Energoflex (energoflex) insulation for pipes: characteristics

The technology of installing pipeline systems transporting different liquids has always taken into account the harsh conditions of most regions of Russia. These engineering networks have always been insulated. In the not so distant past, glass wool and its modifications were the main material designed to prevent freezing of pipes. And nowadays there is a tendency to use this insulation during the laying of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, sewage.

This happens, in all likelihood, from a lack of information among those who make such a decision, because there is no economic benefit from the use of mineral and other wool because of its hygroscopicity. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to modern thermal insulation materials, one of which is energy flex for pipes.


  • What is energy flex insulation?
  • Energoflex: technical characteristics
  • How is energy flex insulation applied?
  • Insulation for pipes Energoflex
  • Energoflex super
  • Energoflex Super Protect
  • Energoflex Black Star
  • Energoflex Black Star Split
  • Energoflex Black Star Dact and Black Star Dact Al
  • Energoflex Super TP
    • Additional materials required for the installation of heat insulators:
  • Insulation energoflex: tips for use
  • Outcome
  • Watch a video about a new new type of insulation from Energoflex® Super SK

Energoflex is extremely flexible and strong

Properties of heaters "Energoflex"

The properties of high-density polyethylene foam make it possible to use the products in almost any conditions, except for being in direct sunlight.

Technical characteristics of insulation for pipes "Energoflex":

  • high quality organic thermal insulation - indicators in the region of 0.038-0.039 W / (m · s);
  • certified temperature range - from -60 ° С to + 90 ° С;
  • resistance to chemicals of almost any nature - high pressure polyethylene does not react with alkalis, acids, saline solutions and oils, protecting pipes from corrosion;
  • good water-repellent properties - absorbs no more than 3.5% of the volume of moisture;
  • service life with correct installation and use - up to 25 years;
  • impressive size range of tubular products and unlimited scope of Energoflex rolls.

energoflex tube

Among the disadvantages of insulation are:

  • instability to direct sunlight;
  • low mechanical resistance - up to 0.3 MPa;
  • the upper temperature limit - + 100 ° С - limits the scope of the product.

What is energy flex insulation?

Energoflex is a new generation insulation. It is specially designed for laying sewage systems, hot water supply, heating and is designed to protect them from temperature extremes and freezing.

Its basis is foamed polyethylene. In the process of manufacturing this material, a propane-butane mixture is fed into it under pressure.

EThis allows you to get a high-quality heat insulator with a porous structure at the output.

The peculiarity of the energy flex is that these cells are closed and air is conserved in them, which, as you know, is the best heat accumulator.

Energoflex is sold in special packages that are convenient for transportation.

Energoflex: technical characteristics

  • Resistant to mechanical damage and deformation;
  • Temperature range of use from -40 * С to + 95 * С;
  • Flammability group G2 (moderately flammable);
  • Water vapor diffusion resistance - more than 3000;
  • Lightweight and flexible for maximum ease of installation;
  • Has an increased resistance to heat transfer, which entails lower costs for the device and operation of pipelines;
  • Resistant to aggressive environments;
  • Absolutely not hygroscopic;
  • Has increased durability;
  • Long lasting, not subject to decay. Service life 20-25 years;
  • Effectively reduces structure-borne noise;
  • It is an environmentally friendly material. When working with him does not require personal protective equipment.

Insulation materials

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Energy saving technologies have become a guiding star of the 21st century. People learn not just to waste the planet's natural resources uncontrollably, but to use them wisely. Various heaters and insulation schemes are used both in industry and at the household level. Thermal insulation of equipment and various units is a technological necessity. Insulation of pipelines is laid to maintain the temperature of the coolant - be it superheated steam or coolants.


  1. Types of pipeline insulation materials
  2. ROLS ISOMARKET products video
  3. ENERGOFLEX is a Russian product
  4. Technical characteristics of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX Pipe insulation
  5. Roll and board insulation
  • Preparation of installation of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX
  • Tools and fixtures
  • Bonding insulation ENERGOFLEX video
  • Installation of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX video
  • Types of pipeline insulation materials

    Insulation material is used to maintain the required coolant temperature. It is used for thermal insulation:

    • air ducts of ventilation systems;
    • freezer pipes;
    • sewer pipes;
    • hot and cold water supply pipelines;
    • central heating pipelines.

