False windows in the interior: design options and use of a false window

Look, falling asleep, at the starry sky or, opening your eyes, enjoy the light clouds dissolved in the rays of the sun. But not everyone has such an opportunity. In a high-rise apartment, it is technically impossible to cut through a window in the ceiling. And even residents of cottages with an attic do not always decide on this, since there is a risk that the glass unit will leak during a rainstorm and melting snow. But you don't need to give up your dream, you can make a rather realistic false window on the ceiling. Then a beautiful view is ensured, and there will be no dripping on your head from the roof.

Installation of a false window in a frame that lies on the surface

The wall is being prepared for the false window to be located on it. The picture is set in a frame or baguette. This design looks presentable. The painting is created directly on the surface of the wall. As an image, you can use a poster or a large photo. Then a frame made of wood or plastic is mounted at the edges of the image.

False window in the nursery

Mirrored false windows

This technique is used to expand the boundaries of space. Used mirrors that have a 3D effect. Such windows are mainly used on the upper floors, as well as in buildings where real windows face the walls of other houses. Mirrored false windows are designed in the form of frames with a lattice weave. Mirror tiles are inserted inside each frame. Polystyrene tiles are used. This is to ensure that the entire system is not overly heavy.

Mirror false window

Film for window decoration

Ordinary transparent glasses gradually, but surely cease to be fashionable. Architectural film is an innovative move for glass decoration. It is capable of reflecting infrared study and giving individuality and uniqueness to window openings. The assortment is quite diverse:

  • mirror film;
  • tinted film;
  • decorative film;
  • heat-reflecting film;
  • protective film.

The mirror film has a reflective mirror effect. It is used for decorating window openings in cafes and restaurants. A feature of this material is its ability, on the one hand, to appear as an ordinary transparent film, and on the other, as a mirror surface.

The tinted film effectively hides the contents of the premises from prying eyes. This option is widely used on low floors of apartment buildings.

Decorative film is a coating that will decorate a room from the inside. A film in the form of a stained-glass window, pattern, drawing is glued to the double-glazed window.

Heat-reflecting film has two huge advantages - it decorates the window and also keeps the room warm. This makes it possible to significantly save money, not only during the off-season, but also when it is very hot outside. Sunlight reflects off the glass and does not warm up the room.

The protective film is available in a wide range of colors. Most often, preference is given to transparent and silvery films.

The cost of the film varies considerably, but a regular roll with a width of 152 cm starts at $ 10.

Fig. 4. Decorative film for glass

Methods for applying film to glass

Adhering decorative films to glass is not easy. In fact, this material does not admit inaccuracies, they will be immediately visible and nothing will be able to hide them. Before starting work, you must collect all the required tools.

In order for the process of applying the material to end with the expected high result, you should pay attention to the condition and quality of the surface on which the film will be applied. The glass must be intact, intact, and the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of contamination. It is necessary to degrease the glass immediately before work, no later than half an hour before gluing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • take measurements;
  • cut blanks;
  • degrease the surface;
  • apply an adhesive to the glass;
  • carefully glue the foil starting from the top edge.

It is important that there is no air between the glass and the film. The bubbles must be smoothed out so that the surface is perfectly flat.

False window on the ceiling

This idea applies to high quality, dense, suspended ceilings. With such a skylight, the room will always seem light. The manufacturing system for this ceiling is complex. The ceiling is mounted on hangers immediately with niches. Glass and lighting are mounted in niches. Photo wallpapers are installed on the glass. The binding is imitated by moldings.

False window on the attic ceiling

Features of making a false window yourself

If you are wondering how to make a false window, then before starting work, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the features of this design. You also need to decide on the design and appearance of the false window.

The use of false windows is a fashionable trend in modern or classic interior design. It is not only designers who can make a window. You can do this process yourself if you want. It involves the sequential execution of the following steps:

  1. Manufacturing a niche from plasterboard based on the parameters of the future design.
  2. Selection of images. It should match the overall design.
  3. Purchase a frame of the right size, made of wood or glass.
  4. Fixing the image niche to the back panel.
  5. Installing the light source. This question requires a professional approach.
  6. Closing the niche with a frame. Installation of curtains on windows (if provided by design).

