Features of the use of hydro and vapor barrier PVC windows

Polyurethane foam took its place in the construction market relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity. It is sealed, has good adhesion, does not allow electric current to pass through, penetrates into hard-to-reach places, does not rot, has good sound, hydro and thermal insulation properties. That is why polyurethane foam is often used when installing PVC windows. So, how to determine - polyurethane foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Types of polyurethane foam

The composition of the polyurethane foam, as a rule, remains almost unchanged. Another thing is that the cylinders themselves, in which it is sold, differ from each other, and on this basis, the foam is divided into professional (pistol), household and soundproof.

Professional foam cylinders have a special valve dedicated to the applicator gun. Thus, you cannot just buy a foam cylinder and use it right away: you need assembly gun... This device allows metering of foam, calculating its amount and reducing unnecessary consumption, and the long thin barrel makes it possible to deliver foam to hard-to-reach places. In addition, it is convenient: you can work with such a device with one hand, hold it quite comfortably, and this can be done not only upside down, as is customary, but also vice versa.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

But what if you do not have enough Napoleonic plans to acquire a far from cheap assembly gun? For this, there is a household, it is semi-professional, foam. To use it, just put it on valve adapter - a plastic tube with a lever. You don't need to buy it, it comes in the kit. Keep such a can when working should be strictly upside down.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

There is also division into summer and winter polyurethane foam. The first is used at temperatures from +5 C to +35 C, the second - from -20 C. This is due to the fact that in winter the air is less humid, so the polymerization of the foam is worse. This division applies only to direct work with foam: having hardened, both types will calmly withstand temperatures from -50 C to +90 C. There is also all-season foam, which is used from -10 C, but it is now quite rare, so that you cannot find it everywhere.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Also, foam can be divided according to combustibility: combustible (IN 3), self-extinguishing (B2) and fire fighting (IN 1).

There is also foam one-component and two-component... The second has better technological properties: it solidifies faster, has less secondary expansion, a longer shelf life and a temperature range.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Soundproofing stands apart among other types of polyurethane foam. She has several other main goals and objectives, however, this product is produced in the same packaging and is used in almost the same way as its other brethren.

Features of MP

What is polyurethane foam? It is a liquid polymer that hardens after a certain time. In order for this product to have a foam consistency, the polymer is mixed in a cylinder with a specific gas. MP can be produced in two variations:

    Household or, in other words, an adapter type - a balloon with a straw. Optimal for people who are dealing with construction for the first time. The main advantage of the view is that you do not need to use additional tools to use it.

IMPORTANT: more low-quality products fall on the adapter version, since an unscrupulous manufacturer relies on the inexperience of a person purchasing a can with a tube. Excess filler gas is often observed in the composition, or, on the contrary, there is practically no gas, and there is a lot of polymer.

Among the disadvantages: often the indicated volumes of foam do not correspond to reality. Of the 65 "declared" liters in a can, often only 45 are found. Remember this and keep your receipts.

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Soundproof foam MaxForte

Unlike ordinary polyurethane foam, which is an excellent conductor of noise, as it is light, solid, and has a closed cell structure, which contributes to the unimpeded passage of the sound wave. Foam MaxForte

Therefore, when installing windows or doors, it is necessary to use a special sound-insulating foam, which, unlike ordinary foam, has properties that are important for sound insulation:

  • High density to reflect sound waves;
  • Elasticity, to reduce vibration transmission;
  • High-quality filling of cavities and cracks to prevent sound from "leaking" into the room

These are the characteristics of the MAXFORTE SaundFLEX foam.

Compared to conventional construction foams, the use of MAXFORTE SoundFLEX foam adds more than 10 dB to sound insulation, which is equivalent to a 2-3 times reduction in noise.

The difference between conventional polyurethane foam and soundproofing can be seen in the video:

If you squeeze a piece of polyurethane foam in your hand, it will simply collapse, unlike specialized sound-insulating foam, it will take back its shape like a "sponge", it does not harden and thus does not become a sound bridge.

Installation procedure

hydro and vapor barrier according to gost

Work on additional insulation of the window seam from moisture ingress is performed both before and after its installation in the opening. In most situations, it is more convenient to glue tape materials before installation. The same cannot be said about liquid sealants, the use of which is possible only on an already installed unit.

