Topic 5. Methodology for calculating air exchange in rooms during ventilation operation at different times of the year (TP, HP)

The air exchange rate in the premises of retail trade enterprises (stores)

PremisesEstimated air temperature for the cold season, ° СThe rate of air exchange or the amount of air removed from the premises
1Sales areas of shops with an area of ​​400 m2 or less:
2Sales halls of shops with an area of ​​more than 400 m2:
food16By calculationBy calculation
non-food16By calculationBy calculation
4Unloading rooms10By calculationBy calculation
5Premises for preparing goods for sale (when placed in a separate room), picking, acceptance1621
6Pantries (uncooled):
bread, confectionery;160,5
gastronomy, fish, milk, fruits, vegetables, pickles, wine, beer, drinks;81
footwear, perfumery, household chemicals, chemicals;162
other goods160,5
6.1Premises for the preparation of goods for sale (when placed in a separate room), picking, acceptance, expeditions1621
7Premises for demonstration of new products (if placed in a separate room)1622
8Ironing16By calculationBy calculation
9Waste chambers (unheated)
10Room for mechanized pressing of paper waste161,5
Storage rooms:
11packaging materials and inventory16(8)1
12exchange fund containers1
14cleaning equipment, detergents161,5
16Workshops, laboratories1823(2)
17Refrigerated containment chambers:
meat, semi-finished products, gastronomy0
vegetables, fruits, confectionery, drinks444
ice cream, dumplings, etc.-12Periodically
food waste210
18Air-cooled machine rooms5By calculation
19Water-cooled chilled chamber machine rooms523
20Office premises, staff room, main cash desk, security room, ACS strong point181
21Dressing rooms, utility room for catering staff, dining room161
22Public toilets for shoppers and toilets for staff1650 m3 / h per toilet
24Dispensary room (when the store is located in the underground floors)2060 m3 / h per person
25Premises for receiving and issuing orders121
26Glass container reception rooms161
27Health center2011

Air exchange rate in the premises of public catering establishments

Names of premisesDesign air temperature, ° СAir exchange rate per hour
1Hall, dispensing16According to the calculation, but not less than 30 m3 / h per person.
2Lobby, entrance hall162
3Cooking shop1632
4Hot shop, confectionery baking room5By calculation, but not less than 100 m3 / h per person.
5Workshops: precooking, cold, meat, poultry, fish, processing of greens and vegetables1834
6Premises of the production manager182
7Premises for flour products and confectionery finishing, linen1812
8Room for cutting bread, for preparing ice cream, service, utility room1811
9Washing room: dining room, kitchen utensils, pans, containers1846
10Director's office, office, main cash register, rooms of waiters, staff, storekeeper1846
11Pantry for dry products, pantry for inventory, pantry for wine and vodka products, storage room for beer121
12Pantry for vegetables, pickles, containers52
14Engine room of refrigerated chambers with air-cooled unitsBy calculationBy calculationBy calculation
15The same with water-cooled units34
16Repair shops1623
17Premises of public organizations1611
18Refrigerated storage chambers:
dairy products, gastronomy2
semi-finished products, including a high degree of readiness0
vegetables, fruits, berries, drinks444
wines and drinks6
ice cream and frozen fruits-15
food waste510
19Smoking room1610
20Unloading rooms10By calculationBy calculation

Notes: 1. The air temperatures in rooms (except for refrigerated chambers) indicated in the table are calculated when designing heating systems.

2. In buffets, bars, cocktail halls, banquet halls located in separate rooms, the air ratio is taken as minus 3.

3. The air temperatures in the refrigerated chambers indicated in the table are maintained around the clock throughout the year. In chambers for the simultaneous storage of meat and fish or meat, fish semi-finished products, take temperatures ± 0 ° C; for vegetable semi-finished products +2 ° С; for storage of all products (1 chamber in the enterprise) ± 2 ° C.

Air exchange by heat surplus

Air exchange based on heat dissipation is determined if there is a large amount of heat in the room that needs to be removed.

Calculation of air exchange by heat surplus is carried out according to the formula:

L = 3.6 • Qrad / (ρ • c • (tsp – tpr)) (m3 / h),

where Qrad is the amount of heat that is released into the room, W;

ρ is the air density in the room, kg / m3;

с - mass heat capacity of air;

tsp is the temperature of the air that is removed by ventilation, ºС;

tpr - air temperature that is supplied, ºС.

