Expanded clay: what is it?
This building material is a fairly light granules with small pores. They are obtained by firing clay. It can be used both in private houses and in standard apartments located in high-rise buildings. Expanded clay is environmentally safe for human health, as it does not contain synthetic additives and harmful substances that can harm and lead to harmful consequences. It allows air to pass through well, which prevents moisture condensation. Expanded clay insulation (people's reviews allow us to judge its quality), first of all, has good thermal insulation. It also acts as a sound-absorbing and refractory material. It has a high level of frost resistance and is not destroyed by temperature fluctuations. The service life of expanded clay is quite large, in this indicator it has no equal among other materials. It is worth noting that this insulation is not at all afraid of prolonged interaction with hot and cold water. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that after the flood you will have to completely change the subfloor.
Work order
Regardless of how the external insulation of the house from expanded clay blocks will be carried out, the wall must first be prepared. Only after that are the insulation plates mounted. After the installation of sheets or mats, the final part is created: the insulation is either closed with siding cladding, or covered with bricks.
The common part for both options is the following work:
- Preparing the walls.
- Vapor barrier.
- Glue application.
- Laying of heat insulator plates.
- Fastening plates.
Walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks are cleaned of dust, dirt, and plastered. Plaster is the most suitable type of intermediate layer, it will adhere very well to the surface of the blocks, since it is close to them in its composition. Then the plaster is covered with a primer. This is necessary for high-quality retention of the insulation.
The vapor permeability of expanded clay concrete blocks, especially dense varieties, is one of the lowest among building materials. So, practically no condensate will collect in them.
If you use more plaster: from the inside and outside of the house, then you will not have to worry about dampness inside such a wall. All that remains is the task of retaining heat, and you can immediately prepare for the application of thermal insulation.
Prepare the glue strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Glue is chemistry, and chemistry loves precision and accuracy. The glue is first applied to the insulation, for example, polyurethane foam boards. After that, a slide is made around the perimeter and in the center of the slab.
Slabs should be laid from the bottom corner, usually starting from the left. Lay out the bottom row. The top row is laid according to the principle of laying bricks, shifting the row by half a slab. To do this, you need to have one slab cut in half. It is advisable to measure the length of the wall and shorten the extreme slabs so that you do not have to attach short sections at the corners, this will make it stronger. In order for the glue to harden, it is better to work not with one wall, but to lay around the entire perimeter of the house. Then the upper row of slabs will not move the lower one.
Fastening of cotton wool slabs (glass wool, mineral wool) is done at their joints with dowels-umbrellas or fungi. Of course, you do not need to glue them. But for mineral wool slabs, especially with a thicker 10 cm, you need to create a wooden frame. Such a frame will allow them to hold on better.
- Wind protection.
Thermal protection such as glass wool or rock wool requires wind protection. The air must move in it so that condensation does not accumulate, but at a low speed, otherwise the heat received from the house will be carried away. For this, special membrane films are used, which are on sale. Many of them also protect against moisture. The film is mounted vertically, on the surface of mineral slabs, making overlaps along 10-15 cm.
Types of expanded clay
Expanded clay as insulation is used quite often in construction. However, you need to know that, depending on the scope of application, it is necessary to choose a certain type of material. Typically, there are three main varieties.
The first, sand, is most often added to dry mixes, which are intended to be applied to surfaces in order to create an insulating layer. The maximum size of its granules is 5 mm. Also, this type can be used to create a heat and sound insulation cushion, which is rammed under the main covering.
Please note: a 15 cm layer saves 50% on heating costs.
Expanded clay, as a heater (reviews are mostly only positive), in the form of granules is used not only for floors, but is also widely used for roofs and ceilings. Owners of private houses prefer this faction when it comes to the attic or attic.
Expanded clay in the form of crushed stone is finely crushed gravel. The sizes of the grains are different. Thanks to this, the compacted layer is as functional as possible. Consumer reviews give the right to judge its high quality and properties. Perfectly copes with its main purpose, even in the coldest rooms.
