Principle of operation
The principle of operation of a blast furnace is as follows: ore charge with coke and limestone flux is loaded into the receiving chamber. In the lower part, there is a periodic discharge of cast iron / ferroalloys and, separately, of molten slag. Since the level of material in the blast furnace decreases during release, it is necessary to simultaneously load new batches of charge.
The operating process is constant, combustion is maintained with a controlled supply of oxygen, which ensures greater efficiency.
The design of the blast furnace ensures a continuous process of ore processing, the life of the blast furnace is 100 years, overhaul is carried out every 3-12 years.
blast furnace
BLAST FURNACE, s, genus. pl. men, w. The same as a blast furnace.
| adj. domain, oh, oh. D. master. D. process (smelting process).
Source: Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova on
Values in other dictionaries
- blast-furnace - DOMNA-s; pl. genus. -men, dates. - to us; g. Shaft furnace for iron smelting. ◁ Domain, -and; pl. genus. -nook, dates. -nkam; g. Spread. Reduced-caress. Domain, th, th. D-th fuel. D-th equipment. D-th furnace (= blast furnace). D-th melting. D. process. D-th production. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
- Blast furnace - See Blast furnace production. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
- blast furnace - s, genus. pl. -men, dates. - me m, f. Shaft furnace for smelting pig iron from iron ore. Small academic dictionary
- Blast furnace - orph. Blast furnace, wives name Spelling dictionary Lopatin
- Blast furnace - 1) -s, wives Derivatives: Houses; Domakha; Home; Masha; Dona (Donya); Donyasha. Origin: (Lat. Domna - madam.) Name days: Jan 10, Sept 16, Nov 15 2) -y, wives. Spread. to (see Domnik). 3) -y, wives. Spread. to (see Domnina). Dictionary of personal names
- blast furnace - blast furnace Blast furnace. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary
- domain - noun, number of synonyms: 2 domains 1 name 1104 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
- blast furnace - This is the name in metallurgy of a furnace for smelting steel. Formed from the verb dmati - "to blow". The same stem, but with a different root vowel, is found in the noun smoke (See also blow, arrogant). Krylov's etymological dictionary
- blast-furnace - domna (Melnikov and others), Old Russian. dumnitsa, Domnitsa (Srezn.). Possibility, from Old Russian, Art. Slav. dmѫ, dѫti (see blow); see Matzenauer, LF 7, 168; Goryaev, Add. 2, 10. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
- blast furnace - blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace, blast furnace Zaliznyak Grammar Dictionary
- blast furnace - HOUSE large cast iron furnace; small name. cupola. Domnitsa, domain fire. a blacksmith's forge, especially a nail forge. Domain, related to the blast furnace. Blast furnace, blast furnace. Blast furnace, device in a blast furnace for smelting ore, pig iron. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
- blast furnace - orph. blast furnace, -y, p. pl. domain Spelling dictionary Lopatin
- blast furnace - D'OMNA, blast furnace, genus. pl. domain, wives. (those.). Large metallurgical, vertically positioned furnace for smelting iron from ore; the same as a blast furnace. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
- blast furnace - (oven). Primordial. Suf. derivative (suf. -n-) of the same root as blow, arrogant. Etymological Dictionary of Shansky
- blast-furnace - Domn / a. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
- Domna - Domna (female name) Spelling dictionary. One N or two?
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Blast furnace photo
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 5
Who invented?
The modern blast furnace was invented by J. B. Nilson, who first began to heat the air supplied to the blast furnace in 1829, and in 1857 E. A. Cowper introduced special regenerative air heaters.
This made it possible to significantly reduce the consumption of coke by more than a third and increase the efficiency of the furnace. Prior to this, the first blast furnaces were actually dry-blown, that is, unenriched and unheated air was blown into them.
The use of cowpers, that is, regenerative air heaters, made it possible not only to increase the efficiency of the blast furnace, but also to reduce or completely eliminate the clogging, which was observed during technology violations. We can safely say that this invention allowed to bring the process to perfection. Modern blast furnaces work exactly according to this principle, although their control is now automated and provides greater safety.
