Biogas boiler room.
As noted above, the basis is the preparation of biogas with its subsequent use. The enlarged composition of the equipment of such a boiler house: a fuel receiving site, biofuel mixing equipment, bioreactors, a fuel supply system for bioreactors, biogas purification systems (if required). Further, depending on the goals of the boiler room, you can install a classic gas boiler (hot water or steam). If it is necessary to generate electrical energy, in addition to heat, it is possible to install either a GPU, a gas turbine, or a steam turbine. A waste heat boiler is installed after the gas turbine. Such a boiler room can be installed, including near treatment facilities, for the disposal of sludge accumulations.
all about biofuels and solid fuel boilers
- All categories
- General information 225
- Peat briquettes 8
- Fuel briquettes 59
- Charcoal 36
- Firewood 34
- Wood pellets 90
- Hull pellets 16
- Straw pellets 21
- Peat pellets 13
- Wood chips, shavings, waste 41
- Chimneys 45
- Energy complexes 8
- Fireplaces, stoves for home 208
- Components 17
- Pyrolysis boilers (ovens) 25
- Solid fuel boilers 111
- Heating, energy saving 125
- Projects and services 3
- Waste collection and disposal 20
Traditionally, a gas boiler is used as a heat source in a private house. But often you have to consider other ways to heat a building. For example, if the house is not connected to the gas main or you want to reduce the "gas dependence" of the building.
Next, you will find out how you can replace a gas boiler, which heating devices will serve as reliable insurance in case of interruptions in the gas supply and during severe frosts.
What can be considered an alternative heating source?
Since gas is traditionally used to heat a building, any heating device that does not run on gas can be considered an alternative source of energy.
When can this be relevant?
- There is no possibility of connecting to the gas main or the cost of connection is very high. In this case, there is no other way out but to search for alternative heating methods.
- Reduce your own dependence on gas.
- Have insurance in case of severe cold weather. In severe cold outside, when the gas boiler will not be able to cope with the load, it will be useful to have a backup heat source.
- To save on heating costs. Correct combination and management of heat sources will significantly reduce heating costs
How can they be used?
There are many ways to use alternative energy sources. All of them differ in connection schemes, combination and principle of use, but at the same time, 2 basic ones can be distinguished from all:
- Supplement to the gas boiler.
In this case, the gas boiler is used as the main source of heat, and all the others work in addition to it. - The main source of heat.
This approach is relevant when the building is not connected to the gas main and you need to select a heat source that will cover the entire heating capacity.
Next, we will consider in detail what alternative heating sources can be used in both cases.
Types of alternative sources of heating in a private house
Heat pumps can be used as the only source of heat - ground-based, and as an addition to a gas boiler - air.
- Ground source heat pumps are a full-fledged replacement for a gas boiler and have a high performance at any time of the day and at any outdoor temperatures. At the same time, they have several disadvantages: high initial cost and a long payback period (maybe more than 10 years), expensive earthworks and a piece of land for installation are required.
- Air heat pumps are cheaper and easier to install, but are mainly used as a supplement to a gas boiler, since their performance decreases at subzero temperatures. This increases energy consumption and heating costs, which makes the use of an air pump economically unprofitable.
Solid fuel and pellet boilers
A solid fuel boiler - wood, fuel briquettes or pellets can fully meet the building's heat demand regardless of the time of day and outside temperature. However, when using them, it is important to consider the following points:
- You need to constantly monitor the fuel supply and make new bookmarks. Let it have to be done not so often, but for example once a day, but you still have to.
- The need for high-quality solid fuel. Woodworking is not developed in all regions, and often high-quality wood has to be transported from neighboring regions, which ultimately affects the cost of firewood. Therefore, before installing a solid fuel boiler, it is worth choosing in advance for yourself several places where you can buy firewood.
- A place to store firewood is required. Moreover, in order to preserve their energy value, it is better to store firewood under a canopy in order to avoid getting wet.
Generator gas boiler room.
The enlarged composition of such a boiler house: a site for receiving initial fuel, mixing equipment, drying equipment, briquetters, a gas generator. The resulting generator gas is then sent either to a gas boiler (hot water or steam) with burners adapted for this gas, or to a gas compressor unit (in the case of a gas compressor unit, a generator gas purification system is required). Currently implemented in the CIS countries are projects only based on obtaining pyrolysis during the processing of wood chips.