Properties of expanded clay as insulation
The main indicator of this material is the natural clay composition. After high temperature processing, it becomes quite durable and reliable. It is worth noting that by using it in garages and basements, you can forget about such a problem as rodents. With an average cost, it has a long service life. And in comparison, for example, with a tree, it wins significantly, since it does not rot, does not create a favorable environment for insects, is not at all afraid of moisture and even a long stay in water.
The properties of expanded clay, as a heater, are multifunctional both in winter and in summer. It is considered the most versatile material that has a high level of frost resistance and copes well with exposure to high temperatures.
The main property of this material is the complete absence of toxicity. Also, importantly, expanded clay does not create a favorable environment for mold, fungus and other pathogenic bacteria. Due to the fact that it does not enter into chemical reactions with aggressive substances, such a coating completely eliminates the likelihood of the formation of harmful vapors that can adversely affect human health.
Scope of expanded clay
The scope of this material is quite large. First of all, it is a common material for floor insulation. It is in this place that it is considered the most ideal and financially acceptable. But for comparison: expanded clay as wall insulation (reviews help to conclude that this method is unprofitable) is rarely used. Some might say that manufacturers have now developed special underfloor heating. And so it is. However, their cost is quite high, which makes this option practically inaccessible. But expanded clay, on the contrary, is easy to install and at a price is suitable for any family with an average income.
Depending on the base of the floor, the appropriate insulation method is selected:
- Reinforced concrete floors. It is recommended to additionally mount a vapor barrier layer on such a surface, which will prevent moisture penetration.After that, the base is poured with a special solution obtained by mixing concrete with expanded clay.
- Warming of the foundation is carried out both outside the structure and inside. To obtain the maximum result, it is necessary to qualitatively fill all the voids.
- Expanded clay as a floor insulation in a wooden house is the most effective. This method will allow not only to reduce heat loss, but also to extend the operational life of the coating.
Wall insulation with expanded clay is also used in construction. Basically, this method is acceptable in newly erected buildings. It consists in using a certain three-layer method, where the main layer consists of capsimet (a mixture of expanded clay with cement milk).
Due to its low weight, this material is widely used for insulating roofs, attics, attics. This method will not lead to an increase in the load on the foundation and, as a result, will not require additional financial costs for strengthening. Expanded clay as a ceiling insulation is used in a peculiar way, that is, from the side of the attic, by the method of floor insulation. The main advantage of this option is the absence of leaks and the formation of mold.
Warming of earthen soil is also quite relevant, it is very often used in greenhouses for growing seedlings, seedlings, etc.
The choice of expanded clay for wall insulation
Heat loss through the enclosing structures of a private house is one of the main factors by which heating is calculated.
To reduce the significant costs of using energy resources (gas, firewood or liquid fuel), the walls are insulated with expanded clay - a material that is used as insulation due to its durability and affordable price. Almost the only drawback of this option is the increase in construction time.
The advantages of choosing expanded clay as a filler for enclosing structures include:
- manufacturing from natural materials is a feature that makes the insulation safe and environmentally friendly;
- porosity of the structure, providing a high level of heat and sound insulation;
- resistance to external influences and durability;
- immunity to temperature extremes, due to the filling of expanded clay granules with air.
In addition, expanded clay granules have a high fire resistance, obtained by firing, and a small mass. The hard shell gives the material additional resistance to moisture, fungus, insects and rodents.
One of the popular ways to insulate walls with expanded clay involves the creation of a three-layer frame of the house.
The main (internal) part with a thickness of 40 cm and more is made of expanded clay concrete elements of various sizes - a durable building material with a high degree of thermal insulation.
Due to its composition, expanded clay concrete has also received high strength, which allows it to be used instead of ordinary bricks, foam and aerated concrete.
The hardened mixture allows for a structure that is both rigid and minimizes the heat loss of the building.
