Mineral wool insulation technology for a wooden house from a bar

The insulation procedure and the choice of materials must be approached very, very responsibly. Heat loss depends on this, which means the comfort and coziness of people living in this building. Insulation of a frame house with high-quality mineral wool is the most affordable and reliable method. This is confirmed by the reviews of those who used it, it is recommended to choose by experienced developers. 80% of all existing insulation methods are allocated specifically to mineral wool or other insulation based on it.

Functions performed by insulation

The thermal protection of the frame with mineral wool, in contact with cold air currents, performs several functions at once, preventing:

  1. Falling out of condensate from the inner space of the room;
  2. Dampness, mold or mildew formation;
  3. Temperature imbalance, which reduces comfortable living and coziness in the home.

That is why the correct insulation of a frame house from the inside with mineral wool is a mandatory procedure. In addition to thermal protection, it also extends the service life of the frame.

Mineral wool insulation: material advantages

Mineral wool in construction practice is recognized as a universal insulation, both due to the range of quality and performance characteristics, and a wide selection of types of material (mats, rolls, slabs) for any type of work: facade, roofing, etc. Thermal insulation with mineral wool from the outside is an ideal option for thermal insulation, thanks to which the enclosing structure will be additionally protected from negative influences from the outside and the overall service life of the building will increase.

Insulation advantages:

  • long service life;
  • fire safety;
  • high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • low shrinkage rates - maintaining the shape for the entire period of operation will reduce the risk of cold bridges formation;
  • chemical inertness - the insulation does not cause corrosion of metal structural elements in contact with thermal insulation;
  • resistance to atmospheric factors;
  • simple installation technology;
  • affordable price.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool outside - a proven method prevent the formation of condensation
, in contrast to thermal insulation from the inside, in which a minor error in technology will cause the appearance of unseemly drips and fungal colonies. In addition, external insulation will provide a favorable indoor microclimate, despite the known lack of material - the release of harmful substances.

An additional advantage of using mineral wool in external thermal insulation is fire protection of the building

, since the material prevents the spread of flame. Insulation manufacturers managed to achieve water resistance of mineral wool due to processing with organic silicon compounds, so modern material practically does not absorb moisture.

What features should the insulation have and why

All materials that can be used for thermal protection must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  2. Possess good indicators of fire safety;
  3. Have low water absorption;
  4. Have no shrinkage or shrink as low as possible;
  5. Have a good environmental friendliness.
  6. Why these properties are needed, we will figure it out in more detail.

Thermal conductivity

This indicator is responsible for the ability of the insulation to transfer heat.The lower this coefficient, the less the material allows heat to pass through. This means that in winter, the insulation does not allow the building to cool down quickly, and in the summer, accordingly, it warms up.

Advice! Based on, when choosing, it is from this indicator, the user must take into account the coefficient of thermal conductivity when used in specific climatic conditions.

Fire safety

This indicator is responsible for the ability of the insulation to withstand high temperatures, without losing its functions, without deforming, without changing its structure. Insulation of frame houses with mineral wool is considered reasonable and correct because this indicator is regulated by GOST standards. Mineral wool has them and fully meets them.

House insulation

Water absorption

The next important parameter after the previous one is responsible for the material's ability to absorb moisture and retain it. If the material strongly absorbs water, then it gives off heat faster and stronger. This is because the pores in the insulation are clogged with water, and, according to the laws of physics, it has a higher thermal conductivity than air.

And then, with too much moisture absorption, the material, at too low a temperature, can simply freeze, and when it turns into ice, it finally loses its properties.

Therefore, the smaller its parameters, the better the material.


Choosing insulation of a frame house with high-quality mineral wool, this parameter is also worth paying attention to. This ratio should be as small as possible. Otherwise, over time, after shrinkage, subsidence will appear in the places where the heat insulator is laid. And this means that cold bridges will appear there necessarily, and this is very bad. The cold bridge is an ideal zone for dissipating heat from the inside of the room.

Environmental friendliness

The basis of thermal protection is made by insulation, which is located along the entire perimeter of the building. It is very important that no harmful radiation and vapors emanate from it in the form of compounds and substances hazardous to health.

The harmful effects of mineral wool on humans

Despite all the advantages and functional features of the insulation material, the mineral wool still has several disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the negative impact on the human body, provided that safety and personal protection rules are not followed during the installation of cotton wool.

