Connecting a warm floor to a solid fuel boiler

For a new private house, for a cottage or a summer cottage, equipment of the "warm floor" heating system will become a successful and effective way of heating. The information available today suggests that, in terms of its efficiency, such a heating system for residential premises is quite effective. Water underfloor heating today is becoming more and more popular in private households, given the large selection of technical means, materials and devices necessary for the installation of such a system. The quality of heating in any case depends on the heat source. If there are no special questions with gas and electric boilers during the installation of a warm floor, then a bundle of a solid fuel boiler and underfloor heating will make you tinker.

The main reason lies in the absence of a clear and effective mechanism for adjusting the heating temperature of the coolant. The boiler water temperature, which diverges along the floor heating circuit, must not exceed the permissible parameters. The slightest malfunction of the heating device and on your floor, right in the room, you can cook food. Let's consider the problem from different angles.

Underfloor heating - its efficiency and compatibility with solid fuel boilers

The main advantage that a heated floor has in comparison with other heating methods is the uniform heating area of ​​the internal space. In a room that is equipped with a warm floor, there are practically no warm or cold zones. Heated flooring radiates heat. Warm air currents rise evenly upward, displacing cooler air. Due to natural convection, regular air exchange occurs in the heated room.

Important! In terms of its efficiency, underfloor heating, powered by a solid fuel heater, is only slightly inferior to similar systems powered by gas boilers.

Due to the fact that the temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit for a water underfloor heating is lower than with convection heating, a significant saving of the fuel resource is achieved. In the case of solid fuel boilers, this fact is important. The heated screed is a kind of heat accumulator, which is capable of releasing the accumulated thermal energy into the internal space for a long time. Even when the boiler is stopped, the underfloor heating remains warm for a rather long time.

The proposed video describes in detail and shows the main technical subtleties and nuances that arise during the installation of this heating scheme.

For those who choose a home heating system underfloor heating from a solid fuel boiler, you need to take into account a whole range of nuances and technical aspects. Competent selection of a heating device for the heating system, correct piping and connection, will allow you to get the most expected result from the operation of heating equipment. Solid fuel boilers, due to their high inertia, represent a warm floor for the heating system, a "double-edged sword". On the one hand, it is good when the boiler cools down for a long time and hot coolant continues to flow into the pipeline for some time. This will allow for a while to avoid a rapid drop in temperature inside living quarters.

On the other hand, it is not possible to quickly reduce the heating temperature during the operation of solid fuel boilers.The system is difficult to adjust. It is required to install additional protective devices to compensate for the lack of technological flexibility of heating equipment operating on wood or coal.

The list of disadvantages associated with boiler equipment that runs on wood or coal can be continued:

  • the need for regular loading of the next batch of fuel (at least at least once a day);
  • cleaning and cleaning of the boiler is carried out manually, which will also take a lot of time;
  • the need to store a certain stock of coal or firewood in the immediate vicinity of the fuel unit;
  • regular checking of the chimney's performance and the state of ventilation in the house;
  • a sharp drop in the efficiency of the heating system due to a decrease in the boiler power.

On a note: The last point for underfloor heating is not so relevant, recalling the ability of a concrete screed to play the role of a heat accumulator.

Despite the obvious difficulties, the water floor in a country house, powered by a solid fuel unit, has its positive aspects. The first place here is - autonomy. For a country house, such a plus in the heating system is, if not the most important, then the key. The economy and efficiency of heating units operating on wood, woodworking waste, coal or fuel briquettes are also important aspects that should be paid attention to.

Choosing an electric boiler

In households and apartment buildings, where an autonomous heating system is being set up, an electric boiler will be required for the "warm floor" to function.

