Believe me that the correct scheme, the design of the chimney is very important.
I myself faced this when in a freshly built sauna the stove began to smoke due to an incorrect calculation of the height of the chimney above the ridge, the smoke was so strong that the expensive lining for several months was covered with a layer of black soot, which of course did not please.
Alteration of the assembled stove and chimney scheme took a lot of money and nerves. If you, like me, made a similar unfortunate mistake, the article How to fix errors in ventilation and air exchange at home and apartment yourself may be useful to you
A stove, fireplace, heating boiler and even an ordinary gas water heater have one thing in common: they require the utilization of air saturated with combustion products. Attention to this topic is a guarantee of not only comfort, but also safety.
Fuel costs, the ratio of generated and lost heat, the cleanliness of indoor air and fire safety depend on the correct design and construction of the chimney. When creating a duct for the removal of combustion products, it is necessary to be guided by building codes, the instructions of the equipment manufacturer and common sense. First, we will tell you about the general requirements for the chimney and what not to do. And then we will consider the features and subtleties of the operation of individual structures.
Correct chimney
The fundamental characteristic of a chimney is its material. Recently, chimneys made of acid-resistant stainless steel with the addition of molybdenum have become increasingly popular. But for fireplaces and stoves, in which the flue gases do not have high acidity, you can also use good old brick. The optimal shape of the chimney is a cylinder. The more obstacles caused by angularity in the path of smoke, the more difficult it is for it to pass and the more soot will be deposited on the walls.
The dimensions are determined by the diameter and height of the structure.
The first characteristic is calculated based on the power of the equipment, the width of its outlet, the number and nature of obstacles in the path of smoke. The height of the chimney is calculated in accordance with building codes, taking into account the height of the building, the type of roof and the dimensions of neighboring buildings (diagram). When designing, it is important to comply with the requirements for the horizontal sections of the chimney. Their length should not exceed 1 m, because warm air moves vertically, not horizontally. Failure to comply with this requirement will cause poor traction and increased soot deposition in this area.
Connecting a boiler or fireplace insert to a chimney is often associated with the problem of inconsistency in diameters. In such cases, a reduction adapter is used. The area where the equipment is connected to the chimney is treated with a special sealant. The subsequent assembly of the chimney from the pipes is carried out along the course of the condensate, that is, with an expansion upward. This will prevent condensation from reaching the outer wall of the pipe. The brick chimney is assembled in accordance with the project. Each fireplace and each stove requires its own masonry, which is prescribed in layers. The general wish is this: minimize roughness on the inner walls and monitor the tightness of the building.
If there is an old one in the house brick chimney and they want to use it for a gas boiler, a sleeve should be carried out. An acid-resistant steel pipe is installed in the old chimney, leave a technical gap between the new pipe and the masonry. Tees are used when creating most chimneys.They must take into account the angles of removal and provide for revision doors. One of the main requirements of gas boilers is the construction of a condensate outlet. It can be a vertical condensate collector or a tee with a watering can. It is important that the water vapor is properly discharged.
Chimney insulation ensures the safety of both itself and the house. Insulation allows you to speed up the heating of the pipe and reduce the formation of condensation. If the pipe runs near combustible materials, then insulation will save them. When laying the chimney through the ceilings, it is necessary to comply with all fire regulations, depending on the material of the ceiling and the temperature of the pipe. It is better if the surfaces of the walls and ceiling located near the chimney channel are finished with non-combustible materials. Otherwise, they will have to be covered with a metal sheet with a layer of material that does not support combustion. The part of the chimney pipe that goes out into the street must be protected from the wind and additionally fixed. Deflectors, nets and even weather vane provide protection from atmospheric precipitation and debris. However, it must be remembered that such protection is not suitable in all cases. If for a fireplace and stove the hood is the norm, then for gas equipment it is a violation of the security of the system.