Mineral insulation is susceptible to temperature changes for a long time. As a result, its structure is destroyed and fine dust is formed. Through all kinds of holes and cracks in the wall, it penetrates into the living room where people live and breathe this dust.

Work in a respirator

Artificial fibers less than three microns in size are especially dangerous. Such small particles are not excreted from the body with exhalation, but are deposited in the lungs. Over time, the amount of settled fibers accumulates and the development of such unpleasant and dangerous diseases as bronchitis, dermatosis, benign tumors and oncology begins.

The composition of the binder resins, which includes formaldehydes, can also be harmful to human health. They are often added to mineral wool to improve its quality. In addition to cotton wool, harmful resins also contain other building materials that may be present in a modern apartment - plywood, chipboard, and so on. Therefore, it is not surprising that in one room the level of formaldehyde content can exceed the norm by several times.

The fact that the main raw material for its production is metallurgical waste also contributes to the disadvantages of mineral wool. In essence, the insulation is considered environmentally friendly. But many manufacturers use industrial slags with a high content of such toxic elements as mercury, lead, cadmium to reduce the cost of cotton wool production.

Glass wool

In order to reliably insulate your home and not risk the health of household members, you should purchase only certified mineral wool and only from trusted and conscientious manufacturers who produce their product in accordance with all international sanitary standards and requirements.

Reasons for the popularity of mineral wool

Insulation of a frame house is chosen very often with mineral wool. The popularity of the material can be explained by several reasons:

  • Mineral wool is endowed with high levels of noise and vapor barrier;
  • Has excellent thermal conductivity;
  • It is considered a non-flammable and environmentally friendly material;
  • Has an ideal water absorption rate;
  • Eliminates condensation formation.

The material cannot be called cheap. But by choosing it, the user has the opportunity to save money on the purchase of a vapor barrier film or specially designed membrane materials.

Insulation of the frame

Mineral wool composition

Each manufacturer makes mineral wool according to its own technology, therefore, its composition and quality characteristics may differ:

  • the material is based on a variety of rocks. The products of metal processing are mainly used, which include carbonate rocks and gabbro-basalt compounds. Various additives are also mixed. The ratio of rocks and additives in mineral wool is 9: 1;
  • bentonite clay and phenolic resins are used as a binder;
  • almost finished insulation is covered with thin paper. As a rule, a combination of aluminum or polyethylene with kraft paper is suitable for this.

Mineral wool analogues, their use, the best manufacturers

Fiber heat insulator, referred to as mineral wool, is used in 80% of all available cases. Other materials based on it are often used for thermal protection.


The best mineral wool for insulating frame houses of the following brands:

  • Isolight;
  • Izorok;
  • Isolight-L.
  • As well as:
  • Nobasil;
  • Rockwall;
  • "Paroc".

It is also called stone, it is made from raw materials of rocks, namely from:

  • Basalt;
  • Diarita;
  • Porphyrite;
  • Basalite.

Basalt is the leader in the list of raw materials. Cotton-stone slabs are used for insulation:

  • Insulation of pipelines;
  • Wall structures of frame frames;
  • Heat and vapor barrier of technological equipment.

Basalt wool is a non-combustible material with:

  1. High rates of thermal conductivity. Refers to the list of durable heaters. Average service life is 50 years;
  2. For the entire time of use, it does not change its structure, valuable properties;
  3. Has a good indicator of resistance to chemical compounds;
  4. Non-hygoscopic;
  5. Has a high biological resistance;
  6. Resistant to deformation from high temperatures. It can withstand temperatures of 1000 0C.

In addition to all the listed advantages, stone slabs are endowed with negligible shrinkage. Cold bridges are not formed in inter-slab joints.

Has a pronounced water-repellent effect.

Glass wool

Much like the previous material. It differs only in that completely different raw materials are used in its production. The raw material base here is fiberglass, glass and its waste. It goes on sale not in the form of slabs, but in rolls, which are often called mats.

Standard parameters of one roll (in mm):

  • Length - 1000;
  • Width - 1200;
  • Thickness - 100.

When choosing to insulate the walls of a frame house with mineral (glass-based) wool, use an insulation with a density of 15-20 kg / m3. It is with its help that you can achieve the expected result. It is used for thermal protection of horizontal surfaces of the frame, for example, floors.

