Thermal insulation of pipelines is a set of measures aimed at preventing heat exchange of the carrier transported along them with the environment. Thermal insulation of pipelines is used not only in heating systems and hot water supply, but also where technology requires the transportation of substances with a certain temperature, for example, refrigerants.
The meaning of thermal insulation is the use of means that provide thermal resistance to heat exchange of any kind: contact and carried out by means of infrared radiation.
The greatest application, expressed in numbers, is the thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks. Unlike Europe, the centralized heating system dominates the entire post-Soviet space. In Russia alone, the total length of heating networks is more than 260 thousand kilometers.
Much less often, insulation for heating pipes is used by private households with an autonomous heating system. Only in a few northern regions are private houses connected to the central heating main with heating pipes located outside.
For some types of boilers, for example, powerful gas or diesel boilers, the requirements of the code of rules SP 61.13330.2012 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines" are prescribed separate from the placement building - in the boiler room, which is several meters away from the heated object. In their case, a piece of harness passing through the street must be insulated.
Pipe laying methods
On the street, insulation of heating pipelines is required both for open ground placement, and for hidden laying - underground. The last method is channel - a reinforced concrete gutter is first laid in the trench, and pipes are already placed in it. Channelless placement - directly in the ground. The used insulating materials differ not only in thermal conductivity, but also in steam and water resistance, durability and installation methods.
The need to insulate cold water pipes is not so obvious. However, one cannot do without it in the case when the water supply system is laid by an open ground method - the pipes must be protected from freezing and subsequent damage. But inside buildings it is also necessary to insulate water pipes - to prevent moisture condensation on them.
PPM pipe insulation
Foam polymer mineral insulation is another method of insulating metal structures, which is used in the construction of hot water supply systems. The material is obtained by mixing foamed polymer and mineral filler (sand, ash, etc.). Possesses good strength.
Laying of pipelines in PPM insulation is carried out in accordance with GOST. The insulation is characterized by excellent maintainability. If necessary, it is opened and changed in the field.
Characteristics of polymeric mineral foam insulation of pipes
PPM consists of three layers:
- external cortical;
- heat insulating;
- internal anti-corrosion.
The weight and thickness of the coating depend on the diameter of the pipeline, the requirements of regulatory documents, and operating conditions.
Production of PPM insulation
A monolithic shell made of polymeric mineral foam is applied to rolled metal at the factory. The production of cement-based PPM insulation pipes increases the anti-corrosion properties of the coating. Assumes the use of special equipment.The product to be coated is placed in a cylinder, into which the finished mineral composition is fed. The product is ready after the composition has set.
The rules for long-term storage of pipes in PPM insulation presuppose the use of a flat area, cleared of stones and other debris. Products are stored in stacks strictly in diameter.
During installation, the following components are used to insulate PPM joints: IZOLAN 345PB, polyisocyanate, quartz molding sand.
Glass wool, mineral wool
Insulating materials, proven by practice. They meet the requirements of SP 61.13330.2012, SNiP 41-03-2003 and fire safety standards for any installation method. They are fibers with a diameter of 3-15 microns, in structure close to crystals.
Glass wool is made from waste glass production, mineral wool from silicon-containing slag and silicate waste from metallurgy. The differences in their properties are insignificant. They are produced in the form of rolls, stitching mats, plates and pressed cylinders.
It is important to be careful with materials and be able to handle them correctly. Any manipulation should be carried out in protective overalls, gloves and a respirator.
The pipe is wrapped or covered with cotton wool, ensuring uniform filling density over the entire surface. Then the insulation, without too much crushing, is fixed with a knitting wire. The material is hygroscopic and easily gets wet, therefore, the insulation of external pipelines made of mineral or glass wool requires the installation of a vapor barrier made of a material with low vapor permeability: roofing material or polyethylene film.
A cover layer is placed on top of it, which prevents the penetration of precipitation - a casing made of roofing sheet, galvanized iron or sheet aluminum.
VUS insulation
The definition (concept) of highly reinforced pipe insulation is given as follows: it is a structure covering that possesses:
- minimum culvert capacity;
- resistance to mechanical damage, rust, active chemicals.
The protective shell is made by extrusion and consists of several layers. It can be operated in any region, regardless of climate. The application of very reinforced insulation (VUS) is carried out in accordance with GOST 9.602-89.
Example of pipes in VUS insulation
Characteristic of highly reinforced piping insulation
The composition of the two-layer external VUS insulation includes a heat-shrinkable component made on the basis of a polyethylene film and a hot-melt adhesive. Polyethylene is laid on metal structures coated with a liquid primer and an adhesive underlay.