A small mass of frozen capscement practically does not increase the load on the foundation of the house and does not require its strengthening.
The last, outer layer is designed to protect the insulation and enhance the aesthetic characteristics of the building. Usually it is made of clinker bricks, wood or "lining". Fiber cement boards, granite and aluminum panels can be used for this.
In addition to the often used option with 3 layers, other methods are used in the construction of private houses. One of them, a lightweight well, involves the following actions:
- erection of two parallel brick walls, the thickness of which reaches 1/2 brick, and the distance is 140–340 mm;
- creation of special lintels across the walls - the distance between them should be 600–1200 m;
- pouring expanded clay into the formed cavities, ramming it and adding "cement milk" every half a meter in height.
The technique differs from the popular method by the presence of lintels, a different composition of the aggregate and walls. The next option provides for almost the same actions - from the creation of parallel brick enclosing structures to the laying of expanded clay granules as an insulating layer. The differences lie in the use of special embedded elements made of reinforcing brackets or fiberglass.
All of the options described above can be used together with any other materials for the walls of a private house. They are also used in houses built from aerated concrete or aerated concrete.
The device of ventilation gaps helps to increase the reliability of the walls and keep them from excess moisture.
Thermal insulation of wooden walls with expanded clay leads to a number of difficulties. Usually, the tree is protected by mineral wool slabs 100–150 mm thick; when choosing expanded clay granules, this figure will have to be increased by 3-4 times. The weight of a 400 mm layer is too large for a conventional log house, so an additional foundation is arranged on the outside.
Additional costs for the construction of the base of the house lead to an increase in the cost of the entire project.
For this reason, wood insulation with expanded clay is unpopular in the cold regions of the country. It is much more effective and more profitable to use mineral wool. In addition, the correct thickness of the log house makes it possible to sometimes do without insulation.
The costs of creating expanded clay insulation are largely related to the height and perimeter of the building, the number of floors and the selected material.
The amount also depends on the method of insulating the walls with expanded clay - the optimal three-row, lightweight or combined.
With an average cost of 1 cubic meter of expanded clay about 2000 rubles, and expanded clay concrete about 3500 rubles. it is easy to calculate that for a wall, the inner layer of which is 250 mm thick and the average one is 100 mm, the costs will be approximately as follows:
- for 1 sq. m of the wall will be 0.4 cubic meters. m of expanded clay concrete blocks costing about 1400 rubles;
- the same area contains 0.1 cubic meters. m of expanded clay for 200 rubles;
- for a building with a height of 3 m and a perimeter of 32 m (for example, 8 x 8 m), the costs only for expanded clay concrete and expanded clay for wall insulation will be: 3 x 32 x (1400 200) = 153.6 thousand rubles.
The cost of cement depends on the selected proportion, but in any case, it is several times less than the cost of expanded clay.
The price of the outer layer, which is taken as facing brick or wood, may differ significantly depending on the chosen finishing option. Sometimes it is comparable in cost to insulation (from 1000 to 1600 rubles / sq. M), but it can be several times higher than the cost of expanded clay and expanded clay concrete, reaching 3000-6000 rubles. for 1 "square".
Despite the significant number of advantages of expanded clay aggregate, when choosing from several other options, you should pay attention to the disadvantages of the material.
These include a high level of fragility, which is desirable to take into account when filling and ramming capsules.
Another disadvantage is the moisture resistance of expanded clay, which is accompanied by the ability to absorb moisture and hold it for a long time.
I chose expanded clay as insulation for a brick wall on the advice of friends. The construction was completed more than two years ago - all this time, the enclosing structures successfully coped with their task. The walls do not get damp, heating costs remain at the same level as for cottages of similar area, insulated with mineral wool.