The second difference between glass wool and mineral wool is the lack of environmental friendliness. That is why the mineral is preferred to her.It is unsafe to work with glass wool, therefore, before starting installation, the master should wear gloves and a respirator.

Mineral wool insulation

The best manufacturers of glass wool are the following brands:

  • Ursa;
  • Isover;
  • Knauf (Knauf insulation).

Advice! When choosing glass wool, remember that it tends to shrink. Another disadvantage is the high coefficient of water absorption.


Slag heat insulator is rarely used. It is produced from metallurgy branches. It is characterized by low thermal conductivity, low cost. But they are not used in the production of thermal protection due to the fact that the material does not meet environmental requirements. The service life is short. Insulation of a frame house with slag wool is considered to be of poor quality also because the material has high fragility and fragility.

In case of accidental mechanical damage, it does not restore its shape. Its hydrophobic properties are also very weak, which means that the material can be safely attributed to the category of heat insulators with a high coefficient of water absorption. Phenyl-formaldehyde compounds, which are part of the slag, are very harmful to human health.


Modern insulation made from cellulose. It differs from mineral wool:

  • By appearance and styling technology;
  • Flammability - very low. When burning, it does not emit harmful toxins;
  • The increased rates of sound insulation. In comparison with mineral wool, they are 2 times more.
  • Ecowool is used in heat protection:
  • Office buildings;
  • Shopping centers and shops;
  • Residential home ownership;
  • Manufacturing institutions;
  • Children's, medical and educational institutions;
  • Warehouses.

The use of ecowool is allowed in buildings with high levels of humidity or condensation. Ecowool has one drawback - the high cost of the material.

Raw materials for manufacturing:

  • By-products of the paper industry (waste);
  • Clippings and defective material from printing houses;
  • Waste paper.

The latter refers to secondary raw materials due to severe pollution and obvious heterogeneity. 80% of the composition of ecowool is cellulose fibers, 12% is boric acid (to protect against bacteria and the formation of fungus), 8% is tetraborate (acting as a fire retardant). The latter serves not only as a component that increases fire resistance, but also as a substance that affects insecticidal properties, namely, it enhances them.

Areas of application of mineral wool insulation

This material of all varieties is used in many industries:

  • in construction as a building component;
  • insulation of facades, premises, various types of structures and pipes;
  • soundproofing of the building (mainly basalt wool).

Mineral wool board has gained particular popularity in application. Material in this form of release is easy to cut and convenient to transport. It is ideal for leveling surfaces and hiding imperfections in walls.

The use of mineral wool

Which wool is better, what methods of insulation exist

It is important to know how to properly insulate a frame residential building with mineral wool, because each of the modifications presented above (except for stone wool) loses its insulating properties when wet. To prevent such embarrassing situations, most developers insulate the frame strictly with mineral wool in a protective (polyethylene) sheath.

There are three methods for producing thermal protection:

  • Sticky;
  • Wet;
  • Dry.

To carry out blowing using dry technology, the use of special equipment will be required. The material is fed through a hose to all planes and slots, completely filling them.

It is recommended to use the wet technique in cases where the frame is covered after thermal protection. Here the composition is diluted with water and also sprayed on surfaces. Drying, the wet composition transforms into a dense coating.The key advantage of this technique is the absence of shrinkage.

Adhesive is used when it is necessary to insulate a reinforced concrete or metal structure: walls or ceilings. The adhesive composition, if selected correctly, provides the highest adhesion of the insulation to the base.

Important clarification! Due to the high strength and hygroscopic properties of the coating, no additional external cladding is required.

How to use rock wool cubes?

In practice, it has been found that mineral wool is the most optimal choice for the modern hydroponic growing industry. It helps seeds germinate, seedlings develop, and plants grow successfully until harvest. The application allows you to ensure full performance, helps to make cultivation without adding soil as profitable as possible.

Cotton wool cubes
Cotton wool cubes

For the first time, this material, as a substrate, began to be used in Denmark in 1969. By the mid-90s, almost all advanced farms were actively adopting this experience, they began to almost completely grow crops using the hydroponic method on a mineral basis. For many years, technologies have been additionally modernized, but the demand and relevance of the use of the material has remained. Thanks to mineral wool, aeration under the roots, drip moistening are performed.

On sale you can find products of several forms:

  • cubes;
  • traffic jams;
  • mats.