The weight of rolled metal after processing increases. Products, the technical level of which is confirmed by certificates, is ready for installation.
Basalt (stone) wool
More dense than glass wool. Fibers are made from melt of gabbro-basalt rocks. It is absolutely nonflammable, withstands temperatures up to 900 ° C for a short time. Not any insulating materials, like basalt wool, can contact surfaces heated to 700 ° C for a long time.
Thermal conductivity is comparable to polymers, ranging from 0.032 to 0.048 W / (m · K). High performance indicators allow using its thermal insulation properties not only for pipelines, but also for arranging hot chimneys.
Available in several versions:
- like glass wool, in rolls;
- in the form of mats (stitched rolls);
- in the form of cylindrical elements with one longitudinal slot;
- in the form of pressed cylinder fragments, the so-called shells.
The last two versions have different modifications, differing in density and the presence of a heat-reflecting film. The slot of the cylinder and the edges of the shells can be made in the form of a spike connection.
SP 61.13330.2012 contains an indication that the thermal insulation of pipelines must comply with safety and environmental protection requirements. By itself, basalt wool fully complies with this instruction.
Manufacturers often use a trick: to improve consumer performance - to give it hydrophobicity, greater density, vapor permeability, they use impregnations based on phenol-formaldehyde resins. Therefore, it cannot be called 100% safe for humans. Before using basalt wool in a residential area, it is advisable to study its hygiene certificate.
The fibers of the insulation are stronger than those of glass wool, so the ingress of its particles into the body through the lungs or skin is almost impossible. However, during work it is still recommended to use gloves and a respirator.
The installation of the roll cloth does not differ from the way in which the insulation of heating pipes with glass wool is carried out. Heat protection in the form of shells and cylinders is attached to the pipes using mounting tape or a wide bandage. Despite some hydrophobicity of basalt wool, pipes insulated with it also require a waterproof vapor-permeable shell made of polyethylene or roofing material, and an additional one made of tin or dense aluminum foil.
Why do you need pipe insulation?
When laying a pipeline, you, of course, expect that it will last more than one year. Of course, for this, during installation, all existing rules must be observed, including not forgetting about insulation. It protects building structures from corrosion and other damaging factors. In this article, we will talk about what the neglect of high-quality pipe insulation threatens.
Heat loss and mechanical stress
If we talk about heating or hot water supply, then in the absence of insulation, you will very quickly feel the huge fuel costs on your own wallet. At the same time, the heat in the pipes will not be retained for long. As for mechanical influences, it is also necessary to protect pipelines laid in the walls and not at a shallow depth from this factor, because they can often be damaged outside. This is especially true for plastic, which is not as strong as metal.
This problem is fundamental. Condensation may form on water supply pipes without proper insulation due to temperature changes. In this case, rust appears on the metal. That is why it is also necessary to insulate pipes to protect structures from corrosion. What about plastic? Surprisingly, condensation is harmful not only when using metal products. The plastic pipes themselves do not deteriorate from it: they do not rot, and even less rust. However, the walls suffer: wood decomposes, and concrete and bricks are impregnated and cracked at temperature extremes. The pipes themselves, by the way, can also freeze and burst during severe frosts.
Installation of insulation will save you from the above problems and will not worry about the condition of the pipes. Today its cost is not at all great, there are many types of it. By contacting the experts, you will receive advice, finding out which type is right for your purposes.
It is worth noting that improperly laid insulation can threaten even greater inconvenience, so you should always contact only professionals.
Do pipes need sound insulation?
This is a moot point. It all depends on how well the heat supply system was originally made. Often, residents are annoyed by extraneous sounds coming from the pipes. It can be a hum, you can constantly hear the movement of water. The reasons for such sound permeability may be poor-quality installation of pipelines, breakdown of the entire system, or ill-conceived sound insulation of heating pipes, which in this case is necessary for the comfort and tranquility of residents.
If it comes to a breakdown of the heating system, then no sound insulation of the heating batteries will help. Here, serious intervention of the masters is needed to eliminate all the shortcomings and failures. Therefore, it is important to know when a heating repair is needed.But if the building codes to eliminate unnecessary sounds were not initially complied with, then sound insulation of heating pipes is necessary. Usually it is performed using special "sleeves". This is an additional pipe that is larger than the pipeline itself. It is worn from above, and the space inside between the "sleeve" and the pipe is filled with soundproofing material. It is best to use a dense material for this, which will fill all the space and there will be no gaps.
But back to thermal insulation. Consider what materials are used to insulate pipes. Most often these are:
- roll materials;
- insulation by painting;
- "Shell".