    Various materials are used for thermal insulation of pipelines: stone wool, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, foam insulation, foamed polyethylene. Due to the ease of installation and affordability, the latter, in turn, occupies up to 90% of the market in domestic use.

    ROLS ISOMARKET products

    ROLS ISOMARKET produces thermal insulation under several brands: Energoflex® (ENERGOFLEX), Energofloor® (Energoflor), Energopack® (Energopak). The company's plant is equipped with equipment from KraussMaffei Berstorff GmbH - one of the leading manufacturers of extrusion technology for polymers.

    Thermal insulation is available in the form of flexible tubes, mats and cloths.

    The material has great elasticity, high resistance to aggressive environments. Provides additional protection of metal pipes from corrosion, protects pipelines during installation and operation.

    The company produces more than one hundred standard sizes of insulating pipes and about two dozen standard sizes of sheet and roll material. A system of branded accessories has also been developed for easy installation.

    ENERGOFLEX is a Russian product

    In September 2000, the first Russian plant for the production of technological insulation from foamed polyethylene was launched. Production is a joint project of STROYCOM and LIT Information Technology Plant. The company's products have received the necessary quality certificates from the State Construction Committee of Russia and international ISO quality certificates. The brands produced have excellent performance properties that are not inferior to foreign counterparts, meet the requirements of fire and hygienic safety. Thermal insulation material is produced from high pressure polyethylene (LDPE). The structure of the material has a closed cellular structure, which makes the material an excellent thermal insulator. The material has low thermal conductivity and good resistance to moisture penetration, effectively reduces structure-borne noise, does not rot. When working with him, there is no need to use personal protective equipment. It is widely used for insulation of heating, ventilation systems, water supply and air conditioning systems. It is a prime example of good quality at a reasonable price.

    Technical characteristics of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX

    The technical characteristics of the thermal insulation depend on the type of insulation material. Let's consider each in detail.

    Pipe insulation

    ENERGOFLEX pipe insulation is available in three colors: gray, red and blue, for easy identification of pipelines during installation. Thermal conductivity of lambda insulation at an ambient temperature of + 20 ° C is 0.036 W / m ° C. Thermal insulation has a wide range of operating temperatures of the coolant from -40 ° C to + 100 ° C. Fire characteristics meet GOST 30244-94 “Building materials. Methods of testing for flammability "Refers to the group of burning materials G1.

    ENERGOFLEX is an environmentally friendly and safe material, does not contain chlorofluorocarbons and freon. The density of the material is 25kg / m3 ± 5kg.

    Roll and board insulation

    Roll insulating material is produced with a thickness of 3-20mm. Thermal conductivity l - 0.036-0.038 W / m ° C. The density of the material is 20 ÷ 30kg. The adhesion of the adhesive layer to the metal surface is at least 300g / cm2. Refers to the flammability group G1. The operating temperature of thermal insulation is -40 + 80 ° С.

    The modulus of elasticity under a load of up to 2 kPa is 0.39 MPa, under a load of 5 kPa - 0.77 MPa. The tensile strength in the longitudinal direction is 0.2 MPa, in the transverse direction - 0.1 MPa.

    The relative compression under a load of up to 2 kPa is - 0.09 MPa, with a load of 5 kPa –0.2 MPa.

    The water absorption of the material by volume is no more than 2%. ENERGOFLEX is also a good sound insulator. The percentage of noise absorption at frequencies of 200-1250 Hz. is 25-55%, at frequencies 1600-3600Hz - 30-60%.

    Preparation of installation of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX

    Thermal insulation is designed for outdoor and indoor use at ambient temperatures from -40 ° C to + 70 ° C and relative humidity up to 100%. The manufacturer does not recommend using thermal insulation in direct sunlight. When working with insulation, use only high-quality materials, accessories, fixtures and tools.

    The surface of the insulation must be solid, rough, without depressions, dents and holes. If there is dirt on the thermal insulation, it must be removed with a cleaner before installation.

