How to properly wash fabric blinds at home so as not to spoil them

Can fabric blinds be washed?

When making vertical blinds, the fabric is impregnated with a special secret composition. It is designed to protect the surface from UV fading. In addition, the impregnation has an antibacterial and antistatic effect; dust practically does not sit on such blinds. If you start to wash them, over time, all this composition will be washed off the fabric, and it will begin to get dirty much faster, attract dust and lose its color, fading in the sun. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules for caring for fabric blinds.

The first time after purchasing (about two years) vertical blinds do not need to be wetted at all. To collect the accumulated dust, it is enough to sweep it off with a brush or go over all surfaces with a vacuum cleaner. Try to touch the fabric with your hands as little as possible. If you avoid staining, then you will not have to resort to treating the blinds with water and detergent. But if, nevertheless, various contaminants appear on the fabric, then they will need to be washed. This can be done manually or with a typewriter. If you have very expensive fabric blinds, it is best to have them dry cleaned. There the curtains will be cleaned with professional products. In addition, you can be offered a service to renew the impregnation of the fabric - after such processing, it will again have all the above properties. Professional cleaning is quite expensive, but it will allow you to tidy the curtains efficiently and without loss of material quality.

If you decide to wash the blinds yourself, you should carefully read the instructions. There should be indicated all the features of care and proper cleaning of curtains, which will help maintain their beautiful appearance. Certain types of fabrics should never be washed, in which case dry cleaning or steam treatment will have to be done.

Chemical detergents

Do not use powder detergent to clean all types of fabric blinds. It leaves whitish marks and streaks. Also, products with chlorine and other caustic components are not suitable for this purpose.

It is better to choose a liquid detergent for delicate fabrics or wool: BioMio, Sodasan, Villus, Help, Lion Acron, Weasel, Care and Repair... A neutral shower gel is also suitable.

Less effective for heavily soiled baby soap shavings. If the curtains are moderately or lightly stained, this option will help clean them without damaging the structure. You can buy shavings, but it will not be difficult to grate a piece of baby soap on a coarse grater.

Cleaning compounds for carpets and upholstered furniture helps to wash away stubborn dust and dirt: Shampoo 5+ Carpets, Drop Vox, Help, Vanish, Selena Kovrol, Antipyatin, Nordland.

It is better to entrust expensive curtains to professionals than to experiment at home. Dry cleaning will remove all dirt and refresh the impregnation of curtains.

How to do steam cleaning?

If you have such a household appliance as a steam generator, then you can use it to clean vertical blinds efficiently and without damaging the fabric. Even stains can be removed with it. To get started, you need to install a nozzle specially designed for processing blinds on the steam generator. If this is not included in the kit, you can purchase it additionally.

Cleaning should start from the very top of the curtains.If there are stains on the fabric, they should be steamed more thoroughly. The steam generator is good at removing traces of grease and nicotine deposits. With its help, not only the fabric itself is cleaned, but also the cornice and fittings of vertical blinds. Hot steam softens the dirt, mixing with the formed condensate, it starts to flow and it only remains to remove it with a microfiber cloth.

Do not steam clean too often, as hot steam can adversely affect the saturation of the fabric (although this is preferable to washing). The steam generator is used only when the curtains are already so dirty that the vacuum cleaner can no longer cope with cleaning.

How to wash vertical blinds by hand?

It is not so easy to wash fabric blinds by hand. Such work will take a lot of effort and time. First of all, the blinds must be carefully removed and taken to the bathroom. Further, each strip is erased, this must be done carefully so that no creases form. After the blinds are washed, they should be dried and hung in place. Such fabric cannot be ironed. In order to get clean blinds that have not lost their original appearance as a result, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Before you start washing, you need to dry clean it with a vacuum cleaner. This will keep the fabric free from dust that can settle on the fibers during washing. In addition, it will not scatter around the rooms during the transport of the blinds to the bathroom.
  2. Once the strips of blinds are wet, they must not be subject to intense rubbing. Therefore, preview the entire surface of the fabric. If there are spot stains on it, try to wipe them off with an eraser.
  3. The weights should be pulled out and the chain disconnected.
  4. Opening the latches, remove the blinds from the eaves.
  5. Place all the strips in a pile and roll them into a roll.
  6. Prepare the detergent solution - pour warm water into the basin (maximum temperature should be 40 °) and stir the detergent in it. If you want to wash your kitchen blinds, you can use dishwashing liquid. It copes better with specific contaminants such as grease and soot.
  7. Soak the rolled roll in the prepared solution for one hour. Then rinse and place them on a wire rack to drain the water. If you are satisfied with the washing result, you can hang the blinds on the cornice. If not, you need to act further.
  8. Get a bowl of detergent solution (powder or dishwashing detergent), a chlorine-free stain remover, and a sponge. Place strips of blinds on the bottom of the tub. Using a sponge dipped in the solution, go over all surfaces. If stains are found during the cleaning process, treat them with a stain remover. Do not rub the fabric too hard to avoid damaging the protective layer. Movements should be neat, along the grain.
  9. After the entire fabric has been treated with detergent, the strips need to be folded again and rolled into a roll. To make the blinds easy to rinse, they can be placed in a plastic laundry box with holes in the walls. Now all that remains is to direct the water from the shower to it or simply dip it into the recruited bath.
  10. After the rinsing process, do not rush to remove the roll from the basket. In order to fix the paint on the fabric and prevent it from fading, you need to treat the blinds with a vinegar solution (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 10 liters of water). Dip a basket into this liquid and leave for 30 minutes. Then the rinsing process should be repeated. Wait for the blinds to drain and hang them back.

