Let's get acquainted: Technoruf. Features and characteristics

A building can lose up to 1/5 of the heat through the roof, which means that this is an Achilles heel in the thermal insulation of the room. And if a pitched roof is created in order to retain the cold, due to a large air gap (attic), a flat one is deprived of such an opportunity. To solve problems, mainly insulation of a flat roof, the TechnoNikol insulation of the Technoruf series has been developed.

The quote taken on the official website of the manufacturer clearly indicates the scope of the material:

Purpose of Technoruf

Although, it is worth noting that it is also possible to insulate pitched roofs with this material.

General features

Technoruf is a mineral wool insulation in the form of rigid slabs. Hard because the minimum density is 121 kg per cubic meter. Given the density, the conclusion immediately suggests itself that the material is intended for highly loaded surfaces requiring insulation. For example, such an area is an exploited flat roof. Insulation can be fixed on a metal or reinforced concrete base, and a concrete screed before or after the material is not a prerequisite. Below in the plate are the summary technical characteristics of Technoruf. If you are already a professional and are only looking for numbers, we will not delay you with unnecessary explanations.

Obsolete nameDensityThickness, mmThermal conductivity A25Water vapor permeability, not less than mg / (m h Pa)Organic matter content, no more,%Compressive strength at 10% deformation, not less
Technoruf 45126-15450-1500.0380.34.545
Technoruf Technoruf PROF145-17520-1000.0380.34.560
PROF with145-17530-2500.0380.34.560
Technoruf N30100-13050-2000.0380.34.530
N OPTIMAH35100-12050-2500.0380.34.535
H EXTRA90-11050-250.0370.34.530
Technoruf B60165-19540-500.0380.34.560
IN OPTIMA165-19520-1000.0410.34.570
In PROFB80175-20520-1000.0410.34.580
IN EXTRAB70155-18540-500.0380.34.565
EXTRA with155-18520-1000.040.34.565

TechnoNIKOL Technoruf B60

Thermal insulation boards Technoruf B60 are successfully used for insulation of flat roofs in combination with mineral wool boards Technoruf H30. Plates are intended for use as a top layer in reinforced concrete or profiled sheet coverings, the so-called two-layer insulation system. Insulation Technoruf B has a high compressive strength, which is an important indicator for the installation and operation of flat roofs. The products are easily applied with topcoats, such as: bituminous waterproofing, PVC, EPDM, TPO membranes. Savings when using Technoruf N and Technoruf B slabs is justified and is one of the most common roof insulation systems. The high density of the insulation of 180 kg / m3 and the compressive strength of 60 kPa provide the most required performance of the upper heat-insulating layer.

Technoruf B60
Technoruf B60 is produced at a modern and powerful production facility of the TechnoNICOL corporation. High quality control and careful selection of raw materials are the key to a highly effective roofing product. Mineral wool insulation belongs to the NG group (non-combustible). Recently, special attention has been paid to the fire resistance of the structure. In relation to expanded polystyrene, all the advantages are, of course, on the side of thermal insulation made of mineral wool. Insulation TechnoNICOL has low thermal conductivity, which means high thermal insulation properties. Technoruf B is supplied on pallets with thermal insulation boards packed in heat-shrinkable foil. Each package has a sticker on which the product labeling, geometrical dimensions, thickness, batch number and date are indicated.

Technoruf B60 characteristics:Length - 1000, 1200 mm Width - 500, 600 mm Thickness - 30, 40 and 50 mm Density - 180 kg / m3 Compressive strength at 10% deformation - 60 kPa Pulling strength of layers - 15 kPa Thermal conductivity at 10 C - 0.036 W / micron Thermal conductivity at 25 C - 0.038 W / micron Thermal conductivity under condition A - 0.047 W / micron Thermal conductivity under condition B - 0.050 W / micron

Don't forget to buy along with Technoruf B 60 slabs:

- roofing fasteners - waterproofing materials - construction films - Technoruf N30 slabs

Buy Technoruf B60

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Scary numbers in titles

As is customary in any company, the indices in the names of the models are for informational purposes. In the case of our material, numbers from 30 to 60 indicate the material's ability to resist stress. This value is indicated in Kilopascals. Previously, numbers up to 80 were used, however, recently these indices have become not quite accurate to convey information. For example, Technoruf B70, called in the past, is now called B PROF and has a density index of 65, and the B50 index is not used at all. The type of marking Technoruf 50 does not exist at the moment either. If the manufacturer had left the previous index, it would not correspond to reality. It should also be noted that the Technoruf N PROF index does not exist. There is only Technoruf PROF (without the letter H) and it does not need a second, additional bottom layer.

The Great Mystery of All Time: V or H

As is the case with numbers, the letters indicate the parameters of the ruler. Some representatives of the line can only be used in two-layer insulation systems. In this case, one is laid as the bottom layer and is designated by the letter "H", and the second, respectively, as the top "B" (yes, yes, not "second", but "top"). Materials that do not have an "H" or "B" index are intended for single-layer insulation, for example, Technoruf 45 or PROF insulation. Now try to say to yourself, say, what is hidden behind the H30 index. For those who skipped the previous paragraph, titles like "Extra" and "Optima" were used instead of numeric indexes.

