Unique features of hydrogen boilers
Boilers of this type are of little demand in Russia due to the lack of awareness of the broad masses of consumers about them. In Western countries, this alternative form of heating is already quite common due to its proven environmental friendliness, as well as significant savings in utility bills.
"Generating water" - this is how the translation of the term "hydrogen" from Latin sounds. This element is considered the most common substance in the world, half of it is the sun, it is widely used in industry, and also has a lot of unique properties that were used in the development of a hydrogen heating boiler. The main unique property of an element is its inexhaustibility in the bowels and in the surrounding world.
The hydrogen production process is simple and straightforward. It requires the mandatory availability of electricity and water. Electric current promotes the splitting of water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, which can later be used to heat rooms.
Hydrogen as an energy carrier is considered the safest and cleanest element, and heating based on it is complete and efficient.
Boilers of this type can be harmoniously integrated with your own hands into an existing heating system without prejudice to it.
Popular models of hydrogen units for the heating system
Chinese generator Kingkar3000
Producing "Brown's gas" - a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen in a ratio of 2 to 1. Moreover, the user can adjust the temperature of the torch in the range from 800 to 3200 degrees Celsius, changing the percentage of the components in the fuel mixture.
Installation characteristics:
- Water consumption - 1.6 liters per hour.
- Fuel generation - 3 m3 / hour.
- Energy consumption - up to 9 kW.
- The cost - 8000 USD.
Generators of combustible mixture for heating with hydrogen
STAR 1000 and STAR 2000
Demonstrate the following characteristics:
- Water consumption - from 0.7 to 1.1 liters per hour or 5.5 liters per day.
- Fuel generation - from 1.2 to 2.0 m3 / hour.
- Estimated period of operation - at least 15 years.
- Energy consumption - from 1.2 to 3 kW.
- Heated area - up to 250 square meters.
- Price - up to 230,000 rubles.
Hydrogen boiler STAR-1.1
Paired with a STAR 2000 generator:
- Thermal power - 27 kW
- Energy consumption - 300 W / h.
- Number of contours - one heating + one hot water, installed for a fee.
- The cost - 63-73 thousand rubles.
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The main nuances of hydrogen boilers
The power of hydrogen-based boilers is selected depending on the area of the structure that needs to be heated.
With this kind of technology, you can solve many problems associated with heating. This is due to the simultaneous operation of several channels designed to generate hydrogen energy (there can be a maximum of 6).
The modular system inherent in hydrogen boilers ensures the independent operation of the channels, without affecting in any way a decrease in the efficiency of the installation. Each individual channel contains its own catalyst.
Advantages of heating with hydrogen
A hydrogen-fired boiler is in demand for many reasons:
- The inexhaustibility of hydrogen, as well as the ability to receive it in any quantity.
- The production of hydrogen is considered more profitable economically than the constant extraction of minerals with combustible properties (gas, coal, oil, etc.).
- The heating system works without exhaust harmful to people and the atmosphere, emitting ordinary water vapor.
- There is no need for a flame (hydrogen heating works on the basis of chemical reactions).
- The boiler has the highest possible efficiency.
- The device works completely silently.
- There is no need for the construction and operation of the chimney.
- The safety requirements for hydrogen heating are lower than for gas-fired installations.
Disadvantages of hydrogen boilers
Despite the many advantages, it is important to know about the disadvantages of such units:
- the need for constant replenishment of the catalyst;
- explosion hazard of an element if strict requirements are not met;
- inconvenient transportation of hydrogen;
- lack of specialists in the installation and maintenance of such equipment in Russia;
- insufficient number of necessary spare parts due to the undeveloped market for hydrogen heating.
Pros and cons of heating
- Absolute environmental friendliness - the decomposition products of water (hydrogen, oxygen and steam) do not affect health even during combustion.
- The maximum efficiency level, reaching 96%, is much higher than the same coal, diesel or natural gas.
- The use of hydrogen as an alternative source of energy resources makes it possible to significantly save the reserves of exhaustible natural resources, reducing their production several times.
- Low cost - for heating residential buildings, the cost of the system is insignificant, and the ease of operation, based on a primitive chemical reaction of electrolysis, allows you to assemble the system yourself.
Independent construction
Due to the fact that mass production of such units is currently absent, their purchase is not an easy process. Most likely, you will have to place an individual order or negotiate the supply of equipment from Italy, where such devices were first developed and put into operation.
But such a solution to the issue is not affordable for all consumers. In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of building a boiler with your own hands.
How does a homemade hydrogen heating boiler work?
The hydrogen heating system consists of a generator, a burner and a boiler.
At the moment, no source can give an accurate and guaranteeing success of instructions for the construction of a hydrogen boiler. But according to the skills and experience of practicing chemists and technicians, such a unit should consist of the following components:
- Heat exchanger.