    The surface of the piping must be free of contamination, oil stains and rust. Clean contaminated surfaces with ENERGOFLEX cleaner or other cleaning agent. When installing thermal insulation on air ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems, they must first be coated with an anti-corrosion coating. When installing thermal insulation in two or more layers, the installation must be done with a seam offset.

    Heat insulation of pipelines and equipment should be carried out in a disconnected state. You can continue to operate the system no earlier than 24 hours after installation.

    When insulating pipes outdoors, it is necessary to choose insulation with a covering material in accordance with SNiP 2.04.14-88.

    During installation, it is forbidden to stretch the thermal insulation in the longitudinal or transverse direction. It is recommended to compress it slightly.

    Tools and fixtures

    For the installation of thermal insulation, special tools and devices will be required.

    • miter box ENERGOFLEX - for setting the angles of rotation of pipes and for cutting out corner wedges;
    • long blade knife (~ 300mm) - for cutting roll material and large diameter pipes;
    • short knife (~ 70mm) - for small diameter pipes;
    • brush - for applying adhesive;
    • ring punches - for making holes in the insulation;
    • building ruler;
    • roulette;
    • smooth spatula - for applying glue;
    • pen or pencil.

    Bonding insulation ENERGOFLEX

    Before applying ENERGOFLEX adhesive, it must be thoroughly mixed. It is recommended to use glue in a container of 0.5 liters. The adhesive is applied in a thin layer to both glued surfaces. Connect the surfaces five minutes after applying the glue. If the glue on the surface has dried, it is reapplied. The use of glue is recommended at an ambient temperature not lower than + 17 ° С, optimally - + 20 ° С. If the glue has thickened, it can be diluted with ENERGOFLEX thinner.

    Installation of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX

    When installing pipes for thermal insulation, various methods of work are used.

    Tension method. Recommended for use with pipes that have not yet been installed. ENERGOFLEX is put on the pipes, the ends of the insulation are glued together.

    If the pipes need to be welded, the thermal insulation should be displaced from the welding point by 250-300mm and welded. Glue the ends of the insulation.

    Slitting method. Thermal insulation is installed on already installed piping systems. The thermal insulation tube must be cut with a short-blade knife along the axis, mounted on the pipeline. Glue the cut and additionally secure it with a clamp, glue the ends of the tubes together.

    Installation of rolls. Thermal insulation of pipes with a diameter of over 160 mm is carried out with roll material. This installation method is also used for the installation of several layers of thermal insulation. To do this, measure out the required circumference, cut off the required length and width section from the roll, and carry out installation.

    Wedge cut method. This method must be used on pipelines with a diameter of up to 90 mm. In the insulation tube, using a miter box, wedges are cut from the inside at an angle of 22 ° or 45 °, depending on the angle of rotation. The distance between adjacent wedges is 5-10 mm. All cuts are glued and held together with a clamp.

    Bevel cutting. The method is used to obtain right angles of rotation. Subsequent operations are similar to the previous methods.

    Diameter marking.

    For bends of pipes with a diameter of 90 mm and above, it is recommended to use roll insulation.

    To do this, cut out two half-sectors ABCD, which are glued along the line L, the thermal insulation is installed on the pipe and the inner corner is glued. The remains are cut perpendicular to the pipe.

    From the whole variety of insulating materials for pipelines, you can easily choose the one that you need in this particular case. The use of thermal insulation will save money, maintain the required temperature of the coolant or prevent liquids in the pipeline from freezing, and prevent the appearance of condensation.

    How is energy flex insulation applied?

    This material is resistant to aggressive media such as cement, lime, concrete. This makes it possible to use a wide range of energoflex in construction and installation works.

    Long-burning boilers must be chosen based on several rules. Which ones, you can find out in this article. Do you want your home to retain heat better? See our article on how to properly insulate walls.

    Find out what to consider before purchasing an electric heating boiler.

    It is designed to protect equipment from condensation, which guarantees the prevention of corrosion. When laying the heat insulator, it is not recommended to stretch it; the seams should be glued with special self-adhesive tapes. There is a special glue for sealing the joints. It is fixed to the pipes with the help of Energoflex plastic clamps.

    Energoflex can be of various diameters and thicknesses.

