Plastic windows have excellent characteristics, thanks to which they have seriously pushed their wooden counterparts in the construction market. The design features of the PVC block largely determine the performance of the windows: noise, dust, heat insulation. But under certain circumstances, tightness can play a negative role - because of it, condensation appears on the windows. Glass fogging has a bad effect not only on the light transmittance of the window. It promotes the formation of mold, which spoils the appearance of the frame and harms the health of the people living in the apartment. And even in the winter season, moisture turns into ice, which has a detrimental effect on the details of the structure, shortening its service life.
Condensation on the windows inside the apartment: causes and effects
Weeping windows are a popular problem. Moreover, most often condensation forms not even on old wooden structures with glass enclosed in separate frames, but on modern PVC products.
Where does this moisture come from? We recall school physics: the water contained in the air is dispersed in space evenly if the temperature of all objects and surfaces is the same. If there are colder zones, the air around them cools down, and dew falls out, that is, the formation of condensation.
Comparative tables are used to determine the "dew point", that is, the surface or air temperature at which moisture from the air will fall out in the form of drops. In them, according to two parameters - the air temperature in the room and the level of relative humidity - the critical temperature for dew loss is determined.
Table 1. Dew point temperature
To better understand the above example and tabular data, you should understand:
- absolute air humidity is the amount of water (in grams) that can be contained in a cubic meter of air. At a certain temperature, the air can only "pick up" a certain amount of water. The maximum possible amount of water in the air is its moisture capacity (at a given temperature). Exceeding the maximum content leads to dew loss;
- relative humidity - the ratio of the amount of water contained in the air to the amount that can be contained in it to the maximum;
- "Dew point" refers to the temperature to which the air with a certain relative humidity must be cooled before dew falls, that is, until the moisture capacity is exceeded.
Calculation example: in the kitchen, when cooking, the temperature is 24 degrees, while the humidity is increased to 60%. If the window glass has a temperature of 15.6 degrees Celsius or less, moisture will surely appear on it.
Note: Water droplets will also appear on all other cold surfaces, such as cold water pipes. If the windowsill is not warm enough, condensation will be there as well.
Thus, there are three main reasons why condensation appears on plastic windows:
- high relative humidity in the room;
- low temperature of window glass;
- lack of convection of warm air near the glass.
The first two reasons are obvious, the third may seem dubious. But it's not for nothing that heating radiators are located directly under the windows! And the point is not only that the cold air coming through the open window is so more efficiently heated!
The point is that the heated air currents rising from the radiator raise the temperature of the window glass! Thus, a seemingly not critical difference of 2 ... 5 tenths of a degree allows you to forget about condensate.
Where does condensation come from on the windows inside the apartment
If we translate the above main reasons to the “household” level, it becomes clear that condensation occurs when:
- too thin, poorly protected from the outside cold of the inner glass of the window;
- active use of hot water, large free volumes of it (aquariums, indoor flowers, clothes hung to dry, crowds of people). Even vigorous sports contribute to the formation of condensation, because the person involved in the exercise releases warm moisture into the space (with breathing and sweat), as well as heat energy (heat transfer from the body warmed up by exercises). It is for this reason that windows often fog up in small and poorly heated gyms;
- low room temperature. The above table demonstrates that the lower the room temperature and the higher the humidity level, the less the difference in heating the main zone and the window glass for the formation of moisture on it.
Constantly “crying” glass not only creates problems with visibility and illumination. More serious problems are:
- ingress of moisture on the window sills, including in the gaps between the window sill and the frame, under the finishing elements;
- constant leakage of water on the wallpaper / plaster / painting / drywall under the windowsill;
- permanently damp glass seals.
The result is the appearance of mold and mildew on surfaces. Plastic and stone window sills do not suffer much from water, wooden ones crack and swell. The constant moisture content of the seals reduces their elastic properties, contributes to the depressurization of glass units.
Accordingly, condensation on the plastic windows from the side of the room is a sure way to damage the finish, problems with the efficiency of windows and the creation of an unhealthy indoor climate.
How to get rid of condensation on windows
There are several solutions. Let's break them down point by point.
Heating and dehumidification
The main "enemies" of condensation are devices that provide good air circulation and low humidity:
- heating radiators;
- fans, fan heaters;
- convectors;
- dehumidifiers.
The main "but" in the use of such devices - the relative humidity in the room should not fall below the specified one.
Table 2. Standard indicators of temperature and humidity in rooms.
If we compare these data with the data in Table 1, it becomes clear that while maintaining the optimal relative humidity, there will be no condensate in the living rooms.
Heating devices help to "dry" the air. But this will be pointless with a constant source of moisture - large masses of open water and moist soil. Consequence - it is necessary to remove or close large heated aquariums, reduce the number of indoor flowers.
Another source of moisture is a large crowd of people. A well-known expression used in rooms with sweaty windows - "breathed". That is, if, during the normal functioning of the windows in general, with a large number of people, condensation suddenly appears on the windows, you do not need to worry - as soon as everyone disperses, the situation will return to normal.
Ensuring the normal temperature of the window glass
If the glass is not too thin, there is a sufficient air (or airless, gas in double-glazed windows) layer between the windows, there are no cracks and gaps in the frames - the inside of the window has a temperature close to room temperature. As a result, it does not fog up.
To achieve this result, you must:
- choose windows and other translucent structures with the required energy performance;
- take care of the absence of gaps and gaps between the frame and the sashes.
