Balcony slabs in a panel house: calculate the permissible load

Load on the loggia and balcony

Inhabitants of high-rise buildings are often interested in such questions: how to use the balcony correctly and what is the permissible load on the loggia? According to the rules, all work related to the device or redevelopment of the loggia must comply with SNIP. The load on and why in this snip is written everywhere a balcony i.e. On an area of ​​just 0.18 sq. These standards are intended for non-hazardous operation of the structure and are installed depending on the type of structure. What is the impact of the size of the balcony in a panel house, the size of the balcony is 9 9 floors. > Order mosquito net anti-cat net in a frame on the balcony net sliding on. Depending on the composition of the building: brick or panels, balcony slabs may vary.

Operating rules

According to the established rules, storage of heavy objects or rubble on the balcony is not allowed. Unauthorized building of the place between the balconies is also prohibited. So that there are no leaks or freezing through the box, high-quality sealing and insulation must be performed. This can be done using foam rubber, felt or tow. To maintain sufficient temperature and humidity, the gaps should be equipped with special polyurethane foam gaskets, which will need to be changed after more than 5 years.

What determines the permissible weight for a balcony

The permissible load on reinforced concrete structures is determined by the norms of SNiP. According to the norms - for a loggia it is 400 kg / m2, and for open balconies - 200 kg / m2. But according to the current law, the permissible weight per slab should not exceed 112 kg / m2.

And this is without taking into account the decrease in the strength of concrete during operation. For example, experts estimate the load that the Khrushchev balcony can withstand at 50 kg / m2.

You can, of course, not take these numbers on faith, but there are plenty of examples of collapses. Especially in the houses of the old housing stock. Therefore, you should not start a balcony alteration without calculations and consultation with a specialist.

In order to determine how much weight a balcony can withstand, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • Plate type and dimensions.
  • Wall connection type.
  • The degree of destruction of the slab.
  • The state of the reinforcement in the slab.
  • Balcony type, the presence of reinforcement.
  • Age of construction.
  • The quality of materials and work.


Everything that serves as a decoration: various enclosures, plums for water, also boxes for flowers, must be renewed from time to time. It is worth painting them with paints that are resistant to atmospheric phenomena. The color of the paint must be selected in such a way that it matches the color of the facade. Maximum load on a balcony slab: how much can a balcony withstand in a panel house? The shape, as well as the placement of the flower grower, must correspond to the legalized construction project of the building. They need to be installed on special pallets, maintaining a gap from the wall of about 0.5 m.

In some apartment buildings, loggias have an external staircase that connects the balconies in stages and is an emergency loophole.

Doors leading to these stairs must not contain any latches on the outside. Loggias through which the evacuation will be carried out should not be glazed.

Main technical parameters of balcony slabs

The maximum permissible load on the balcony is indicated by SNiP 2.01.07-85, calculated in kilograms per square meter. So, for a panel / brick house of normal operating condition, the maximum load is 200 kg / m2. Therefore, in order to calculate how much weight balconies in a panel house can withstand, it is not difficult, knowing the typical dimensions.Taking a slab of 1.2 x 3 meters as a sample, calculating its area, we find out the permissible load, for us it is 720 kg. In total, in an average panel house, balcony slabs are capable of withstanding about 0.72 tons.

But this does not mean at all that you can immediately place heavy furniture, household appliances there with a total weight of more than 700 kg. It is important to consider other parameters:

  • the degree of wear (age) of the structure;
  • presence / absence of glazing;
  • sheathing weight, insulation;
  • layout of the apartment, the location of the balcony (corner / front);
  • weight of possible precipitation (snow, rainwater).

The maximum load on the balcony, taking into account the weight of all structures (they include windows, transoms, wood / plastic trim, used by the owners individually for insulation and decoration) can be reduced by 100-150 kg. It is also important to foresee the possibility of winter precipitation in the form of snow that can weigh up to 200 kg. In total, it becomes even easier to determine how much furniture / appliances can be stored, how much weight a balcony can withstand. We subtract from the received 720 kg the weight of windows, sliding window structures, cladding, precipitation, we get 370 kg.