Photo wallpaper in the form of a false window above the fireplace

False - doors

False doors are used in modern interiors to create original illusion and unusual furnishings. The presence of believable and colorful drawings on the walls will pleasantly surprise your friends and acquaintances.

To create the illusion of a door, you need to find a real master who will be able to work out all the details to create an optical illusion. With the help of an interesting painting on the wall, you can conveniently hide imperfections in the room and make it visually larger.

Faux doors can be painted or printed on wall murals. If you opt for an arched doorway, it simulates the entrance to a fairy garden, to the river bank, to the snow-covered slopes. In other words, there is no limit to your imagination when decorating a hallway or hall. Such doors will ideally fit into any interior of the room and will become its main decoration.

Imitation of a window in the interior 30 photos

You can complement the finished structure assembled by yourself with decorative curtains. If you insert plexiglass into the product, the picture will look more real.

In conclusion, it should be noted that with the help of false windows and doors, you can transform the interior of any room, make it bright, interesting and different from everyone else. It doesn't matter in which room you decide to install false designs, the main thing is to correctly approach the ratio of their subject matter to the general interior of the room.

How is fake window highlighting done?

There are many ways to transform an interior. Today, fake windows are sold ready-made; they do not have to be made by hand. They resort to self-production mainly when it was not possible to purchase a suitable option.

The illuminated window looks especially impressive in the interior. Refracted light rays are scattered in space. The room is filled with a cozy, pleasant atmosphere. The light becomes soft, so the eyes do not get tired of it. This type of lighting consumes a small amount of electricity.

French false window in the interior

Small false windows in the living room decor

Bright false window in the interior of the kitchen
Such a light panel is made by mounting the required image in a box. The box is made of plastic or plexiglass. An LED strip is mounted along the edges of the box. It is installed in 4 centimeters distance. Sections of tape are soldered sequentially from one coil. The output to the transformer is carried out. Then the wires are led out to the outlet. The selected image is glued to the box lid. The outer walls of the structure are sealed with a material that will not allow light to pass through. The lighting is adjusted to the desired parameters and the cover is installed.

A backlit window helps freshen the interior with vibrant colors and exclusivity.

False window in the interior of the kitchen

Types of window decoration

Window decoration can be divided into several categories:

  • replacement or modernization of glass;
  • re-equipment of the window;
  • creating a false window.

To do this, apply:

  • window bars;
  • shutters;
  • window frames;
  • colored stained glass;
  • laser engraving;
  • decorative layout;
  • decorating with natural stone.

Each of the options mentioned can be a good solution, it all depends on the concept according to which the living space is designed.

Textured glass for windows

One of the simplest options for giving a glass unit individuality is the installation of embossed glass. The material is strong, original and durable. Disadvantages include high cost and cleaning problems. Dust accumulates in the corners of texture elements and is difficult to wash out from there. The following types can be distinguished:

  • patterned glass is such a material, on one side of which there is ordinary glass, and the second has a relief surface, this option is used for windows where it is necessary to limit visibility from the street, it should be noted that the light transmittance of this glass is very high;
  • frosted glass - this option is obtained in two ways: by mechanical processing with a sandblaster or by applying a chemical matting composition, the glass is opaque on both sides.
  • clear textured glass does not restrict visibility, but has a unique surface.

The cost of the material depends on the size of the surface, the larger the glass, the more expensive its cost. The average price of textured glass is from $ 20 per square meter.

Fig. 1. Textured colored glass

Where to place a false window in the interior?

In fact, a false window can be successfully positioned anywhere in the house. They look great in both dark and well-lit rooms. The question arises as to where exactly the false window can be placed so that the interior is as harmonious as possible.

Small false windows with shutters in the living room

If the hallway is spacious, then you can choose a wall that is free of furniture. If the hallway is compact, then it will be enough to decorate the mirrors or purchase a spectacular key holder, a wardrobe in the form of a false window.

False window above the console table in the living room interior

False window with stained glass in a niche

If the room is very small and dark, and there is no free wall from furniture, then a false window with illumination can be installed on the ceiling. With this design, the space is transformed. This method is often used when decorating the ceiling in the bathroom.For example, if you decorate the ceiling in the form of an open sky, then taking a shower or a bath in such a room will be especially pleasant. False windows in the bathroom are used quite often.