Roll materials
This is one of the oldest types of insulation tested over the years. At first, it was actively used in enterprises. Usually mineral wool was used as a material. They took rolls of such cotton wool and wrapped pipes in them. The top was fixed with wire so that it would not turn around, and a zinc casing was put on for better energy conservation. Such insulation of heating pipes not only retains heat so that it is not wasted, but also gives an additional protective effect to keep the pipes from being damaged.
This insulation for heating pipes is very common in our time, because it is inexpensive, but of high quality. But there is one point worth paying attention to. Very thin pipes are often installed in houses, and this material is not suitable for them. It is also worth remembering that mineral wool does not tolerate moisture well - because of it, the material can quickly deteriorate and cake. Therefore, when using this type of insulation, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.
Insulation by painting
This type is also called liquid insulation. If you decide to insulate pipes in the house yourself, then this type of insulation will not work.
In addition, this look is not suitable for thin household piping. Most often, spraying is used in industries where pipes are thicker in diameter. The great advantage of spray insulation is that insulation can be created very quickly and on pipes with different angles and bends, which would be very difficult to do with other types of insulation.
This type is considered the most successful solution. The market sells special cylinders made of insulating material that are simply put on the pipe. Unfortunately, this can only be used when the piping system has not yet been installed and its installation is in progress. Fortunately, we have found an option on how to apply such insulation to ready-made heating systems. To do this, a two-piece cylinder was created, which is put on the pipe from both sides, the edges are greased with glue and fastened together. This is a very convenient type of installation if you need to insulate heating pipes quickly, but at the same time for a long time and with high quality.
Quality insulation materials
As already mentioned, mineral wool is inexpensive, but it has many disadvantages, such as, for example, moisture permeability, so many refuse to buy this particular material. Styrofoam is one of the heat-saving materials, but it can be easily damaged. Foam insulation - it can be either rubber or polyethylene - is also quite inexpensive. Polyurethane foam is considered the most resistant material to negative influences. It is durable, durable and does not deteriorate from moisture. But if you take into account the budget, then everyone chooses what they can afford.
Outdoor pipe insulation
If the question arose about how to insulate heating pipes on the street, then the process is no different from insulating pipes at home. You just need to take into account some nuances, for example, that there is more moisture on the street, which means that materials that do not tolerate dampness, deteriorate from it, are categorically not suitable for this purpose.Roll-up installation of insulation with a protective layer is perfect to keep the pipes from all kinds of damage.
Since the pipes are much thicker on the street than in the house, those types of insulation that are not very suitable for home heat conservation are suitable for them. It is worth remembering that the warmth in your home depends on how well the batteries heat up. But if the energy is wasted before it reaches the radiator, then there is no point in such heating. It is necessary to insulate those pipe sections where heat should not escape, especially for pipes on the street.
Foamed polyurethane (polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam)
Reduces heat loss by more than half compared to glass wool and mineral wool. Its advantages include: low thermal conductivity, excellent waterproofing properties. The service life declared by the manufacturers is 30 years; The operating temperature range is from -40 to +140 ° С, the maximum withstand for a short time is 150 ° С.
The main brands of PPU belong to the G4 flammability group (highly flammable). When changing the composition with the addition of fire retardants, they are assigned G3 (normally combustible).
Although polyurethane foam is excellent as an insulating material for heating pipes, keep in mind that SP 61.13330.2012 allows the use of such thermal insulation only in single-family residential buildings, and SP 2.13130.2012 limits their height to two floors.
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The thermal insulation coating is produced in the form of shells - semicircular segments with tongue-and-groove locks at the ends. Ready-made steel pipes are also commercially available, insulated from polyurethane foam with a protective sheath made of polyethylene.
The shells are fixed to the heating pipe with ties, clamps, plastic or metal band. Like many polymers, the material does not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight, therefore, an open ground pipeline when using PU foam shells needs a cover layer, for example, of galvanized steel.
For underground channelless placement, heat-insulating products are laid on waterproof and temperature-resistant mastics or adhesives, and outside they are insulated with a waterproof coating. It is also necessary to take care of anti-corrosion treatment of the surface of metal pipes - even the glued snap joint of the shells is not tight enough to prevent condensation of water vapor from the air.
One of the main tasks in the design of a new steel pipeline is the choice of the type of protective anticorrosive coatings, depending on its purpose and operating conditions.
In this article, we will look at the main types of insulating coatings for steel pipes.
Protective coatings of steel pipes can be anticorrosive (VUS, US, TsPP, EP insulation), thermal insulation (PPU, PPM insulation), special and combined. Let's tell you more about anti-corrosion coatings for steel pipes.