When deciding on its purchase, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters:

  1. Functionality... This is an important characteristic, since it is not always possible to connect a warm floor to an electric boiler. There are appliances that are not intended for floor heating systems. They have to be modified, which will require financial costs.
  2. Power... Before choosing a unit, you need to calculate the area of ​​the rooms and compare it with the performance of the electric boiler. Low-power appliances will not be able to cope with the heating of a large property.
  3. Company - manufacturer... German, Czech and Russian products have proven themselves well. In addition, Italian units are popular, but they are quite expensive.

choice of a boiler for underfloor heating

When a warm floor from an electric boiler is equipped with their own hands, it is advisable for a property owner to contact a consultant or a familiar specialist for help when buying a heating device. The seller of heating equipment can calculate the capacity of the unit and select the model that is suitable for a specific heating system.

Methods for connecting a solid fuel boiler to a floor heating system

Solving the main problem

The main problem is that the majority of solid fuel heating devices used in private houses lack the automation that we are accustomed to when operating gas or electric units. In most models, the boiler is stopped in a semi-automatic mode, the blower is closed, the boiler is extinguished. Is this principle of operation of a heating boiler suitable for underfloor heating to work effectively in the house?

From a technological point of view, a warm floor is the equipment for which there is a fundamental limitation on the heating temperature. Overheating of the floor will lead to the fact that you will have to forget about the comfort in the house for a while. A working boiler produces an order of magnitude more heat energy than is needed to supply the heating circuit. The problem can be partially solved by installing a mixing valve or an electric pump in the system, which will circulate the hot coolant through the pipes.However, in this case, the main advantage of solid-fuel devices, their autonomy, is lost.

For reference: the recommended temperature of the floor surface in residential premises should not exceed 29-30 0 C. The maximum threshold of 33 degrees is allowed in bathrooms, in toilets, where the flooring is usually made of tiled or ceramic tiles.

Situations in winter are not uncommon when, in case of bad weather, the power supply of residential buildings is disrupted. In such a situation, stopping the circulation pump threatens not only overheating of the heating device, but also the destruction of the main components and elements of the heating system. The restoration of the power supply will lead to the fact that the overheated coolant will again begin to flow into the heating circuit, which is not able to withstand such temperatures. As a result, a breakthrough and failure of the entire heating system. What this is fraught with, you can imagine!

In order to protect yourself from such troubles, it is better to equip an autonomous heating system with additional devices for removing excess heat energy. It will not be possible to extinguish the boiler immediately and it will not be possible to immediately reduce the heating temperature, especially at night. Additional devices can do this work for you.

Method one. Connecting heating radiators

Important! Without installing a three-way valve (usually 3-8 pieces according to the number of circuits), the operation of your heating system will constantly be at risk. The mixing unit, equipped with three-way valves, will be able to solve the problem of cooling the heated coolant at the right time.

Having at our disposal a wood-fired heating boiler for underfloor heating, it is enough to install additional heating radiators in the house. The main task that is assigned to them is to compensate for the excess heat coming from a working heating device. The hot coolant will circulate freely through the batteries, giving off excess heat energy. Usually, 1-2 radiators are installed for this purpose, in rooms that are periodically visited by the inhabitants of the house (corridor, basement room, dressing rooms).

What boilers can be combined with a warm floor?

The best boiler for floor heating is an electric boiler. Moreover, regardless of whether it is a heating element, induction or electrode. It has optimum efficiency even at low power levels. In a small house, such equipment can be connected directly to the underfloor heating system. In large rooms, it is better to make the connection using a special distribution and mixing unit.

Underfloor heating or radiators - which is better in a private house? Our special article.

The boiler works automatically and practically does not need human control. It is easy to install and easy to maintain.

Autonomous circulation group Isoterm Watts 44.02.070

You can also use condensate gas boilers, which can work effectively with a slight heating of the coolant. But conventional gas units require the installation of a mixing unit, in which control elements will be provided. This is a great option for combining radiator heating and underfloor heating systems.

Solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers are not the best option, although they can also be used to organize a floor heating system. They require the installation of a mixing unit with thermometers, controllers and other additional equipment. Yes, and it is very difficult to debug the desired temperature with their help - either they give out too hot a coolant, then too cold.

