Device, rules of operation and cleaning of ventilation shafts of residential buildings: types of passage nodes

The guarantee that a pleasant microclimate for life will always remain in the new house is the arrangement of a high-quality air circulation system. Well, in order for such communication to function efficiently and effectively, it is necessary to correctly calculate the required length and diameter of the duct.

In order to make a calculation, you need to be familiar with the requirements for the system, and use one of the developed calculation methods.

Consequences of poor-quality ventilation

The following factors can become the consequences of an illiterately created duct network:

  • Lack of oxygen in the room;
  • High humidity level;
  • The appearance of soot on the walls of the kitchen;
  • Misting of windows in the room;
  • The appearance of fungus on the surface of the walls.

In order to build a system for the outflow of air masses with your own hands, products of two types of section can be used:

  1. Square - are installed in forced-type structures using specialized devices;
  2. Round - are used for the installation of simple systems and are the most durable, sealed products with excellent aerodynamic performance.

Calculation of basic parameters

Standard volume of inflow

Determination of the supply air volume is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and the rate of exchange rate.

Also, the volume is determined depending on the type of room and its purpose:

  1. Residential buildings - 20 cubic meters m / hour (temporary location), 60 cu. m / hour (permanent location);
  2. Ancillary structures - 180 cubic meters m / hour.

Air duct diameter

To determine the diameters of the elements of a system with a natural inflow without installing equipment for forced circulation of flows, calculations are carried out based on the following indicators:

  1. Section of the ventilation outlet opening;
  2. Room area.

More accurate figures are obtained through complex calculations.

Features of determining the length

The most important parameter for such communication is the height of the ventilation pipe above the roof. It is she who unites the ventilation ducts of the whole house and serves as the outlet of air to the environment.

Calculations according to the table

The height of the ventilation pipe above the roof according to SNIP is in direct proportion to its diameter, and it can be determined using the presented table.

When using this table, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The height of the chimney above the roof and the ventilation must be the same if they are located close to each other... This is necessary in order to exclude the ingress of smoke into the dwelling through the air ducts during the heating season;
  • The height of the pipe above the roof ridge should exceed it by 0.5 meters if it is located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from it;

Note! The same rule applies if the terminal is located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from the parapet.

  • The outlet can be below the level of the ridge if located at a distance of 1.5-3 m from it;
  • If the installation is carried out on a flat floor, then the minimum height should be 50 cm.

Advice. When choosing both the pipe itself and the place of its output to the roof surface, it is necessary to provide for a sufficient level of resistance to air flows. The material must withstand a load of 40-60 kilograms per square meter. surface, such a load is comparable to a storm of 10 points.

Application of software

All the calculations necessary for the competent organization of ventilation in the home are quite complex and time-consuming, therefore specialized programs have been developed that will calculate everything for you.

To begin with, the instruction stipulates the need to calculate the optimal volume of inflow, based on the purpose of the room. After that, depending on the parameters of the projected communication and the obtained figures, the parameters of the duct are calculated.

The software performs all operations, relying also on the following parameters:

  • Indicators of the average temperature inside and outside the premises;
  • Geometric parameters;
  • Roughness index inside the structure, which directly depends on the type of material;
  • Resistance to the movement of air masses.

The result of the program will be accurate calculated data on the diameter of the duct pipe, which will provide air circulation in the dwelling.

Advice. When making calculations, it is necessary not to lose sight of such a parameter as local circulation resistance. Such resistance can be caused by the presence of grids, grilles, bends and other devices at the ventilation outlet.

The location of the pipe relative to the ridge

If the ventilation pipe extends to the roof at a distance of less than 1.5 m from the ridge of the roof, then above the level of the ridge, it is raised by another 50 cm.

The pipe should be located no lower than the ridge of the roof of a nearby house.

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When the distance from the ridge is more than 1.5, but less than 3 m, the height of the ventilation duct should not be lower than the ridge of the roof.