Of course, the climatic conditions of the region should be taken into account. So, for the Far North, triple frames and double-glazed windows of three glasses are the norm, but in the southern regions you can get by with two glasses, and that will be enough.
Ventilation and convection
Even the most successful window in all respects will not be able to stay warm enough from the inside if warm air does not circulate around it. Therefore, wide window sills, completely (and with a margin) overlapping heating devices, screens on batteries, blackout curtains "on the floor", too deep window openings - all this contributes to the appearance of condensation.
What needs to be done:
- limit the width of the window sill. If this cannot be done, install a window sill with a ventilation grill;
- refuse to install batteries in niches, behind screens;
- arrange the curtains so that they either do not cover the radiators (short, lambrequins, decorative), or are at least 10 ... 15 cm away from the edge of the window sill. Also, they should not touch the floor and the radiator.
It is, of course, difficult to provide such conditions without major repairs. But although it is quite possible to remove or outweigh the curtains.
Even more useful in this regard is the installation of forced ventilation (especially for wet rooms). It provides constant air circulation, eliminating excess moisture.
If the problem is with only one window, you can only mount the vent valve near it.
Window "chemistry"
Another, albeit dubious, remedy for condensation is glass processing with special compounds. These include auto-foggers and some home remedies.
Automotive chemicals are alcohol-based sprays and liquids. They wipe or spray glass, thereby making it smoother, reducing the possibility of water droplets retaining on the surface. The smallest particles quickly collect into separate large droplets and flow down, thereby providing visibility on the windows in the car. But if for transport clear visibility is a guarantee of safety, then for windows in the house this indicator is not so important. Water will still drain onto the windowsill, only faster.
A similar action (albeit weaker) is given by folk recipes:
- rubbing the glass with glycerin soap (or its solution), as well as a mixture of potassium oil, glycerin and turpentine (proportions 40: 20: 4);
- rinsing glasses with saline or chalk solution;
- rubbing with alcohol compounds;
- use after washing newspaper or other paper with printing ink for rubbing - the ink has a water-repellent effect.
It should be noted that all these methods have only a temporary effect. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of fogging of windows.
How to get rid of condensation on plastic windows: a step-by-step guide
Having discovered a problem, namely a "crying" window, it is necessary to take such action.
- Free the window glass from the elements blocking it - curtains, blinds, roller shutters and so on. If possible, it is better to immediately replace the curtains with less dense ones and hang them further from the window.
- Check the efficiency of the heating system.
- Switch on the hood / open the micro-ventilation window. If the air movement is not fast enough, check that the ventilation is working properly.
- If this does not help, install a dehumidifier in the room.
- If the window sill is too wide, mount an exhaust valve under it or install a ventilation grill in the window sill.
- If there is a screen covering the battery, remove the screen or make it more delicate.
If this is not possible (for example, living in a rented apartment, temporary housing), moisture-absorbing materials can be placed in the room. Suitable for this:
- table or sea salt (any grind).To restore its absorbency, you can heat the material in the oven or heat it up on a battery;
- activated or charcoal;
- silicone gel.
Paper in large quantities also perfectly absorbs moisture, but it will be almost impossible to restore it after the action of water.
Another "extreme" option is to provide heating of the glass with improvised means. The easiest way is to put two or three slowly burning candles on the windowsill. The flow of warm air from them will warm the glass. A more "long-lasting" option is a sticker around the perimeter of the glass of heat-conducting elements.
With this improvement, there is a risk that the glass will burst from uneven heating.
You can also stick on a special film.
It is attached both directly to the glass and to the frame so that an air gap remains between it and the glass. Alas, with high humidity in the room, moisture will condense already on the film.
Checking the ventilation
It is imperative to check how the exhaust ventilation works. You need to check it in the cold season, when the heating is running. It is enough to open any window and bring a sheet of paper to the exhaust grill. If the hood is properly drawn, the sheet will be attracted to the grate and will not fall if released. In case of poor ventilation or insufficient heating, you should contact the organization responsible for the operation of the house.
If the hood works properly, it remains to provide fresh air from the street. It is necessary that the windows "breathe", then they "do not want to cry."
Useful Tips
Sometimes you can solve the problem with condensation relatively quickly, without going through the possible options for the appearance of moisture, if you look closely at the fogged window.
- Condensation only along the contour - loose fit of the glass to the frame, there are cracks and gaps. It is necessary to change the seal or supplement it.
- Moisture in only one corner or one side. It looks like the sash at this point does not fit snugly against the frame or there are gaps in the wall / slope. We check for drafts, eliminate cracks.
- Condensation spots near the handles or hinges of the sash - loose fittings, everything must be checked and adjusted.
- The glass fogs up only near the indoor flowers standing on the windowsill. We remove the plants to another place - and they are warmer, and the glass does not "cry".
- Moisture is everywhere, not only on the windows - we urgently arrange forced ventilation and warm the room!
The last measure is suitable for all cases of condensation on PVC windows and in the premises in general.
Double-glazed windows are sweating: what to do?
As mentioned above, if the glass inside the glass unit sweats, there is only one solution - replacement
... If the matter is in depressurization, then the replacement of the glass unit itself is suitable. And if this is a defect in the entire structure or a consequence of an incorrect installation, then the entire window will have to be changed.
If for some reason you cannot contact the manufacturer or installer (for example, there is no contract, or the warranty has ended, and there is no money for repairs), then you can try to repair and replace the glass unit yourself.