Protective anticorrosive coatings of pipes can be either external - to protect the pipe metal from atmospheric and soil corrosion, and internal - to protect the pipe from contact corrosion and biocorrosion on the inner surface of the pipeline. Taken together, the use of internal and external protective coatings makes it possible to effectively combat electrochemical corrosion of the metal of main pipelines, thereby significantly extending their service life.
According to the classification in accordance with GOST 31445-2012 “Steel and cast iron pipes with protective coatings. Technical requirements ", pipe coatings are divided into three types according to the type of materials used:
1) Polymer coatings based on synthetic polymers: polyolefins, polyamides, fluoroplastics, thermosetting compounds and others.
They are mainly used for underground and underwater laying of pipelines for various purposes.
The most common type of internal polymeric protective coatings is an epoxy coating - it is used mainly for industrial pipelines transporting aggressive media, as well as field oil and gas pipelines.
The most common type of basic external polymeric coatings is a polyethylene coating - it is used for almost all types of pipelines, with operating temperatures up to + 85 ° C. In route conditions, the most popular method is the use of polymer insulating tapes.
2) Inorganic glassy and organosilicate coatings based on glass enamels and organosilicate compositions
They are mainly used for underground and underwater laying of pipelines for various purposes.
The most common type of internal inorganic protective coatings is sand-cement (CPP, cement-sand) coating - it is used mainly for water supply pipelines and pressure sewerage. Also, this type of coating is used in industrial pipelines, as it has a high resistance to abrasive wear.
The most common type of external inorganic coatings is glass enamel coating - it is used for high-temperature operation up to + 150 ° C in a chemically aggressive environment.
3) Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings based on metals and their alloys.
They are mainly used for external laying of pipelines for various purposes.
The most common type of metallic protective coating is zinc plating, which is used for gas and general water pipelines.
The main document regulating the use of anti-corrosion protective coatings is currently GOST 9.602-2016 “Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES. General requirements for corrosion protection ". It classifies the types of outer protective coatings for pipes (Appendix G. Design of protective coatings for structures under construction and reconstruction). The use of internal protective coatings is regulated by clauses 8.1.17 and 8.1.19 of this document.
Another document indicating the need to use internal protective coatings, along with external ones, is SP 31.13330.2012 “Water supply. External networks and facilities ". So, paragraph 11.33 of this document states: “In order to prevent corrosion and overgrowth of water pipelines and water supply networks made of steel pipes and pipes made of ductile iron, the protection of the inner surface of such pipelines with coatings should be provided: cement-sand, paint and varnish, zinc, polymer and others. ".
Summing up, we can say that today the use of protective anti-corrosion coatings is necessary not only from the point of view of extending the service life of new pipelines being put into operation and improving their operational characteristics, but also mandatory from the point of view of regulatory documents.
When choosing the type of coating, it is necessary to start first of all from the purpose of the projected pipeline and the conditions of its operation, but the economic component is also an important factor, that is, the cost of using a certain type of coating.
The experience of operating pipelines with internal and external protective coatings shows that their use subsequently allows not only to recoup the costs, but also to save money by reducing the costs of the subsequent operation of the pipeline.
Previous articles:
Internal polymer-cement coating of pipes
CPP - Technical information
Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene, PPS)
It is produced in the form of shells, which outwardly practically do not differ from polyurethane foam - the same dimensions, the same tongue-and-groove joint. But the application temperature range, from -100 to +80 ° C, with all this external similarity makes it impossible or limited to use it for thermal insulation of the heating pipeline.
SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" states that in the case of a two-pipe heat supply system, the maximum supply temperature can reach 95 ° C. As for the return heating pipes, everything is not so simple here: it is believed that the temperature in them does not exceed 50 ° C.
Foam insulation is more often used for cold water and sewage pipes. However, it can be used over other insulation materials with a higher permissible application temperature.
The material has a number of some disadvantages: it is highly flammable (even with the addition of fire retardants), it does not tolerate chemical influences (it dissolves in acetone), and falls into balls upon prolonged exposure to solar radiation.
There are other, non-polystyrene foam plastics - formaldehyde, or in short, phenolic. In fact, this is a completely different material. It is devoid of these disadvantages, it is successfully used as thermal insulation for pipelines, but it is not so widespread.
The shells are fixed to the pipe using a bandage or foil tape, it is allowed to stick them to the pipe and to each other.
Insulation of gas lines
To insulate pipes transporting gas, different types of insulators are used. For example, you can perform thermal insulation of a gas pipeline using a specialized paint or varnish, but in most cases, the latest protection materials are used.
What requirements an insulator for gas pipes must meet:
- an insulator for a gas pipeline must have a chance of the same, monolithic installation on a pipe;
- and it is also extremely important that the insulation material for the pipeline has a low water absorption coefficient and, in general, high waterproofing properties;
Important! Insulation material must protect the pipe from the influence of ultraviolet radiation, since ultraviolet rays are a destructive argument.