Air flow rates for modulated equipment

EquipmentBrandkwAir volume, m3 / h
1Electric stovePE-0.174250200
3Electric stovePE-0.5112750400
5Roasting cabinetShZhE-0.518400
9Electric device, cookingUEV-609,45650400
10Mobile boilerKP-60
11Deep fryerFE-207,5350200
12Cooking kettle with a capacity, l:
13Steam cooking apparatusAPE-0.23A7,5650400
14Electric frying panSE-0.225450400
15Steam tableITU-0.842,5300200
16Food warmer mobileMP-280,63

Source: "Design of public catering establishments" Reference manual to SNiP 2.08.02-89

Calculation of air exchange rate

As already mentioned, provided that harmful impurities are not taken into account, the air exchange value is calculated according to the standard multiplicity. Whether it is a utility room or a production room, the formula for calculating air exchange rate will be the same:

L = Vpom ⋅ Kp (m3 / h),

where Vpom is the volume of the room, m3; Kp - standard rate of air exchange, 1 / h.

The volume of the room must be known, while the multiplicity number is regulated by the norms. These include building codes (SNiP 2.08.01-89), sanitary and hygienic standards and others.

Frequency rate of air exchange in the premises of sports and recreation institutions

Names of premisesDesign air temperature, ° СAir exchange rate per hour
1Sports halls without seats for spectators (except for rhythmic gymnastics halls)15By calculation, but not less than 80 m3 / h per one practitioner
2Rhythmic gymnastics halls and choreographic classes18By calculation, but not less than 80 m3 / h per one practitioner
3Rooms for individual strength and acrobatic training, individual warm-up before the competition1623
5Classrooms, methodological rooms, rooms for instructors and coaches, judges, press, administrative and engineering staff1832
6Household premises for workers serving the protection of public order1823
7Fire post premises182
8Outerwear dressing room for practitioners162
9Locker room (including massage rooms)25Balance taking into account showers2 (via showers)
12Sanitary facilities:
common use16100 m3 / h per toilet or urinal
for practicing (with dressing rooms)2050 m3 / h per toilet or urinal
individual use1625 m3 / h per toilet or urinal
13Washrooms at public sanitary facilities16At the expense of sanitary facilities
14Inventory at the halls151
15Storerooms and warehouses:
with the constant presence of service personnel;162
with a short stay of service personnel101
16Warehouses for reagents, household chemicals and paints102
17Drying rooms for sportswear2222

Air exchange rate in the premises of a credit and financial institution

Names of premisesDesign air temperature, ° СAir exchange rate per hour
1.Operating and cash halls18Based on the assimilation of heat and moisture surpluses, but not less than twice the air exchange
2.Shared work rooms, coin counters1822
3.Room for meetings and negotiations1833
4.Cash desk for counting banknotes1833
5.Computing facilities, computing center18Calculated for assimilation of heat and moisture surplus
6.Communication room (teletype) and photocopying182,52,5
7.Offices and receptions181,51,5
8.Archive, pantry of forms, pantry of equipment and inventory, pantry of bank materials, room for storing personal belongings of cashiers181,5
9.Repair shops1822
10.Meal room, buffet1634
11.Room for storing weapons, loading and cleaning weapons161
12.Boxes for collector cars18According to the design standards for parking garages
13.Security premises with a fire station1811,5
14.Women's personal hygiene facilities235
15.Sanitary facilities1650 m3 / h per toilet or urinal
18.Premises for placement of uninterruptible power supply sources16Based on the assimilation of heat and moisture surplus

Ventilation standards in office premises

The office premises must comply with the climatic conditions specified in SanPiN In this case, the calculated air temperature corresponds to the parameters measured at a height of two meters from the floor covering in the place where the company's employees stay most of the time. As a first approximation, the temperature is determined by the formula:

where t (n.z.) is the temperature in the lower two-meter zone in ⁰С; ∆t - temperature difference (gradient) per 1 m height, in ⁰С / m; h - height from floor to ceiling in m.

If the heat from the equipment is not equal to the heat loss, the temperature gradient will be several degrees.

Ventilation rates are regulated by SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03. In accordance with GOST 30494-2011, the air volume change rate is 0.1 m / s

Supply ventilation in offices promotes the flow of air into the premises. It is fed from a height of two meters above the ground. The air is often purified and heated or cooled as needed.