What is behind the H30 index?

And one more thing for a snack

For complete clarity in the names, we just have to learn three names:


These are slabs with a slope, which are designed to create a slope of the roof;

Technoruf KLIN


Insulation elements for the transition from a horizontal to a vertical insulation surface. For example, for thermal insulation of a parapet.

Technoruf GALTEL


This type of slab has special channels for draining water. This technology is intended for the treatment of flat roofs disease - the formation of fungus and disturbance of the indoor microclimate.

Technoruf N VENT

The Layers Question

Why might there be a need for two-layer insulation? It is no secret that Technoruf slabs, like any mineral wool slabs, retain heat mainly due to air. It is gas that is much less conductive of heat than solid. The more air in the plate, the lower the thermal conductivity, BUT, and the lower the rigidity. Look again at the table just above. Find in it, for example, Technoruf V EXTRA (Technoruf B70). Its density is from 155 to 185 kg per cubic meter and the coefficient of thermal conductivity is 0.038. Compare this indicator with Technoruf N EXTRA. 90-100 kg per m3 and 0.037. The difference in numbers is small, but it is there. And on large areas, a loss of one thousandth in the coefficient of thermal conductivity translates into hundreds of thousands of rubles for heating.

Technoruf B60: technical characteristics and features

The material is a slab of 1200x600 mm, 50 or 100 mm thick.The basis of the heat insulator is basalt (a mineral of the rock), from which fibers are produced - tightly connected threads that form the basis of Technoruf B60. Technical characteristics of this product in terms of thermal conductivity: no more than 0.038 W / (m 0C) at a temperature of 25 0C.


Basalt melts at a temperature of more than 1000 0C, and when producing insulation plates, it is heated up to 1500 0C. Therefore, Technoruf B60 is non-flammable and can be used as fire protection. However, organic resin - a binder of basalt fibers - evaporates at a temperature of 300 ° C, which negatively affects the strength index.

All mineral wool slabs are treated with a special water-repellent composition, due to which Technoruf B60 has technical characteristics in terms of water absorption and vapor permeability not more than 1.5% and not less than 0.3 mg / (m.h.Pa), respectively. These qualities are especially important during installation, since they do not allow rain, fog and other atmospheric phenomena to damage the material and disrupt its performance.

What do they use?

The most popular in construction are Technoruf H30 and B60 insulation... Their use is optimal in the middle regions of Russia. H30 is used for the bottom layer, and the top layer, which is subjected to high stress, is covered with Technoruf 60 insulation. Technoruf 45, the density of which is 126-154 kg per m3, is also in demand as a single-layer insulation.

We hope that this short description of the TechnoNikol roofing line will help you in insulating a flat roof or other roof. Or maybe, as some enthusiasts, you decide to use the material even for facade insulation. In any case, do not forget to look at the manufacturer's instructions, drink more hot tea in winter and look at the stars more often.

Technoruf stone wool roofing slabs

Features of thermal insulation of flat roofs

In the photo there are plates of the top layer, which are packed in a shrinkable plastic bag.

For insulation of a flat roof, external thermal insulation is used, i.e. one that is located above the floor (see also the article Thermal insulation TechnoNIKOL - the choice of professionals). On top of the thermal insulation layer, a waterproofing coating of a roll, mastic type or in the form of a PVC membrane is laid.

In the case of insulating an exploited roof, an additional requirement is put forward for the insulation - high compressive strength.

Laying cotton wool on a flat roof.

In the case of mineral wool, this can be achieved only by increasing its density and concentration of the binder, but this significantly increases the price of the material and decreases its thermal insulation efficiency due to the increase in thermal conductivity.

To avoid this problem, it was decided to use a two-layer structure of an insulating carpet, when a layer of tougher and denser cotton wool is placed on top, and a softer and more heat-resistant one is placed on the bottom. Due to this, the cost of thermal insulation is significantly reduced and its efficiency is increased.

Wedge-shaped element for roof slopes.

Also, modern companies produce wedge-shaped slabs that allow you to create a roof slope for efficient drainage of water into the drain holes.

Important! The use of double heat-insulating roof structures makes it possible to install the roofing cake without preliminary and subsequent screed, even for operated roofs. At significant loads, the possibility of building a screed remains.

Characteristics of Technoruf boards

Scheme of two-layer thermal insulation Technoruf.

Roofing heat-insulating plates of Technoruf basalt wool are heat-insulating elements consisting of fibers of rocks of the basalt group.Like other similar materials, these boards have excellent thermal insulation qualities, do not burn, do not emit harmful chemical compounds and do not react with substances dissolved in atmospheric moisture and air.

To achieve a two-layer structure, a combination of two types of plates is most often used - Technoruf B60 and Technoruf H30. A double material is also used, where both layers are already provided and marked for convenience (



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