However, compared to standard options, the cost of keeping heat in my house was lower. A few months ago I used expanded clay for insulation of the floor, walls, and attic space. Until the result is not disappointed.And, although to create the walls it was necessary to look for specialists familiar with this method of insulation, the savings on materials were worth it.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with What solution for the blind area at home
Leonid, Moscow region Having decided to build walls together with their insulation, we chose expanded clay granules. The inside of the house was finished with shell rock, the outside - with facing bricks. In the interval, expanded clay was poured and fixed with cement. The effect was fully in line with expectations - the cottage turned out to be warm.
It is not easy to choose insulation for the walls of the house: manufacturers offer a wide range of materials of different origins and costs. The most environmentally friendly and cheapest can be called expanded clay - granules of foamed clay with a porous structure.
They keep heat well and do not require complicated installation.
Insulation of the walls of a house with this material is not as popular nowadays as the use of plate materials (foam, mineral wool), however, this option cannot be ruled out, some developers of private houses still use this method of thermal insulation of structures with loose balls.
Foamed low-melting clay granules are obtained by firing the finished raw material. The solution is placed in a furnace with high temperatures, where at 13000 clay foams, as a result of the heating-cooling process, expanded clay balls are formed. They can be of different sizes, depending on which they are sorted into fractions:
- "Sand" - grain size up to 10 mm;
- "Crushed stone" - 10 ... 20 mm;
- "Gravel" - large acute-angled granules up to 40 mm.
High-quality material is obtained only with the correct observance of the technology from the preparation of the solution to its firing. At the slightest deviation, the granules either do not form a sufficient number of voids to provide thermal insulation, or their shapes and sizes, the structure deviate from the norm, which is also unacceptable.
For wall insulation, preference should be given to expanded clay fraction of 10 ... 40 mm, i.e. crushed stone or gravel. It is more convenient to work with them, they give less shrinkage than sand. The same is chosen for organizing a dry floor screed.
When buying a batch of bulk material for wall insulation, you should request a copy of the test report for samples of this batch or a product quality certificate in order to be confident in the purchased product and not run into unexpected troubles due to low quality or defects.
Filling the wall with loose clay insulation has a number of advantages:
- Absolute environmental and biological safety due to the use of natural materials for production;
- High rates of heat and sound insulation. For comparison: a layer of 10 cm of expanded clay is equivalent in characteristics to a brick wall 1 meter thick;
- The low weight of the insulation does not require a strong base;
- Fire resistance due to industrial firing of pellets will prevent the spread of fire between floors;
- Fired clay is not subject to decay, fungal growth and rodent attacks;
- Insulation is durable under favorable conditions;
- The material is resistant to temperature extremes due to the preservation of warm air in the pores;
- The minimum thickness of the expanded clay layer for effective thermal protection is 200 mm; a more accurate calculation must be made with the help of specialists or online programs.
Expanded clay production technology
Some types of clay, which melt easily, are placed in a special chamber. In it, it softens to a doughy mass. After that, with the help of exposure to high temperatures (over 10,000 C), it is heated to boiling. It is this process that leads to the formation of porous granules. The more there are, the better the expanded clay is considered. Here, the raw material remains until it is completely cooled. Then it is sorted and prepared for transportation. In this way, expanded clay granules are produced.However, if sand is needed, then the finished material is ground into small particles using a press. Crushed stone is produced in a similar way with the only difference: expanded clay granules are crushed into several parts. Their size is mostly different, which allows you to get a better result when filling.
Floor insulation technology
Expanded clay as floor insulation can be used only after special preparatory work. There are several required steps:
- Preparation. It is necessary to completely remove the old coating. Based on the feedback from people who have already used this method of insulation, wooden floors are disassembled down to the fastening structure. If the logs are in good condition, you can leave them.
- Sand cushion formation. It should be at least 10 cm thick. Before laying the next layers, the sand is carefully rammed.
- After that, expanded clay is poured. It is recommended to immediately determine the thickness of its layer, since the thermal insulation effect will depend on this parameter.