If the ventilation duct is located at a distance of more than 3 m from the highest point of the roof, then the top of the pipe should be located at the intersection of the line indicating the angle of inclination of 100.

chimney placement

Why does a private house need ventilation

Structurally, residential buildings are closed spaces, reliably isolated from the external environment. Walls, doors and windows protect the premises from precipitation, warm and cold air, dust, animals and insects.

The height of the ventilation pipe above the roof of a private house

However, this kind of isolation from the outside world has the following side effects:

  • When people breathe, carbon dioxide is formed, which in high concentrations is harmful to health. If you don't get rid of it, then feeling unwell is the least of possible troubles.
  • Constant dampness. The vital activity of people (washing, wet cleaning, taking water procedures, cooking) is inextricably linked with the formation of high humidity.
  • Accumulation of carbon monoxide from the operation of heating boilers. And this is a real threat to life.

Incorrect calculation of the removal of exhaust air masses from the room leads to complex and sometimes insoluble issues.

What will happen if done poorly

Without delving into the essence of ventilation technology, many believe that it is enough to install an air conditioner and the problem will be solved. However, this unit drives the air inside the room without refreshing it at all.

The absence or incorrect calculation of the length of the duct is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. In the absence of an inflow of oxygenated fresh air, the residents of the house will suffer from headaches. Their sleep will be disturbed, their immunity will weaken, their working capacity will decrease.
  2. Due to constant dampness, fungus and mold will develop on walls, furniture, things and products. Pathogenic microflora is extremely hazardous to health and destroys interior elements.
  3. The aesthetic component suffers. Excess moisture accumulates on walls and windows. Perspiration forms on the glass, constantly flowing down to the windowsills.

According to the current SNPs, it is recommended to install ventilation in rooms that do not have windows. These include bathrooms, toilets, storage rooms and kitchens, regardless of their architecture.

What regulates the height of the ventilation outlet

  • SNiP No. 41-01-2003, p. 6-6-12, regulating the rise for chimneys;
  • SNiP No. 2.04.05-91, which defines the design of the structures of exhaust systems in the old edition;
  • SP No. 7.13130.2009 - guidelines and rules for designing ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • SNiP No. 2.04.01 determines the level of ventilation output for sewer risers.
  • On a flat roof, the rise of the chimney through which the sewer gases are released must be at least 30 cm;
  • For pitched roofs, the height of the rack must be at least 50 cm from the point on the roof to the pipe cut;
  • On the roof, the surface of which is used for work or movement, the cut of the outlet of the ventilation system must be above the roof plane at a level of at least 300 cm.

The developers of building codes No. 41-01-2003 proposed to be guided by the scheme for calculating chimneys when determining the excess of the ventilation rack. With one amendment, if the ventilation rack is installed in line with the chimney with a distance of up to 3 m, they must be installed at the same level.

The absence of a separate method for determining the height of the ventilation system pipe does not mean that such a calculation is not required, or not needed. The easiest way is to make ventilation according to a simplified scheme. If you follow the definitions of SNiPa No. 41-01-2003, the height of the ventilation outlet should be:

The ventilation outlet can be at the same height with the ridge, if the distance does not exceed 3 m, otherwise the cut of the ventilation pipe should not be lower than the conditional line drawn down to the horizon at an angle of 10 °. If there is a chimney of stove heating nearby, then the chimney and ventilation pipe must be raised above the cut of the chimney.

To understand how true this approximation is, you can make an approximate calculation of the performance of the ventilation duct. For example, a heating boiler with a capacity of 16 kW / h produces about 140 m3 of combustion products, the inflow of fresh air is provided by an outlet duct of the chimney with a section of 200-220 cm2.

Types of ventilation

According to fire safety requirements, air conditioning systems must be installed in all houses equipped with boilers operating on any type of fuel.

Ventilation can be natural or forced. Let's briefly dwell on the features of each.


As a rule, it is installed in tall buildings, where the difference in the height of the inlet (windows) to the end point of the ventilation outlet (pipe cut) is quite significant. Air outflow occurs due to the difference in atmospheric pressure at different levels of the building. The flow rate depends on the strength of the wind, it is regulated by changing the parameters of the inlet and outlet openings.


