Varieties of vertical radiators The main difference between vertical radiators is their height, which is several
07.07.2017 2156 Pechnik (Moscow) Cassette fireplace has visual and functional similarity with classic wood-burning
28.06.2018 | admin | Bath accessories, Bath and health Boilers in the bath with
Advantages and disadvantages of heating registers Registers in the heating system Homemade steel or aluminum registers
diesel heaters
Heating equipment is regularly improved by designers, which allows manufacturers to produce attractive solutions for a variety of
In order for solid fuel to ignite and continue to burn (whether it be firewood, woodworking waste,
Piping layout with manifold
Most home craftsmen come to the conclusion that it is better to try to do the plumbing work yourself in
Making a portal for an electric fireplace
An electric fireplace is a good way out of a situation when you want to give the room comfort and sophistication at the same time,
Photo 1
In many homes, the central element of the heating system is the gas boiler. However, to maintain serviceability
Connection to the heating system
The popularity of new types of heating devices, in particular such as underfloor heating, is growing with each



Plastic windows