Almost every apartment has a balcony or loggia. The difference between a balcony and a loggia is that the slab on which the whole structure is supported protrudes above the facade of the house, while the loggia is a kind of niche, i.e. does not go beyond its limits. The design feature of the balcony is such that three of the four sides of the monolithic slab are not supported, and this poses a potential danger of collapse due to increased pressure. This fact should make the owners think about the maximum load on the balcony slab. There are many situations where it is important to consider the ultimate load weight. Moreover, violation of SNiP may result in an administrative fine.
Fig. 1 The maximum load on the balcony is 200 kg / m2
Definition and size of the balcony
A balcony, according to SNiP, is a platform protruding from the plane of the facade of houses. That is, the playground will be the defining difference between a balcony and a loggia. By and large, all flat horizontal structures that protrude beyond the wall of the house, while being at the floor level, are a balcony. That is, the parapet and roof of the balcony may be missing, but the floor should definitely be.
But the loggia is an independent room built into the building. That is, this structure has no protrusion behind the wall of the house. And the loggia also has three walls that are common with the building, two side walls and a roof. Only the front part remains open. There may not be glazing on the loggia.
Standard sizes of the loggia and balcony:
- For a balcony, the height from the bottom slab to the top is 2.6-2.65 m;
- For the construction of the same loggia, hollow floor slabs are used, measuring 1.2x5.8 m. Which are divided into two parts;
- A standard balcony slab, unlike a loggia, protrudes 0.8 m above the front plane, width - 3.275 m.
There is a certain calculation for apartment buildings; standards are established in residential buildings that are taken into account in many issues. Therefore, when rebuilding, the documentation is necessarily deducted, specialists are involved for consultation.
Anything that serves as decoration: various fences, water drains, and flower boxes must be periodically updated. It is worth painting them with paints that are resistant to atmospheric phenomena. The color of the paint must be selected so that it matches the shade of the facade. The shape as well as the location of the flower grower must correspond to the legalized architectural design of the building. They must be installed on special pallets, maintaining a gap from the wall of approximately 0.5 m.
In some apartment buildings, loggias have an external staircase that connects the balconies in stages and is an emergency loophole.
What does SNiP mean: balconies and loggias, the height of the railing on the balcony
SNiP is a document that regulates the redevelopment and reconstruction of balconies. This is a collection of building codes and regulations. Loggia and balcony, according to this document, regardless of whether it is a cantilever type, closed or open, should not load the enclosing and supporting structures of the building where they are erected. Fire safety requirements, etc. are taken into account.
The creation of a balcony railing is an important step in equipping a balcony. The reliability and durability of the structure depends on whether the work is done well. According to the standards, it is allowed to use only one type of structure, which is listed as screen-type fences.And those elements that are used must withstand the loads established in SNiP.
The total height of the balcony railing depends on the height of the building. It should not be higher than 1000 mm at values less than 30 m, and 1100 mm at a height of more than 30 m. The minimum height of the handrail is 0.9 m. The handrail must have a high bearing capacity, higher than that of the staircase railings. In order to comply with safety regulations, the use of horizontal elements is prohibited. Installation of products with raw edges is also prohibited.
You may also be interested in the material on the restoration of balconies. When and where to start repairs, read our next article:
Structural load
How can you find out how much weight a loggia can withstand in different houses? Any building has special calculations during its construction. These documents indicate how much the structure can be loaded, how many people can be on it. There are certain indicators for which you can make calculations and find out the necessary standards.
A separate SNIP has all the calculations of the loads on certain structures. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the full and reduced values of the requirements.
Balcony view | Permissible load |
Suspended, mounted on consoles | 1170 kg |
Attached, with reinforcement of the slab from the sides by pylons | 1776 kg |
Loggias that do not protrude beyond the contour of the building | 1776 kg |
If citizens expand their living space on their own, then another question arises: what can be the maximum load on the balcony? In this case, you should pay attention to what year the house was built, as well as the quality of the building.
According to standard rules, the maximum load on the balcony slab can be 220 kg / km2. But, another indicator is established by law - 112 kg / m2.
The slab, which measures 0.8 x 3.2 m, is rated at 286 kilos. It is important to take into account the number of years of its use. After all, if it is already more than 40 years old, then the strength is lost by about 70%. Such structures should not be overloaded so that they do not collapse.
Glazing is an additional load on the balcony
Recently, fleeing from cold winters, many residents are glazing their balconies, and this is also an additional load. To make calculations, it is important to know the following indicators:
- The weight of the external finishing of the balcony is 1 r / m.