Air exchange rate in administrative and residential buildings

SNiP 2.09.04-87 *

PremisesTemperature during the cold seasonFrequency rate or volume of air exchange, m3 / h
2.Heated passagesNot lower than by 6 ° C the design temperature of the rooms connected by the transitions
3.Streetwear wardrobes+16°1
4.Wardrobes for joint storage of all types of clothing with part-time dressing of workers+18°Based on the compensation of the hoods from the shower rooms (but not less than one air change in 1 hour)According to clause 4.8
5.Dressing rooms at showers (pre-showers), as well as with full dressing of workers a) dressing clothes+23°55
b) dressing rooms of home (street and home) clothes+23°Based on the compensation of the hoods from the shower rooms (but not less than one air change in 1 hour)According to clause 4.8
6.Showers+25°75 m3 / h for 1 shower net
7.Restrooms+16°50 m3 / h for 1 toilet and 25 m3 / h for 1 urinal
8.Washrooms at latrines+16°1
10.Rest, heating or cooling rooms+22°2 (but not less than 30 m3 / h for 1 person.3
11.Premises for personal hygiene of women+23°22
12.Premises for the repair of workwear+16°23
13.Premises for shoe repair+16°23
14.Premises for administrations, design bureaus, public organizations, with an area: a) no more than 36 m2+18°1,5
b) more than 36 m2+18°By calculation
15.Drying rooms for workwearAccording to technological requirements within the range of 16-33 ° СAlso
16.Dedusting rooms for workwear+16°«

