Features of modern heat exchangers for ventilation

The most forward-thinking homeowners design two ventilation systems in their buildings at once: gravitational (natural) and mechanical with heat recovery (forced). In this case, the natural ventilation system is emergency and serves in case of malfunctions in the operation of the air handling unit and is used mainly in an unheated period. It should be remembered that during the operation of the mechanical ventilation system, the gravity ventilation ducts must be tightly closed. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the forced ventilation will be lost.

Types of heat recovery units

Heat recovery in the supply ventilation system is a relatively new phenomenon and is not yet widespread. There are several types of devices and a large selection of models for each type. Supply and exhaust ventilation with air heating and recuperation performs the following functions:

  • Heat recovery;
  • Fuel economy;
  • Reducing the cost of equipment;
  • Ensuring environmental standards;
  • Reducing transportation costs;
  • Reducing the cost of gas cleaning;
  • Reducing the cost of the heating system.

Rotary (drum)

The heat exchanger is suitable for areas with harsh climates. The drum is made of aluminum foil. By progressive movements, the heat is transferred from the extracted air to the supplied air:

  • Heat is transferred to the supplied air;
  • Mixing streams is less than 0.1%;
  • Warm and humidified air returns.

Rooms dry out less. The net power is 92%.

Lamellar cross recuperator

Designed for areas with mild weather conditions. The counter currents of the plate recuperator are separated by aluminum foil.

  • Heat is transferred to the supplied air;
  • Condensation is forming;
  • Water drainage required.

The heat of the exhaust air through the aluminum plates heats the supplied air. Moisture condenses on the plates of the heat exchanger, which comes from the premises.

During warming up, the efficiency of the heat exchanger is zero, heat recovery does not occur. The overall efficiency of the air handling unit drops. The system recovers up to 95% of the heat.

Heat pipes

This type is produced as a hermetically sealed tube from a material with good thermal conductivity. Freon is poured inside. The recuperator is placed vertically in the duct (it is permissible to install it at a small degree). The lower end is placed in the hood, the upper end in the supply ventilation.

Warm air flows through the lower duct at the bottom of the tube. Freon boils, vapors enter the upper part and meet the supply air, taking heat from the freon. The condensate settles to the bottom of the tube and the cycle repeats. Advantage: no moving parts. Disadvantage: poor performance, the system runs on freon.

Intermediate heat carrier device

Water or a special solution is used as a heat carrier.

  • Two heat exchangers are interconnected by pipelines;
  • One of them is in the channel that draws air and receives heat;
  • The heat passes through the coolant to the second heat exchanger located in the supply air channel, where heating takes place.

The streams do not mix with each other, but the intermediate heat carrier reduces the efficiency by up to 50%. Additionally, the efficiency can be increased with a pump.The advantage of intermediate heat transfer fluids is that the heat exchangers can be installed at a distance from each other. Installation is carried out vertically and horizontally.

Ground heat exchanger

The cost of operating the system is reduced by 5-10%. If there is no ground heat exchanger, the air entering the recuperation system enters directly from the street. A pipe is laid with a ground heat exchanger at a depth of about two meters in the ground. The air temperature below freezing of the soil always remains stable in the region of + 10 ° C.

The air travels through the pipe in the ground and enters the heat recovery. It is much easier to compensate for temperature differences. The heating elements turn on less often, the heat saving becomes greater.

The ground heat exchanger must be made according to the project. Depending on the area of ​​the house, a recuperation system is selected, which takes a certain volume of air from the street and, passing it through the entire ground heat exchanger, heats it up. It is important to consult an experienced designer. It is he who will be able to calculate the length and depth of the channel.


Water heaters, depending on the section of the heating elements, are rectangular and round. Rectangular water heaters have a higher heat transfer and are installed in industrial ventilation systems.

In turn, electric is easier to install and connect.

Differences between water heaters

Water heaters used in everyday life are more compact, lightweight and less powerful. Their design features allow them to be installed in a variety of places, including on the ceilings of premises - the main thing is to provide free access for service.

Specifications to pay attention to when choosing

  • Metal devices are effective in operation down to -10 ° C. At low temperatures, performance is noticeably reduced. As a result, electric pre-heating elements are used;
  • When choosing, you should study the thickness of the case, the material of the cold bridges. The thickness of 3 cm is subject to additional insulation when the outside temperature drops below -5 ° C. You will have to double the use of insulating material if the frame is made of aluminum;
  • Pay particular attention to the free flow values ​​of the fans. It may happen that the head may be completely absent at 500 m3. Consumers find out about this, as a rule, when the recuperator fails;
  • A big plus when additional functions can be connected to the automatic system. Thanks to improved automation, operating costs are reduced and the operation of the entire device is increased;
  • The main indicator for deciding on which recuperator to choose is the ventilation pressure and power. A preliminary calculation is made of how much air should enter the house in one hour.