Sticking the tape (outside the PSUL and diffusion under the ebb, on the inside of the GPL) and installing the window is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • If the opening has a quarter, against which a part of the outer profile will abut, we perform a preliminary installation in order to mark the places for gluing the waterproofing.
  • We remove the dimensions and cut the corresponding sections of the tape with an allowance for the corner joints;
  • Removing the protective strip, glue the pre-compressed tape on the sides and on top;

    glue psul tape to the window profile

  • To the inner side of the frame along the entire perimeter, we glue the GPL;

    gluing gpl tape on a plastic window

  • We expose the window in the opening to the level, fix it with fasteners and fill the seam with foam.

    sealing the seam with foam under gpl

  • After polymerization of the foam sealant, remove its excess and glue the internal vapor barrier to the opening.

    glue the gpl tape to the slope

  • To the bottom profile from the outside we glue the diffusion tape under the casting profile.

When installed in an opening without a quarter, a preliminary test installation of the unit is not required, since the PSUL is attached to the ends of the frame, and for this no markings are needed.

What to look for when choosing a polyurethane foam?

Now there are enough manufacturing companies to make an inexperienced buyer get confused. So what is the first thing to look out for?

  1. Check the bottle for underfilling... Unfortunately, this is a fairly common phenomenon in our time, extremely negatively affecting the properties of the foam: when underfilling, as a rule, it does not come out of the cylinder completely, because the pressure drops too low to squeeze out the foam. Thus, you noticeably overpay for both under-poured and unused foam. Therefore, it is important to check the weight of the can: for example, a 750 ml can of foam should weigh about 850-920 grams.
  2. It is also very important not to forget about secondary expansion, which was already mentioned above. The foam expands twice: when applied as it should, and later, over a period of time, which can be up to several days. The secondary expansion should be no more than 15-20 percent of the primary, otherwise there is a high probability that the repair will have to be done anew.
  3. And, of course, you should take fresh foamnot an expiring dusty can.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Level of quality

Professionals regularly test products from various manufacturers to identify the best sealant. Choosing a good-quality product, they, first of all, focus on the following points:

  1. The polyurethane foam should adhere perfectly to any surface and not flow from it.
  2. It does not decrease in size after final drying, that is, it does not give significant shrinkage.
  3. Quality products are flexible.
  4. It does not create cracks in the cold, does not crumble.
  5. The mass of the container should be on average about 910 grams (including the foaming substance equivalent to 750 ml).

The modern market is actually overflowing with different types of this product, but this does not mean that any polyurethane foam offered by the manufacturer is of high quality. Often, products that do not meet the established requirements come to the shelves of construction markets: for example, toxic substances that are very harmful to the ozone layer and, of course, health are included in the foam in the form of a traditional propellant gas.

IMPORTANT: there are cases when companies simply underfill MP in a cylinder. Of course, this affects not only the quality properties of the product, but also the consumer himself. Therefore - be careful!

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

So now it is clear how to choose the foam. But what kind of polyurethane foam is better to take for PVC windows?

  • Professional is much safer and more convenient. In addition, professional foam has a low shrinkage, that is, a reduction in volume after curing. Low shrinkage eliminates damage to the integrity of the seams, and for pistol foam it is only five to seven percent.
  • Consider the ambient temperature: warmer +5 Celsius - use summer foam, but if colder than -10 Celsius - use winter foam. See the cans for the specific temperature range.
  • Use foam from trusted and proven manufacturers - so you can be relatively confident in the result.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

What formulations are used?

Most foams have the same composition. The main substance is one-component polyurethane foam sealant. Thanks to the aerosol packaging, it is easy to apply to surfaces without getting your hands dirty. The second substance in the can is the propellant - this is the gas that displaces the polymer we need.

After drying, all types of foam become hard. Excess is easily cut off with a knife, the foam itself is putty, lends itself to any fine finishing. Polyurethane foam is used for PVC windows, door frames, filling gaps in various designs, installing window sills, fixing parts made of concrete, wood, metal. The foam seals the cracks well, has a pronounced fixing effect.

Are your new windows not perfect? What to do if plastic windows freeze? About this in detail in our material on the site.

Top 5 polyurethane foam

There are five most common brands of polyurethane foam: Moment-Montage, Makroflex, Soudal, Penosil and Titan.