The insulating material of gas pipes must have high moisture resistance coefficients
- also a high-quality material for protection must be distinguished by high resistance to corrosive influences and the action of any other chemical aggressive compounds;
- the insulator must be as strong as possible in order to protect the gas pipeline from the effects of mechanics;
- the coating must not have any damage (cracks, chips, etc.).
Consider the main types and types of gas mains insulation:
- bituminous mastics. Such heaters are made with different additives that are mixed with the key material - bitumen. Supplements can be of three types:
- Polymeric.
- Mineral.
- Rubber.
Such additives provide protection against cracking and, among other things, improve the surface adhesion of the gas pipe. And it is also necessary to highlight that bitumen-based mastics have proven themselves well at low temperatures.
- tape materials. Electrical tapes are mainly made of polymeric ethylene or PVC (PVC).At the production stage, an adhesive material is applied to one of the sides of this tape, with the help of which the tape is mounted on the gas pipeline.
Depending on the structural properties of the pipeline and the region in which it lies, the following types of tape insulation are used:
- Simple.
- Strong (DC).
- Very strong (VUS).
To protect gas mains, tape insulation is often used today, which is wound onto pipes using a specialized device.
The latter type of insulation is the most reliable and effective and is used very often to protect pipelines in settlements. VUS resistant to aggressive corrosive influences and chemical active substances.
The VES is carried out using the extrusion method. The pipe is insulated with extruded polymer ethylene to enhance the pipeline protection functions. Insulating pipes with extruded polymeric ethylene is a very reliable option for protection. Extruded tapes have excellent waterproofing criteria and are placed on pipes that are installed even in unfavorable climatic conditions.
Foamed polyethylene
The temperature range at which the use of high-pressure polyethylene foam is allowed is from -70 to +70 ° C. The upper limit is not compatible with the maximum temperature of the heating pipe, usually taken in calculations. This means that the material is of little use as thermal insulation for pipelines, but it can be used as an insulating layer on top of a heat-resistant one.
Polyethylene foam insulation has found almost no alternative application as protection against freezing of water pipes. It is very often used as a vapor barrier and waterproofing.
The material is produced in the form of sheets or in the form of a flexible thick-walled pipe. The latter form is more often used, since it is more convenient for insulating a water supply system. The standard length is 2 meters. The color ranges from white to dark gray. It is possible to have a coating of aluminum foil that reflects infrared radiation. Differences concern internal diameters (from 15 to 114 mm), wall thickness (from 6 to 30 mm).
The application ensures that the temperature on the pipe is above the dew point, and therefore prevents the appearance of condensation.
The easy way with the worst vapor control results is to cut the foam material in a small indentation along the side surface, open the edges and put it on the pipe. Then wrap the entire length with mounting tape.
A more difficult solution (and far from always feasible) is to shut off the water, completely disassemble the insulated sections of the water supply and put on solid sections. Then put everything back together. Secure the polyethylene with ties. In this case, only the junction of the segments will become a vulnerable spot. It can be glued or also wrapped with tape.
Underground main pipelines made of steel pipes are subject to intense soil corrosion, the rate and nature of which depends on the aggressiveness of the soil. The soils in the southern regions of our country (south of the 50th parallel of northern latitude) are especially aggressive. Two methods are used to protect main pipelines from underground corrosion: passive (by applying protective insulating coatings to the pipe surface) and active (electrochemical methods of corrosion protection - cathodic and protective protection). Materials for insulating coatings must meet a set of requirements: sufficient strength and wear resistance, high electrical resistance, hydrophobicity. As insulating coatings for main pipelines, coatings based on petroleum bitumen (bitumen), from polymer tapes and powdered polymers are used. Insulating coatings on pipes of main pipelines are applied both in the field (route) conditions, and at special bases and factories.All types of insulating coatings are usually divided into two large groups.
Table 3 Composition of insulating coatings for main pipelines
(Table 3): reinforced type (reinforced) and normal (normal). Reinforced insulating coatings are distinguished by higher protective properties, but they are more laborious to apply and higher cost. Therefore, reinforced coatings are used only under certain conditions (on all pipelines constructed in areas south of the 50th parallel of northern latitude; on pipelines with a diameter of 1020 mm or more, regardless of the laying conditions; for pipelines of any diameter laid in saline soils of any region, in swampy, waterlogged and irrigated soils, on underwater crossings and pipeline sections in river floodplains, etc.). In other cases, normal type insulating coatings are used.
