Boiler houses: turnkey construction, design and assembly

The device and principle of operation of the three-way valve for the boiler

Three-way valve that regulates the temperature of the coolant in solid fuel boilers

The design device of a thermo-mixing valve for a solid fuel boiler or other may differ significantly depending on the purpose of the element and the manufacturer, but the principle of operation remains unchanged. The thermostat has three outputs: one of them is always open, while the others overlap completely or partially during operation. According to the number of outlets, the valve is called 3-way. It is used to mix or separate flows of liquid or gas, whereby the temperature of the coolant is regulated, switching from one circuit to another.

It looks like a tee. The internal device is represented by a locking mechanism and a rod, which ensures its movement - these are the main elements. Some designs have two seat rings to secure the valve. Supplementation with other elements is possible.

Principle of operation and types of valve actuators

Structurally, three-way valves are a kind of combination of a pair of two-way valves operating step by step. The main difference is that the three-way valve does not stop the flow of water, but allows you to adjust the flow rate in order to achieve the required temperature indicators.

Based on the differences in internal design, three-way devices are divided into two types:

  • with a "stem-saddle" control system;
  • with the "ball-socket" system.

Valves of the "stem-saddle" type are mixing devices, the position of the stem is adjusted by moving it up or down. The movement of the stem is usually controlled by an electromechanical actuator, which allows for maximum automation of the operation and regulation of the system.

valve operating principle
Three-way valve working principle

Ball-socket devices are used as separating valves, the position of the ball is changed by rotating it. Structures of such a modification, in fact, are considered shut-off valves, but in heating systems used in everyday life, taps can perform the function of devices with a sector lock, that is, mix cold and heated water.

Operating principle

The valve for solid fuel boilers of the three-way type is manufactured in various configurations with different types of actuators, but the purpose and principle of operation of the product remains unchanged: mixing two streams with different temperatures into a common stream with a temperature set by the consumer.

The liquid in the valve moves from the first branch pipe to the second until its temperature increases and reaches the required value. Then the actuator gradually admits water from the third sector, maintaining the temperature of the leaving water in the required range. The whole process is carried out in three steps, which is why the crane was called "three-way".

Types of drives

Any three-way mixing valve consists of a pair of inlet and one outlet. The heating medium is distributed by one of the following types of drive:

  • hydraulic;
  • manual;
  • electromechanical;
  • pneumatic.

Electromechanical drives are produced of the following types:

  • thermostatic;
  • capitate.

thermostatic head
Thermostatic head
In a thermostatic actuator, most often used in domestic systems, due to the effect of temperature, the sensing element expands, pressing on the valve stem and opening it - this is how cold and heated water flows mix. The thermostatic head is equipped with a remote-type temperature sensor, which is installed additionally instead of the thermostat.

Note! Electricity-free flow control by means of a thermostatic actuator is the most popular method, primarily due to its accuracy and simplicity.

In models with electric drive, the signal for mixing flows is supplied from the control unit. The most demanded type of drive, which is also the most accurate.

Servo valves are inherently considered a modified and simplified version of identical designs with controllers with one significant change - the valve is controlled directly.

In a mixing valve with a head drive, the three-way valve is controlled by pressing the head against the stem. This control method is used when installing an underfloor heating system.

The manual drive works by rotating a special cap installed on the valve.

Varieties of valves

The functionality of the valves is different. On this basis, three-way valves are divided into switching, mixing and separating.


The principle of the three-way valve in the heating system

A cold stream is supplied to one inlet, and a hot stream to the other. At the outlet, they mix, forming one stream of a given temperature. Thus, thanks to the thermo mixer, the temperature of the coolant is regulated, in particular, the return flow is mixed into the coolant at the outlet of the boiler. For this, the valve is installed on the return pipe of the heating pipe.


Isolation valves are also called control valves. They split one stream into two. They are used in the hot water supply system, piping of air heaters.


Changeover or changeover switches are used to switch from circuit to circuit, for example from heating to hot water supply. Switching is carried out using an electric drive.

Device design and functionality

Three-way valves (TC) differ in size and materials: stainless steel and bronze. The body can be made of both metal and polymer material. Although the latter is not very popular.

Valve types

The design has 3 openings: inlet and two outlets; inside there is a drive that controls the flows to obtain a given temperature.

Structurally, the product performs the interconnection of the action of a pair of two-way valves. The main difference is that MC does not stop the flow of the medium, but regulates its intensity. 3-way devices are divided into groups according to the adjustment system: "stem-seat" and "ball-seat", and can be paired with the Herz thermal head.

