Obtaining hydrogen gas from water by electrolysis


Electrolysis is a chemical-physical phenomenon of the decomposition of substances into elements using an electric current, which is used everywhere for industrial purposes. Based on this reaction, aggregates are made to obtain, for example, chlorine or non-ferrous metals.


Electrolysis plant, which consists of plates

The constant growth of prices for energy resources has made ionic installations for home use in demand. What are such structures, and how to make them at home?

General information about the electrolyser

An electrolysis plant is a device for electrolysis that requires an external energy source, which structurally consists of several electrodes, which are placed in a container filled with electrolyte. Also, this installation can be called a water splitting device.

In similar units, productivity is considered a key technical parameter, which means the volume of hydrogen produced per hour and is measured in m3 / h. Stationary units carry such a parameter in the name of the model, for example, the SEU-40 membrane unit forms 40 cubic meters per hour. m of hydrogen.

electrolysis plant

external view of the stationary industrial unit SEU-40

Other characteristics of such devices completely depend on the intended purpose and the type of installation. For example, when performing electrolysis of water, the efficiency of the unit depends on the following indicators:

  1. The level of the lowest electrode potential (voltage). For a good functioning of the unit, this characteristic should be in the range of 1.8-2 V per plate. If the power source has a voltage of 14 V, then the capacity of the electrolytic cell with the electrolyte solution makes sense to divide the sheets into 7 cells. A similar installation is called a dry cell. A smaller value will not start electrolysis, and a larger value will greatly increase the energy consumption;


Arrangement of plates in the bath of an electrolysis plant

  1. The smaller the distance between the plate elements, the less resistance will be, which, when a large current passes, leads to an increase in the production of gaseous matter;
  2. The surface area of ​​the plates directly affects productivity;
  3. Heat balance and degree of electrolyte concentration;
  4. Material of electrode components. Gold is considered an expensive but wonderful material for use in electrolytic cells. Due to its high cost, stainless steel is sometimes used.

The main thing! In constructions of a different type, the values ​​will have different parameters.

Water electrolysis plants can also be used for purposes such as decontamination, purification and water quality assessment.

Obtaining hydrogen in the laboratory

The modern laboratory method for producing hydrogen is no different from that by which it was obtained by Henry Cavendish. These are the reactions of metals with acids. In the laboratory, hydrogen is obtained in the apparatus Kippa (Figure 152).

Kipp apparatus made of glass and consists of several parts:

  1. reaction flask with reservoir;
  2. funnel with a long tube;
  3. gas outlet tube.

The reaction flask has an upper spherical part with an opening into which a gas outlet tube equipped with a tap or clamp is inserted, and a lower reservoir in the form of a hemisphere. The lower reservoir and the reaction flask are separated by a rubber or plastic gasket with an opening through which a long funnel tube extends into the lower reservoir, reaching almost to the bottom. Solid substances (marble, zinc) are poured onto the gasket through the side hole with a spatula.The hole is closed with a plug with a gas outlet tube. Then, with the tap or clamp open, the acid solution is poured into the upper funnel. When the level of the liquid reaches the substance on the gasket, a chemical reaction begins, producing gas. When the valve is closed, the pressure of the evolved gas forces the liquid out of the reactor into the top of the funnel. The reaction stops. Opening the tap leads to the resumption of the reaction. Place the pieces of zinc in the reaction flask. We will use sulfuric acid as the acid. Upon contact of zinc and sulfuric acid, the following reaction occurs:

Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2­

You can fill a soap bubble with hydrogen.

To do this, it is necessary to lower the flue gas pipe into a soapy solution. At the end of the tube, a hydrogen-filled soap bubble will begin to form; over time, the bubble breaks off and flies upward, which proves the lightness of hydrogen. Let's collect the evolving hydrogen... Taking into account that hydrogen is much lighter than air, in order to collect hydrogen, the vessel in which the gas is collected must be placed upside down, or it must be collected by displacing water. How to detect hydrogen? Fill the tube with hydrogen, holding it upside down in relation to the gas outlet tube. We bring the test tube with a hole to the flame of an alcohol lamp - a characteristic pop is heard.

Cotton Is a sign that the test tube contains hydrogen. When the test tube is brought up to a flame, hydrogen reacts with oxygen in the air. At small amounts, the reaction of oxygen and hydrogen is accompanied by a pop. More details about this reaction will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Working principle and types of electrolyzer

A very simple device has electrolyzers that split water into oxygen and hydrogen. They consist of a container with an electrolyte, in which electrodes are placed, connected to an energy source.

of stainless steel

The design of the simplest electrolysis plant

The working principle of an electrolysis plant is that the electric current passing through the electrolyte has a voltage sufficient to decompose water into molecules. The result of the process is that the anode releases one part of oxygen, and the cathode creates two parts of hydrogen.