The basis of bituminous coatings is bitumen mastic, consisting of oil insulating bitumen, filler (rubber crumb), which increases the elasticity of the coating, plasticizers (transformer or green oil). In recent years, rubbers and polymers have been used as fillers. To increase the strength of the bituminous coating, it is reinforced by the introduction of a glass fiber canvas. The best conditions for the adhesion of the bitumen coating to the surface of the metal of the pipes are ensured by the preliminary application of a thin layer of bitumen primer to the prepared surface of the pipes, which is a mixture of bitumen in a hydrocarbon solvent, for example, gasoline. The protection of the insulating coating from mechanical damage is carried out by winding a protective wrapper on its surface, which is used as various roll materials: brizol, bikarul, polymer-tar bituminous material (PDB), polymer-rubber-tar bituminous material (G1RDB). Brizol is a roll material consisting of bitumen, crumb rubber and plasticizers. Bikarul, PDB, PRDB - wrapping roll materials of complex composition (bitumen, rubber crumb, polymers).
Polymer tape coatings consist of domestic and foreign adhesive polymer tapes made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and other polymers. In this case, polyisobutylene glue, a solution of synthetic glue in gasoline and a bitumen primer with the addition of 10% polyisobutylene glue are used as a primer. The wrapping materials in this case are similar to those described. Coatings from powder polymeric materials are obtained by spraying powder polyethylene on the surface of pipes at the factory.
Active (electrochemical) protection of main pipelines from underground corrosion is called active, because, unlike insulating coatings, which passively (purely mechanically) protect pipelines from corrosion, it forms or superimposes electrochemical fields with the formation of anodes and cathodes. Two types of electrochemical protection are used: cathodic and protective. With cathodic protection from direct current sources (cathodic protection stations - SKZ), a potential difference is created between the steel pipeline and special underground electrodes (anodes). Moreover, a negative potential is created on the steel pipeline - the cathode. Hence the name - cathodic protection. A positive potential is created on special electrodes made of magnesium alloys (anodes). Thus, in the soil, which is, as it were, a corrosive bath (electrolyte), an artificial corrosive pair of pipeline - anodes is created, where the anodes undergo destruction, and the pipeline does not collapse (Fig. 33). RMS consists of a step-down transformer and a rectifier. The SKZ is powered from the 380 V industrial alternating current network.SKZ are located along the route of the main pipeline every 15-30 km, depending on the corrosiveness of the soil in different sections of the pipeline. Protective protection is used in the absence of power transmission lines along the route. In this case, no direct current is applied to the pipeline - anode system, the cable connection of the pipeline and special anodes made of magnesium alloys takes place. The resulting steam (Fig. 34) works in such a way that the anode is always subject to corrosion destruction, and the pipeline does not collapse. Usually, a combined system of protection of main pipelines against corrosion is used, i.e. use protective insulating coatings and one of the types of electrochemical protection (cathodic or protective).
Fig. 33. Scheme of pipe protection by cathodic polarization: 1 - soil; 2 - pipeline; 3 - iron or graphite electrode in the ground; 4 - rectifier
Fig. 34. Scheme of pipe protector protection: 1 - pipeline; 2 - magnesium anode; 3 - backfill; 4 - soil; 5 - connecting cable
In the practice of building main pipelines, two methods of organizing insulation and laying works are used: combined and separate. With the combined method, the application of an insulating coating on the pipeline and the laying of the insulated pipeline are combined in one specialized flow along the route of the pipeline under construction. This method is used in cases of uninsulated pipes entering the route. With the separate method, pipes are insulated by applying insulating coatings at pipe rolling mills or at special bases. The insulated pipes are sent to welding stations to make three-pipe sections by automatic submerged arc welding. Then these sections are delivered to the route and connected by welding into a continuous line of the pipeline. Insulation work on the route is reduced only to the application of an insulating coating to the butt sections with a length of 300-350 mm. After that, the section of the pipeline covered with a layer of insulation is laid on the bottom of the trench, i.e. with this method, the processes of pipe insulation and laying the finished section of the pipeline in a trench are separated in time and space. Hence the name of the method - separate.