Source: Administrative and domestic buildings SNiP 2.09.04-87 *

Air exchange rate in health care facilities

Name of premisesT,
° C
Air exchange rateRoom frequency categoryExhaust multiplicity with natural air exchange
I.Hospitals, clinics, emergency and ambulance stations
1.Manipulation toilet for newborns252H2
2.Manipulation with the use of chlorpromazine22810Dnot allowed
3. Doctors' offices, staff rooms, rest rooms for patients using hydrotherapy and mud therapy, acupuncture rooms, discharge rooms, audiometry, anthropometry rooms, dispatch rooms for receiving calls and sending teams, a room for filling out documents, a rest room for dispatchers, doctors, paramedics, orderlies, drivers , mobile teams, medical statistics20influx from the corridor11H1
4. Angiography rooms, procedural X-ray diagnostic rooms, procedural and dressing rooms of fluorographic rooms, electrophototherapy rooms, massage2034Dnot allowed
5.Undressing rooms at X-ray diagnostic rooms203H»
6.Procedural for X-ray. pictures of teeth, washing laboratory glassware, pathological departments, control rooms of X-ray rooms and radiological departments, photolaboratory1834D»
7.Sterilization in operating rooms183 septic compartmentsD2
3aseptic departmentsH2
8. Laboratories and rooms for the production of analyzes, rooms (rooms) for radiotelemetric, endocrinological and other research, rooms for receiving, sorting and taking samples for laboratory analyzes, assembly and washing rooms for an artificial kidney and rooms for a heart-lung machine, solution-demineralization, preparative laboratories, rooms for painting smears, weighing, colorimetric, medium cookers, material and apparatus laboratories, fixation, prescription, rooms for the preparation of dressing and operating materials and linen, control, collection and packaging of instruments, reception, disassembly, washing and drying of surgical instruments, syringes, needles , catheter, procedural rooms for treatment with antipsychotics, radio post, dictaphone center, current sterilization rooms, control room183see table. 32
9.Halls of medical physical culture1850 m3 / h for one person engaged in the gym 80%100 %D
10.Functional diagnostics rooms, rooms for sigmoidoscopy223D2
11.Physical therapy, mechanotherapy rooms, dental rooms, sounding rooms, rooms for deworming2023D2
12.Premises (rooms) for the sanitization of patients, showers, personal hygiene booths, premises for subaquatic, hydrogen sulfide and other baths (except for radon), rooms for heating paraffin and ozokerite, therapeutic swimming pools2535D2
13.Premises for storing plaster bandages, gypsum, museums and preparatory rooms with them in pathological departments, compressor inhalers, central linens, pantries of infected linen and bedding, pantries of household equipment, pantries of patients' belongings and ironing, instrumental and material, pantries of reagents and equipment in pathological anatomical departments, premises for the current repair of physiotherapy equipment, storage of boxes for mobile teams, the current stock of medicines, a pharmacy room, a pantry for a month's supply of medicines, a pantry of non-sterile materials and linen181D1
14.Sterilization rooms - autoclave central sterilization rooms:18by calculationis allowed
a) clean compartment100 %H
b) dirty compartment100 %D
15.Premises for washing, sterilizing and storing ships, pots, washing and drying oilcloths, sorting and temporary storage of dirty linen, for storing cleaning items, premises for temporary storage of linen and solid waste contaminated with radioactive substances, pantries of acids and disinfectants, stretcher washing rooms and oilcloths, a room for drying clothes and shoes of mobile teams185D3
16.Receptions, information lobbies, dressing rooms, rooms for receiving parcels for patients, waiting room, storage rooms for warm clothes at verandas, pantries, canteens for patients, dispensers with a utility room in milk dispensing points, storage rooms for patients' clothes and clothes, medical archives181D1
17.Premises for processing rubber gloves, for washing and sterilizing table and kitchen utensils in pantry and canteen departments, hairdressing salons for serving patients, dummy1823D2
18.Storage of radioactive substances, filling and washing in radiological departments, washing in laboratories1856Dnot allowed
19.Treatment rooms in rooms for static and mobile tele-gamma therapy, rooms for centralization in rooms for mobile tele-gamma therapy, procedural X-ray therapy rooms, microwave therapy rooms, ultra-high-frequency therapy rooms, thermotherapy rooms, rooms for wrapping up rooms for preparing solutions for radon sculpts, rooms for ultrasound treatment2045D»
20.Dressing rooms and undressing rooms in hydrotherapy departments23inflow according to the balance of the exhaust from the halls with bathrooms, mud proceduresH2
21.Corpse storage rooms23D3
22.Premises for radon baths, mud treatment halls. shower room with a chair, mud treatment rooms for gynecological procedures2545Ddoes not go down
23.Premises for storing and reclaiming dirt12210D»
24.Premises for dressing corpses, issuing corpses, storage rooms for funeral accessories, for processing and preparing for burial of infected corpses, premises for storing bleach143D»
25.Premises for disinfection chambers:
a) reception rooms;16from the clean compartment3D»
b) dirty compartments:from the clean compartment5D»
c) unloading (clean) compartments5Through dirty compartments
26.Hydrogen sulfide bath locks2534Hnot allowed
27.Undressing rooms for hydrogen sulphide baths2533H»
28.Room for the preparation of a solution of hydrogen sulfide baths and storage of reagents2056D»
29.Room for washing and drying sheets, canvases, tarps, mud kitchens16610D»
30.Inhalation (procedural)20810D
32.Gateways in front of the newborn wards22by calculation, but not less than 5 times the exchangeHnot allowed
33.Premises for discharge of puerperas and irradiation of children with a quartz lamp221H1
34.Bathrooms2050 m3 for 1 toilet and 20 m3 for 1 urinalD3
37.Gateways in boxes and semi-boxes of infectious wards22by calculation, but not less than 5 times the exchangeHnot allowed
38.Small operating rooms22105H1
39.Premises of hospital pharmacies (see section General self-supporting pharmacies)
40.Quarantine room for the entry of cars with animals. Reception with a warm vestibule1611D1
41.Washing for dogs, cats, miniature pigs with bathtub and circular shower2235D2
42.Hot air dryer for dogs and miniature pigs2535D2
43.Premises for keeping laboratory animals: 6)
a) mice20:221012D2
b) hamsters201012D2
c) guinea pigs14:16810D2
d) rabbits7)5810D2
e) dogs (with walking)14810D2
f) cats181012D2
g) sheep (with access to the walk)51012D2
h) dwarf pigs181012D2
i) roosters181012D2
44.Staff room1811H1
45.Cell and inventory warehouse101D1
46.Examination of sick animals and disinfection20810D2
47.Large animal isolator15810D2
48.Premises for storage and preparation of disinfectants (with a fume hood)18according to technologistsD3
49.Storing feed and bedding101D1
Disinfection and washing department
50.Cleaning and washing inventory:
a) for manual washing;1635D2
b) with a machine wash:
rough cleaning room1635D2
51.Sterilization and drying of equipment18by calculationHnot allowed
52.Storing clean cages, racks, containers, feeders, stretchers, bedding101D1
53.Loading into cages of feed, water, bedding183D1
54.Temporary storage of animal corpses2:43D3
Department of keeping experimental animals
Block for keeping small laboratory rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs) in conditions excluding the penetration of pathogenic flora8) Rooms of the barrier zone.
55.Compulsory sanitary inspection2535Dnot allowed
56.Putting on sterile clothing:1
- clean area25by calculationH»
- dirty area25»D»
57.Sterilization with steam autoclave18»D»
58.Bactericidal hydraulic sluice:183H»
- clean area183H»
- dirty area183D»
59.Germicidal air lock18by calculationH»
Barrier area premises3)
60.Premises for keeping animals SViB and conducting experiments:
a) for mice20:221510OCH»
b) for rats181510OCHnot allowed
c) for guinea pigs14:161510OCH»
61.Room for experiments20OCH»
63.Warehouse for sterile equipment, feed, bedding1811OCH»
64.Distribution and distribution of feed1811OCH»
65.Sterilizing water1811OCH»
Unit for keeping laboratory animals under normal conditions
66.Premises for keeping laboratory animals (except for rams)on items 50a: 50i
67.Rooms for experiments1813D2
68.Surgical section premises:
a) preoperative with sterilization1812,5Hnot allowed
b) operating room, postoperative room, intensive care room for recovering animals20:22by calculationOCH
69.Premises for infecting animals and working with them:
a) premises for toxicological studies18
b) premises for infecting animals (manipulation, boxes for control animals)1856Dnot allowed
c) personnel and specialists181,.5H»
d) storage of clean: inventory, feed, bedding181D»
e) waste collection1010D»
Department of Veterinary Services
70.Doctor's office1811H»
72.Laboratory diagnostics with an autopsy box1813D»
78.Storage of medicines1813Dnot allowed
74.Sick animal isolation unit:
a) room for patients with a gatewayon paragraphs 50a-50i
b) storage of feeders, cages, inventory, storage of bedding and feed101D»
c) staff1811H»
d) cleaning items with a tap, ladder and drying1010D»
Feed preparation department
75.Preparation of vegetables from the washing machine, preparation of grain mixtures1634D»
76.Digestive hall16by calculation»
77.Washing-kitchen utensils1846D»
78.Sterilization of feed1813D»
79.Refrigerated food chamber2-4D»
II. General self-supporting pharmacies
80.Public service halls1634D3
81.Work rooms or isolated work areas in the service hall, forwarding rooms for receiving and placing orders from the attached institution, prescription1821H1
82.Assistant, aseptic, defective, gateway; billet and filling with a sluice, seaming and control-marking sterilization-autoclave, sterilization distillation1842H1
83.Packaging, control and analytical room, washing, sterilization solutions, distillation and sterilization room, cocktail, unpacking1823D1
84.Premises for the preparation of dosage forms under aseptic conditions1842OCHnot allowed
85.General stock storage rooms:
a) medicinal substances, finished medicinal products, including thermolabile and medical supplies; dressings1823D1
b) medicinal plant materials1834D3
c) mineral waters, medical glass and recyclable shipping containers, glasses and other optical items, auxiliary materials, clean dishes181D1
d) poisonous drugs and drugs183D3
86.Flammable and flammable liquids1810D5
87.Disinfectants and acids, disinfection with sluice185D3
88.Administrative premiseson PP. 13, 19, 20, 25, 26, 44 of this table
89.Refrigeration machine room43D3
90.Electrical control room151
Radiological group
91.Laboratory room1835Dnot allowed
92.Bacteriological group Premises for doctors and laboratory assistants study rooms181,5H»
93.Room for serological research, sowing, rooms for express diagnostics1856D»
96.Entomology premises for helminthological research, environment1856D»
97.Washing rooms
a) without washing machine1856D»
b) with a washing machine1835D»
98.Sterilizing autoclave183Dnot allowed
99.Thermal roomsAs required by the technology The internal air temperature is provided by the technological equipment
100.Rooms for receiving registration, sorting and issuing test results183D»
Virology Department and Laboratory of the Department of Highly Dangerous Infections
101.Rooms for the identification of respiratory, enteric viruses, for the preparation of tissue culture
a) working rooms of doctors and laboratory assistants1856D»
b) boxes1856D»
c) preboxes1865H»
d) boxes1865H»
e) pre-boxes for preparing tissue culture1810D»
102.Room for the identification of arboviruses:
a) working rooms of doctors and laboratory assistants1856Dnot allowed
b) boxes1856D»
c) preboxes1810D»
103.Rooms for bacteriological research, rooms for processing traps and preparing baits,1836D»
104.Rodent infestation rooms (bioassay)18810D»
105.Corridors18By the balance of the branchH»
Dairy kitchens
106.Brewhouse5By calculationD»
107.Mashed potatoes workshop163H»
108.Packing milk and juices1623D»
109.Sterilization of finished products
a) "clean zone"166Hnot allowed
b) "dirty zone"164D»
110.Washing flasks2046D»
111.Milk intake161D»
112.Biolact preparation161212H»
113.Filtration and milk filling room161919H»
114.Premises for heat treatment of milk and preparation of milk mixtures1634D»
115.Cooling room1634D»
116.Room for the preparation of lactic acid products and lactic acid mixtures:
a) room for the preparation of starter cultures1634H»
b) kefir shop162020H»
c) shop for acidophilic milk162020H»
d) thermostatic161212H»
117.Premises for the preparation and packaging of cottage cheese1634D»
118.Premises for the preparation of fruits, fruits, vegetables1634D»
119.Premises for the preparation of fruit and vegetable mixtures161212H»
120.Premises for preparation of fish, meat, preparation of fish and meat dishes1634D»
122.Premises for receiving containers for finished products1646D»
123.Premises for receiving raw materials163D»
124.Washing and sterilization room204 into the "clean" zone inflow6 exhaust - through the "dirty" areaD»
125.Washing kitchen utensils2046D»
126.Washing room:
a) milk pipelines2046D»
b) inventory2046
127.Expedition loading163H»
128.Refrigeration machinery room163D»
129.Temporary storage room121D»
milkperiodic ventilation
130.Dry food pantry122H»
131.Pantry of vegetables and fruits44 (per day)4 (per day)D»
132.Premises for storing and receiving containers1246D1
133.Pantry of household equipment1222D»
135.Material pantry121D»
136.Chilled food waste chamber with a vestibule210Dnot allowed
137.Service and utility roomsunder section I of this table
Donor point
138.Breast milk pumping room222H»
139.Sterilization room183H»
140.Filtration and milk filling161919H»
141.Heat treatment1634D»
142.Cooling room1634H»
Milk distribution points
144.Refrigerating chamber (for finished products)2Periodic ventilation
145.Premises for receiving and storing dishes from the population121D1
147.Pantry of disinfectant solutions and cleaning equipment165D3
150.Dressing room223H
151.Shower room228D
152.Steam room10)100/80 (85/80)5D
153.Cooling room inside the sauna14D
155.Massage room254D
157.Restroom2250 m3 for 1 toiletD