On a note:
What weather vane is made of
The weather vane can be made of plastic and even plywood. However, only metal is suitable for serious products. Flat weather vanes are made of stainless steel or steel roofing sheet coated with powder enamel, special paints or polymers. Bulk, as a rule, are made of copper. Forged pieces are distinguished by a special aesthetics. The variety of weather vane is limited only by the imagination of their manufacturers. Traditions also play an important role. In ancient China and Japan, for example, weathercocks were made in the form of dragons, at the same time protecting houses from evil spirits. In Europe, family coats of arms, flags, zodiac signs, as well as figurines of angels, fabulous creatures, animals, etc. were often hoisted on the roof. Today, as well as hundreds of years ago, weathercocks with a cockerel - a symbol of vigilance and a guard against thefts and fires - are especially popular.
Incorrect chimney
Errors made in the chimney business can be fraught with serious consequences, therefore it is important to comply with all building codes and requirements. Some consequences of improper design will lead to costly rework, while others can provoke fire or poisoning by combustion products.
Experts do not recommend using materials that are not intended for these purposes, such as asbestos and aluminum. If we are talking about a gas boiler, then a brick is not the best option. An acidic environment can destroy it in a few years. And alteration of the chimney is not the most pleasant prospect. Changing the diameter of the chimney during operation without the involvement of a specialist will at least reduce the efficiency of the system. The load on the base of the chimney should not exceed a value that can lead to the destruction of the building. Combining several installations into one chimney network is possible only if there are confirming engineering calculations made by a specialized specialist. The most dangerous mistakes are:
- insufficient thermal insulation of the chimney, leading to charring or fire of adjacent materials;
- use for smoke removal of ventilation ducts or combining protection of two ducts with one fungus. This error causes the destruction of the ventilation system, as a result of which smoke enters the house;
- modification and unauthorized repairs without preliminary calculations.
The device of a technically correct and functional chimney is not an easy task. Each case has its own nuances and requires consultation with a specialist, at least at the design stage.
Is it possible to use one chimney for two columns
We are asked: M
Is it possible to use one chimney for 2 gas water heaters? I discovered by chance that a neighbor on the 5th floor moved a gas water heater (26 kW) from the kitchen to the bathroom and obviously used my chimney. Before that, we seemed to have enough traction, but now I am doing repairs and changing the column to a more powerful one from 15 kW to 26 kW. Will there be problems with traction?
We answer: H
Let's start with the fact that unauthorized transfer of gas equipment is strictly prohibited and entails a very serious liability. Therefore, your neighbor should at least have an agreed project for the transfer of the column, where, in particular, the combination of smoke exhaust and the necessary conditions for this, in particular the chimney section, should be taken into account. In your case, a change should also be made to the project, since the essential characteristics of the device change.
But another thing is not clear - the placement of the neighbor's column in the bathroom, since SNiP 2.04.08-87 "Gas supply" (clause 6.37) is directly prohibits installation of gas water heaters in bathrooms.
Further, the room where the gas appliance is located, in addition to the chimney, must be in mandatory have a ventilation duct, more than doubt that the neighbor has one in the bathroom.
Now the chimney: SNiP regulate the smoke removal of gas water heaters, according to the same rules as for heating stoves (today it is SNiP 41-01-2003) where, in particular, it is said what to use vent. channels for the removal of combustion products are not allowed (clause, and for the output of several furnaces into one channel, the following is said: “For each furnace, usually, a separate chimney or smoke channel should be provided ”(p. SP 7.13130.2009, in relation to stoves and fireplaces, says: "Connection to a collective chimney should be made through an air lock, as a rule, with connection to a vertical collector of duct branches through the floor" (clause 5.47).
As for the section, the same joint venture states: "The section of the prefabricated flue ducts must be at least ... 5.5 cm2 per 1 kW of rated thermal power." In this case, the maximum total power of all heaters connected to the riser is considered. That is, if we calculate according to your data, we get: 26 + 26 = 52 kW x 5.5 cm2 = 286 cm2, that is, the section of the smoke channel should be at least 140x200 mm. I more than doubt that this is the case ...
