Other entries about insulation
A warm house is the dream of any owner. But, as statistics show, not all owners have implemented it, otherwise why such an interest in the issue of insulation. If the house is cold, the first thought that arises among the tenants is how to insulate the floor….
In most of our country, the air temperature in winter is very far from positive. And creating warmth in your own home is not entertainment, but an urgent need. One of the ways to insulate a concrete floor is under a screed One of the stages ...
In the first part of the article, we got acquainted with the requirements for creating a modern heating circuit for a comfortable climatic maintenance of a summer cottage, as well as with the functions that steam and waterproofing films perform. Insulation of the attic ...
If a private house is insulated with mineral wool and siding, then it is expensive.
It seems to me that it is both easier and cheaper to insulate the walls from the inside with penoplex and stick wallpaper on it. Where am I (possibly) wrong? Victor.
Dear experts! There is a country house made of timber 150x150.
I decided this year to insulate it from the outside and trim it with siding. Insulation - Rockwool plates 50 mm thick. Question: Insulation plates must be directly attached to the timber, or at first the house ...
Good day! In the Moscow region, I have a house made of 150 x 150 mm thick timber on a shallow strip foundation on a sand cushion.
Size 9 by 8 m, the second floor is attic. The house was built in 2013. The timber was of natural moisture, ...
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Published on 21 June 2020, 17:10
Link to the topic wayhome.tv/2018/07/kak-uteplit-dom-postr ... Full question: Nikolay Kov / How to insulate a house built using "Soviet" technologies (cinder block - 7cm air gap - ceramic or silicate brick). What type of insulation will be more effective - insulation with expanded polystyrene outside, filling the air gap with some kind of insulation, or filling the air space with polymer insulation?
1 part youtube.com/watch?v=2h9v5SDaQPs&t=11 ...
Part 2 youtube.com/watch?v=yzUuXiqlJ_M&feat...1:26 Cinder block 3:50 Thermal insulator 4:46 Insulation outside 5:19 Cinder block is not the best option 6:20 Thermal calculation 11:05 Minvata 13:05 Ecology 14:28 Backfilling 16:58 Perhaps the air gap should be closed, but the quality of the construction of those years wanted to be the best, in fact the wind is blowing there. If you plaster EPSS - is it flammable? 21:49 When insulating a house from an EPSP cinder block, how to ensure that vapor permeability is completely eliminated? After all, there are joints, a loose fit, etc. If the vapor permeability of the wall is not excluded, then the condensation zone can shift into the cinder block? 22:24 Regarding the filling of expanded clay between the cinder block and the brick, I have a question: Is it possible to fill expanded clay between mineral wool and facing brick, into a ventilated gap? Wall: brick + mineral wool + gap + brick25: 30 When using EPS, a ventilation gap is needed or not. The blog is maintained by a professional Civil Engineer Alexander Terekhov. The videos are devoted to the construction of the House as a Comfort system for its residents, and not for sellers and builders. By subscribing to the Channel, you will always be aware of new publications.
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