- Stained-glass window made of plastic, 1.5 m high and double glazing, weighing 55 kg.
- Siding with finishing elements per 1m2 - 5 kg.
- Plastic trim - 5 kg.
Given such indicators, the final load is obtained - 65 kilos, and the standard one is 50 kilos. It turns out that 15 kilos are extra. Therefore, before making calculations, it is necessary to make a preliminary inspection of the balcony. Light materials should be used for finishing: sandwich panels or siding.
Glazing is an additional load on the balcony
GOST dimensions: balcony slabs
Parameters, sizes, types of balcony slabs are regulated in accordance with GOST 25697-83. The slabs themselves are divided into several types: PB - solid flat beam, PBK - solid cantilever flat, PBR - cantilever ribbed. The length of the balcony slabs is from 1200 mm to 7200 mm, the width of the balcony slabs is 1200-1800 mm.
The thickness of typical balcony slabs in a brick house or panel house is in the range from 150 mm to 220 mm. It all depends on the type of slab, the size of the slab and the weight of the slab.
Expansion of the balcony structure along the slab base is possible This concept implies the provision of additional usable space. But first, the loads of the balcony structure on the same slab are calculated in order to prevent its collapse. Usually, metal, steel brackets are used to expand the balcony.
What slabs are there, how are they classified?
Slabs of this type are usually classified according to the way they are supported on the supporting structure. For this parameter, products can be:
- Console.Such models are fixed to one or two adjacent sides. They are traditionally used in buildings that are built of bricks. The fixation is carried out using an I-beam. Please note: such slabs can be operated on objects in which the floors are made of reinforced concrete structures.
- Beam. They rest on two or three sides. They are mainly used in structures with heavy brick walls or in wooden houses. Fastening is carried out using brackets or cantilever beams.
By design, the product can be:
- solid;
- hollow, such modifications are used directly for loggias.
Balcony norm-width and repair of balcony slabs
The width of the balcony in Khrushchev is 0.65-0.8 m, and the width of the balcony in the brezhnevka will be the same, but the length is less. In panel houses, the width is 0.7 m. And the loggia, three-meter or six-meter, will be 1.2 m wide. All these points, as well as other dimensions, are included in a document called a technological map. And all of your rebuilds, take the same example, expansion along the base of the slab, are entered into this map.
Along with other repair work, sometimes it is necessary to repair plastic doors on the balcony. You will find detailed instructions in our following material:
What does the repair of a balcony slab mean:
- It refers to a major overhaul, involving a large amount of work;
- Such repairs are carried out if the destruction of the slab has not yet reached the base, and the reinforcement has not been damaged by corrosion by more than 10%;
- The restoration process includes some transitional blocks - this is the cleaning of the slab, and the renewal of the reinforcement frame, and the installation of the formwork, and the concrete screed, and, of course, the strengthening of the parapet.
If the slabs have more significant destruction, these are already emergency slabs. They need to be replaced. If you yourself find that the slab is collapsing, contact the management company, write a standard statement so that the company creates a commission and draws up an act on the condition of the balcony. If it is recognized as emergency, this is already the work of the management company. That is, for example, what is in the apartment - doors, floor, you repair yourself. Any decor (if you want a stained-glass window on the balcony) - also yourself. But the balcony slab is already the responsibility of the managing party.
You may also be interested in the material on how to glaze a balcony yourself:
Manufacturer requirements
The strength of the concrete from which the product is made must comply with GOST 18105. The compressive strength must be at least B 15 (M 200). The concrete itself is used for production in accordance with GOST 25820, 13015-0 or 26633.
Watch the video, all sizes are perfectly illustrated there:
The requirements for metal structures are indicated by GOST 13015-0. In all cases, only reinforcing steel is used for the production of slabs. Moreover, for prestressing elements, they are reinforced by a thermomechanical, as well as a thermal method. For non-stressed parts, it is permissible to use conventional rebar or steel wire.
For all product categories, a ratio has been adopted to certain requirements related not only to strength, rigidity, and frost resistance, but also in accordance with the attached documentation.
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Standard height of the balcony railing (video)
Balconies can be without walls or without roofs, but they do not exist without a balcony slab. Everything is being built exclusively according to standards and norms, as well as being rebuilt. Therefore, any "alterations" must be done with the permission of the controlling party. Happy work!