That is, the situation stated in your question is indeed very ambiguous and alarming. I recommend that you clarify how much the placement of the column by both you and your neighbor complies with the standards so as not to get a substantial fine. Yes, and with gas, in general, jokes are bad, there have been a lot of examples of this recently.
Recommend: How to properly ventilate a warm garage?
And, finally, given that CO (carbon monoxide) is heavier than air, you should be afraid not only of poor traction, but also of incomplete combustion from your neighbor on top. In such a case, what goes down the riser will definitely not add health to anyone.
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Chimneys for stoves
SNiP Heating, ventilation and air conditioning - fundamental rules and instructions for the design of a stove heating system. He talks about all the requirements for both the stove and the chimney. So, one stove should be provided for heating no more than three rooms located on the same floor. In two-story buildings, bunk stoves with separate fireboxes and chimneys for each floor are allowed. The use of wooden beams in the floor between the upper and lower tiers of the stove is unacceptable. In addition, you cannot:
- arrange artificial exhaust ventilation, not compensated by the corresponding supply;
- remove smoke into ventilation ducts by installing ventilation grilles on the smoke ducts.
Furnaces should generally be placed against interior walls and non-combustible partitions. Flue ducts can be placed in external walls made of non-combustible materials, if necessary, insulated from the outside to avoid condensation of moisture from the exhaust gases. In the absence of walls in which smoke channels can be placed, stacked or main chimneys should be used to remove the smoke. For each stove, as a rule, a separate chimney or a separate channel is provided. It is possible to connect two ovens located on the same floor to one pipe. When connecting two pipes, it is necessary to provide for cuts with a thickness of 0.12 m and a height of at least 1 m from the bottom of the pipe connection. And also a sequential installation for tight valves, and on the channels of furnaces operating on coal or peat - one valve With a hole with a diameter of 15 mm.
Chimneys must be designed vertically without ledges.
And at the base of pipes made of clay bricks with walls at least 120 mm thick or heat-resistant concrete with a thickness of at least 60 mm - provide pockets with a depth of 250 mm with holes for cleaning, bricked up on the edge using clay mortar and equipped with doors.
Allowed deviations of pipes from the vertical by 30 °, with a slope of no more than 1 m.
Inclined sections should be smooth, with a constant cross-section and an area not less than the cross-sectional area of the vertical sections.
Chimneys on buildings with roofs made of combustible materials must be equipped with spark arresters made of metal mesh with holes no larger than 5 × 5 mm. Constructions made of flammable or hardly combustible materials adjacent to stoves, chimneys and ventilation ducts located next to chimneys must be protected from fire with cuts made of non-combustible materials, and the gaps between ceilings, walls, partitions and cuts must be filled with non-combustible materials. The distance between the top of the furnace ceiling and the protected combustible ceiling depends on the nature of the combustion and is 250-700 mm. With an unprotected ceiling - 350 and 1000 mm. For a metal oven with an insulated floor - 800 mm. with non-insulated - 1200 mm. The distance from brick or concrete chimneys to combustible and hardly combustible parts of the roof should be at least 130 mm, from ceramic pipes without insulation - 250 mm. and for thermal insulation with non-combustible or hardly combustible materials with a heat transfer resistance of 0.3 m2оС / W — 130 mm.
Can two stoves be combined into one chimney?
As an exception, in the conditions of reconstruction, it is allowed to connect two gas columns to one chimney if there is a cut with a height of at least 0.5 m.
The cross-section of the combined part of the chimney must be equal to the sum of the cross-sections of the channels to be connected
Building codes do not give any concessions in the event that heating devices are not used at the same time. Theoretically, the operation of heaters, even gas heaters, in a separate mode is possible, but in practice you will not be able to convince either a gas service representative or an EMERCOM inspector of this. They simply will not sign documents for you, they will not turn on the gas. In addition, the norms were written not just at the whim of engineers, they establish safe rules for the use of heating equipment.