Electrolysis of water in industrial hydrogen generators


it is a redox reaction that only takes place under the influence of electricity. In industrial hydrogen generators, electrolysis of water is carried out to obtain hydrogen and oxygen. For the reaction to proceed, two electrodes must be placed in the electrolyte, connected to a DC power source:

  • Anode
    - electrode to which the positive conductor is connected;
  • Cathode
    - the electrode to which the negative conductor is connected.

Below is a schematic diagram of an industrial alkaline electrolyser.

Water electrolysis

Water electrolysis

Under the action of an electric current, water is divided into its constituent molecules: hydrogen and oxygen. A negatively charged cathode attracts hydrogen cations, and a positively charged anode attracts OH- anions.
Demineralized water used in industrial electrolysis plants is itself a weak electrolyte, so strong electrolytes are added to it to increase the conductivity of the electric current. Often, electrolytes with a lower cationic potential are chosen in order to exclude competition with hydrogen cations: KOH or NaOH. The electrochemical reaction taking place on the electrodes is as follows:

  • Anode reaction: 2H2O → O2
    + 4H + + 4e− - oxygen evolution;
  • Cathode reaction: 2H2O + 2e− → H2
    + 2OH− - hydrogen evolution.

An industrial electrolyzer is assembled according to a bipolar scheme, where bipolar "intermediate" electrodes with different charges on the sides are placed between the main electrode and the cathode.On the side of the main anode, the intermediate electrode has a cathode side, on the side of the cathode - an anode side (see figure).
Further, in order to obtain pure hydrogen and oxygen, it is required to separate the gases formed at the electrodes, and for this, separation ion-exchange membranes are used (see figure). The amount of hydrogen produced is twice the amount of oxygen produced, and therefore the pressure in the hydrogen cavity rises twice as fast. To equalize the pressure in the cavities, a pressure equalizing membrane is used at the outlet of the electrolyzer, which prevents hydrogen squeezing into the oxygen cavity through the channels intended for electrolyte circulation.

This method is the most used method in the industry and allows you to obtain gaseous hydrogen with an efficiency of 50 to 70% with a capacity of up to 500 m3 / h at a specific energy consumption of 4.5-5.5 N2m3 / kWh.


Currently, the most effective separation method is electrolysis using solid polymer electrolytes based on a perfluorinated ion exchange membrane.
This type of electrolyser allows hydrogen production with an efficiency of up to 90% and is the most environmentally friendly. Electrolyzers with TPE are 6-7 times more expensive than alkaline ones and therefore have not yet gained widespread acceptance in industry.

Types of electrolyzers

Devices for splitting water are of the following types:

Such electrolyzers have the most primitive design (picture above). They are characterized by the characteristic that manipulation with the number of cells will give you the opportunity to power the device from a source with any voltage.

Flowing view

These installations have in their own design a bathtub completely filled with electrolyte with electrode elements and a reservoir.

with my own hands

The device of a conventional flow-through electrolyzer, where A is a bath with electrodes, D is a tank, B, E are tubes, C is an outlet valve

The working principle of the flow-through electrolysis plant is as follows (from the picture above):

  • when electrolysis leaks, the electrolyte is squeezed out simultaneously with the gas through the pipe "B" into the tank "D";
  • in tank "D" the process of gas separation from electrolyte flows;
  • gas exits through valve "C";
  • the electrolyte solution flows back through tube “E” to bath “A”.

Interesting to know. This working principle is set up in certain inverter machines - the combustion of the emitted gas allows the parts to be welded.

Membrane view

A membrane-type electrolysis plant has the same design as other electrolysers, but the electrolyte is a polymer-based solid called membrane tissue.

with my own hands

Membrane cell design

The membrane tissue in such aggregates has a dual purpose - the transfer of ions and protons, the zoning of electrodes and electrolysis products.

Diaphragm view

When one substance cannot penetrate and affect the other, a porous diaphragm is used, which can be made of glass, polymer fibers, ceramics or asbestos material.


The device of a diaphragm electrolyzer, where 1 is an outlet for oxygen, 2 is a flask, 3 is an outlet for hydrogen, 4 is an anode, 5 is a cathode, 6 is a diaphragm


Electrolysis cannot proceed in distilled water. In such variants it is necessary to use catalysts, which are alkaline solutions of high concentration. Based on this, a significant part of ionic devices can be called alkaline.

The main thing! It should be noted that the use of salt as a catalyst is harmful, since chlorine gas is released during the course of the reaction. As a rule, sodium hydroxide acts as a wonderful catalyst, which does not corrode metal electrodes and does not contribute to the release of harmful substances.