    Rolled insulation Energoflex

    Thermal insulation Energoflex

    Insulation with markings for underfloor heating.

    Thermal insulation Energoflex in rolls has a wide range of applications - it is insulation of ventilation pipes, floors before installation of low-temperature heating systems, walls in a bath. Accordingly, in each individual case, its own requirements are imposed on thermal insulation. Types of roll insulation:

    • self-adhesive;
    • no adhesive surface;
    • with markings for underfloor heating;
    • lamellar.

    Self-adhesive insulation is used for heat and sound insulation of air ducts. It can be foil or not.Non-foil heaters are available in thicknesses of 3, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 mm. The width of the roll is 1 m. The thickness of the thermal insulation with foil is the same, the only difference is the maximum value, which is not 20 mm, but 25 mm.

    Roll insulation without an adhesive surface is used for additional insulation of horizontal and vertical surfaces, creating a damper layer, and can act as a vapor barrier or reflective insulation.

    Energoflex dimensions

    Foam lamella rolls.

    Non-foiled Energoflex, dimensions:

    • width 1 m;
    • thickness 10, 13, 20, 25 mm;
    • length 4, 5, 7, 10 m.

    Foil rolls without an adhesive surface are produced with a thickness of 3, 5, 10 mm and a length of 10, 20, 30 m. When laying the tapes, a joint is placed butt-to-side, and the joint must be glued with tape. The Energoflex line includes an aluminum tape with a self-adhesive surface.

    Rolls with markings for underfloor heating are made of foamed polyethylene, on which foil is glued. On the foil there is a marking (box) for laying pipes. Products are produced in 3 and 5 mm thick, and 30 and 20 m long, respectively. The width of all rolls is standard - 1 m. The insulation is placed under the screed. Do not forget that when pouring the screed around the perimeter of the room, you need to glue the Energofloor damper tape.

    Lamellar rolls also have markings for underfloor heating. They are made of polystyrene foam. Since this material is inelastic, it can only be rolled into a roll by gluing thin strips (lamellas) onto aluminum foil. The thickness of the foam lamellas can be 25 or 30 mm, the length of the roll is 3.5 and 3.2 m, respectively.

    According to the technology, the insulation of the ceiling of the bath with mineral wool is accompanied by the installation of a reflective vapor barrier.

    About which mineral wool is better for insulation is written here.

    Energoflex super

    Energoflex Super is available in several versions. Release form: sheets 10, 13 and 20 mm thick. and tubes 1 and 2 m long. with a technological notch. The material is highly resistant to chemical attack.

    You can find out about the properties of induction heating boilers in this article: https://prootoplenie.com/otopitelnoe-oborudovanie/kotlu/indukcionnyjj-kotel-otopleniya.html See how it is recommended to carry out floor insulation in a frame house.

    Do you think that insulating a balcony is an expensive process? In order not to think in vain, find out how much it costs to insulate the balcony.

    Sheet is designed for insulating pipes of large diameter, it is an effective steam and moisture insulator. Meets all standards of sanitary and environmental safety. Sheets Energoflex Super is recommended to be used as the second and subsequent layers when installing multilayer thermal insulation.

    Tubes of 1 m. Length can be from 15 to 42 mm in diameter. with a wall thickness of 9 mm. Each tube has a sticker on which a barcode is applied and the size of the material is indicated.

    They are intended for retail stores, have increased thermal insulation properties, are easy to install due to their flexibility and technological notch.

    The Energoflex tube 2 m long is intended for heat and sound insulation of internal engineering systems. They are distinguished by increased strength, moisture resistance, protect against condensation, corrosion, freezing.

    Energoflex Super Protect is equipped with an additional coating that significantly increases its technical characteristics

    Energoflex Super tube specifications

    Energoflex® Super closed cell polyethylene foam tubes are ideal for heat and sound insulation of internal engineering systems. The material of the products is resistant to aggressive environments, has increased strength, moisture resistance and durability. Flexible heat-insulating tubes are easy to install, effectively reduce heat losses and structure-borne noise, protect the equipment surface from condensation and corrosion, and prevent the coolant from freezing for a specified time. Environmentally friendly material, safe at work, does not require personal protective equipment.