To summarize: for gas appliances - definitely not, for solid fuel - yes, with the above reservations.The norms should be adhered to, because the fire inspector is obliged to check the smoke exhaust systems in your home. We advise you to find an opportunity to install a separate chimney even if all your heat generators are solid fuel. Still, potential draft problems are not worth the money you can save on a chimney. In addition, if you ever change equipment for gas, there will be no problems with chimneys.
You can find more detailed information in the following documents:
- For Russia - SP 60.13330.2012 SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"; "Rules for the production of pipe and furnace works" of VDPO, agreed in 2001 in the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Gostekhnadzor.
- For Ukraine - DBN V.2.5-20-2001.
- For Belarus - SNB 4.02.01-03
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When building a new house, many owners of suburban areas think about installing two stoves, but do not know how to properly equip the smoke outlet. To avoid unnecessary costs and problems, you can consider several options for the device of the heating system. To make the release of combustion products more efficient, two stoves should be combined into one chimney.
Chimneys for fireplaces
The requirements for a chimney for a fireplace have something in common with the requirements for stoves. The fuel is the same, and the principle of operation of the systems is similar. For example, fireplaces can be used for heating. If we are not talking about large-scale heating, you can limit yourself to a radiator pipe - a special device made of plates that increase the heat transfer area. It is possible to regulate the intensity of combustion by controlling the air exchange. Alternatively, a gate (damper) is used. As in other chimney designs, the smoke from the fireplace should be removed in the simplest possible way. It is better if it is a straight vertical chimney (more than 6 m high) or more complex, but with bends with an angle of less than 45 °. If an elbow is to be used, a tee is installed to facilitate access for subsequent cleanings. In addition to the shape, the place of passage of the chimney and the corresponding degree of thermal insulation are important. The smoke heats up the chimney, which means that wall materials and ceilings need to be protected from fire. If a sandwich chimney (multilayer) passes near plastic or wood, they are insulated with a basalt-based material. The place where the chimney passes through should also be protected from the cold. For example, it is not allowed to place a single-wall pipe (made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.6 mm) outside. Protect the chimney with a fungus or a weather vane installed at the end.
Chimney for solid fuel boilers
Heating boilers operating on solid fuels are close to both stoves with fireplaces and gas boilers. With the former, they are united by one of the possible types of fuel (wood) and the frequent need for cleaning from ash, with the latter, by the similarity in the distribution of heat energy for heating. The connection diagram for a solid fuel boiler is generally suitable for other systems. Knowing their requirements, you can adapt this scheme, for example, remove the deflector when it comes to gas equipment.
Rules to keep in mind when building a fireplace
Building a double-sided fireplace with your own hands is almost the same as laying out a regular fireplace, the only difference is the need to equip it with two doors equipped with heat-resistant glass. In addition, you can buy a ready-made two-sided fireplace in a specialized store, and then you will have to make only the foundation for it with your own hands and lay out the chimney.
There are several very important rules that you should never forget about when building a fireplace:
Both rooms, where the doors of a double-sided fireplace open, should not be walk-through. In addition, the firebox should not be located next to the door or windows in the room.
This is important not only from the point of view of comfort, to be honest, it is difficult to sit with all the comfort near the door, but also from the point of view of the fire safety of the fireplace. If you have chosen a wall-mounted type of fireplace, then you must remember that it should be placed exclusively near a brick wall.
- When building a fireplace, it is necessary to very carefully protect the floor under it from the effects of high temperatures. For this, you can use fire-resistant brick or metal sheet. The size of such a site should be several centimeters larger than the size of the base of the fireplace.
- When building a fireplace, some proportions should be observed. For example, the depth of the fireplace should be related to the area of the room where it is located, approximately as 1 to 50. Accordingly, if we are talking about a two-sided fireplace, then both rooms into which the combustion chamber exits are taken into account. And the height of the fireplace should not exceed its depth by more than 2 times.