Mats shape

The soil for the substrate is replaced at home and on farms. Cultures can be grown in mineral wool more than once, over many years, because after proper washing, antiseptic treatment, the material retains its characteristics.

The seeds are sown in cubes or small cotton plugs. So they germinate, after which the cork is inserted into the recess in the center of the cube made of the same material. This provides more space for normal root growth.

24 hours before use, the cubes are impregnated with a solution - watered or immersed in a liquid. After that, the cube weighs about 550 - 600 g, excess moisture is not absorbed. Subsequently, seedlings in mineral wool are watered with 150-200 g of solution, but only after the loss of this volume of liquid.

Rock wool helps the plant develop strong and healthy roots with an optimal balance of generative and vegetative development.

Self-production of thermal protection

Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool, namely its step-by-step scheme, will definitely require the installation of a protective layer against moisture - waterproofing. This is necessary in order to prevent moisture trapping on both sides. Due to its removal to the outside, the walls will get wet and deteriorate.


The first step will be to measure the dimensions of the surface, cutting the waterproofing material. The material is fastened with a construction stapler to the racks. In this case, you need to ensure that the strength of the fastening is maximum, the frame is completely sheathed around the perimeter. The material should be overlapped, the layers should overlap each other by about 10 cm.

Vapor barrier

This front of work is mandatory if hydrophobic materials are used for thermal protection or those that tolerate any contact with moisture neutrally. In addition to them, the so-called cake can also consist of other materials that are more sensitive to getting wet. It will be right to choose (for internal and external thermal protection) foamed polyethylene or a special film. They are also attached to the racks, this will provide a good fit to the insulation.

Important note! Wrapping heat insulator blocks in a film is a gross violation of the standard method for arranging thermal protection.Until all areas of the frame, without exception, are covered from getting wet, the work cannot be considered completed.

Only after that it will be possible to safely begin work on laying the filler, strictly observing the safety rules.


This is the final stage in the production of thermal protection. For internal surfaces, drywall sheets and particle boards remain out of competition. GKL is best used in cases where the frame is perfectly flat. OSB, due to the stiffness indicators, can be used in the presence of small irregularities. Then you can carry out the finishing.

Mineral wool insulation: work order

Correct insulation of a building begins with preparation - to clean the surface and cover the brickwork with an adhesive. The following stages of work:

  • Fasten the heat-insulating boards, preventing the adhesive solution from getting into the joints. If the solution gets into the joints, it is necessary to remove the adhesive mixture as soon as possible.
  • Note!
    When preparing the material for laying, do not use cutting shears - only a saw or a long knife! This is due to the fact that scissors break the structure and reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of mineral wool.

  • Fasten the insulation with fasteners: fix the heat-insulating layer with anchors.
  • Cover the surface with a reinforcing compound and lay a reinforcing mesh. The main thing at this stage is to position the mesh in the middle of the layer so that the material does not protrude to the surface. In addition, it is important to prevent the appearance of streaks and sagging, and to level the excess mortar with a facade trowel.
  • After the reinforcing layer has dried, you can start applying the plaster: apply a primer with quartz sand, let it dry (5-6 hours) and apply decorative plaster.

The last stage of work is the application of facade paint or the installation of a hinged (ventilated) facade: install a membrane vapor barrier, a structure of wooden or metal elements, lay the slabs and cover with a wind-insulating material. The final stage of work on the ventilated facade is cladding: facade slabs, ordinary lining, etc. to your taste.

What insulation to choose

Mineral wool is an inexpensive heat insulator, perfect for insulating a wooden private house. The correct choice of its specific type will ensure what types of mineral wool are offered by manufacturers today?

  • Glass wool is produced from sand and waste from the glass industry, and is notable for its affordable cost. The material has a low density and requires the use of simple protective equipment when working.
  • Basalt wool - has an optimal ratio of density, hygroscopicity and thermal insulation, which is best suited for timber buildings. It has a higher price compared to glass wool.
  • Slag wool is a waste of the metallurgical industry, it has a low cost. But, the material does not tolerate temperature extremes, has increased moisture absorption, which reduces its thermal insulation qualities.

Attention: it is strictly forbidden to use synthetic materials for thermal insulation of walls outside, which interfere with the natural circulation of air. These are expanded polystyrene, polyethylene, sprayed seals, due to the vapor permeability of which mold forms on the inside of the house.



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