Assumes the installation of one or more fans. It is used for arranging interiors where there is no natural air flow to create sufficient traction. In some cases, mechanical air conditioning is done with a slight difference in air temperature inside and outside the building.

To create a comfortable microclimate, its forced evacuation is organized using window or wall fans.

The power of the products is selected individually.

How to calculate the exact height

Even at the stage of building a house, you need to determine the height of the chimney. This will provide natural draft, dispersion of combustion products and contaminated masses in the atmosphere, and will not interfere with nearby buildings and people living in them. The height of the ventilation pipe above the roof is determined by SNIP standards. The calculation is made taking into account climatic conditions, type of structure, its performance characteristics.If mistakes were made during the installation, it will be difficult and expensive to fix them.

What influences

When designing a chimney, the following factors influence height calculations:

  • environmental characteristics: air temperature in winter and summer, wind speed and strength;
  • the configuration of the heating and ventilation system, the presence of complex elements and turns in the line, which contributes to an increase in the friction force inside the channels;
  • the proximity in the location of the chimney can lead to the suction of combustion products into the supply ventilation;
  • moving away from the ridge reduces the installation performance, which can lead to a pipe that is too high to fall.

Roof structure

The roof structure influences the height of the ventilation shaft. Installation on a flat roof is easy - just 50 cm is enough to provide traction. On pitched models, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • it is obligatory to take into account the ratio between the highest point of the ridge and the end of the pipe;
  • when removed at a distance of 1.5 m, the upper boundary of the duct should exceed the roof level by 50 cm;
  • the greater the distance, the higher the pipe, so that good traction is created.

Fire safety rules

Ventilation and chimney pipes often run in close proximity to each other or are one piece. For this reason, some fire safety measures are imposed on such highways:

  • with separate structures, the distance between them must be at least 3 m;
  • the height and dimensions of the ventilation pipe must be equivalent to the chimney;
  • when arranging heating of the outer part of the mine, it is necessary to take into account the fire safety rules;
  • if the channels are located close, they should be insulated with heat-resistant and insulating materials.

Cross section

There are 2 types of duct sections - round and rectangular. When designing, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic component, but also the operability of the system. The air moves faster through the round ducts, no turbulence or reverse flows are formed. Rectangular ones are close to the wall, do not "steal" the usable area and look better.

The best option may be to combine different sections. Rectangular ones are best mounted in visible places and living quarters, and round ones should be placed on the rear walls of the house and in technical rooms.

How to correctly determine the height of the pipe

This factor is decisive when designing a ventilation system. It is necessary to carry out the necessary calculations even at the stage of drawing up drawings of engineering communications of the future house. During the construction process or after its completion, it will be extremely difficult or impossible to make adjustments and changes.

What influences

Several factors affect the overall height of the exhaust duct.

The height of the ventilation pipe above the roof of a private house

The most significant of them are as follows:

  • temperature drops in the room and outside the window;
  • the presence of a nearby chimney from the heating boiler;
  • prevailing wind direction and strength;
  • the degree of air friction resistance against the pipeline walls;
  • exhaust system configuration, presence and number of corners.

So, in the summertime, the thrust is significantly reduced, since the temperature inside and outside the house is almost the same. However, an excessively high chimney can be dangerous in terms of falling in strong gusts of wind.

Roof structure

The roofs of residential buildings have different shapes. In the snowless regions of the country with little rainfall, houses are covered with a flat roof, as it is easier, faster and cheaper. The height of the ventilation duct does not really matter here. The main thing is that sufficient traction was provided, for this you need 50-60 cm of elevation when the pipe is located next to the roof ridge or parapet.

In cases of arranging buildings with pitched roofs, it is necessary to take into account the ratio between their highest point and the cut of the ventilation duct.

If the distance to the ridge is less than 150 cm, then the pipe must be raised 40-50 cm above the roof.At a greater distance, it must be raised above the ridge by at least 100 cm. This will ensure that the outgoing air is captured by the wind and good traction is created.