Source: Manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.08.02-89)

Air exchange rate in the premises of preschool organizations

Premisest ° (С) -not lowerAir exchange rate per hour
In IA, B, D climatic regionsIn other climatic regions
Reception, playroom nursery group cells22-242,51,51,5
Reception, playroom junior, middle, senior group cells21-232,51,51,5
Bedrooms of all group units19-202,51,51,5
Dressing nursery groups22-241,51,5
Dressing preschool groups19-202,51,51,5
Medical premises22-242,51,51,5
Halls for muses. and gymnastics19-202,51,51,5
Walking verandasnot less than 12by calculation, but not less than 20 m3 per child
Hall with pool bathroomnot less than 29
Locker room with shower pool25-26
Heated passagesnot less than 15

Source: Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN Appendix 3

Air exchange concept

Air exchange is a quantitative parameter that characterizes the operation of the ventilation system in closed rooms. In other words, air is exchanged to remove excess heat, moisture, harmful and other substances in order to ensure an acceptable microclimate and air quality in the manned room or work area. Correct organization of air exchange is one of the main goals when developing a ventilation project. The intensity of air exchange is measured in multiples - the ratio of the volume of supplied or removed air for 1 hour to the volume of the room. The multiplicity of the supply or extract air is determined by the regulatory literature. Now let's talk a little about SNiPs, joint ventures and GOSTs, which dictate the necessary parameters to us to maintain comfortable conditions in office and residential premises.

air exchange in the room



Plastic windows