Do not forget to take into account that people will periodically enter the balcony, so we take the weight of three more people up to 80 kg, this will further reduce the load by 240 kg. In total, we have 130 kg left for storing personal belongings, equipment, furniture, plants, various materials. And this, if we take a new panel house as a standard. For Khrushchevs, the maximum possible load can be up to 50-80% less than what we calculated for the panel, i.e. 360-576 kg. Given the emergency condition, dilapidated balcony slabs, it is easy to understand: some balconies are not only not suitable for storing things, but are simply dangerous. You cannot be on them, go to the edge of the plate, because there is always the possibility of collapse. Remember, the load on the edge of the balcony will always be slightly higher according to the law of physics. Moreover, the thickness of the balcony slab in a Khrushchev can be less than that of a panel slab.

Important! The load on the loggia is not calculated as for the balcony, due to structural differences. Since the loggia is, in fact, part of the main floor slab of the house structure, the same SNiP standards apply there.

Structural load

Load On Balcony In Panel House
How can you find out how much weight a loggia can withstand in different houses? Any building has special calculations during construction. These documents indicate how the structure can be loaded, how many people can be on it. There are certain characteristics by which you can make calculations and find out the necessary norms.

How to choose a toilet installation


First of all, you need to get acquainted with the structure of the suspension system. Almost all models are attached to the back wall, it is this aspect that is important to pay attention to. Some models do not have support on the floor due to the lack of legs (block system) Such installations are not recommended for heavy people, and the strength of the wall should not be in doubt.

Installation. In order not to have any difficulties with the installation, you should take into account the features of the supply of communications

On sale you can find standard designs that are suitable for apartments and most houses. The combined systems are intended for office buildings, retail facilities, industrial premises, etc. Toilets can be located either side by side or on opposite sides of the same wall.

Service. You should not make the final choice on the aesthetics of the controls. It is necessary to make sure that through the service window it will be possible to service the plumbing units.

Buttons. The drain button is often a deterrent to purchase. Dual-mode systems have already been replaced by non-contact models, as well as flush-stop designs. The contactless buttons look stylish and modern, but the traditional dual-mode version has the maximum reliability.

Cost.You can save a lot of money when buying a complete installation. Standard kit includes base frame, cistern, controls, soundproofing, adapters and hardware.

Reviews. A lot of useful information about the performance of the installation can be found in thematic forums. It is here that system problems in a particular model are most often identified.


If citizens expand their living space on their own, then another question arises: what can be the maximum load

to the balcony? In this case, you should pay attention to what year the house was built, as well as the quality of the building.

According to the standard rules, the maximum load per balcony slab can be 220 kg / km2. Order the glazing of the loggia or whoever has decided to glaze the balcony in the house of the p-44 series. But, another indicator is established by law - 112 kg / m2.

The slab, which measures 0.8 x 3.2 m, is rated at 286 kilos. It is important to take into account the number of years of its use. After all, if it is already more than 40 years old, then the strength is lost by about 70%. Such structures should not be overloaded so that they do not collapse.

Glazing is an additional load on the balcony

Lately, fleeing from cold winters, many residents are glazing their balconies, and this is also an additional load

... There is a balcony in a new brick house. What's the permissible load on the balcony. To make calculations, it is important to know the following indicators:

  1. The weight of the external finishing of the balcony is 1 r / m.
  2. Stained-glass window made of plastic, 1.5 m high and double glazing, weighing 55 kg.
  3. Siding with finishing elements per 1m2 - 5 kg.
  4. Plastic trim - 5 kg.

Given such indicators, the final load is obtained - 65 kilos, and the standard one is 50 kilos. It turns out that 15 kilos are extra. Therefore, before making calculations, it is necessary to make a preliminary inspection of the balcony. Light materials should be used for finishing: sandwich panels or siding.

On the loggias, which themselves have a lot of weight, glazing is extremely dangerous to perform.