    Characteristic Value Methodology
    Maximum operating temperature, ° С +95 STO 59705183 - 002 - 2009 (Appendix B)
    Thermal conductivity coefficient, λ W / (m ° С) at 20 ° C at 30 ° C at 40 ° C
    0,039 0,041 0,043
    GOST 7076 Water vapor diffusion resistance factor, μ ≥3 000 STO 59705183 - 002 - 2009 (Appendix D) Flammability group D1 TR No. 123-FZ of 22.07.2009, GOST 30244 Water absorption, kg / m2 0,095 GOST R EN 1609 Corrosion safety Resistant to aggressive building materials - cement, concrete, gypsum, lime Environmental Safety Does not contain chlorofluorocarbons
    Insulation thickness, 6 mm Insulation thickness, 9 mm
    standard size amount in a package, m gross weight, kg packing volume, m3 standard size amount in a package, m gross weight, kg packing volume, m3
    15/6-2 440 7,77 0,482 15/9-2 356 9,85 0,482
    18/6-2 400 7,95 0,482 18/9-2 284 9,04 0,482
    22/6-2 320 7,55 0,482 22/9-2 240 8,81 0,482
    25/6-2 244 6,71 0,482 25/9-2 200 8,23 0,482
    28/6-2 240 7,05 0,482 28/9-2 168 7,71 0,482
    35/6-2 160 6,10 0,482 35/9-2 136 7,49 0,482
    42/9-2 110 7,24 0,482
    45/9-2 94 6,76 0,482
    48/9-2 74 6,00 0,482
    54/9-2 70 6,16 0,482
    60/9-2 66 6,27 0,482
    64/9-2 60 6,12 0,482
    76/9-2 48 5,84 0,482
    89/9-2 40 5,69 0,482
    110/9-2 26 4,99 0,482
    114/9-2 26 5,08 0,482
    133/9-2 16 4,27 0,482
    160/9-2 12 4,05 0,482
    Insulation thickness, 13 mm Insulation thickness, 20 mm
    standard size amount in a package, m gross weight, kg packing volume, m3 standard size amount in a package, m gross weight, kg packing volume, m3
    15/13-2 240 10,82 0,482
    18/13-2 200 10,14 0,482
    22/13-2 168 9,71 0,482 22/20-2 108 11,05 0,482
    25/13-2 140 8,99 0,482 25/20-2 100 10,97 0,482
    28/13-2 132 9,09 0,482 28/20-2 88 10,42 0,482
    35/13-2 108 8,78 0,482 35/20-2 70 9,69 0,482
    42/13-2 80 7,88 0,482 42/20-2 60 9,53 0,482
    45/13-2 72 7,59 0,482 45/20-2 50 8,61 0,482
    48/13-2 70 7,70 0,482 48/20-2 48 8,63 0,482
    54/13-2 66 7,88 0,482 54/20-2 48 9,17 0,482
    60/13-2 48 6,71 0,482 60/20-2 40 8,48 0,482
    64/13-2 48 6,94 0,482 64/20-2 38 8,46 0,482
    76/13-2 40 6,76 0,482 76/20-2 26 7,10 0,482
    89/13-2 30 6,12 0,482 89/20-2 24 7,32 0,482
    110/13-2 22 5,69 0,482 110/20-2 14 5,81 0,482
    114/13-2 22 5,80 0,482 114/20-2 14 5,91 0,482
    133/13-2 16 5,22 0,482 133/20-2 12 5,83 0,482
    160/13-2 12 4,89 0,482 160/20-2 12 6,44 0,482
    Insulation thickness, 25 mm
    standard size amount in a package, m gross weight, kg packing volume, m3
    22/25-2 72 8,42 0,482
    28/25-2 66 8,70 0,482
    35/25-2 54 8,28 0,482
    42/25-2 46 8,12 0,482
    48/25-2 42 8,12 0,482
    54/25-2 38 8,01 0,482
    60/25-2 34 7,82 0,482
    64/25-2 32 7,74 0,482
    76/25-2 26 7,34 0,482
    89/25-2 20 6,69 0,482
    110/25-2 14 6,51 0,482
    114/25-2 12 6,09 0,482

    Certificate of Conformity Russia

    Fire safety certificate

    Energoflex Super Protect

    Designed to protect pipes in heating and hot water systems, which are laid in enclosing structures, floors and walls. Release form: 10 meter tubes with polymer coating in blue and red, laid in bays.