Determine the height of the pipe

The absence of a separate method for determining the height of the ventilation system pipe does not mean that such a calculation is not required, or not needed. The easiest way is to make ventilation according to a simplified scheme. If you follow the definitions of SNiPa No. 41-01-2003, the height of the ventilation outlet should be:

  • On a flat roof - at least 500 mm;
  • For pitched roofs, the cut of the ventilation rack must be 500 mm higher than the ridge line with a distance of no more than 1500 mm from the ridge.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Basic rules for installing air ducts

The ventilation outlet can be at the same height as the ridge, if the distance does not exceed 3 m, otherwise the cut of the ventilation pipe should not be lower than the conditional line drawn down to the horizon at an angle of 10 o. If there is a chimney of stove heating nearby, then the chimney and ventilation pipe must be raised above the cut of the chimney.

To understand how true this approximation is, you can make an approximate calculation of the performance of the ventilation duct. For example, a heating boiler for 16 kW / h produces about 140 m 3 of combustion products, the inflow of fresh air is provided by a chimney outlet channel with a section of 200-220 cm 2.

In order to provide the required 1.5-2 m 3 per hour air change rate for residential premises of 60 m 2 with a ceiling height of 2 m, the flow rate is 150 m 3, that is, under certain conditions, the dimensions and height of the chimney and ventilation stack are approximately comparable. The comparison is rather arbitrary, but it clearly shows that the methods are, at least, comparable.

To organize the natural ventilation system of a private house with your own hands, you should well understand the principle of its operation. So, as the basis for such communication in living rooms, channels that are located vertically can be used. They start in a ventilated area and end under a roof.

The main condition for creating an organized system of natural ventilation in a country cottage with your own hands is the correct selection of the height of the pipes. This is an important parameter on which the quality of the ventilation system depends.

The air duct should be located:

  • somewhere at a level of 0.5 m above the roof from the ridge, provided that the distance from it to the ventilated channel is less than 1.5 m;
  • in one vertical with the ridge, if the ventilation duct is located at a distance of 1.5 - 3 m;
  • at an angle of 10 °, provided that the specified distance exceeds 3 m;
  • if pipes are to be installed on a flat floor, then the minimum distance is 30 cm, and on an inclined roof, the height of the shaft must be at least 50 cm.

Calculation of the duct diameter and duct height

To make the correct calculation of the diameter of the duct, you can use the help of a specialist, study regulatory documents or use an electronic calculator.


The rules for arranging ventilation ducts are set out in SNiP 2.04.05–86.

The main ones are as follows:

  • ventilation ducts from the kitchen and the heating boiler should be cut into the ventilation system last;
  • the strength and height of the pipes must correspond to the wind load;
  • The air duct passing through the walls and roof of the cottage must be airtight and resistant to corrosion.

To reduce the flow rate in the ducts, it is necessary to install ventilation grills.

The inflow must be at least 3 m³ / h, regardless of the number of people in the room.

According to the table

The calculation according to the table is used in cases where the owner of the house has an extensive selection of building materials and has accurate data regarding the parameters of the future structure.It is only necessary to compare the diameter or area of ​​the duct with the volume of the room. For more complex calculations, the shape of the line, its roughness and temperature indicators are taken into account. You can use the table:

The height of the ventilation pipe above the roof of a private house


The electronic calculator on the website is a real godsend for craftsmen who equip ventilation in the house with their own hands. Data counting is fast and accurate. All you need is to take measurements and enter the resulting numbers into the cells.

The calculation accuracy with the calculator varies within 80-90%.


Even properly and soundly built ventilation needs regular maintenance. This is necessary to restore the geometry and cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation ducts.

The importance of resistance in the ventilation duct

Ventilation pipe above the roof

The draft of air masses depends on one more factor - on the roughness of the ventilation ducts from their inner side. The friction created directly affects the flow of air, and the smoother the material inside, the greater the thrust.