All work is carried out strictly according to the beacons in order to maintain the evenness of the floor covering. If all steps are carried out with precision, then a good result is guaranteed.
Where to start insulating the floor with expanded clay?
Before proceeding with floor insulation, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances. Expanded clay as floor insulation (people's reviews confirm this information) is considered the most ideal option, but only if it is installed correctly.
So, let's take a closer look at what you need to know to get the desired result:
- Determination of the material from which the base of the floor is made. This criterion is quite important, since its thermal conductivity fully affects the overall indicator.
- Calculation of the thickness of the expanded clay layer. For clarity, the following example can be given: a concrete slab with the addition of expanded clay 60 cm thick will provide the same heat as a meter-long brickwork.
- Planned load. The floor is the only surface that is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. Therefore, it is necessary to take this parameter into account at the planning stage. When calculating what the expanded clay layer should be, the main thing is to avoid mistakes, therefore it is recommended to contact a specialist for accurate calculations.
- Don't forget about the waterproofing layer. There are several features in which expanded clay without this layer will not be effective.
You also need to remember that a expanded clay pillow acquires maximum properties with a width of at least 15 cm
Is it necessary to insulate structures made of expanded clay?
The popularity of the material is due to its excellent strength and durability characteristics. It has a thermal conductivity that is almost 3 times lower than that of a brick. But you should not neglect the insulation process of the walls of a house made of such material. There are 2 reasons for this:
- Expanded clay is aimed at ensuring high structural strength. To do this, in the manufacture of blocks, they try to make their structure as dense as possible, which contributes to an easier passage of heat through the walls. That is why finishing the structure from the outside with an insulating material will help compensate for such a disadvantage.
- Also, external atmospheric influences negatively affect this material. Of course, if we compare it with the same cinder block, then the resistance of expanded clay to frost is much higher. But this does not mean at all that frost does not destroy the material at all - this process takes place more slowly.
Warming a house from expanded clay will not only increase its energy efficiency, but also significantly extend the service life of the structure.
From the above words, it becomes clear that you should not refuse to insulate a structure made of expanded clay concrete blocks.
Floor insulation tips
If the work on floor insulation will be carried out independently, it is necessary to take note of several important recommendations, which are drawn up based on customer feedback:
- Expanded clay is more effective if it is not mixed with concrete. The most effective is a covered pillow made of this material.
- Using a mixture with granules of different sizes, it is possible to achieve a solid layer. It is this criterion that will help to achieve maximum heat retention.
- Expanded clay as floor insulation (reviews were positive) are best used with plastic wrap, which will act as waterproofing.
- For the evenness of the floor, all installation work is carried out along the beacons. They are fixed with alabaster or cement. It is necessary to wait until it dries completely and only then fill up the insulating material and level it.
- In order to exclude the occurrence of cracks, it is recommended to use a metal mesh, with which the base is reinforced.
- After carrying out work on the floor, you can move around after 5-7 days, but the maximum strength occurs only after a month, after which you can subject the surface to normal loads.
Warming options
Dry method
In this case, the technology of warming with expanded clay consists in filling the insulation between the logs. A subfloor made of boards or plywood sheets is mounted on top.
To protect the base from moisture, a layer of waterproofing is placed under the material. This type of insulation is fast and easy to carry out.
Wet way
In the photo of expanded clay insulation, it can be seen that with this method, the insulation is mixed with concrete mortar and then the space between the lighthouses is poured with such a mixture.
This method consists in filling dry expanded clay into the space between the logs, leveling it and impregnating the top layer with cement mortar. After that, a leveling screed is made.
The cement mixture strengthens the expanded clay layer, helping to avoid deformation during the subsequent pouring of the screed. If necessary, the use of a reinforcing mesh is appropriate.
Insulation of roofs
Expanded clay for roof insulation has been used for a long time. Of course, in this area, over such a long period, many competing materials have appeared, but it has not yet been possible to completely replace the natural material. It is using expanded clay as a heater for the floor (you can see the truthful reviews on the information boards of manufacturing companies) that you can fully judge all its advantages.
