temperature and does not react in any way to the fact that it becomes hot or cold in the house after a change in the weather. Even daily fluctuations in outdoor temperature make themselves felt. The regulation of the gas boiler by the coolant is indirect, so that the regulation is direct, it must be carried out according to the air temperature in the premises. For small one-story houses, it is enough to install one room thermostat in the walk-through room to solve the problem.

The simplest thermostat consists of a sensitive element, which is an actuator, and a contact group with a regulator. The thermoelement is a closed capsule (bellows); a mixture of gases is most often pumped into it, less often a liquid. The bottom line is that this filler is sensitive to changes in ambient temperature. When it rises, the gas mixture expands, stretches the bellows and moves the rod that closes the contacts. A drop in temperature causes the reverse process and the contacts open.

The task and principle of operation of the thermostat of a gas boiler is to stop heating the coolant at the moment the required room temperature is reached, and after lowering it to the lower value, resume operation. In the simplest scheme, the thermostat closes two contacts, the wires from which are routed to the heating system and connected to the electromagnetic gas valve.

In the operating position, the latter is constantly open, when the thermostat contacts are closed, voltage is applied to the valve and it closes the fuel path of the main burner, the flame remains only on the igniter. After the temperature in the room has decreased, the voltage is removed from the valve, it opens the gas line and the burner is ignited from the igniter. With this operating scheme, the thermostat is connected to the gas boiler as shown in the figure.

Connecting the thermostat

How to connect the thermostat to the boiler

Types of remote thermostats

To maintain the required temperature in the premises, the following regulators are used:

  • Simple thermostat with manual temperature indicator and wired connection. Supplied with wires up to 30 m long.
  • Regulator with display and programmability complete with connection cables.
  • The same, with built-in GSM - module for communication with a mobile phone.
  • Standalone wireless regulator.
  • External wireless thermostat for a gas boiler, which allows you to control its operation depending on weather conditions.

The latest type of thermostat is used in conjunction with an electronic control unit of the heating system, which has this function. Most of the leading foreign manufacturers provide this opportunity in their products. The weather-dependent controller is connected to special contacts of the controller or communicates with it via a radio module. This method of regulation is considered the most effective, since the boiler plant reacts to a cold snap (or warming) even before the cold penetrates into the house and the temperature in the rooms begins to drop.

Radio controlled thermostat
You can set the required temperature in the house if you put a programmable thermostat for the boiler with a display. Depending on the manufacturer, the electronics of the device can be programmed for a week or more in advance to maintain the required temperature in the house at different times of the day. The function makes it possible to save fuel, since there is no point in fully heating the house when there is no one in it. The same applies to the night time, during sleep, the temperature can be lowered by a few degrees, and by the morning it can be raised again.

A thermostat with a GSM module can send information to your phone using text messages. In gas boilers of leading European and South Korean manufacturers, Wi-Fi modules are installed, with which you can control the operation of the unit via the Internet. Since the controller of such heating installations is connected to a room thermostat, it is possible to remotely change the temperature in the premises of the house through the network.

A novelty has appeared in the boiler equipment of some leading manufacturers. For remote control of all functions of the unit, special applications have been developed that are installed on a smartphone.

Wireless thermostats for boilers are equipped with a built-in radio module for communication with the boiler controller. Ease of use and the absence of long wires are the main advantages of these devices. The disadvantage is that heating systems and thermostats from different manufacturers may not be compatible with each other. Regulators connected to boilers using wires also suffer from the same drawback. The problem arose due to the abundance of various manufacturers of electronics and gas equipment. For this reason, it is necessary to buy the device in consultation with the service specialist of the manufacturer of the boiler and thermostat.

Various additional automation for gas boilers, including thermostats, have an increasing number of functions, their range is constantly expanding. Some models with a large LCD display can not only maintain the temperature in the room, but also control the gas burner device in conjunction with the electronic unit of the boiler. On the display you can see the values ​​of the temperature of the coolant and the outside air, and in the event of an abnormal situation or minor malfunction, an error code will appear on the screen. These electronic devices eliminate the need for frequent visits to the combustion room in order to check the operation of the equipment.

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