Principles of technology for connecting a warm floor to the heating system

Advice! To cope with this, a heat storage device should be purchased and installed. But this is not a cheap device.

Choosing a solid fuel boiler for a warm floor

Having decided for yourself to create maximum comfort and coziness in the house with the help of a solid fuel boiler and a "warm floor" heating system, you should not build any special illusions. This circuit is so sensitive and gentle to work, so you will need constant attention and control to the operating equipment.

In order to at least somehow facilitate your task in the future, you must strictly treat the choice of a solid fuel unit.

It is possible to use a traditional wood-fired unit, only then you will have to spend more time on its maintenance. The situation looks better with boiler equipment equipped with an automated fuel supply mechanism. Pellet solid fuel apparatuses are good in this regard. By installing a pellet hopper next to the heating unit, you can free up a lot of time for yourself.

For example: loading the bunker, on average 1-2 m3 with fuel in the form of pellets, will allow a 50 kW boiler to work without interruption for almost a week. The heating system is practically protected from defrosting during your long absence.

To balance the disadvantages characteristic of traditional solid fuel units, pyrolysis-type boilers will allow.

Even with manual loading, you only need to fully load the unit firebox 1-2 times. The duration of fuel burning in the furnace, the presence of a heat accumulator in the system, the physical properties of the concrete screed in the complex will provide the necessary and comfortable temperature inside the living quarters.

Design and principle of operation

The pellet boiler consists of a fuel hopper, automation and burner. Pellets are delivered through an external screw to the pre-furnace, and from it through an internal screw they are fed to the burner nozzle. After the granules hit the nozzle, there is automatic ignition and the supplied pellets are burned completely.

In terms of calorific value, combustion of 1 kg of pellets is comparable to half a liter of diesel fuel and is 5 kW / h. If we compare it with wood, then due to the high density of the pellets, their combustion occurs much more efficient and productive, excluding the possibility of spontaneous combustion. In addition, ash cleaning can be done much less frequently, reducing this process to once a week. By using pellets as fuel, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are reduced, which leads to a decrease in the greenhouse effect.

Installation of a pellet boiler requires compliance some rules thanks to which it will be possible to avoid possible alterations during its operation:

  • it is more advisable to install the boiler in a separate room, for example, a basement or an annex;
  • the floor covering in the boiler room must be made of ceramic tiles or concrete;
  • there must be enough free space in the room that will be used as a boiler room to be able to carry out repairs and maintenance of the boiler;
  • the room should be dry, well ventilated, with a constant temperature within +10 0 C.

An important indicator for any type of boiler equipment is its Efficiency... In order to more clearly understand the efficiency of a pellet boiler, let us compare it with other equipment used to heat a house. So the efficiency of wood is within 35%, natural gas - 87.1%, electric energy is 97%, and burned pellets in the range from 86% to 93%, depending on the model of the pellet boiler.

Automatic control mode

Pellet granules are stored in free-standing bunkerwhich is connected to the combustion chamber. Automation allows you to set a weekly program for feeding pellets into the boiler.In addition, according to the established program, the automation will turn on or off the burner, which saves fuel consumption and maintains the specified temperature regime depending on the time of day. Control can be done either with the remote control or using the buttons on the display.

The hopper with a volume of 200 to 300 liters provides continuous operation of the boiler for three days. For uninterrupted operation of the average boiler power in the range of 25 kW, the daily rate is 5 kg. It is possible to install an external hopper, which will significantly increase the volume of pellet loading, thereby increasing the operating time of the boiler without your intervention. Responsible for the operation of the burner control system, pellets are fed into the combustion chamber in small batches, which excludes the possibility of overheating. If you need to turn off the boiler, then after pressing the function button, its operation will automatically stop after 5-10 minutes, which is required for the complete combustion of the loaded batch of pellets.

Using an electrode boiler

Electrode type electric boiler is not intended for connection to underfloor heating systems. But with the construction of the appropriate piping or the refinement of the structure of the utility network, such a heater is capable of showing excellent results.