How do you know if the balcony will withstand the new cladding?

Why is it important to know how much load a concrete slab can withstand? First of all, for reasons of safety and those of others. There is always an example when a collapsed balcony slab caused a human tragedy, caused great material damage, falling on someone's car or nearby infrastructure facilities.

Even relatively new houses, built 10-20 years ago, have load limits, even if the builders used the reinforcement of the balcony slab. And what can we say about the Khrushchev, over 60 years old? Many old houses have an emergency status, which implies a constant danger of accidents when the balcony slab cannot even support its own weight. Under such circumstances, it makes no sense to calculate the balcony slab.

In everyday practice, to find out how much weight a balcony can withstand, it is necessary:

  • during repairs, glazing, insulation. sheathing;
  • when you intend to install wooden / plastic windows;
  • when you use it as a greenhouse, winter garden, the only / additional storage room, storing old unnecessary things there;
  • you are going to combine the balcony with the room, keep pieces of furniture and household appliances there.

In the case of combining a balcony with a room / kitchen, it may be required by an employee of the BTI to determine whether the balcony will withstand the expected load or not when agreeing on the redevelopment with the unification of the premises. It is necessary to find the exact technical data of the passport of a residential building when developing a project.

All plans related to the need to keep a large number of things there must be coordinated with the technical parameters of the balcony slab. It should be borne in mind that the load capacity of the slab, which is about 1800 kg, and the permissible load are not identical concepts.There are many nuances here.

Permissible loads

To perform accurate calculations, it is necessary to build on existing indicators. What is better to sheathe the balcony inside - clapboard or plastic, mdf or pvc panels? A detailed analysis of the most popular finishing materials for the balcony in the article on our website. Find out how much mass it can hold balcony

a kilogram of finishing or insulation is possible, if for the sake of order we take the carrying capacity of the loggia - 1770 kg. In order to find out how much weight a balcony in a panel house can withstand, it is worth referring to snips or a passport for the structure, which indicate how much the structure can be loaded. Distribute weight loads on several points:

  • on average, three people weighing 80 kg is 240 kg;
  • various devices and items - 175 kg;
  • load
    rainwater or snow - 200 kg.

It turns out that balcony in an unglazed form, it receives a load - 615 kilos in our case. Given the indicator before glazing, the mass is 922.5 kilos. This means that for all materials in order to complete the decoration, 847.5 kilos are needed. Remote balcony in a panel house, 1 m wide, 4 m long. Tell me, what is the maximum load on the slab? For details of the competent finishing of the balcony, see this video:

Materials and their weight

Now you need to find out how much weight the balcony in a panel house will withstand after glazing. To do this, you need to calculate the weight of the materials: PVC blocks together with double-glazed windows - 80 kg x 6 = 480 kg. There remains a stock of 367 kg. But, in any case, leave 100 kg in reserve. For cladding materials, 267 kg are required.

Before placing any items on the balcony and planning the functionality of the room, you should accurately calculate the required load that it will withstand.

Balcony repair

The most common problems with a loggia and a balcony are roof leaks and slab destruction. All this can be eliminated without any problems with your own hands. But there are times when the intervention of specialists is required. According to the degree of complexity, the repair of the loggia is divided into:

  • Redecorating. It implies finishing and maintenance work that does not affect structural elements. It is quite possible to do it yourself.
  • Major overhaul. May require documentation approval. Includes the change of fences, strengthening the structure, increasing the size of the loggia.
  • Emergency. It is done when there is a danger of collapse. Requires replacement of the supporting structure. Such repairs should be carried out by the management company or a specialized organization.

Any balcony requires periodic light repairs. If you do not do it, sooner or later you will need an emergency one.

For a do-it-yourself balcony overhaul, it is advisable to choose light moisture-resistant materials. And it is better not to save on them, since the small size of the room does not require large investments. In this case, it is very important to take into account the specific gravity of materials during prolonged exposure to a humid environment. Otherwise, 1 kg of the wall at the beginning of the repair can turn into 2 kg, after six months of its use.