And, finally, one more very important rule, which is usually forgotten by the owners of country houses, who strive to "test in practice" a structure built by their own hands as soon as possible. The first time you can light a fireplace no earlier than about a month after the completion of its construction
The fact is that the entire structure should dry out very well. And such a long drying time is due to the fact that when building a fireplace, bricks that have been previously soaked in water are used. And the solution needs to dry. If you light a fireplace without waiting for it to dry completely, then the entire masonry can become covered with cracks, and such a structure will not last long.
Chimney for baths and saunas
Sauna firebox and chimney need thermal insulation. The ceilings are insulated by analogy with the described chimneys, and the wall material near the firebox is covered with metal sheets. The excess heat generated by the chimney can be used for business. A popular option for increasing efficiency is a metal mesh into which stones are poured. They envelop the hot chimney and heat up. Burning intensity regulator can be another useful addition. The chimney draft must maintain combustion at the required level, without releasing all the heat to the street, and create a temperature of 70-80 ° C in the room. It is clear that smoke entering the steam room is out of the question.
Chimney for gas boilers and water heaters
Few of the developers study building codes and understand the "classic" requirements for exhaust ducts in general and for gas boiler ducts in particular. Practice shows that even the fundamental requirements and norms are not observed. But when building or repairing, first of all, technical issues must be resolved. The chimney for a gas boiler must:
- Comply with SNiPs
- Have your own channel - It is allowed to connect two devices to one channel, but at a distance of at least 750 mm;
- be sealed. Leakage of carbon monoxide is unacceptable (the laying of a brick chimney does not guarantee reliable gas insulation);
- Be resistant to condensation. Modern high-performance boilers produce 1-3 thousand liters of condensate per year. Due to the low temperature of the outlet gases (it rarely exceeds 100 ° C), the condensate does not evaporate, but flows down the walls of the chimney, penetrating into the brick and destroying it;
- Do not impair cravings. The ideal cross-section for any exhaust duct is round. Rough, uneven bore of the canal impairs traction. In addition, the cross-section of the duct must be no less than the cross-section of the gas outlet pipe on the connected device. For example, if the cross-sectional diameter of the outlet on a gas boiler is 150 mm, then the cross-sectional diameter of the exhaust duct must also be at least 150 mm; but be warm. There is less condensation in a warm duct;
- Go straight into the sky, without visors and covers.
All these requirements are easy to take into account at the stage of construction or repair, but it is very difficult to correct shortcomings during operation.
Is it possible to connect two heating devices to one chimney
Is it possible to bring pipes from two sources at different heights and from different sides into a single-pass ceramic chimney, for example, Ton. For example, from a heating stove and a water heater with the condition that they will not be heated at the same time? Or do you still need a two-pass chimney in this case?
You can, but with serious restrictions:
- Gas heat generators should only have separate chimneys. As an exception, in the conditions of reconstruction, it is allowed to connect two gas columns to one chimney if there is a cut with a height of at least 0.5 m.
- Stoves, fireplaces, solid fuel boilers in existing buildings (note that it is in existing buildings, not newly built ones), if it is impossible to organize separate chimneys, it is allowed to connect to a common channel, provided that there is a cut at least 1 meter high, if the heat generators are located on the same floor and floor slits, if they are located on different ones. The cross-section of the common channel must correspond to the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the chimneys connected to it.
The cross-section of the combined part of the chimney must be equal to the sum of the cross-sections of the channels to be connected
Building codes do not give any concessions in the event that heating devices are not used at the same time. Theoretically, the operation of heaters, even gas heaters, in a separate mode is possible, but in practice you will not be able to convince either a gas service representative or an EMERCOM inspector of this. They simply will not sign documents for you, they will not turn on the gas. In addition, the norms were written not just at the whim of engineers, they establish safe rules for the use of heating equipment.