  1. «Instant installation"Can be found almost everywhere. Foam from this manufacturer is mainly all-season, produced both in household and professional cylinders. It has good adhesion, is dense and homogeneous in structure, which is quite important when installing PVC windows. It tolerates painting well. The price varies from 250 to 300 rubles / piece.
  2. «Makroflex»Can also be seen in almost any store. The Makroflex polyurethane foam adheres perfectly to almost all building materials, has a homogeneous structure, and has a low secondary expansion. Winter and summer versions are available. The average price for Makroflex foam is 325 rubles / piece.
  3. «Soudal»It's harder to find, but the quality is impressive. Available in three versions: winter, summer, fire-resistant. There are no toxic additives and unpleasant odor, the structure is finely porous and dense.This polyurethane foam sticks well to everything, solidifies evenly, almost does not suffer from shrinkage or secondary expansion, so there will definitely not be blowing from the window installed with this foam: the sealing is perfect. Price - 295 rubles / piece.
  4. «Penosil"Is also not available in all stores, but it is worth looking. There is almost no smell, there is no shrinkage at all, the secondary expansion is very low, the structure is dense. In terms of foam output, this brand overtakes all others. Price - from 285 to 315 rubles / piece.
  5. «Titan»Is quite popular due to the optimal ratio of price and quality. The foam is non-toxic, there is no shrinkage or secondary expansion. The structure is fine, dense, adhesion is good. Also available in several types - winter, fire-resistant, etc. Average price - 345 rubles / piece.

Foam for PVC windows: which is better?

Polyurethane foam is the best way to install PVC windows, if you choose it correctly.

Vapor barrier from the inside

The processing of the assembly seam from the side of the room is necessary to isolate it from the ingress of condensed moisture and steam formations. Like waterproofing, this type of finish can be implemented either with tape or with liquid products.

Vapor barrier tapes

The most common material for internal insulation of windows at the moment is GPL (hydro-vapor barrier tape).

GPL vapor barrier tape

Its main features:

  • Most of the products under this brand are made on a polyethylene base.
  • Foil coating is possible on one side.
  • The material does not allow moisture or air to pass through the tape itself, as well as through the places of its fixation on the profile and the opening.
  • HPL is characterized by high resistance to solar UV radiation, does not degrade under the influence of household chemicals.

installation of gpl tape

In addition to GPL, there are a lot of products that are similar in characteristics, which can be used depending on the type of finish, wall material and climatic conditions.

gpl tape for installation of windows according to GOST

Video instructions for installing a window using sealing tapes:

"Titan O2"

It is the most respected brand among professionals. Titanium is quite economical, but it does not lose quality. It is non-toxic, adheres well to all surfaces. It has a small and dense structure, perfectly holds the volume, while it does not shrink or expand. Foam liquid yield is average.

You can choose an acceptable series of Titanium: for the winter period and products with increased resistance to fire. Scope of application: installation of pipes, repair of heating systems and water supply. Also, experts recommend using it for thermal insulation.

Among the disadvantages: poor UV tolerance, fragility: after a year, Titanium begins to crumble, lose elasticity, and darken. At the same time, nothing of the kind is observed indoors. The average cost is 230 rubles.

Moment Installation

One of the most popular brands in its segment. You can find it in any building market. The MP of this brand is produced in adapter and industrial variations. It is used in most construction work, and at any time of the year.

The main function of the sealant is to fill voids in the structure, to seal the seam. The foam itself has a high uniform density and adheres well to most surfaces. It is used for external and internal repairs. It tolerates further painting well.

Among the disadvantages: the sealant has a significant secondary expansion, there are often cases when the MP slightly displaces the window sills or the door frame. Of course, this is not typical for a similar brand, but hack-work is sometimes found. Poor quality products can be recognized by their unpleasant odor and pungent yellow color. After a year, such a sealant loses its elasticity. Average price - 320 rubles.


One of the most popular and well-known brands. Plus, it is considered the most economical.It is used for summer and winter use, adheres perfectly to absolutely any building materials. The sealant has a visually homogeneous structure, conducts a minimum of secondary expansion. The declared yield is on average about 25 liters.

The range of applications is quite extensive: traditional sealing, excellent heat and noise insulation, installation of door and window frames, repair of plumbing.

However, there are drawbacks. Sometimes, among the sealants of this brand, there is a frank marriage, which also applies to the pistol. In this case, either one polymer comes out of the Makroflex cylinder, smearing everything around it, or only gas, while after a small volume of "foamy" substance comes out, splashes appear.

Another drawback that experts warn about is serious shrinkage. After using low-quality products, you have to cut off the cavities and "top up" the lack of volume there. The average cost is 200 rubles. (capacity - 0.75 liters).