Folk remedies

Ambulance from any dirt on the fabric blinds
Folk recipes help get rid of contamination much better than household chemicals:

  • Ammonia with water cleans and refreshes blinds well. Pour ammonia vial into a bucket of warm water.Moisten a sponge with the resulting solution and gently rinse each lamella on both sides.
  • Ammonia and soda. If you add a tablespoon of soda to the ammonia solution, then even stubborn stains, for example, from ink, can be removed with a cloth soaked in this liquid.
  • The citric acid will help get rid of tea stains. Pour a bag of powder into a bucket of warm water. Moisten a sponge with a solution and clean contaminated areas.
  • Acetone-free nail polish remover helps remove marker marks.
  • Vinegar solution. It will give the opportunity to preserve color and prevent fading. Pour 3 tbsp into 10 liters of water. tablespoons of vinegar. Soak curtains in liquid for 30 minutes. After this procedure, the blinds look no worse than after dry cleaning.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of these funds, since they are used not only for cleaning curtains. They show their effectiveness in washing dishes, household appliances, plumbing.

If stains remain on the blinds after washing, they can be removed with a white eraser. This should be done only after complete drying.

How to properly dry fabric blinds?

After washing, you do not need to dry the vertical curtains by throwing them over the rope - this can lead to creases, which then remain on the fabric. Better to attach them to the top with clothespins. Immediately insert the weights that were removed before washing into each strip (they are made of stainless materials, so they will not leave red stains on the fabric). The extra weight will straighten the strips much better.

Once the blinds are dry enough, they can be replaced. To make them less dirty during further use, spray "Antistatic" on the cloth.

If suddenly, at the stage of washing or drying, strong folds appeared on the fabric, which did not disappear even after the blinds were dropped, you can try to smooth them out with an iron. Manufacturers strongly discourage doing this, so it is worth resorting to this method only in extreme cases. Select the mode with the minimum temperature on the iron, place the sole of the device across the strip and slowly slide it over the fabric, smoothing it out. You should act very carefully so as not to deform the material.

What you need to know

Before cleaning blinds, you must carefully evaluate their design and material. This will allow you to choose the best care method. Depending on these indicators, there are general recommendations for the care of blinds:

  • it is forbidden to wash any blinds in the washing machine;
  • drying should be carried out in a horizontal and flattened state;
  • ironing fabric blinds is allowed only in extreme cases at a minimum temperature and through gauze;
  • Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth such as microfiber to clean the blinds.
  • wooden blinds must not be wetted, and special wood products should be used to polish them;
  • drying should be done in a natural way without the use of a hair dryer, iron, battery and other thermal devices;
  • the blinds should be removed especially carefully so as not to damage the structure and lamellas.

By adhering to simple maintenance rules, you can ensure the cleanliness and long service life of blinds of various types and materials. In order for the blinds to last as long as possible, the surfaces should be cleaned regularly. This will help to avoid the formation of stubborn tough stains. Even if the condition of the blinds is catastrophic, you should not despair. Using specialized detergents or professional dry cleaning will get rid of most of the dirt.

Take your blinds to a dry cleaner or call a cleaning service?

Both options have their advantages. If you decide to use dry cleaning, then be prepared for the fact that for 2-3 days your window will be without curtains.But then the blinds will be cleaned in accordance with all the rules, using professional products. Specialists will not only remove all stains from the fabric, but also smooth it out, and also re-saturate the fabric with a protective compound.

If you don't have time to wait and want to get your blinds cleaned quickly, but not less professionally, you can call the cleaning service. All work will be done at your home and you will be able to see the entire cleaning process. This service is not cheap, but the result justifies the money spent. In their work, cleaning service specialists use various stain removers and cleaning techniques such as an extractor. This is a cleaning vacuum cleaner that is only used for professional cleaning. The principle of operation of this device is based on spraying a heated chemical solution through nozzles onto the surface to be treated. All dirt is removed and sucked back into the vacuum cleaner together with the rest of the product. The suction power of the extractor allows deep cleaning or drying of the fabric in a short time. Such a device and chemicals for it are quite expensive, which explains the high prices for cleaning services.

The order of actions of specialists is usually as follows:

  • A film spreads on the floor, on which the removed strips of blinds are folded.
  • The cornice is cleaned.
  • All strips are passed by an extractor on both sides.
  • The blinds are hung back.

Sometimes the strips are not removed, but cleaned directly on the cornice.

Washing blinds, depending on the type of fabric

Each type of fabric has its own nuances that must be taken into account when washing.

  1. Jacquard fabric made of cotton and linen threads does not tolerate wet processing. It can shrink or become deformed during washing. Therefore, manufacturers do not recommend using water to clean these blinds. To maintain cleanliness, it will be enough to sweep the fabric with a vacuum cleaner once a week. But if the curtains are so dirty that dry cleaning no longer helps them, you can try washing them by hand. However, try to avoid soaking and do not use too hot water. It is better to hang the washed blinds immediately by inserting weighting agents into the strips. So the likelihood that they will come off and not lose their shape will be higher.
  2. Pure cotton vertical blinds will shrink over time, so choose a longer one from the start. You can wash such fabric either by hand or in a typewriter. The water must be warm, the spin mode is disabled. If the blinds are made of colored fabric, then use the powder for washing, the box of which has the inscription "Color".
  3. Fiberglass blinds must never be washed. This material can only be taken care of with a vacuum cleaner. Wet wipes can be used from time to time.
  4. Both hand and machine wash is suitable for cleaning polyester. Such material lends itself well to cleaning and practically does not accumulate dust. The water temperature and washing mode should be the same as for other types of blinds.

The process of washing vertical blinds is quite laborious, but if all the recommendations are followed, the result will be excellent.



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