A fake window with a landscape in the bathroom

A false window is an integral part of spacious and bright rooms. As a rule, this decor element is installed in order to eliminate defects that were made by the builders. With the help of a false window, a lack of layout can be made a highlight of the interior.

With the help of false windows, you can make the interior bright, original and functional. This technique is often used as the organization of a non-standard hanger in the hallway. Such hangers with a photo print look especially impressive.

False window in the hallway

False mirror window in the bedroom
If there are already two narrow windows in the room, then they can be successfully combined using a false window. In this case, it is relevant to use a mirror material. With the help of a mirror decoration, you can eliminate the feeling of a dead space. By equipping the window with lighting, you can create the feeling of a real window opening.

False window in a dark frame in the interior of the bathroom

Fake windows often serve as headboards. By the way, if you install a fan in the false window, then the cool air emanating from it will help you to feel the unusual realism of the reception.

False window in the bathroom

Varieties of false windows

False windows can be made using several methods, some of which are quite simple and complex. This article will discuss different ways to create false windows in the interior.

Framed false windows located on a flat surface

Framed false windows located on a flat surface

First, you need to choose a place on the wall where the false window will be located, then you should make a sketch and transfer it to the wall. The next step is to select a frame that can be made from wood planks painted in the desired color. Or you can simply use an old wooden window frame or cut the frame out of an old door yourself.

False window

The finished wooden frame must be put in order, for which it must be carefully sanded, and then painted with enamel or varnished.

After that, you need to decide on the "view from the window." For these purposes, you can use a painting, poster or even a photograph.

First you need to apply or stick the image on the wall according to the markup. After it is completely dry, you need to attach it with dowels or just glue the prepared frame. After that, your window will be almost ready.

Real false window

This option is the simplest, but if you want to make the fake window more realistic, you can complicate it. For example, you can attach plexiglass to it even before mounting the frame, which will help make the window much more believable.

Another good solution is a window sill shelf, which should be attached under the frame and small flower pots placed on it. To decorate the entire structure with a curtain, it is necessary to hang a curtain over the window itself.

If you don't want to build the frame, you can replace it with colored polyurethane moldings. In this case, you first need to paint or glue the image, and then frame it around the perimeter with moldings. If you wish, you can even make a binding, for which you will have to use narrower moldings.

If you do this option on a smooth surface, you will inevitably encounter one drawback - you will not be able to make slopes and highlight the window. Such a false window looks very realistic and beautiful, but not to the point of being mistaken for real.

Drawn false window

Drawn 3D false window

A false window can be drawn, and you can draw internal shutters, a frame, and a landscape outside the window.Drawn windows framed with real curtains, curtains, window sills, blinds and shutters will look quite interesting. If you wish, you can create a more original version, where one curtain will be drawn, and the second real. To create such a false window yourself, you need to have outstanding artistic ability. In the event that you do not know how to draw, you can turn to a decorator for help.

Drawn false window

What are painted windows in the interior for? Such windows will help to revitalize the interior, create coziness, bring zest to the room, emphasize the style and expand the visual space. Drawn false windows can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. A very interesting option is a corner drawn window, with which you can equip an empty corner.

Mirror false window

Mirror false window

This technique is considered very interesting, since its main goal is to expand the room by pushing its boundaries. To do this, you need a mirror tile or one-piece mirror that is the right size. The mirror window should be mounted on a flat wall, without using a niche.

How to make a mirrored false window

To make a false window with a solid mirror, you first need to attach a mirror to the wall, and then frame it with a frame with a binding. The frame can be made of polyurethane (moldings), wood (using wooden slats for binding) and plastic. If you make a one-piece frame, then you just need to attach it over the mirror, and the binding made from slats will need to be glued directly to the mirror. After that, the false window can be finished with additional elements - curtains, curtains, a window sill with fresh flowers.

Do-it-yourself mirror false window

The mirror window can be mounted in another way. To do this, first you need to make a frame with a lattice that will simulate the binding, and then glue mirror tiles of the required size inside this binding. In addition to mirror tiles, you can use polystyrene or mirror plexiglass tiles. After that, the finished structure can be mounted on the wall.