The control of the movement of the rod is usually performed by an electromechanical type drive, and are used for installation in automatic control systems for thermal processes of the Proterm boiler and other modern solid fuel.

Valve design

The principle of operation of the TC is based on mixing 2 temperature flows of the coolant at the supply and return, into the general flow, with a temperature indicator set by the user.

The medium in the internal cavity of the device moves from one branch pipe to another, until its temperature indicator changes to the desired size.

Three-way valve control methods

Three-way valve with thermostatic head

Three-way valves according to the control method are:

  • autonomous;
  • manual;
  • thermostatic;
  • with an electric drive.

If there is no control possibility, the thermal valve is of a self-contained type. It is preset by the manufacturer to a certain temperature of the heat carrier, i.e. the temperature in the system will always be constant. The main advantages of such devices are low cost and the ability to maintain the same temperature. But it is impossible to change the preset settings, so the characteristics of the valve must meet the requirements of the system, it will have to be selected more carefully.

The manually operated 3-way valve is equipped with a manual adjustment device such as a control panel, rotary knob or valve. Control of adjustment is carried out using special marks - a scale. Compared to a stand-alone regulator, the manual three-way thermal valve is more functional: it allows you to change the temperature mode depending on specific needs and will maintain the temperature at a given level. However, this valve "does not know how" by changing the temperature of the coolant to the transformation of the surrounding conditions.

Electrically operated valve

The design of the product with a thermostat includes a thermostat. The gaseous or liquid medium inside it reacts to changes in the temperature of the coolant. When it heats up to the preset temperature, the hot water pipe is closed off. By the type of power supply, this type of valve can be mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones work autonomously, while electronic ones require a power supply or periodic battery replacement. Although this inconvenience is fully offset by the benefits.

The inclusion of a thermostatic valve for a solid fuel boiler into the system allows you to automate the process of changing the temperature regime according to the time of day, days of the week. The cost of a three-way element with a thermostat is higher than the cost of simpler analogs.

The most advanced models are electrically actuated thermal valves. In order for their work to be constant, it is necessary to install an uninterruptible power supply unit. The flow of cold or hot heat carrier is regulated by a controller, which registers temperature deviations from the set values, and a servo drive. The outlets do not completely overlap, but the volume of the coolant changes. Thanks to the operation of the automation, the heating circuit is always evenly warmed up, and the coolant temperature always exactly matches the set one. The possibility of changing the mode is also present, but you need to be prepared for a high consumption of resources: coolant and electricity. You will have to pay more for the thermal valve itself. A fully automatic device is more expensive.

Purpose and functions

Mixing of flows is necessary so that condensate does not form in the boiler due to cold return

The three-way valve is installed for the following purposes:

  • So that the cold coolant does not succumb to the boiler and condensate does not fall out on the inner walls of the furnace. In addition, if a cast iron heat exchanger is used in a hot water boiler, it may crack from temperature changes.
  • To regulate the temperature of the coolant in the circuits. This need may be due to the complexity of the system, where the temperature requirements for each circuit are different. When connected to a heat accumulator, as well as when the heat carrier is used in the heat exchanger of the air handling unit, which is part of the air heating system.
  • To be able to control the heating of the coolant in the underfloor heating circuit. The optimum temperature for underfloor heating is no more than 50 ° C. The temperature of the heating medium supplied from the boiler can exceed this figure by 10-35 ° C.The cooled water that has passed through the underfloor heating circuit will mix with the coolant from the boiler, a three-way valve installed on the distribution manifold will mix the return flow.

The regulator should not be installed if several heating sources operate in the system one by one; if the length of each loop of the water floor is no more than 50-60 m (then RTL heads are installed instead of a three-way valve); if the heating is organized according to a gravity system.

Basic parameters when choosing valves

Brass products have an increased service life, do not crack due to mechanical stress

The three-way valve should correspond to the features of the system as much as possible, therefore, when choosing, all parameters should be checked: design device, technical characteristics.

  • First of all, it is necessary to cut off options that are made of unsuitable metal. Silumin low-cost three-way valves are eliminated immediately, since the aluminum-silicon alloy is of low strength. Such thermal valves crack and literally crumble during operation.
  • Cast iron 3-way valves do not corrode and are strong enough under static loads, but a point mechanical impact or a sharp temperature drop can cause it to break. Such devices cannot be repaired.
  • Steel devices are inexpensive and durable at the same time, but they rust over time. In order to protect against corrosion, the products are coated with nickel and chromium.
  • Thermal valves made of stainless steel are more expensive, the metal is not subject to oxidation and corrosion, so they will serve for a long time.
  • Brass and bronze 3-way valves are preferred because the material best meets the requirements for durability and corrosion resistance. Brass products cannot be installed in a system where the coolant is heated to temperatures exceeding 200 degrees. Bronze devices are built into a heating circuit made of copper.