Electrode electric boilers are characterized by high power and have a minimum heating medium heating characteristic. It is 60 degrees, which may be an excessive indicator for the operation of the heating system.

To create a comfortable atmosphere in a house or apartment, the electrode electric boiler is connected to the warm floor in accordance with this option:

  • it is imperative to use a mixing device that will reduce the temperature of the coolant;
  • paired with a mixing device on the floor comb, a tank with a coolant supply is used, which works as a heat stabilizer;
  • for the operation of the mixing device, depending on the scheme of its connection and the principle of operation, a separate circulation pump may be needed to exchange liquid with a heat compensator tank.

The given connection system does not take up much space and works quite efficiently.

For those who prefer versatile and rational solutions, it is recommended to use indirect heating boilers. In this case, the electrode boiler will be connected to the heat exchanger. Heating system - use the contents of the boiler. The task of the electric boiler in this case is to raise the temperature of the water in the heating tank by 10-20% above the required temperature of the coolant.

When using indirect heating boilers for underfloor heating, high stability of the system is achieved. The increased capacity allows the main heater to also operate in a less loaded mode. After bringing the entire volume of the coolant to the required temperature, the electric boiler goes into shutdown mode, where it stays for a sufficiently long time until the liquid in the circuit cools down.

Environmental Safety

Thanks to special design of pellet boilers, nothing threatens the ecology of your premises. In them, the circuit through which the air is supplied for complete combustion of the fuel is located separately from the circuit through which the room is heated. Due to this design, there is no "burnout»Oxygen and therefore you will always feel comfortable. Some users additionally take air from the boiler room, thereby dehumidifying and ventilating it. In addition, to advantages a pellet boiler includes the following factors:

  • energy saving and low noise fan, is able to provide uniform efficient circulation of warm air;
  • low power consumption, within 60 watts, for the operation of automation and fan;
  • small volume of ash and soot, in comparison with solid fuel boilers;
  • the boiler drum does not heat up, therefore, it is absolutely safe for animals and small children;
  • implementation automatic fuel loading from the bunker;
  • intelligent control system, timer and thermostat control and ensure continuous operation of the boiler, depending on the set program.

Requirements for installing a warm floor with an electric boiler

Installing underfloor heating systems to electric boilers is not as difficult as to gas equipment.

The advantages of choosing an electric boiler:

  • during installation, there is no need to arrange a place for equipment. The boiler has compact dimensions, thanks to which it can be installed almost anywhere, and a wide range of models will satisfy any interior design solution. If necessary, the equipment can be installed in a niche or hidden behind a hanging cabinet;
  • electric boilers, unlike gas ones, do not require additional ventilation and a chimney, they are safe for health;
  • if installed by a professional, then he will install an electric boiler faster than a gas one;
  • when installing an electric boiler, permission from special services (boiler supervision) is not required. The user will not be bothered by constant checks on compliance with safety regulations, so there is no reason for conflict and inconvenient situations.

In order for the device to work optimally, you need to connect a heat storage tank. This is necessary to heat an additional reservoir of water at night, because the cost for electricity is lower - the water heats up, and the heat is used during the day.

Gradually, the coolant in the main tank loses its temperature, and with the help of a circulation pump, heated liquid is supplied from an additional tank, so the set temperature is maintained in the room.

Such containers, depending on their size, are capable of independently providing heat to a room for 3-4 hours, sometimes it is possible up to two days. It is important to install this device where there are frequent power outages. Installing a warm floor from an electric boiler, as mentioned earlier, is quite simple, but you need to treat the process carefully and carefully.

Installation diagram. Photo source:

If the owner wants to install this equipment at home, but is poorly versed in electrics, then you should seek professional help and do not install the equipment yourself.

How is the equipment installed?