To summarize: for gas appliances - definitely not, for solid fuel - yes, with the above reservations. The norms should be adhered to, because the fire inspector is obliged to check the smoke exhaust systems in your home. We advise you to find an opportunity to install a separate chimney even if all your heat generators are solid fuel. Still, potential draft problems are not worth the money you can save on a chimney. In addition, if you ever change equipment for gas, there will be no problems with chimneys.
You can find more detailed information in the following documents:
- For Russia - SP 60.13330.2012 SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"; "Rules for the production of pipe and furnace works" of VDPO, agreed in 2001 in the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Gostekhnadzor.
- For Ukraine - DBN V.2.5-20-2001.
- For Belarus - SNB 4.02.01-03
It is easy to guess that the smoke discharged to the street consists of air taken from the room. Accordingly, its stocks must be replenished, for example, taken from the street. This means that the supply air will be fresh, but cold. Some systems solve the problem of removing useful air. Boilers with forced draft and built-in fan are equipped with a coaxial chimney, which compares favorably with pipes of many meters. This chimney has two pipes. Fresh air from the street enters one of them to maintain combustion, and smoke comes out of the other. The system is completely closed, that is, the air from the room does not participate in the operation of the boiler. Air supply and air discharge are not necessarily carried out through a single chimney, divided into two parts. There are also models with separate pipes. Often, coaxial chimneys are horizontal, although a vertical outlet is also made if necessary.
How to clean the chimney?
It is considered that the pipe should be cleaned if the soot layer on its inner surface is thicker than 2 mm. If the soot deposits are very dense, a scraper should be used for cleaning in the first step. Then comes the hard brush with a long multi-link handle.The length of the latter is changed in accordance with the course of cleaning - from the top of the chimney to the bottom. So that as little soot gets into the room as possible, the furnace hole is covered with plastic wrap or a thick sheet during cleaning. Additionally, we advise you to prevent drafts and cover the furniture. Chemicals are also used for cleaning. Most often these are powders or "miracle logs". Burning in the firebox, such substances emit a non-toxic gas, under the influence of which the soot lags behind the walls of the chimney. It should be borne in mind that it is very difficult to clean a heavily polluted chimney with "chemistry"; it is best to combine chemical and mechanical cleaning. The people recommend once a year to heat the stove or fireplace well with aspen wood. When aspen burns, the flame reaches a great height and burns out soot from the chimney. However, this advice is only suitable if there is not too much of it accumulated in the chimney. Otherwise, a fire is possible. In addition, you can burn potato peelings in the furnace: the steam generated during this effectively fights off soot deposits.
Chimney height
The chimney must rise at least
- 0.5 M ABOVE the roof ridge when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge;
- Be not lower than the ridge of the roof when the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 - 3 m from the RIDGE;
- Be not lower than a line drawn from the ridge down at an angle of 10 ° to the horizon, when the chimney is located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge;
- For flat roofs, a chimney above 1 m is required.
- Regardless of the angle of inclination of the roof, chimneys that are 1.5 m higher than its level must be additionally fixed with braces on the bracket
How to connect chimney pipes of the same diameter
What material is the chimney pipe made of? If the metal chimney is made of stainless steel, two pipes of the same diameter can be connected using a fitting. A fitting (coupling) is a small piece of pipe with an internal thread. But then a thread is made on two pipes, cutting is performed on a machine or using a die. This is a reliable connection, sealed, durable.
Buy stainless steel coupling adapter.
If it is not possible to purchase a fitting or an adapter coupling, then manually on one pipe with metal scissors or with the help of a grinder, light cuts are made along the axis, every 1.5-2 centimeters. Then, with the pliers, the resulting petals are slightly bent (compressed) to the center, the diameter of the pipe will decrease slightly, you get a truncated conical hole and it is easy to fit it tightly into another pipe. In addition, to secure the structure in place, place the connection with a wide clamp. Or vice versa, beat off the lower end of the pipe around the circumference, the diameter will increase, this method is less reliable.