The internal locking mechanism in some products may be ceramic. If the operating conditions are observed, ceramics perform in the best possible way: they do not rust and serve for a long time. But the coolant in the system must be of high quality. In the presence of mechanical impurities, ceramic elements will quickly fail.

For underfloor heating, it is preferable to install valves with a servo drive

The type of valve is selected taking into account the characteristics of the system:

  • To protect the boiler from condensation, a valve with an internal thermostat set to a constant temperature of the heating medium is sufficient.
  • If the system consists of several branches and it is necessary to control the heating of each, a regulator with a thermal head and a remote sensor is installed.
  • When self-assembling the system, a mixing valve is recommended for installation. It is easier for a beginner to understand the scheme of its work, how to put it, remove it.
  • Saddle types, in contrast to rotary ones, more accurately allow you to regulate the temperature of the coolant and the pressure.
  • For underfloor heating, electric models with a servo drive are recommended.
  • For DHW - dividing valves, for heating - mixing valves.

The diameter of the thread on the valve must match the diameter of the heating pipes

As for the technical characteristics, it is necessary to take into account:

  • connection method - it can be threaded and flanged;
  • inner pipe diameter - must match the pipe diameter at the installation site;
  • maximum working pressure;
  • the maximum temperature of the coolant at the installation site;
  • average water consumption per hour - conditional throughput;
  • dynamic range of regulation (30: 1, 50: 1, 100: 1) - indicates the difference in throughput when the valve is fully closed and half open.

Valves with a range of 100: 1 offer a wider range of adjustments.

Models depending on the volume of the heating medium, ESBE brand

The data is indicated in the passport for the product.In order to correctly select the valve according to the parameters of the system, it is also necessary to calculate the flow rate of the coolant in the installation line, because the valve must pass the required volume of water at different positions of the stem.

Last but not least, the parameter is the manufacturer. Popular:

  • Esbe (Sweden);
  • Danfoss (Denmark);
  • Honeywell (USA);
  • Herz Armaturen (Austria);
  • Caleffi (Italy);
  • Icma (Italy);
  • Valtec (Russia).

It is recommended to choose products of well-known brands, then you can be sure that the marking and the declared characteristics correspond to the real parameters of the three-way valve.

How to choose a mixing valve for a solid fuel boiler

It is very important to choose a high-quality mixing valve suitable for your heating system in terms of its parameters. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and measure the diameter of the pipes of your heating system.

One way to evaluate a mixing valve is by evaluating ego weight. To do this, take it in your hands and appreciate how heavy it is. The heavier the device, the higher quality materials it is made of.

To buy a good mixing valve, you need to know several parameters for its selection. Let's see which ones.

When choosing a three-way mixing valve, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics.

What to look for when choosing a 3-way mixing valve:

  1. Ask the seller to provide documentation for the device you like. The device must be accompanied by: quality certificates, instructions and descriptions in Russian, as well as advice on installing the device in the heating system.
  2. Pay attention to what material the mixer is made of. Bronze and brass are best suited for temperature control. These materials are able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and are also the least prone to corrosion.
  3. It is also important to choose a device that will fit the diameter of your pipes, as well as have the appropriate thread. If you could not find the perfect equipment, then buy an additional adapter.

These simple tips will help you choose the quality and right 3-way mixing valve for you. Also, you should understand that the best device will be from a reputable company.

Simplified budget items

Cheap models made of silumin have low strength and are damaged during operation.

Three-way valves of a stand-alone type are considered to be simplified. Their internal structure is really simplified, since neither a thermal head with a controller, nor a stem are provided in them. The thermostatic element is installed inside and is designed for a specific temperature (often 50 ° C or 60 ° C). It will not be possible to change the settings, the flow temperature at the outlet from the valve will always correspond to the set ± 2 ° С. This option is for those who install the valve in simple heating systems and want to save money. The cost of simplified elements is about 30% lower than the average cost of the bulk of regulators.

The thermostatic three-way valve is necessary in complex systems that include several circuits: hot water supply, heating, underfloor heating. It allows you to save fuel by using the heat energy generated by the boiler more efficiently. Despite the many advantages, the installation of the valve is not always justified, therefore, you should consult with a specialist regarding the advisability of installing it.



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