    Feature of the material: it has no technical notch. Guaranteed service life of 25 years. Flammability class G1 (slightly flammable).

    The polymer coating increases the strength of the heat insulator by 50% and acts as a compensator during thermal expansion of pipes.

    Thermal insulation Energoflex Super (Energoflex Super)

    Name - thermal insulation Energoflex Super (Energoflex Super) for pipesApplication - tubes Energoflex Super (Energoflex Super) made of polyethylene foam are intended for thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines in heating systems, water supply, ventilation and air conditioningProducing country - RussiaRegulatory document - TU 2244-069-04696843-03Material - foamed polyethyleneColor - dark greyMaximum working temperature = + 95 ° C Thermal conductivity (at Т = + 20 ° С) = up to 0.039 W / (m x deg.K) Connection method = clips, glue, Scotch Water vapor diffusion resistance factor, μ = 4 000 Certificate / passport (on request) Price (on request)

    Specifications and dimensions


    Tube wall thickness(mm) Int. tube diameter(mm) Tube length(m) Tube weight(Kg) Price per meter(rub.)
    Energoflex Super tubes ( Energoflex Super ) insulation thickness 6 mm
    Tube Energoflex Super 15/6 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)61520.01Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 18/6 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)61820.015Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 22/6 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)62220.02Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 25/6 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)62520.03Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 28/6 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)62820.03Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 30/6 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)63020.031Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 35/6 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)63520.04Price on request
    Energoflex Super tubes ( Energoflex Super ) insulation thickness 9 mm
    Tube Energoflex Super 15/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)91520.04Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 18/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)91820.05Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 22/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)92220.05Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 25/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)92520.055Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 28/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)92820.06Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 30/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)93020.06Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 35/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)93520.075Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 42/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)94220.8Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 45/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)94520.09Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 48/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)94820.9Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 54/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)95420.11Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 60/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)96020.13Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 64/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)96420.13Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 76/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)97620.15Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 89/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)98920.18Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 110/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)911020.3Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 114/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)911420.31Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 133/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)913320.4Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 140/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)914020.4Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 160/9 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)916020.5Price on request
    Energoflex Super tubes ( Energoflex Super ) insulation thickness 13 mm
    Tube Energoflex Super 15/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)131520.1Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 18/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)131820.11Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 22/13 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)132220.12Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 25/13 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)132520.12Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 28/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)132820.13Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 30/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)133020.13Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 35/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)133520.14Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 42/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)134220.16Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 45/13 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)134520.175Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 48/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)134820.17Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 54/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)135420.18Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 60/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)136020.2Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 64/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)136420.2Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 70/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)137020.25Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 76/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)137620.275Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 89/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)138920.3Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 160/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)1316020.6Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 110/13 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)1311020.2Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 114/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)1311420.36Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 133/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)1313320.45Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 140/13 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)1314020.145Price on request
    Energoflex Super tubes ( Energoflex Super ) insulation thickness 20 mm
    Tube Energoflex Super 22/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)202220.1Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 25/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)202520.11Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 28/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)202820.12Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 30/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)203020.13Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 35/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)203520.22Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 42/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)204220.22Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 45/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)204520.19Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 48/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)204820.23Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 54/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)205420.24Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 60/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)206020.25Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 64/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)206420.25Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 70/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)207020.3Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 76/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)207620.35Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 89/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)208920.5Price on request
    Pipe Energoflex Super 110/20 2m Energoflex Super (pipe insulation)2011021Price on request
    Pipe Energoflex Super 114/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)2011421.1Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 133/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)2013321.3Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 140/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)2014021.5Price on request
    Tube Energoflex Super 160/20 2m Energoflex Super (insulation for pipes)2016021.8Price on request

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    LLC "PROTON", Russia, Moscow, Andropova prospect, 38 Official site: www.proton-st.ru, tel .: +7 (495) 641 16 85

    Energoflex Black Star

    Specially designed for the insulation of copper pipes in air conditioning systems... It has excellent vapor and waterproofing properties. Provides protection against condensation and corrosion.