Heat pumps
In this case, the alternative heating sources are water and earth energy. During the warm period, this system is used as a large air conditioner - it cools the building by transferring excess heat to the ground.
The principle of operation of a heat pump using water energy
The advantage of this heating method is complete environmental friendliness, which is achieved by using only renewable resources. The cost of alternative heating in a house with heat pumps is 15% lower than that of gas heating. However, the disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment.
Also, the downside is the need for electricity. This problem can be solved in two ways. It is usually cheaper to use a central grid, but this option is not suitable for remote communities where power outages are common.
Using your own generator is a good solution, but it is not ideal either. On the one hand, this allows you to make the house completely autonomous, and on the other hand, there is a need for the installation of a generating set and its maintenance. This reduces the economic efficiency of using heat pumps, but a powerful generator can provide energy not only to the heating system, but also to other appliances in the house.
Boiler house using direct combustion.
The composition of this boiler house may vary depending on the type of biofuel to be fired.So, for example, when utilizing the husk of oilseeds, the enlarged composition of the equipment may consist of: a biofuel receiving area, fuel conveyors, fuel metering bins and the boilers themselves (hot water or steam). If it is necessary to mix several types of husk or add other types of vegetable waste to the husk, equipment for mixing, drying and briquetting is installed. The following is an example of the work of Turbopar, the development of a pre-project study for the disposal of poultry manure in Ukraine in 2010.
How the disposal of chicken manure was chosen. Brief description of the project.
The customer set the following task: a large poultry farm needed to utilize up to 200 tons of litter manure per day, with the receipt of heat and electricity. The mini-CHP works around the clock and all year round. There are no such projects on the territory of the CIS countries. The bottleneck in this project is the processing of the original biomass (litter manure), since its moisture fluctuates depending on the season. By itself, the type of fuel obtained from this biomass has an average heating value and contains many harmful substances. Various options for the preparation of fuel for subsequent supply to the boiler were considered - from direct supply to the furnace to the dust combustion method (conversion of the initial fuel into fine dust with higher combustion properties, followed by the supply of this pulverized fuel to special furnaces in boilers). As a result, the following option was preliminarily adopted: - a primary fuel storage is installed with a fuel supply for 7 days of continuous operation of the CHP, - after that, equipment for mixing with other types of biofuels is installed, - drying equipment, - grinding to the required particle size - and feeding into bunkers - dispensers in front of boilers. Further, the feed from the metering hoppers is carried out directly into the steam boilers. After the boilers, one or two steam turbines of the condensing type with controlled steam flows are installed. The steam from the extraction is sent to the own needs of the boiler house (to the fuel drying section), and the poultry complex. Electric energy is used for the own needs of the poultry plant. The remaining unused electrical energy is transferred to the national power grid. Also, this mini-CHP, in addition to electrical and thermal energy, will provide a by-product of high-quality fertilizer (ash is a product of biomass combustion), which will be used either for its own needs or sold on the fertilizer market (a fertilizer packaging site is provided). It deliberately does not disclose methods of utilizing flue gases of mini-CHP and a detailed description of equipment systems. Let's just say that during the implementation of the project, the enterprise will generate about 144 MW of electricity per day, the same amount of heat. The payback period for this project, taking into account all investments, will be three years. The architectural part of the project is in progress Disposal of chicken droppings.
steam boilers, hot water boilers, design of treatment facilities
Solar collectors
Solar collectors are plates that are installed on the roof of a house. They collect heat from solar radiation and, with the help of a heat carrier, transfer energy to a heat exchanger. There, heat is exchanged with water, which can be used for heating and hot water supply.
Thus, the difference between collectors and batteries is that the collector provides heated water and the battery provides electrical energy. The scheme with the conversion of electricity into thermal energy is ineffective, the losses are too great.
Unlike conventional solar panels, collectors lose their efficiency slightly at low temperatures or sunny weather.However, solar collectors generate the largest amount of energy in the southern regions, where solar radiation is greatest. The location of the site and the structure also affects the efficiency of work. In cold regions, solar collectors are best used as an additional source of energy.
Like many alternative heating systems, solar-powered systems are expensive.
Solar panels can be used as a source of electrical energy, however, due to the inconsistency of their operation, they need batteries that can store enough energy for the night and cloudy weather.
A significant disadvantage of batteries is a limited service life, after which it cannot be repaired. Also, when using solar panels, it is recommended to use a disk counter that can record the movement of electricity in both directions, unlike a digital one. This makes it possible to establish an energy balance.