Self-made electrolyzer

Anyone can make an electrolyzer with their own hands. For the assembly process of the most common design, the following materials will be needed:

  • stainless steel sheet (the best options are foreign AISI 316L or ours 03X16H15M3);
  • bolts М6х150;
  • washers and nuts;
  • transparent tube - you can use a spirit level, which is used for construction purposes;
  • several herringbone fittings with an outer diameter of 8 mm;
  • a plastic container with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • a small filter filtering tap water, for example, a filter for washing machines;
  • non-return water valve.

Assembly process

Collect the electrolyzer with your own hands according to the following instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to mark and the subsequent sawing of the stainless steel sheet into identical squares. Sawing can be done with an angle grinder (angle grinder). One of the corners in such squares must be cut at an angle to secure the plates correctly;
  2. Next, you need to make a hole for the bolt on the side of the plate opposite from the corner saw cut;
  3. The connection of the plates should be done in turn: one plate on "+", the next on "-" and so on;
  4. Between the differently charged plates there should be an insulator, which acts as a tube from the spirit level. It should be cut into rings, which should be cut lengthwise to obtain strips of 1 mm thickness. This distance between the plates is sufficient for good gas evolution during electrolysis;
  5. The plates are fastened together using washers as follows: a washer sits on the bolt, then a plate, then three washers, after a plate, and so on. Plates, favorably charged, are placed in a mirror image of negatively charged sheets. This makes it possible to prevent the sawed edges from touching the electrodes;


Plates of the electrolysis plant assembled together

  1. When assembling the plates, you should simultaneously isolate them and tighten the nuts;
  2. Also, each plate must be ringed in order to be sure that there is no short circuit;
  3. Further, the entire assembly must be placed in a plastic box;
  4. After that, it is worth highlighting the places where the bolts touch the walls of the container, where you drill two holes. If the bolts do not fit into the container, then they need to be cut with a hacksaw;
  5. Then the bolts are tightened with nuts and washers for the tightness of the structure;

oxygen hydrogen

Plates placed in a plastic container

  1. After the steps taken, you will need to make holes in the container lid and insert the fittings into them. Impermeability in this case can be ensured by sealing the joints with silicone-based sealants;
  2. A safety valve and filter in the structure are located at the outlet of the gas and serve as a means of controlling excessive accumulation of gas, which can lead to poor results;
  3. The electrolysis unit is assembled.

The last stage is a test, which is performed in a similar way:

  • filling the container with water up to the mark of the bolts for fasteners;
  • connecting power to the device;
  • connection to the fitting of the tube, the opposite end of which is lowered into the water.

If a weak current is applied to the installation, then the release of gas through the tube will be almost imperceptible, but it will be possible to watch it from inside the electrolyzer. By increasing the alternating current, adding an alkaline catalyst to the water, it is possible to significantly increase the yield of the gaseous substance.

The made electrolyzer is usually an important part of many devices, for example, a hydrogen burner.


the appearance of a hydrogen burner, the basis of which is considered to be a self-made electrolyzer

Knowing the types, key characteristics, device and working principle of ionic installations, you can perform the correct assembly of a home-made structure, which is an excellent assistant in a variety of everyday situations: from welding and saving fuel consumption of motor vehicles to the functioning of heating systems.

Do the electrolyser with your own hands

Surely, you are familiar with the electrolysis process from the elementary school curriculum. This is when 2 polar electrodes are placed in water under current in order to obtain metals or non-metals in their pure form. An electrolyzer is needed to decompose water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The electrolyzer, as part of scientific mechanisms, divides molecules into ions.

There are two types of this device:

  • Dry electrolyzer (this is a completely closed cell);
  • Wet electrolyzer (these are two metal plates placed in a container with water).

This device is simple in terms of the device, which makes it possible to use even at home... Electrolyzers divide the electrolysis charges of the atoms of molecules into charged atoms.

In our case, it divides water into positive hydrogen and negative oxygen. It takes a lot of energy to do this, and a catalyst is used to make less of the required energy.

Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water

Obtaining pure hydrogen by electrolysis of water is the most obvious and effective technology, and one of the most promising ways to obtain alternative fuels. Hydrogen is extracted from any aqueous solution, and when burned, it turns back into water.

Compared to other methods of hydrogen production, water electrolysis has a number of advantages. Firstly, available raw materials are used - demineralized water and electricity. Secondly, there are no polluting emissions during production. Thirdly, the process is fully automated. Finally, the output is a fairly pure (99.99%) product. Of all the electrolysis methods, high-temperature electrolysis is considered the most promising (the cost of hydrogen is from $ 2.35 to $ 4.8 / kg). It should be technologically armed, since under certain economic conditions it can be used on a large-scale industrial scale.