Recovery and ventilation

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that in ventilation systems with a share of exhaust air, part of the heat is also extracted from the room. And it is this heat energy that is returned back.

These systems are effectively used in large industries and in large workshops, since in order to ensure the optimal temperature for such premises in winter, one must expose oneself to great costs. These installations also make it possible to significantly compensate for such losses and reduce costs.

Even in a private house, ventilation systems with heat recovery will be quite relevant today. Even in an individual house, ventilation is always carried out and when the air circulates, heat is also removed from any room in the same way. Agree that it is simply impossible to completely seal the building and thereby avoid any heat loss.

Recovery process

Today, these systems should be used even in a private house for the following reasons:

  • For quick removal of air with a large admixture of carbon dioxide;
  • For the flow of the required amount of fresh air into the living quarters;
  • To eliminate high humidity in rooms, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • To save heat;
  • And also to remove dust and harmful microorganisms that may be contained in it.

Rooftop recuperators

These ventilation units are used in facilities with a large work space. They filter, heat and supply air to the building. The air temperature is regulated by a duct heater or cooler. Its inflow is carried out partially or in full through the plate structure of the recuperator.


Such supply and exhaust ventilation systems are installed on the roof ceilings of buildings through holes made in them. The recuperators extract the used air collected from the ceiling and release it into the atmosphere, and its heat is transferred to the powerful incoming jet. The air supply is directed directly to the ceiling or directed to the working area. The recuperator can be an integral unit in the overall ventilation scheme of the entire facility. The device is easy to operate.


Models of units are made of different power, which is measured by the volume of passing air in cubic meters per hour. The base of the device is a frame-panel construction made of aluminum profiles. The optimum thickness of the heat exchanger sheets is about 0.2 mm. For sound and thermal insulation, the walls of the case are laid with mineral wool. Recuperators are equipped with electric, water and gas sections for heating. The achieved efficiency is about 65%. Installation of supply and exhaust ventilation does not cause any difficulties. To do this, it is necessary to make a window in the roof and strengthen the structure - "glass" for the correct distribution of the load. Installing the recuperator on the roof does not take up the useful volume of the building.

Feasibility of a recuperator in ventilation

It is possible to talk about the advisability of arranging recuperative ventilation by assessing the efficiency of the system and comparing its advantages with disadvantages.

Part of the heat is taken from the exhaust air drawn to the outside and transferred to the forced fresh jets directed inside the room. This allows you to reduce heat loss up to 70% (+)

The need to use heat recovery is most relevant in buildings with forced air extraction. As a rule, these are low-inertia structures built using innovative thermal insulation technologies (houses made of sandwich panels, gas silicate plates, foam blocks).

In such buildings, walls accumulate heat poorly, and natural air exchange is ineffective.

However, problems with air circulation are typical for "traditional" buildings made of brick and concrete. The presence of sealed heat and sound insulating PVC windows blocks circulation with a natural urge - the flow of fresh air stops, and the draft in the ventilation duct overturns or tends to zero.

The solution to the problem of "euro-windows" is the organization of forced ventilation. The system restores air exchange, but heat loss increases up to 60%. And here it is no longer possible to do without thermal recuperation.

Recuperator efficiency
The efficiency of the exchange process is expressed as a percentage and shows the amount of heat expended from the extract air for heating the fresh "inflow"

Ventilation heat recovery efficiency index:

  • 0% - open window - warm air is removed into the atmosphere, and cold air enters inside, lowering the temperature into the room;
  • 100% - the supply air is heated up to the "working off" temperature - it is technically impossible to implement;
  • 30-90% - an admissible parameter, recuperation with an efficiency of 60% or more is considered good, an efficiency over 80% - excellent heat exchange.

The efficiency of the system depends on the type of recuperator, the size of the room and the air flow rate. In any case, the use of recuperative ventilation, even with an efficiency of 30%, is more profitable than its absence. In addition to significant energy savings, heat “regeneration” improves the overall indoor climate.

Disadvantages of using a heat exchanger:

  1. Volatility. The purchase of HVAC equipment is justified if the electricity consumption is significantly less than its savings after installing the recuperator.
  2. Condensation loss. Due to the temperature difference, moisture can condense on the walls of the heat exchanger. In winter, there is a possibility of icing, which is fraught with a rapid decrease in efficiency or failure of the recuperator.
  3. Noisy work. Some models emit a hum during operation. If during the day this drawback is not particularly noticeable, then at night the noise causes discomfort. Recuperators with improved insulation are quiet.

A high initial investment is often the main argument against energy efficient ventilation.