Properties and field of application of the material

Polyurethane foam is a liquid polyurethane solution pumped into a cylinder under pressure. When exposed to air, it quickly solidifies and at the same time significantly increases in volume.

There are 2 types of foam expansion:

  1. Primary (when the composition leaves the cylinder). Provides ease of use: the solution is effortlessly filled in indentations of arbitrary shape.
  2. Secondary. Disadvantages: the increase in the volume of the sealant during the final polymerization can deform the window elements. Therefore, it must be taken into account when carrying out work.

A completely cured material acquires unique useful qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity is achieved due to air bubbles in the thickness of the solidified material. If not for the price, the foam could well be considered as an alternative to the usual insulation.
  • The presence of air voids increases the sound insulation of the entire window structure: vibrations transmitted to the window are damped by foam. Thus, it is a complement to the installed rubber seals, increasing the soundproofing.
  • The cured foam does not transmit electricity, is water-repellent, and is not subject to rotting or the spread of mold.


Also not a very popular brand, but very high quality. The product is dense and uniform, practically does not produce secondary expansion, shrinkage. This is the MP champion in terms of output volume. Effective for interior work during fixation and installation of structures, excellent in filling cavities and seams. Virtually odorless, the shade is white.

Disadvantages: "Penosil" is not suitable for outdoor work: it no longer works at -4 ° C and + 35 ° C. During the heat, the sealant refuses to foam, so it simply flows out. Average price - 220 rubles.

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How to use?

Sealing may well be done on your own. Turning to workers is an unnecessary and unreasonable waste. With the instructions, this work can be done in no time. We will assume that the slopes have already been made earlier, therefore we will not dwell on this issue.

The algorithm for sealing work will be as follows:

  • The first point will be the preparation of tools and consumables. In the process, you will need a syringe for applying sealant, a container of water and construction tape.
  • The slopes need to be prepared for further work. The essence of the preparation is to stick construction tape, which will protect the window structure from dirt and will save us time.
  • The working area must be thoroughly cleaned. There should be no dirt or even dust. It is also necessary to remove the protective film down to the slightest fragment. For degreasing plastic structures, it is forbidden to use solvents containing acetone.With this treatment, cloudy, matte stains, stains that differ in color and other troubles may appear on the surface.

  • Using a construction syringe, slowly squeeze the sealant into the seam area. The tool should be angled so that the tip flattens the material to be applied.
  • The remaining irregularities and other defects are smoothed out with a finger previously soaked in water. This trick will prevent material from sticking and provide a smooth finish. Seams must be well filled with putty so that there are no voids.
  • It is necessary to remove material residues from surfaces before it hardens. In this case, it is convenient to use a damp sponge. You need to act very carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the sealant applied to the seams.
  • You don't need to put putty on all seams at once. Better to work in stages. In this case, it will be possible to avoid hardening of the material until it is flattened and the residues are removed.


A less popular polyurethane foam, but one of the most worthy in the quality category. Several variations of the product are produced: for summer and winter, as well as a separate type - fire-resistant. In winter, Soudal operates at a maximum temperature of minus 20 ° C. Does not contain toxic additives, does not have an unpleasant odor.

Conducts small secondary expansion, adheres well to the surface. The structure contains a minimum of pores, a maximum of density. Scope of application: sealing and insulation of the roof, installation of various structures, insulation of pipes, repair of plumbing. Does not shrink, freezes instantly and, most importantly, evenly.

Among the shortcomings: "Soudal" does not tolerate ultraviolet light, so if you do not cover it with a protective paint, then after a year it will crumble and acquire an unpleasant brown tint. The average cost is 250 rubles.


Sealing can be done independently. When working, you will need a syringe, water and mounting tape. To prevent the slopes from getting dirty, you need to stick construction tape on them. Work areas should be thoroughly cleaned and degreased, but for PVC windows you cannot use products containing acetone, otherwise ugly stains will appear on the surface. Slowly squeeze the sealant into the seam with a syringe. The tool should be held at such an angle so that its nose straightens the applied putty. Then everything is smoothed with a finger soaked in water. Seams should be thoroughly filled with a product so that no voids remain. Even before the material hardens, surplus is removed from the surfaces carefully, without violating the integrity of the sealant applied to the seams. Putty should not be applied to all seams at once, but work in stages.



Plastic windows