All the same, the fitting and the adapter sleeve, it seems to me, are the most reliable joints of chimney pipes of the same diameter. The structure, if necessary, can be disassembled and assembled at any time.
1 General rules for the design and assembly of chimneys
The design and installation of chimneys must be carried out in accordance with the current regulations:
The task of the chimney is to remove combustion products and provide normal draft to maintain combustion. The draft level depends on the height of the flue duct and the diameter of the chimney.
When installing the chimney, the following rules must be observed:
- The height of the chimney from the heater to the head must be at least 5 m.
- The elevation of the chimney over the ridge / parapet is determined according to the diagram (Fig. 1).
- The elevation of the chimney above the closely spaced roofs of neighboring buildings must be at least 1.5 meters.
- If the chimney rises above the roof by 1.5 meters or more, it must be additionally secured with guy ropes (Fig. 2).
- In the design of the chimney, it is recommended to provide plugs with a condensate drain to remove the formed condensate and / or revision to allow cleaning and maintenance of the flue duct
Stove and fireplace pipes
There are several aspects to consider when calculating pipe heights. The higher the chimney, the better draft it provides, but passing through the high chimney the gases cool and form condensation, which leads to a decrease in draft and smoke in the room.
To ensure reliable draft, the chimney must be at least 5 m high. And if for some reason this cannot be done, use an electric smoke exhauster. The minimum height of the upper part of the chimney above the ridge of the roof depends on how far the axis of the chimney is from the ridge.
In this case, the pipe, in any case, must rise above the roof surface by at least half a meter.
So, if the axis of the chimney is at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge, then the pipe should rise 0.5 m above the ridge.If the distance from the chimney to the ridge is from 1.5 to 3 m, then the upper part of the pipe can be flush with a skate. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge is more than 3 m, it is allowed to erect a chimney below the ridge of the roof at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon.
Not everything is simple with the internal section of the chimney, which must correspond to the dimensions of the firebox. The smoke does not have time to come out through a too narrow pipe, and the stove begins to smoke. Gases pass through too large a cross section slowly, cool down quickly, which leads to the settling of condensate and a decrease in thrust.
Pipe characteristics
The material for the construction of the chimney must ensure the high temperature resistance of the future chimney, because it must withstand a constant temperature of + 500 ° С, and also withstand heat up to +1,000 ° С for half an hour. Despite the fact that the flue gases passing through the chimney are heated to a temperature not exceeding + 300 ° C, a margin of thermal resistance is necessary, since soot can ignite inside the chimney, the combustion temperature of which is significantly higher.
Also, according to the requirements, the outer side of the pipe should not heat up more than + 90 ° С, and in case of contact with flammable structures - more than + 65 ° С. Among other things, the upper part of the chimney facing the outside must withstand winter frosts, and the chimney material must be resistant to the chemical composition of the flue gases.
The traditional chimney has long been built of bricks. This material fully complies with the requirements for chimneys. In chimney chimneys, the temperature is higher than in stove ones, and reaches + 400 ° C, therefore it is recommended to build chimneys of naminov from heat-resistant bricks. However, furnace work requires skill, and the considerable weight of the brick pipe leads to the need for increased strength of the foundation under the fireplace or stove. All this often forces us to look for alternative options for materials for the manufacture of fireplaces and chimneys.
Sometimes asbestos-cement pipes are used for this purpose. They are inexpensive, lightweight and easy to install. However, asbestos cement also has disadvantages: at high temperatures, pipes can crack, and insufficient heat resistance and rapid heating of the surface contribute to the creation of a fire hazard. Therefore, asbestos-cement pipes are more often used in small country houses, summer kitchens, when arranging areas for barbecues and barbecues.
Steel pipes are far from perfect either. When installing such a chimney, it is necessary to insulate the pipe surface with a non-combustible material, since the metal heats up so much that it can cause a fire. Abundant condensation, leading to corrosion, makes black steel pipes short-lived, they fail relatively quickly and require replacement. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion and has higher strength characteristics, but pipes made from it will cost significantly more.