  1. Pour in antifreeze. This will reduce electricity costs by about 5-10 percent. Less commonly, salt water (distilled) is used instead of antifreeze liquid.
  2. The boiler is connected to the electricity network according to the connection scheme specified in the instructions, while the connection between the equipment should be displayed on the switchboard.
  3. Additional equipment is installed: a reservoir and a residual current device (RCD). These devices protect against burnout during a strong power surge.
  4. For boilers with high power, a three-phase network must be installed. This should be done by a competent professional electrician.
  5. Install temperature sensors. The presence of these devices reduces energy consumption by 5-15%. The thermostat is needed so that the boiler does not work unnecessarily when the room is heated to the desired temperature.

When installing electric boilers, as well as for installations of this type, it is necessary to comply with safety requirements:

  • cables must be insulated with the required cross-section;
  • the cable should be laid in a channel special for it;
  • mandatory presence of grounding.

It is worth noting that the installation and connection of all devices must be done carefully, there should be no open sections of the cable and bare wires. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of the heat exchanger body using a phase sample for the coolant. Of course, it is possible that such protection is already in the boiler design, but it is better to play it safe and secure yourself.

Outcome With proper installation, careful use and installation of additional equipment, the service life of the underfloor heating system is extended. The construction of water-heated floors is made in such a way that heating is distributed comfortably and evenly, in contrast to the use of radiators.

The use of an electric boiler system for a warm water floor is economical and practical. The unit will operate regardless of the availability of general heating in the house, which is very convenient between seasons.

When choosing electrical equipment, it is necessary to rely on basic criteria and use the help of qualified employees, if necessary, they will help you choose an electric boiler correctly, taking into account the power and country of the manufacturer. The equipment can be installed either independently or by contacting professionals, they will do everything quickly and efficiently.

Disadvantages of pellet boilers

Speaking about the advantages of this type of solid fuel boilers, it is worth mentioning their disadvantages.

  • despite the fact that pellets are made from wood waste, the unit of heat released will cost more when compared with wood-fired boiler equipment;
  • storage of pellets is required in a dry room, since under the influence of moisture they begin to swell and fall apart, which causes the augers to clog
  • to work offline in remote suburban areas you will need to purchase a generator and additional equipment, what can make purchasing a pellet boiler an expensive pleasure;
  • pellet consumption per month can be about 1 ton... Knowing the price of pellets in your region, it is not difficult to calculate how much it will cost you to heat a country house in winter. As practice shows, your costs will be comparable to the use of electric boilers and exceed the costs if you use natural gas as fuel.

Pellet boiler reviews

A year ago, I installed a KST-25 boiler with a 14/40 kW burner installed. The decision to switch to a pellet boiler came after we received bills for electricity for October in the amount of 15,000 rubles. Since we have problems with the purchase of pellets from shavings or wood chips in our region, and wholesale delivery is carried out only with an order of 20 tons, I began to look for alternative options.

I found an alternative option in the form of sunflower husk, which cost me 1,500 rubles per ton. Over the winter, I spent 14 thousand rubles to maintain the optimal temperature in my beauty salon, which I was very pleased with.

Having calculated the economic benefit, I decided to install a pellet boiler at home, but with an increased ash pan volume in order to reduce the time for its maintenance. Now there is a gas boiler at home and its use cost 29 thousand rubles with the same square as in a beauty salon. If I install a pellet boiler, I will reduce my expenses by 15-16 thousand rubles over the winter.

I have been using the Faci pellet boiler for almost a year now. Pleases economical fuel consumption, environmental safety use, quiet operation, excellent design. The purchase has justified itself economically, so now I recommend to my friends to install a pellet boiler of this brand. I clean it twice a week and it does not take much time, the rest is done by automatic equipment.

The only advantages of the Biomaster pellet boiler can be called its environmental friendliness and low cost.It has been operating for more than two years, but during this time it had to be repaired several times. The breakdowns are insignificant, but their elimination also requires spending free time and incurring additional costs. I am not going to completely abandon the use of a pellet boiler, since it is economically profitable, I may just look for a more reliable and improved model that will not break down so often.



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