Mirror false window in the basement

You should not close the mirror false window with blackout curtains, since in this case it will lose its main purpose - it will not reflect the room, and therefore will not expand the space.

False window in a niche

False window in a niche

There are various nooks and niches in many apartments and most often the owners cannot think of an application for them. But there are some interesting uses and decorating options for these niches, both small and large. One of the most interesting tricks is creating a false window in a niche.

You can paste over the inner wall of the niche with a poster or photo wallpaper, or you can even use a painting, but it is the photo print that will create more realism. Also, do not exclude the option with a mirrored false window in a niche.

If the niche has sufficient depth, then the frame should not be attached to the image itself, but slightly pushed forward. Thanks to this, it will be possible to place a light source between the frame and the rear wall of the niche, as a result, the false window will acquire functionality. After that, you need to install a window sill and trim the slopes, and in order to achieve greater realism, you can install a decorative grille under the window, which will simulate a screen for a radiator. And after installing flowers on the windowsill, the window will practically become like a real one.

Also, to create such windows, you can specially make a niche using drywall. In this case, the frame can be made to order from wood or plastic.

False ceiling windows

False ceiling windows

Separately, you need to consider false windows, which are located on the ceiling. Moreover, false ceiling windows today can be found more often than wall ones. Such windows can be created on a flat ceiling, but false windows on a false ceiling look more impressive. The result is the effect of a glass roof.Of course, this option will not be able to replace the stunning atmosphere of a room with a real glass roof, but after installing such a false window, you will at least have an illusion.

False windows in the ceiling

But how to make such a window? First you need to mount a suspended ceiling, with a pre-prepared niche. Then you need to glue the usual wallpaper into the niche, which depicts a cloudy or starry sky, or simple photowall-paper. Next, you should form from moldings and glue the frame with a cover. This option is the simplest, but at the same time it is quite beautiful.

Window in the ceiling

If you combine a stretch ceiling and a suspended ceiling, you can get a very effective structure as a result. With this option, a stretch photo canvas is used, which depicts stars, space or the sky. Currently, the most fashionable solution is to use flickering backlit stretch ceilings. By the way, with the help of stretch ceilings, you can make an original dome window on the ceiling, and if you combine two technologies - mounting a stretch ceiling and hanging a plasterboard ceiling, you can build a sloped ceiling with a false window from which you can see the tree branches and the sky. Thanks to this, you will get a kind of imitation of the attic.

False construction with stained glass

False construction with stained glass

In order to create a false window in the interior of an arched, round or semicircular shape, you can use stained glass windows, which are also used to make a false transom.

Features of choosing an image for a window

The choice of an image for a false window must be approached with special care. It is desirable that it be voluminous or with a perspective. It can be a stunning winter landscape, a forest path stretching into the distance, a flowing waterfall, and much more. Today the store sells a large number of images, posters, and photo wallpapers. Choosing the right option is not difficult.

Decorative window hanger in the hallway

Stained glass false windows with illumination on the flight of stairs

If you wish, you can draw the image yourself. The drawing made by yourself will make the interior unique. You should like the content of the image and harmoniously fit into the space. The Asian decoration for the window uses drawings of palm trees, in the Indian style - elephants, in the Mediterranean version - views of the seascapes, etc.

Photo wallpaper with a seascape around the bath

Mirror in the form of a window in the interior of the living room

If you want to emphasize the original style of your interior, then choose the design of a false window in accordance with the general design idea. The more unexpected you position the window, the more impression you can make on your guests.

Decorative windows of an unusual shape

Typically, the basic geometry is determined at the time of the design of the dwelling. Windows, as a rule, are made in a standard rectangular shape. If during the operation of housing you want something special, you can re-equip existing windows, or make new ones.

According to the legislation, facade apartment buildings must be distinguished by generally accepted standards, therefore, the restructuring of windows will be accompanied by a fine and the need to return the previous type of structure. The solution to the situation is decorative windows.

You can choose any shape and appearance. The window will not be end-to-end, so you can come up with its filling yourself. The average cost of a double-glazed window is $ 50-60 per square meter. However, the cost of the frame itself should be added to this, it is determined individually, depending on the complexity of manufacturing.

Fig. 2. Arched window



Plastic windows