Combined insulation and laying works are carried out with an insulation and laying column, which includes the following mechanisms: drying oven, cleaning machine, insulation machine, pipe layers. The drying oven is necessary for drying the surface of the pipeline before applying the insulating coating and is a cylinder, inside which the burners are located, which give a flame when burning liquid fuel. Moreover, the burners of the drying oven have a tangential entrance to the chamber, which ensures the movement of hot combustion products around the pipe surface. The drying oven is transported through the pipeline by a self-propelled cleaning machine, which moves behind the oven along the pipe and pushes it. The cleaning machine is designed to clean the pipeline surface from dirt and scale to a light gray color and apply a primer to the pipeline surface. The cleaning machine consists of a cylindrical (annular) body with drive rollers for moving along the pipe surface. An internal combustion engine is used as a drive for the cleaning machine. The same engine drives the cleaning devices. Regulation of the speed of movement of the cleaning machine and its working bodies is carried out using a gearbox. The cleaning machine is put on the pipe and moved over the pipe surface. The machine uses mechanical cleaning of the pipe surface using steel brushes and scrapers rotating around the pipe. The bituminous primer is supplied from the tank and smoothed over the pipe surface with towels.The insulating machine is also a self-propelled pipe-traveling machine driven by an internal combustion engine. It also consists of an annular body with rollers resting on the surface of the pipe, with the help of which the insulating machine moves along the pipe during operation. Bituminous mastic is applied by this machine to the pipe surface by pouring from a wide nozzle. Hot molten bitumen mastic flows to the nozzle by gravity from a tank located at the top of the machine. The excess bitumen mastic is collected in the lower tank, from where it is pumped into the upper tank by a gear pump. In the lower half of the pipe, the required thickness of the insulating coating layer is formed by a trough-shaped shell, the position of which is adjustable in height. For winding fiberglass and wrapping material, the insulating machine is equipped with a special winding mechanism, consisting of a large ring sprocket, on the surface of which there are axes on the side. Spools with rolled material (fiberglass, brizol) are hung on these axles. When rotating, the sprockets come into motion around the pipe and the axis with the spools. The end of the roll material is glued to the pipe surface and unwound with an interference fit from the spool and wound onto the pipe surface. Mechanism for winding roll materials is located at the rear of the insulating machine. The insulating machine for applying insulation from polymer tapes has a less complex design, since there is no mechanism for applying and heating bitumen mastic.In other respects, the design of the insulating machine is similar to that described. To apply insulation from polymer tapes, a combined stripping and insulation combine is used. It consists of two sequentially located units on a common frame: power insulating. The power unit consists of a diesel engine gearbox. The isolation unit includes a cleaning device similar to that described, and an isolation mechanism consisting of a sprocket-rotor with axles for hanging spools with polymer tape. Both units (power and isolation) are connected on hinges, which ensures the passage of the combine through the pipeline on curved sections.
Read more about the oil and gas industry
Foamed rubber
Closed-cell foam synthetic rubber is the most versatile material for keeping warm and cold. Designed for a temperature range from -200 to +150 ° C. Complies with all environmental safety requirements.
It is used as insulation of cold water pipelines, insulation of heating pipes, often found in refrigeration and ventilation systems. Heating pipes installed inside buildings and insulated with rubber do not require a vapor barrier.
Externally similar to expanded polyethylene, it is also produced in the form of sheets and flexible thick-walled pipes. Installation is also practically the same, except that such thermal insulation of pipes can be attached with glue.
Regulatory requirements
All requirements for the insulation of heat pipes are described in SNiP. This document contains all the information you need to know about thermal insulation materials.... And also the main recommendations for the work are given:
- Any type of pipeline, be it communications with hot, cold water supply or sewerage, requires a certain amount of insulation.
- When working on thermal insulation, the need for corrosion protection for metal pipes should be taken into account.
- It is best to use multi-layer structures, which should include vapor barrier, insulation and polymer protection.
- Some piping will require additional protection against dents and other deformations.
Mostly the requirements contained in SNiP relate to the isolation of powerful main pipelines.But nevertheless, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them, even if the work on thermal insulation will be carried out on domestic water supply systems.
Thermal insulation for hot water supply
Thermal insulation of hot water pipelines requires the use of special materials that have low thermal conductivity. After all, if the insulation does not meet all the necessary requirements or the work is performed incorrectly, then the pipes will give off their heat to the environment, and this cannot be allowed when transporting hot liquid or steam. Therefore, there are several types of insulation for hot water pipes.:
- Foamed polyurethane foam with mineral filler. It is a multi-layer protective structure with thermal and waterproofing properties. This material helps to protect pipes from corrosion and external mechanical damage.
- Polyurethane foam. This material has good resistance to high temperatures and has improved waterproofing properties. It is thanks to its qualities that it is able to reduce heat losses, which, when using this material, are no more than 5%.
Read the same: K-Flex (K-Flex) - thermal insulation for pipes.
Thermal insulation of pipes is very important, especially for some regions of the country, where the cold season prevails. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right material for insulation so that the pipes do not freeze or corrosion and mold form in them.
Cold water pipes
Pipelines for transporting cold water also require insulation. For these purposes, there are special thermal insulation materials:
- Mineral wool. The material is intended for insulating large diameter pipes.