    They have a smooth inner surface, thanks to which there is no need to use talcum powder when putting on the tubes.

    Special sizes have been developed for all types of copper pipes in air conditioning systems. Ideal for insulating cold surfaces.

    Energoflex Black Star Split is specially designed for the insulation of air conditioning units

    Energoflex Black Star Split

    It is used for thermal protection of pipes of air conditioning systems located in the open air.

    It is produced in the form of two-meter silver-colored tubes with a polymer coating applied to them, securely welded to the surface of the heat-insulating layer.

    Differs in high resistance to aggressive environmental influences, ultraviolet light, water vapor.

    Belongs to the group of low-combustible materials (G1). The warranty period is 16 years.

    Energoflex Super advantages

    High quality raw materials and new technologies allowed the manufacturer to create truly reliable thermal insulation. Energoflex Super not only conducts heat poorly, due to which engineering systems reduce heat loss, but also does not absorb moisture. In addition, this material has the following advantages:

    • high hygiene;
    • the ability to maintain their properties for a long time;
    • low weight, which reduces the load on pipeline networks;
    • high resistance to mechanical influences;
    • protects pipes from corrosion;
    • has the ability to absorb noise;
    • prevents the formation of condensation;
    • has good elasticity;
    • prevents overheating and freezing of the system;
    • has a high resistance to aggressive materials used in construction (gypsum, concrete mortar, lime);
    • easy to assemble, which makes it possible to attract workers without special skills.

    The insulation has a flammability group G1. This means that it cannot burn on its own. In addition, if the heat insulator is mounted indoors, then there is no need to use a protective layer for it, as well as a vapor barrier.

    Energoflex Black Star Dact and Black Star Dact Al

    It is a roll-up self-adhesive material of black color, designed for heat and sound insulation of pipes in HVAC equipment and air exhaust systems.

    Differs in increased elasticity and resistance to mechanical damage, high vapor barrier properties. It is an effective noise isolator and vibration compensator.

    The Duct AL marking indicates that one side of the insulation is covered with polished aluminum foil. The release form is a roll 1.2 m wide, resembling a plastic bag.

    Energoflex TP will help you quickly and effectively insulate warm floors and make them even more comfortable

    Compatibility with other materials

    To protect the thermal insulation of EnergoFlex from precipitation, wind and mechanical damage, coatings of aluminum foil reinforced with fiberglass or a sheath made of galvanized steel can be used.

    The main function for which the energy flex tubes are designed is thermal insulation. Due to its properties, the material provides good protection against freezing and overheating. Energoflex is also a good soundproofing material. Such good characteristics of energoflex are provided by the porous structure and manufacturing features.

    Energoflex is used, as mentioned, in various fields.In particular, with its help, pipelines of air conditioning and water supply systems are insulated; sewerage and ventilation systems. It is also used to insulate trunk routes, walls, ceilings, floors and much more.

    The material is used in the construction of both private houses and economic and industrial facilities. Energoflex also serves as a packaging material. So, the scope of its use, due to the obvious advantages over other heaters, as you can see, is very wide. As for the service life of the material, it is about 25 years.

    Energoflex for pipes - technical characteristics of insulation 4

    Energoflex is not afraid of chemicals, it is also resistant to aggressive environments. The strength of the material and its elasticity allow it to resist mechanical stress well. The ecological purity of the energy flex is due to the fact that it contains no chlorofluorocarbons.

    This material is easy to install, multifunctional, well attached to any surface. Thanks to energoflex, less energy is needed for the operation of communication systems. The benefits of this are obvious.

    This heat insulator also has one big minus - a temperature exceeding 100 ° C, it does not withstand, as well as direct sunlight. Therefore, its use is limited to internal engineering networks.

    As for the price of energy flex insulation, it is relatively low. Several factors determine the cost:

    • Modification.
    • Structure.
    • The form.
    • Dimensions.

    As a rule, the sale of an energy flex is carried out in sets, and the number of components in the set also affects the size of the cost.

    Energoflex for pipes - technical characteristics of insulation 5

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  • Energoflex Super TP

    Designed for thermal insulation of heated floors. Feature of the material: covered with a film, highly resistant to chemical attack, has one-sided foil. Resistant to aggressive environments, prevents overheating of concrete.