- Electrolyzer.
- The combustion chamber.
- Backflow safety block (2-stage).
- A container with electrolyte and produced hydrogen. It should be made of alloy steel or stainless steel and equipped with a valve that can be used to relieve pressure in the system.
The principle of the boiler
Hydrogen begins to be produced after the electrolytic solution enters the cell. Under the influence of a catalyst with O2, the element is divided into heat and water. The resulting heat, which has a temperature of about 40 degrees, goes to the heating system, passing through a heat exchanger. Very often, this temperature is enough to fully heat the house with warm floors.
The water released as a result of the chemical reaction enters the tank (with the electrolyte), and then a certain part of the solution undergoes spontaneous combustion due to the recirculation process.
Principle of operation
Under the influence of an electric charge, water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, with the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, a reaction occurs, as a result of which the so-called Brown's gas is formed and the process of heat release occurs.The heat, in turn, will heat the water and ensure a normal room temperature.
Elements of a heating system using hydrogen
The structure of hydrogen boilers:
- An electrolyser is a special hydrogen generator for home heating that provides a reaction between oxygen and hydrogen.
- A heating burner with which a flame is created.
- A boiler that acts as a heat exchanger.
Electrolysis process for producing hydrogen
For the successful operation of a hydrogen plant, it is important to observe the following:
- The possibility of water intake, most often it is water from a water supply system.
- The parameters of fluid consumption directly depend on the power of the device.
- Provide access to the electricity needed to carry out the electrolysis reaction.
- Change the catalyst in accordance with a certain frequency, which depends on the modification and the power of the boiler.
It is important to note that an industrial hydrogen boiler is characterized by a high level of safety. In operation, this unit is safer than gas and solid fuel boilers.
Installation of a hydrogen boiler
To mount the structure, you should purchase the following components:
- 12 volt power supply;
- 30 Amp PWM regulator;
- tubes of different diameters made of stainless steel;
- capacity.
Water in ideally sealed conditions is fed into the container with the dialectic. There are stainless steel plates, the abutment of which is ensured by an insulator. The plates receive a 12 volt voltage. The result will be the decomposition of water into gases.
The use of a PWM regulator allows converting direct current to pulsed or alternating current, which increases the overall efficiency of the system.
Applicable materials
In the heating system, as a rule, distilled water is used, to which sodium hydroxide is added in a proportion of 10 liters of liquid per 1 tbsp. l substance. In the absence or difficulty in obtaining the required amount of distillate, it is allowed to use ordinary tap water, but only if there are no heavy metals in its composition.
As the metals from which hydrogen boilers are made, it is permissible to use any kind of stainless steel - ferrimagnetic steel, to which unnecessary particles are not attracted, would be an excellent option. Although the main criterion for choosing a material should still be resistance to corrosion and rust.
For assembly of the apparatus, tubing with a diameter of 1 or 1.25 inches is usually used. And the burner is purchased at the appropriate store or online service.
If you choose the right materials and carefully study the heating scheme, the manufacture of the installation and its connection to the boiler is not difficult.
Is self-assembly of a hydrogen boiler justified?
The feasibility of assembling a hydrogen unit with your own hands raises a lot of questions that have not yet been sufficiently investigated, therefore, before making such a decision, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also take into account important points.
Having built a unit from the above elements and supplemented it with standard automatic and mechanical components, you can get a prototype of a hydrogen unit. In order for it to fully work, a lot of tests and trials must be carried out.
Hydrogen perspectives in the heating industry
Many scientists call hydrogen the most promising fuel, and this is only confirmed by the following facts:
Hydrogen is the most abundant fuel element in the Universe, and the tenth most abundant chemical element on our planet. To put it simply, there will definitely not be any problems with hydrogen reserves;
- Despite the fact that it is a gas, it is absolutely harmless and non-toxic, so people, animals and even plants will not feel the harmful effects;
- In heating equipment that runs on hydrogen, ordinary water is the combustion product, so there is no need to talk about harmful emissions;
- The degree of combustion of hydrogen is 6000, which confirms the high heat capacity of this chemical element;
- By weight, this fuel is even lighter than air (14 times), therefore, in the event of a leak, the fuel choice will evaporate on its own and very quickly;
- A kilogram of hydrogen today costs only 2-7 US dollars. But a kilogram is a lot, because the density of a substance is only 0.008987 kg / m3;
- The calorific value of 1 cube of hydrogen is 13,000 kJ. Of course, this figure is about three times lower than that of natural gas, but the price of hydrogen is ten times lower.