To reduce the resistance value, you can try to perform the following actions:

  • all the elements that make up the channel shaft must match and match each other so that a flat surface is formed;
  • it is advisable to create seams without any protrusions or pits;
  • if possible, maintain an identical cross-sectional size along the entire channel, if such a condition is not feasible, then the deflection angle should be limited to 30̊;
  • the absence of horizontal sections in the channel shaft.

Among the important indicators on which the design of the entire ventilation system depends is the height of the ventilation pipe above the roof. If the position is too low, the thrust will be low. There is also a possibility of a reverse draft process, when the hood will draw in air and smoke the room. To prevent this unpleasant process, experts recommend using a variety of nozzles on the outlets of the ventilation pipe. They are not only able to increase the traction force, but also allow ventilation to work in the same mode, even with the strongest gusts of wind.


The video in this article will help you understand the principle of calculating the length and diameter for the chimney and ventilation. But I still believe that without certain knowledge in the field of ventilation and heating, it is difficult to independently carry out all measurements correctly, it is better to turn to specialists, this service is inexpensive.

Of course, you can do everything on your own, but there is a risk that the controlling organizations of the gas industry simply will not accept the facility into operation and everything will have to be redone, which will cost much more. Ask questions - I will be glad to discuss this topic in the comments.

Insulation of the ventilation shaft

The ventilation system is of great importance. It is needed to draw excess moisture out of the room. In this way, we protect our walls from dampness, which leads to the appearance of destructive mold.

However, organizing a ventilation shaft is only half the battle. When the outside temperature is negative and the room is warm, condensation forms on the pipes. After a while, it flows into the room and spreads along the walls. Thus, moisture is back in our home and is safely engaged in the destruction of the building structure. The salvation in this situation is the insulation of ventilation ducts.

There are many ways to insulate ventilation ducts. In this article, you will learn about one of them. The technology of this process was shared with us by the team of Spetskrovlya LLC. Under the guidance of the Novostyka of the New City, specialists carry out roofing work. One of the areas of their specialization is precisely the insulation of the ventilation system.

Like any job, thermal insulation begins with the selection of quality material.After all, it is better to do it once conscientiously and efficiently than to correct mistakes later. Remember, the miser pays twice. Therefore, do not look for a benefit in cheapness. It is also very important to use the material for its intended purpose. For example, take the same insulation. It's no coincidence that manufacturers divide it into different categories. For thermal insulation of the ventilation shaft from the outside, experts recommend using Rockwool light butts scandic stone slabs.

This brand of slabs is made of natural stone. This makes it safe to use. Also, Rockwool plates are completely non-flammable. In addition, they cannot be gnawed by mice, which is important for ventilation systems. Water for such a heater is also not scary. It simply flows off the surface of the stone wool and is not absorbed into the material at all.

Another very important point for the insulation of the ventilation system is the choice of waterproofing material. An excellent option for this would be Uniflex from TechnoNIKOL. It is a waterproofing sheet based on polyester or fiberglass. Produced in Russia in compliance with all international standards. Uniflex is a business class roofing material. It is perfect for waterproofing building structures and roofs of any purpose.

The corrugated board for insulation of the ventilation shaft performs not only the function of protection. He is a kind of face of the work done. Therefore, when choosing this building material, both quality and aesthetics must be taken into account. The ideal solution is the professional flooring of the Metal Profile company.

Thanks to advanced technologies, such sheets are resistant to corrosion. The corrugated board produced by Metal Profile is covered with a special layer that protects the material not only from rust, but also protects its color from being corroded by ultraviolet light. As for the color scheme of the building material, then the choice is unlimited. You can choose almost any shade that will allow your building to stand out favorably among its neighbors.

Also, manufacturers have taken care of the strength of the roofing products. Improved sheets of corrugated board are more resistant to mechanical damage, which allows them to last longer.

After you have decided on the main material for work, you can start insulating the ventilation shafts.

Condensation in the ventilation duct is formed not only due to the difference in temperature between the street and the room. Even if the dew point is inside the pipe, this unpleasant phenomenon is formed, from which the masonry quickly destructs, begins to collapse and clogs the channel so that it stops working.