    Additional materials required for the installation of heat insulators:

    Plastic clip. Designed for joining longitudinal seams (technological cuts) after the insulation is put on the pipes. Gray laminated self-adhesive tape. Size 48/50 mm. Red and blue reinforced self-adhesive tapes. Size 48 // 25 mm. Self-adhesive aluminum tape. Size 50/50 mm.

    The materials of the same manufacturing company are best suited for energy flex.

    PPU pipes

    Thermal insulation for pipes ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL - thermal insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene with a reflective layer of aluminum foil.

    ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL is a combined heat-insulating material that is produced by extrusion of high-pressure polyethylene with its simultaneous foaming with a butane-propane mixture; freon is not used in production.ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL is ENERGOFLEX SUPER roll material covered with a reflective layer of aluminum foil 11 µm thick.

    Application of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL

    Thermal insulation for pipes ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL is used for thermal insulation of pipes in engineering networks and as reflective insulation for enclosing structures (walls, roofs, floors, ceilings), as well as for thermal insulation of tanks and other technological equipment. The presence of aluminum foil in the material eliminates the formation of static electricity and dust settling on the surface of the thermal insulation. Thermal insulation roll material ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL, when used as reflective insulation, must be installed on the inner surface of the structure with aluminum foil inside to provide the necessary air gap between the foil and the finish. Also ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL thermal insulation is used as a vapor barrier.

    Benefits of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL

    • resistant to aggressive environments
    • has increased strength
    • possesses moisture resistance
    • has steam resistance
    • safe at work
    • does not require personal protective equipment

    Thermal insulation for pipes ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL has a surface reflection coefficient of at least 90%, which guarantees effective protection against losses of radiant heat energy.

    Technical characteristics of thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL

    Name Value
    Operating temperature range from - 40 оС to + 100 оС
    Density, kg / m3 20 to 30
    Thermal conductivity λ, W / (m * K) At +20 оС <0.036
    Resistance to moisture penetration, μ-factor. not less than 3000
    Fire characteristics, GOST 30244-94 Flammability group G 1
    Sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range 250-6300 Hz from 11% to 78%
    Environmental safety does not contain chlorofluorocarbons
    Service life (NTO "NIIMosstroy", 2002) 20-25 years old
    Thickness of aluminum foil, not less than microns. 14
    Peeling resistance of aluminum foil and polyethylene foam, not less 100 N / m
    Dynamic modulus of elasticity
    under load 2 kPa

    under load 5 kPa


    0.77 Mpa

    Relative compression
    under load 2 kPa

    under load 5 kPa

    0.09 Mpa

    0.20 Mpa

    Color Grey


    Technical characteristics of ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL rolls

    A type Thickness,






    Qty. in a roll


    3/1,2-30 3 1,2 30 36
    5/1,2-30 5 1,2 30 36
    10/1,2-20 10 1,2 20 24
    15/1,2-10 15 1,2 10 12
    20/1,2-10 20 1,2 10 12

    Price list, prices for thermal insulation ENERGOFLEX SUPER AL

    Insulation energoflex: tips for use

    The first and most important condition for high-quality and safe installation is the production of work only on non-working equipment and non-functioning pipelines.

    Their operation is allowed to start no earlier than 24 hours after the completion of the Energoflex thermal insulation installation.

    It is installed on a welded pipeline only after the pipe section has cooled.

    All work is carried out at a temperature not lower than 5 * C. At a lower level, self-adhesive materials are not able to provide a high-quality seal.

    Glue is used to connect the joints. It is applied in an even layer on both surfaces to be glued and cured for 3-5 minutes.


    The Energoflex trademark is a development of the young and ambitious Russian company ROLS ISOMARKET. She is one of the few who work according to international standards and the only one that manufactures products not according to industry specifications, but according to the company's own strict standard. This ensures the reference quality of the materials produced.

    The company is constantly looking for solutions to improve them. This allows you to be sure that products of the Enegoflex brand are beneficial from any point of view: cost, durability, ease and speed of installation, reliability of thermal insulation and other properties.



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