Sandwich Chimneys
Sandwich chimneys are becoming more and more popular. Manufactured in the factory, they meet the necessary requirements for resistance to high temperatures and oxidation.
Manufacturers produce reliable and safe sandwich pipes of various diameters, which allows you to choose the right option. They are easily assembled from meter lengths and assembled right on the spot.
Due to their three-layer structure, such pipes have excellent performance and at the same time are lightweight, which not only facilitates the installation process, but also allows you to significantly save on the foundation for a fireplace or stove. The inner side of stainless steel is covered with heat-insulating material, which is covered with galvanized steel on top.
With undeniable advantages, sandwich pipes also have disadvantages, among which the main ones are considered to be high cost and imperfect tightness due to the composite structure of such chimneys. It is no coincidence that the manufacturer, as a rule, is limited to a 10-year warranty period, after which one should be puzzled by the replacement of the pipe.
In this regard, modular chimneys are favorably distinguished by a longer service life (about 30 years), not differing too much from sandwich pipes in price. The modular pipes produced at the factory meet all the necessary requirements, which are provided by a three-layer structure: a layer of thermal insulation is also laid between the inner refractory side and the outer shell made of lightweight concrete.
Decent Chimney Place
The most effective option for the location of the chimney is to place it in one of the inner walls. Then the heat of the stove will work to the maximum for heating the room, and the vertical chimney will provide the best draft.
The location of the chimney on the outside greatly facilitates its installation, since the troublesome removal of the pipe through the ceilings and the roof will not be needed. In addition, this option is less fire hazardous. The disadvantages of this placement of the chimney are the not too presentable appearance of the pipe, the need for additional space and the mandatory thermal insulation of the entire outside part in order to avoid its cooling and condensation.
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With your own hands ›Stoves, fireplaces, barbecue› How to make the right chimney for a stove, sauna, fireplace, boiler. Coaxial chimneys.
Traction calculation
So, draft calculation is the calculation of the chimney cross-section for a gas boiler, fireplace, stove or other heating equipment. How to calculate the cross section? To do this, you need to determine:
- the volume of gas that will pass through the chimney in 1 hour;
- chimney cross-sectional area;
- section diameter.
Gas volume calculation
To calculate the volume of gas passing through the flue channel, the following formula is used:
V = B x V1 x (1 + T / 273) / 3600where
B is the mass of fuel burned in 1 hour of operation of the heating equipment;
V1 is a correction factor that depends on the type of fuel used for heating;
T is the gas temperature determined at the exit from the chimney.
Indicators V1 and T can be obtained from the table available in GOST 2127 - 47.
Table from GOST for determining the calculation parameters
Sectional area calculation
After determining the volume of gases passing through the flue channel, you can calculate the size of the pipe section:
S = V / Wwhere
V is the volume calculated earlier;
W is the speed of passage of gases through the flue channel (this value is constant and equal to 2 m / s).
Determination of the diameter
The next step is to directly determine the diameter of the chimney. For this, the following formula is used:
D = √4 * S / πwhere
S is the cross-sectional area of the flue duct;
π is a constant equal to 3.14.
For example, we will make a calculation according to the indicated formulas with the following parameters:
- in the oven installed in the bath, 10 kg of firewood is burned every hour;
- the temperature of gases at the outlet of the pipe is 130 ° C.
Let's calculate the volume of gases:
V = 10x10x (1 + 130/273) / 3600 = 0.041 (m³ / hour)
Determine the cross-section of the chimney:
S = 0.041 / 02 = 0.0205 (m2)
Let's find the most suitable pipe diameter according to the given parameters:
D = √ 4 * 0.0205 / 3.14 = 0.162 (m)
This means that for the oven used in the example, it is sufficient to install a chimney with a diameter of 165 - 170 mm.
How to make calculations and install a chimney on your own, see the video.