Experts recommend a more thorough approach to the protection of the ventilation shaft. We will not go into details of how the ventilation shafts are arranged. We only note that this is a system made of a pipe or a special air duct, which must be installed as tightly as possible. A box made of galvanized steel is embedded on it, which is attached to the masonry using special dowels or self-tapping screws.

Next, the surface is primed. For this, experts recommend using a bituminous primer Aquamast. It is designed to bond waterproofing materials. It is used both with rolled bituminous materials and with coating waterproofing.

After improving the adhesion of dissimilar surfaces, proceed directly to waterproofing. It is carried out in two layers: simple and armored. Waterproofing is done using fusion. For this, a special gas cylinder is used.

Be careful when working with fire. A fire extinguisher must be present on the territory of the work being carried out.

Before you start waterproofing, you need to measure with a tape measure the area that should be pasted over with a canvas.Every surface bend is taken into account. After all, the roofing material should be as tight as possible. Slots in such work are unacceptable.

Further, the measurement indicators are transferred to Uniflex.

It turns out a kind of pattern. A special assembly knife is used to cut it.

After preparing the canvas, we proceed directly to the fusion.

Uniflex building material for waterproofing was not chosen by chance. TechnoNIKOL company has simplified the deposition process as much as possible. She indicated which side to direct the fire and glue the material.

Once the special layer has melted, it must be pressed against the surface like a sticker.

Thus, both layers of waterproofing are glued. When doing this, watch the seams. The second layer should cover all the seams of the first.

Don't forget about pipes and risers. They must be glued at a height of at least 15 centimeters. The edges of the resulting protective layer are covered with special mastic.

After you have protected the ventilation shaft from moisture, you should prepare the frame for insulation.

It is made from wooden beams. Before this material is delivered to the construction site, it is treated with special antiseptic agents. Thus, the tree is protected from fire, pests, and other aggressive environmental influences. Wooden beams are a pliable and durable material. It can be cut with both a regular hacksaw and a circular apparatus. Whom it is more convenient.

As usual, before you cut a piece from a bar, you need to take measurements with a tape measure. When you have received the building material of the required length, you need to fix it on the masonry. To do this, you need to make holes with a puncher.

Fix this structure to the masonry with self-tapping screws.

In the corners where the beams touch each other, they can be hammered in with nails.

The distance between the upper and lower fixed beams is equal to the size of the insulation. In our case, this is 50 centimeters. This will greatly facilitate the next stage of the work. You do not have to waste time on measuring and cutting off pieces of stone wool, which will speed up the process of warming the ventilation shaft. In addition, the plates will be tightly clamped between the beams and will not fall on you during fastening.

The insulation is fixed using special dowels. They are inserted into holes made by a puncher. They are hammered with an ordinary hammer.

Next, you need to close our insulation with a protective board made of corrugated board.

First you need to measure the height and width of your work surface.

Then, using a pencil, mark up on the sheet itself.

Any convenient materials at hand are suitable as a device for drawing a cut line. The main thing is that they have a flat surface.

You can cut profiled sheets with different tools. When it comes to work on a large scale, it is better to use a grinder. With it, cutting the profiled sheet will become quick and easy.

However, remember that the grinder can only be used with certain types of cutting blades. These are thin discs with a thickness of one millimeter to 1.6, its teeth are made of carbide materials.

After cutting, all edges must be immediately treated with special agents to avoid corrosion. Small pieces in place of the various projections can be cut with metal scissors.

Profiled sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

The upper part of the structure must be covered with droppers. Its tasks include the function of removing residual water from important elements of the roof. In a way, this device can be compared to a window sill. Only, unlike him, the drip has a few more bends. The first of them creates an inclined flow of water, and the second directs it down. It is these bends that prevent precipitation from flowing under the roofing material, clinging to its edge.

Install the drip at a slight angle so that water does not linger on the surface. Fix it with self-tapping screws.

After insulating the ventilation shaft, you don't have to worry about condensation. Rest assured that your system is well protected. Your walls are no longer afraid of mold.

(c) Avis



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