Home Materials Publication date: 05.12.2019 0 1597 Weaknesses in frame structures Choosing a mesh
Nomenclature of monolithic wood concrete The nomenclature of monolithic wood concrete is the same as for block wood concrete - exists
All apartment owners in high-rise buildings sooner or later face the problem of freezing through the walls.
Designing a fireplace When we build brick fireplaces, the first step is to create a project in
General principles for organizing the substrate ↑ Regardless of whether a strip buried foundation will be used
It is possible to create a comfortable, and most importantly, healthy atmosphere in the house only if
TimeTrial pneumatic frame tents are equipment suitable for use in extreme conditions. Modern materials and
Background for wallpaper: reviews of masters, types, how to choose and glue? Wallpaper underlay allows
One of the most important factors in creating a comfortable environment in a room is considered to be floor insulation with heat-insulating materials.
What is Penoplex? Penoplex is traditionally understood as a material obtained from polystyrene by foaming,