- Insulation with basalt fiber. It has a cylindrical shape of various sizes, so it can be applied to a pipe of any diameter. No special skills are required to work with it.
- Foamed polyethylene. It is produced in the form of tubes with a longitudinal cut. It is considered environmentally friendly. It tolerates temperature extremes, is resistant to aggressive substances and protects against the occurrence of mold and mildew.
- Foamed rubber. In addition to having waterproofing properties, it also withstands temperature changes well. The main feature is fire resistance.
- Liquid insulation. Heat-resistant paint is used as a heat insulator. This method is not very common, since its effect is rather dubious.
- Styrofoam. It is produced in the form of a shell, which is then easily put on pipes. This method is used most often because of the speed of installation.
All materials have their own characteristics, but it must be remembered that many of them do not have waterproofing properties. Therefore, this should be taken into account, and if necessary.
Thermal insulation of pipes
The following methods of thermal insulation of water supply pipes are commonly used:
- The most effective and reliable way to protect water supply pipelines from freezing in winter is to create high pressure in the system. Due to this, the liquid moves through the pipes at high speed and does not have time to freeze. But such methods are not suitable for home water supply, because when the tap is closed, the liquid will not move in the pipes.
- A rather effective method of thermal insulation of outer pipes is to lay a heating cable in the same trench with communications. Such methods are used in the event that the bottom of the trench cannot be buried below the freezing point of the soil. In this case, a ditch is dug no more than 40 cm deep, and a special heating cable is wound around the pipeline. The disadvantage of this method is its volatility and electricity bills.
Important: for these purposes, it is worth purchasing a cable with a power of 10-20 W / m. It can be used both outside and inside communications.
- The easiest and cheapest way of thermal insulation is to use special materials that will protect the pipeline from the cold.
Tip: It is very important to create something like an arch from these materials at the top of the pipeline, protecting from the cold coming from the surface. The lower part of the element can be heated by the heat coming from the ground.
The following isolation means are commonly used:
- filling;
- roll;
- piece;
- combined;
- shroud.
Materials for thermal insulation of hot water pipes
Insulation can be internal or external. The following finished products can be used for insulation:
Insulation of pipes with foamed polyethylene
- PPU. This material increases the service life of the pipeline and increases the waterproofing of the system. The material can withstand temperature fluctuations and temperature limits. Heat loss is no more than 5%.
- PPMI is used only for hot water supply communications. This is a monolithic three-layer construction. The density of the material in the section differs on different layers. The product contains an anti-corrosion layer, thermal protection and moisture protection. The product increases the service life of the network, does not allow condensation to collect. The material is resistant to temperature extremes and mechanical damage.
- VUS is a two-layer coating with anti-corrosion characteristics.
Materials for thermal insulation of pipes with cold water
Insulation for pipes can be done using the following materials:
- Basalt insulation. The product has a cylindrical shape (it can be of different sizes) and is made of basalt fiber. The main advantage of this material is that special trays are not needed for laying communications. Installation is simple, no special skills are required. It is the most effective thermal insulation for cold water pipelines.
- Foamed rubber - does not absorb and is not afraid of moisture, is resistant to high temperature indicators, is self-extinguishing. Manufactured in the form of tubes or plates. Can be foil-coated.
- Foamed polyethylene is produced in the form of tubes with a longitudinal cut. It is a safe, environmentally friendly material that is resistant to temperature and chemical influences, mold and moisture.
- Mineral wool mats can be foiled, stitched or lamellar. This material has impressive dimensions and is suitable for long-term insulation of dimensional products.
- Fiberglass material is also used as insulation. However, it can only be used in combination with additional insulators such as fiberglass or roofing felt. Instead of a specially designed glass wool insulation, you can use ordinary fiberglass mats, with which the pipelines are simply wrapped, fixed with wire and wrapped in polyethylene. This method is not the most convenient, but it is reliable and proven.
- Also, pipe insulation can be made of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. This material is the most demanded and popular, because with its help pipe insulation can be done by hand. The insulation is made in the form of a split cylinder (shell). These types of insulation can be coated or uncoated. When using this material, stacking trays is optional. Waterproofing agents can be used on top of the product.
- The most expensive, but also the most effective way is to spray polyurethane foam onto pipes. With the help of special equipment, this material is sprayed over the surface of the element and, after hardening, forms a dense coating that reliably protects from the cold. This method of insulation cannot be done on your own. It is commonly used in industry.
- Liquid thermal insulation is a special thermal paint that, even when applied in thin layers, provides effective protection from the cold. Thermal insulating paint is gaining popularity due to its ease of use and versatility.