Water electrolysis is a physicochemical process in which distilled water is decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen under the influence of a constant electric current. As a result of the division into parts of water molecules, hydrogen is obtained by volume twice as much as oxygen. The efficiency of electrolysis is such that about a cubic meter of both gases is obtained from 500 ml of water at a cost of about 4 kW / h of electrical energy.

The process current for the process of electrolysis of water to obtain hydrogen and oxygen is obtained, as a rule, with the help of an industrial rectifier with the required operating parameters, Usually this voltage is up to 90V and current strength up to 1500 A. A suitable unit is Pulsar SMART.

On the electronic display of the rectifier Pulsar SMART or in special software for a computer, you can control all stages of the production process, which allows the operator to monitor the parameters and log the progress of the technological process around the clock. Fully automatic operation including continuous monitoring of all parameters for trouble-free operation without operator supervision. All parameters related to voltage and current are constantly measured and controlled by the rectifier microprocessor. Moreover, all monitored parameters are fixed by a device, which, in the event of a failure or deviation, can automatically stop the process and signals this by means of a light column.

Rectifiers of the Pulsar SMART series are designed in accordance with the highest industrial efficiency requirements and international standards. At the same time, the technological software allows flexible adaptation to the requirements of the Customer, and is constantly being improved.

We create a device with our own hands

The device for this process can be done by hand.

For this you will need:

  • Stainless steel sheet;
  • Bolts M6 x 150;
  • Washers;
  • Nuts;
  • Transparent tube;
  • Connecting elements with thread on both sides;
  • One and a half liters plastic container;
  • Water filter;
  • Check valve for water.

An excellent option for stainless steel is AISI 316L of a foreign manufacturer or 03X16H15M3 of a manufacturer from our country. There is absolutely no need to purchase stainless steel, you can take the old one. 50 to 50 centimeters is enough for you.

"Why take stainless steel itself?" - you ask. Since the most common metal will corrode. Stainless steel tolerates alkalis better. Should outline the sheet in such a way as to divide it into 16 similar squares... You can cut it with an angle grinder. In each square, cut one of the corners.

On the other side and opposite corner, from the sawn-off corner, drill a hole for a bolt that will help hold the plates together. The electrolyzer does not stop working like this:t plate electricity flows to the plate - and water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. Thanks to this, we need a good and negative plate.

Plates must be connected alternately: plus-minus-plus-minus, with a similar method, there will be a strong current. To insulate the plates one from one, a tube is used. A ring is cut from the level. By cutting it, we get a strip millimeter thick. This distance is more correct for making gas.

The plates are interconnected with washers: we put a washer on the bolt, then a plate and three washers, then a plate again, and so on. On the plus and minus, eight plates must be planted. If everything is done correctly, then the cuts of the plates will not touch the electrodes.

After that, you will need to tighten the nuts and isolate the plates. Then we place the structure in a plastic container.

Debugging and testing of the device

Then it is necessary to determine where the bolts touch the walls of the box and, in those places, drill two holes. If for no apparent reason it turns out that the bolts do not fit into the container, then they should cut and tighten for tightness with nuts... Now you need to drill out the cover and insert the threaded connectors there from both sides. To ensure impermeability, the joint should be sealed with a silicone based sealant.

After assembling your own electrolyzer with your own hands, you should test it. To do this, connect the device to a power source, fill it with water to the bolts, put on the lid by connecting a tube to the fitting and lowering the opposite end of the tube into the water. If the current is weak, then the current will be visible from inside the electrolyzer.

Increase the power in your homemade appliance step by step. Distilled water does not conduct electricity well, since it does not contain salts and impurities. To prepare the electrolyte, it is necessary to add alkali to the water. To do this, you need to take sodium hydroxide (contained in means for cleaning pipes such as "Mole"). A safety valve is needed to prevent a decent amount of gas from accumulating.

  • It is better to use distilled water and soda as a catalyst.
  • You should mix some of the baking soda with forty parts of water. The walls on the sides are best made of acrylic glass.
  • The electrodes are best made of stainless steel. It makes sense to use gold for plates.
  • Use translucent PVC for backing. They can be 200 by 160 millimeters in size.
  • You can use your own electrolyzer, made by yourself, to cook food, to completely burn gasoline in cars and in most cases.

Dry electrolyzers are mainly used for machines. The generator increases the power of the combustion engine. Hydrogen ignites much faster than liquid fuel, increasing the force of the piston. In addition to Mole, you can take Mister Muscle, caustic soda, baking soda.

The generator does not work on drinking water.It is better to connect electricity like this: the first and the last plate - minus, and on the plate in the middle - plus. The larger the area of ​​the plates and the stronger the current, the more gas is released.

DIY home electrolysis

When I was little, I always wanted to do something myself, with my own hands. But the parents (and other relatives) usually did not allow this. And I did not see then (and still do not see) anything wrong when small children want to learn



Plastic windows