From this we can conclude that heating houses with hydrogen will not cost more than using conventional gas boilers. Also, the owner of such unique equipment will not pay frenzied wrap-ups in the pockets of the owners of oil and gas companies, there is no need to equip an expensive gas pipeline. At the same time, the owner will also save himself from going through tedious and lengthy bureaucratic procedures for coordinating various projects.
In general, hydrogen can indeed be considered the most promising fuel. All the benefits of this element have already been experienced by aerospace workers who use hydrogen as a rocket fuel.
Is it profitable to heat a house with hydrogen
Sellers of compact hydrogen generators convince buyers of the extraordinary cheapness of home heating with hydrogen. Allegedly, it is even more profitable than heating with gas. They say that the water that is poured into the installation costs nothing, the rest of the costs are silent. Such promises have a magical effect on some of our fellow citizens who love freebies. But let's not be like Pinocchio and, before setting foot in the Land of Fools, let's find out how much hydrogen heating at home actually costs.
The average selling price of natural gas for the population for heating and electricity generation is 4.76 rubles / m3. 1 m3 contains 0.712 kg. Accordingly, 1 kg of natural gas costs 6.68 rubles. The average calorific value of natural gas is 50,000 kJ / kg. For hydrogen, it is much higher, 140,000 kJ / kg. That is, in order to obtain an amount of thermal energy equal to that generated by the combustion of 1 kg of hydrogen, 2.8 kg of natural gas will be required. Its cost is 13.32 rubles. Now let's compare the indicators of the cost of thermal energy obtained from the combustion of 1 kg of hydrogen obtained in a good factory electrolyzer and from 2.8 kg of natural gas: 420 rubles against 13.32. The difference is truly monstrous, 31.5 times! Even in comparison with the most expensive of the traditional types of heating - electric, hydrogen cannot even come close to competing, it costs 4 times more! It is better to use the electricity that will be spent on the operation of the electrolyzer for the operation of heating electrical appliances, there will be more sense than an example.
Such advertising technologies and methods of persuasion are used by sellers of installations for heating houses with hydrogen in order to sell their useless goods at exorbitant prices.
As for the prospects for hydrogen energy, they exist, but success is associated with promising industrial technologies that have not yet been invented. Household hydrogen generators and hydrogen cars are unambiguously unprofitable for at least the coming decades. Their very limited use in some countries is possible only thanks to serious government subsidies in the framework of experimental environmental programs.
Adding water to regular fuel
Water as fuel for your car can be used in conventional diesel fuel. This is another hypothesis that was put forward by "home" inventors.It turned out that when a small amount of diesel fuel was added to a bottle of water, the resulting mixture burns. Moreover, less soot is released, and the combustion process becomes more violent.
Also, in the process of burning a piece of paper that is dipped into the resulting mixture, a crack appears, but it only indicates the evaporation of the liquid. In addition, shaking does not dissolve diesel fuel in water. A homogeneous mixture will not work here. Over time, diesel fuel, like oil or gasoline, collects on the surface.
A similar experiment was carried out with a tractor, which was filled with diesel fuel and water, mixed in certain proportions. The unit started up and began to rumble, standing still. But only for this is the energy of such a fuel sufficient. And there is a high risk that the engine will fail.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
In the video below, you will see an overview of a model of a hydrogen-fueled gas boiler produced by the famous Korean company DAEWOO.
It is not without reason that hydrogen is called the fuel of the future: this gas can become an almost unlimited resource of cheap, environmentally friendly fuel that can be used in various installations.
A hydrogen fuel boiler, manufactured at the factory or independently, will create an autonomous heating system. This will help to significantly reduce payments in housing and communal services, and will resolve the issue of maintaining a comfortable temperature in living rooms and utility rooms.
Do you have any experience with using hydrogen as a fuel? Want to ask questions about a topic or talk about your invention? Please comment on the publication, participate in discussions and leave photos of your homemade products. The feedback block is located below.
The properties of hydrogen as a fuel
As mentioned above, the fuel for such units is hydrogen, the lightest gas in nature, colorless and odorless. Among its advantages is the large amount of heat that is released during the combustion of H2 (121 MJ / kg, while the combustion of propane releases only 40 MJ / kg).
Under normal conditions, hydrogen burns at a temperature of + 2000 ° C, but with the help of a catalyst it can be reduced to + 300 ° C. This allows boilers to be made from low-cost steel rather than expensive rare-earth metals.
Hydrogen is non-toxic, which ensures the safety of its use in everyday life. When this substance is burned, water vapor is obtained, which improves the microclimate in the premises and does not need chimneys.
When using hydrogen, safety rules must be strictly observed: if gas is used incorrectly or in contact with an open fire, a destructive explosion can occur
The disadvantages include the increased explosiveness of hydrogen, especially when it is mixed with air or oxygen, which leads to the formation of an oxyhydrogen gas.