Heat recuperator
It is advisable to invest in a system that will pay off within 5-8 years. It should be taken into account that additional costs will have to be borne to maintain the complex, for example, periodic replacement of fans

Recuperator with water circulation


The thermal energy carrier is water or antifreeze supplied to the supply unit from a separately located exhaust heat exchanger. The operation of a water circulation recuperator is similar to that of a water heating. The efficiency of the action of the plate heat exchanger with water circulation reaches 50-65%. Supply and exhaust ventilation with recuperators of this type is rarely used when it is possible to assemble a heat exchange line. The operation of this system requires frequent monitoring. The weak point is the presence of a pump that circulates the heat exchanger. As well as additional nodes that regulate the operation of the system. They increase energy consumption. With a large distance between the supply and exhaust heat exchangers, it is impractical to use this option. The recuperator performs only the function of heat exchange without moisture transformation.


The main units of the supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery are two heat exchangers. They are installed separately in the supply and extract air ducts. Connect them with an insulated flexible pipe. It allows for an easier choice of the location of the nodes and the installation of the system. The recuperator with water circulation is equipped with a pump, expansion tank, controller, pressure indicator. Temperature sensors. Air, safety and control valves. When installing a single recuperation system, it is possible to connect several heat carriers. Different air exhaust and air flow paths ensure that the recuperator operates without the formation of traces of icing. The transfer of contamination by the outgoing air to the inlet stream is excluded.

Plate heat exchangers

The simplest designs for ventilation systems. The heat exchanger is made in the form of a chamber divided into separate channels located parallel to each other. Between them is a thin plate-like baffle, which has high heat-conducting properties.

The principle of operation is based on the exchange of heat of air flows, that is, the exhaust air that is removed from the room and gives up its heat to the supply air, which enters the house already warm, thanks to this exchange.

The advantages of this technology include:

Heat exchange with a recuperator

  • simple device configuration;
  • complete absence of any moving parts;
  • high efficiency of action.

Well, one of the most significant drawbacks in the operation of such a recuperator is the formation of condensate on the plate itself. Usually, such heat exchangers need to be additionally installed with special drip catchers. This is a necessary parameter, as in winter the condensate can freeze and stop the device. That is why some devices of this type have built-in defrosting systems.

System installation problems

There are practically no potential problems associated with the use of such equipment. Some are decided by the manufacturer, others become a buyer's headache. The main problems include:

  • Condensation formation. The laws of physics determine that when high temperature air passes through a cold closed environment, condensation forms. If the ambient temperature is below freezing, then the fins will begin to freeze. All information provided in this paragraph defines a significant decrease in the efficiency of the device.
  • Energy efficiency. All ventilation systems working in conjunction with the recuperator are energy dependent. The economic calculation carried out determines that only those recuperator models that will save more energy than spend will be useful.
  • Payback period. As previously noted, the device is designed to save energy. An important determining factor is how many years it takes for the purchase and installation of recuperators to pay off. If the indicator under consideration exceeds the 10-year mark, then there is no sense in the installation, since during this time other elements of the system will need to be replaced. If the calculations show that the payback period is 20 years, then the possibility of installing the device should not be considered.

System installation problems

The above problems should be taken into account when choosing a heat exchanger, which there are several dozen types.

Heat pipes

It is worth highlighting one more type of recuperators. Heat recovery in a home using heat pipes is quite effective. Such devices are sealed tubes made of metal, which has high heat-conducting properties. Inside such a tube there is a liquid that has a very low boiling point (freon is usually used here).

Such a heat exchanger is always installed in a vertical position, with one of its ends located in the exhaust duct and the other in the supply duct.

The principle of operation is simple. The extracted warm air, washing the pipe, transfers heat to the freon, which, boiling, moves upward, with a lot of heat. And the supply air that washes the top of the tube takes this heat with it.

The advantages include high efficiency, quiet operation and high efficiency. So today you can significantly save on heating your home, partially returning it back.

Manufacturing of a channelless heat exchanger

ductless ground heat exchanger

A channelless ground heat exchanger involves the manufacture of a pit with a length of about 3-4 meters and a depth of 80 centimeters. The pit is filled with a layer of gravel, and the top is covered with foam concrete. This design allows you to obtain a temperature inside a special layer, which will not differ from the temperature in the ground at a depth of 5 meters. After making the pit, you need to remove the pipe from it for the supply of fresh air.

This branch pipe is made according to the same scheme as in a tube heat exchanger. Another pipe should go from a special layer to the ventilation system of the premises. In a simple scheme, air begins to circulate. It is not only moisturized, but also cleansed. The advantage of the design is increased filtration. The downside is lower efficiency than in a pipe system.



Plastic windows