For the parapet, the option of a light metal or wooden frame, with foam insulation, is suitable. Wooden is easy to do with your own hands, and metal can be a good way to strengthen the balcony.

SIP panels are also a good choice:

  • Moisture resistant.
  • Warm.
  • Smooth - easy to trim.
  • Weight of 1 m2 approx. 15 kg.

For floor repair, one of the best options would be to install an expanded clay concrete screed with reinforcement without additional reinforcement. But this option is suitable if the corrosion of the reinforcement does not exceed 10%.

If the slab is old and without reinforcement, it is better to use for finishing:

  • Plastic panels weigh 0.5-1.5 kg / m2.
  • Siding - 1-2 kg / m2
  • Wooden lining - 6-10 kg / m2.
  • Decking - 5-10 kg / m2

The plate will withstand such materials without problems.

The difference between a loggia and a balcony

The owner of the apartments with balconies was much more fortunate.Due to the fact that they have a higher permissible load on the slab, it is much easier to make repairs with your own hands on it than on the balcony.

The design of the loggia assumes that it has three enclosing walls, while the balcony has only one - the back one and hangs above the ground. And the loggia is located in a niche of the building and rests on the lower floors, so it is easier to turn it into a full-fledged room.

Even when calculating the area of ​​an apartment, the loggia is valued more - a coefficient of 0.5 is applied to it, and 0.3 to balconies.

If the loggia has a size of 300 * 140 cm, then the maximum permissible load will be 1700 kg. True, SNiP does not take into account the aging of the material, therefore it is not recommended to load the slab to the maximum. Better to subtract about 30% from the limit.

Glazing of balconies with plastic windows - what it happens and how to do it, read our publication on the website.

How and how to insulate a balcony can be found in this article.

Methods for attaching a balcony to a house

Depending on the design of the house, there are several options for fixing balcony slabs:

  • End mount. It is used in a panel house. The slab extends 300 mm into the wall. This provides her with sufficient strength. In the case of combining the loggia with the living room, you cannot touch the common wall - if you remove it, the slab will collapse over time.
  • Slot mount. Balconies in Khrushchevs are attached to the groove. The size of the entry of the slab into the wall is 226 mm. This is the minimum acceptable value. Therefore, combining a balcony with a living room in Khrushchev is out of the question. Even simple repairs should be started after consultation with specialists, since these slabs can withstand small loads.
  • Into an array of walls. It is used in a brick house. Due to the specifics of the brickwork, the slab expands towards the base and tapers towards the edge. By the way, this design creates additional support on the wall, so slabs in brick houses sag less and withstand heavy loads compared to panel ones.

Strengthening the balcony

If the loggia is in disrepair, you can do without replacing the balcony slab, you can strengthen it. You can do it yourself, and there are several options:

  • The use of supports. Suitable for lower floors. At the outer corners of the slab, stands are placed abutting the ground. Usually, this option makes it possible to increase the size of the loggia. Requires a solid foundation for supports. Of the minuses - the foundation can sag, so it must be strong enough.
  • Lower slopes. Metal slopes are attached under the slab, abutting against the walls. If at the same time you make additional strapping of the slab with a channel and reinforcement, you can increase its size.
  • Upper cut. A groove is made along the perimeter of the slab, the slopes are welded to the reinforcement and attached to the wall. Frost-resistant concrete must be used to seal the grooves.

If the plate is still strong, you can get by with the manufacture of strapping around the perimeter and additional reinforcement. A steel corner or channel is used for strapping.

Carrying out such work does not just restore the structure. Due to the increase in carrying capacity, the balcony can be turned into a full-fledged room. And the range of finishing materials is expanding significantly - it is no longer so important what their weight is.

You need to understand that repairing a loggia is much more responsible than repairing any other living room. Making any changes requires engineering precision - the cost of making a mistake can be enormous. This is the very case when it is very opportune to remember the rule - "Measure seven times - cut one." Better yet, get advice from a specialist. Otherwise it is simply impossible.



Plastic windows