- Author: admin
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Operating rules
According to the established rules, it is not allowed to store heavy objects or debris on the balcony. The unauthorized building of the space between the balconies is also prohibited. To prevent leaks or freezing through the box, high-quality sealing and insulation must be performed. This can be done with foam rubber, felt or tow. To maintain sufficient temperature and humidity, the openings should be equipped with special polyurethane foam gaskets, which will need to be replaced after at least 5 years.
Balcony floor waterproofing
The "cake" of the floor can be different, but it always involves waterproofing to protect the reinforced concrete structure from destruction (primarily metal reinforcement from corrosion).
Often the "pie" looks like this: a layer of cement-sand screed is applied over the slab, with the help of which a slope or slope is provided to drain water from the floor surface to the gutters, from where it enters the drainpipes.
Roll waterproofing is laid on the screed, then another layer of screed is applied, and a waterproof floor covering is laid on it (ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware tiles, etc.).
In fact, the tile is the protection against leaks, and the waterproofing will prevent the reinforced concrete base from wetting in the event of cracks or damage to the cladding. We add that the waterproofing is installed on the wall of the facade, to which the balcony slab adjoins, to a height of at least 200 mm (instead of waterproofing in the adjoining zone, aprons made of galvanized steel, etc., are also used).
Subsequently, the waterproofing is covered with a facade finishing material. This measure helps to protect the supporting structure from moisture (and subsequent destruction) caused by precipitation.
Parapet repair
The need for repair arises before the planned glazing of the balcony, when replacing an old dilapidated parapet, after restoring a destroyed slab or part of its reinforcing frame. A metal corner or a square (rectangular) section pipe is suitable for work. The lower strapping is made around the perimeter of the slab. Vertical posts are welded (attached) to it, which are welded to the reinforcement, and the side posts are also attached to the wall with anchors. Railings are welded on the upper level of the posts. If the balcony is remote, the racks are installed at an angle from the wall. For further glazing, it is recommended to make a wide railing.
Fact! Self-reinforcement, strengthening, removal, expansion of the balcony presupposes the experience of similar work, the presence of at least one assistant and the presence of a certain range of semi-professional and professional construction tools.
Types of destruction and their causes
The main reason for damage to balconies is a violation of the sealing of joints and waterproofing. This will cause moisture to enter the room. Since condensation occurs, which provokes the development of mold.
Moisture negatively affects reinforced concrete and leads to corrosion on the reinforcement. If the concrete is old, then moisture easily penetrates inside. Corroded reinforcement reduces the load-bearing function of the concrete.
Destruction is associated with strong pressure, which is produced on the plate, sudden changes in temperature conditions, lack of major repairs. This is often found in Khrushchevs.
The reasons may be errors that were made during installation.
Among them are:
- reverse slope of slabs;
- the absence of drips, drains, protecting taps at the bottom of the stove;
- poor quality materials, defects.
Before repairing a balcony slab, it is important to establish the cause of its damage.
Experts distinguish 2 stages.
- Destruction in which the structure is reinforced. Often found in houses that are 35-40 years old. Such work is performed independently.
- Destruction of the object's appearance. In this case, there is a collapse of part of the balcony, the occurrence of cracks, delamination.
Complex violations are difficult to eliminate on your own, so you may need the help of professionals.
Balcony restoration stages
In order to carry out repairs with your own hands, for example, in Khrushchev, you need to know in what sequence and what to do.
- The first step will be to prepare for the repair - to clear the balcony of debris, remove all unnecessary items, remove crumbled concrete.
- The exposed parts of the fittings must be cleaned of rust. The first layer is easily removed, but the lower ones must be treated with a special tool.
- The reinforcement mesh is attached to the slab with dowels. So that it lies in the concrete screed without protrusions, a small gap is left between the mesh and the slab. Formwork boards are fixed around the entire perimeter of the board.
- Next, it is necessary to prepare a solution consisting of cement and sand, which will be poured onto the reinforcement. In the future, the screed is covered with cement and rubbed, that is, "ferruginate". It is important to remember that the thickness of the screed is two or more times the thickness of the mesh.
- The surface that is below should be treated with a primer and plaster a little later.
If the reinforcement cage has undergone more corrosion, the best solution is to strengthen the slab. It is necessary to carry out a set of preparatory measures here.
- The first step is to install steel beams on the sides of the platform and fix them to the wall with a console. Weld the mesh to them and start pouring concrete, the process of which was described above.
- Upon completion of the repair work, the surface should be waterproofed. For this purpose, materials of the coating or roll types are suitable.