First of all, thanks to this material, it becomes possible to completely eliminate condensate problems. Steam and moisture generation are reduced to zero. Also, importantly, the roof will be protected from leaks for a long time. The low weight of the material will allow you not to spend money on additional strengthening of the foundation. And this is a kind of significant savings. If you involve professionals in the work, then the final result will please the owners not only with warmth and comfort, but for a long time will not require financial investments for reconstruction.
Insulation of the house from the inside
Experts say that insulating a house from the inside is not a prudent decision. Condensation may occur on the walls due to the displacement of the dew point, in addition to this, the walls freeze.
Therefore, for internal insulation in houses, dense materials are used that have a vapor barrier. Gypsum or cement plaster will help protect and insulate the wall from the inside. The mass of the gypsum slurry is less, and the possibilities for saving heat are higher. The only drawback is that gypsum adheres poorly to expanded clay concrete blocks. To eliminate this drawback, you need to prepare the wall before work.
The next issue after construction, which needs to be considered at the design stage, is house insulation, it will greatly help to reduce heating costs.Next, we will consider the need to insulate walls made of expanded clay concrete, and also list the materials that can be used to insulate the walls from the outside.
Expanded clay as wall insulation
Feedback from people helps to make the right decision in such a difficult issue as wall insulation with expanded clay. It should be noted right away that this process is quite complicated and time-consuming, as it requires professional knowledge. Sometimes mineral wool is used to simplify such work. However, the advantages of expanded clay significantly distinguish it from other materials. Good ventilation is an important factor. As a rule, this property is simply irreplaceable for enclosed spaces, where a person needs constant air circulation for a comfortable stay.
Using expanded clay as wall insulation, you can face some difficulties, in particular, the threat of being squeezed by other material. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out additional strengthening work in order to avoid such situations. However, this will lead to a significant reduction in the total area of the room. Therefore, it is more cost effective to use other modern materials.
After reviewing the reviews of professionals, we can conclude that expanded clay is ideal for insulating floors and roofs, and for walls it is a rather controversial material.
Possible situations
It is easy to insulate a house from the outside of expanded clay concrete, knowing the two main options for laying expanded clay concrete block
It is important to study each one in order to choose the best one for your home.
No external facade cladding
This means that there is nothing but two rows of expanded clay concrete blocks. There are no facade materials on the outside. In such a situation, facing the building with bricks, it is possible to place insulation between the facing and the expanded clay concrete.
This is an effective thermal insulation measure, but it is rarely used. And all because the material for cladding the whole house will not be cheap. In addition, it is difficult to carry out such a volume of work on insulation with this material yourself. Because of this, you have to resort to outside help, which is also worth the additional cost.
More budgetary insulation options are made using panels. For example, lining, metal or plastic siding. Insulation in such situations is often polystyrene. This material is laid in two layers, provided that it is 5 cm thick. The panels are placed on expanded clay concrete so that the seams of the first layer do not converge with the second. Next, siding is laid, and a vertical profile is placed under it, which forms the frame.
In addition to foam panels, mineral or basalt wool is used. But such materials require protection in the form of a vapor barrier. A glued plate heat-insulating layer is also used, and then covered with plaster. Plate insulation - polystyrene, expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. Easily attached to expanded clay concrete, and then fixed with dowels.
Facade with facing bricks
Quite a frequent situation when buying an unfinished building. In such a house there is already a brick cladding, but there is no insulation layer between it and the kerazite concrete. To remedy the situation, the walls are treated with polyurethane foam. This action is performed using holes in the wall through which the mixture is fed. The polyurethane expands in these holes and fills in the cracks.
With such insulation, the expanded clay concrete house is protected from moisture, rodents, and mold. The only disadvantage of this procedure is the price. In addition, specialists are needed to mortgage this material, which also entails additional costs.