Domna is the mistress of her little world, the mistress of hearts, an example to follow. There is a lot of kindness, love and respect for others in this person, a woman will never look for flaws in everyone, but will try to see in them something positive, dear and fascinating for herself.
Blast furnace is a mixture of stubbornness with nobility, hard work and eternal search for oneself, each of her dreams is filled with meaning, any desire reflects internal feelings, views. Often in the actions of this person there is a great love for people, devotion to them, a desire to change the whole world and make it at least a little better.
She is not inclined to envy, does not know how to lie and will not try to expose anyone, Domna is a prudent, carefree, often principled woman with high moral qualities. Sometimes she has to overpower herself. Anyone is able to hurt the soul, hurt feelings, leave with their experiences, without even noticing that it causes a lot of pain.
In friendship, Domna is open, she tries to give meaning to everything, to instill in close people kindness, empathy and the ability to come to the rescue. However, it is difficult for her to find a common language with those who hear, but do not know how to listen, want good only for themselves, who are not interested in something more than satisfying their own ego.
She will be called too naive, dreamy, vulnerable, but no one will say that Domna does not have outstanding intellectual abilities. She is capable of any tasks, a woman learns quickly, she is not characterized by laziness and a desire to postpone important matters for the future. She lives her own dreams, but they all become reality in the future and Domna will prove this more than once, the main thing is to be patient and let her manage life and time as she sees fit.
Domna's career doesn't always work out the way she wants. But there is no need to choose, the woman humbly carries her burden, but as soon as she notices a good opportunity, she will immediately switch her interest to what her soul is in. Such a person is responsible, does not know how to play to the audience, fair, focused, punctual. Blast furnace is honest not only with the whole world, but also with herself.
But in dealing with a man, he can not always relax. She lacks frankness on his part, often tries to create comfort around herself, believing that this is how he will feel peace, calm and carelessness. There are also situations when Domna takes over all the basic worries, and the man only uses this until the moment when the woman comes to her senses, noticing her mistakes.
Domain process
Modern furnaces for melting cast iron provide about 80% of the total amount of cast iron, from the casting sites it is immediately fed to the electric smelting or open-hearth shops, where the ferrous metal is converted into steel with the required qualities.
Ingots are obtained from cast iron, which are then sent to manufacturers for casting in cupolas. To drain slag and cast iron, special holes are used, called tap holes. However, in modern furnaces, not separate, but one common taphole is used, divided by a special refractory plate into channels for feeding cast iron and slag.
How does a blast furnace work?
The blast furnace process completely depends on the excess of carbon in the furnace cavity; it consists in thermochemical reactions that take place inside when all components are loaded and heated.
The temperature in the blast furnace can be 200-250 ° С directly under the top and up to 1850-2000 ° С in the active zone - steam.
When hot air is supplied to the furnace and coke is ignited in the blast furnace, the temperature rises, the process of decomposition of the flux begins, as a result of which the content of carbon dioxide increases.
With a decrease in the column of material in the charge, the reduction of iron monoxide occurs, in the lower part of the column, pure iron is reduced from FeO, flowing into the hearth.
As the iron flows down, it actively contacts with carbon dioxide, saturating the metal and giving it the required properties. The total carbon content in iron can range from 1.7%.
From blast furnace to blast furnace
The cheese-blowing process largely depended on the weather: it was necessary for the wind to blow into the “chimney”. The desire to get rid of the vagaries of the weather led to the creation of bellows, which were used to fan the fire in the damp forge. With the advent of furs, there was no longer the need to arrange cheese-blowing forges on the slopes. A new type of ovens appeared - the so-called wolf pits, which were dug in the ground, and blast furnacesthat towered above the ground. They were made from stones held together by clay. A tube of bellows was inserted into the hole at the base of the blast furnace and the furnace was blown up. The coal burned out, and in the hearth of the furnace there was already a familiar crust. Usually, to pull it out, they broke a few stones at the bottom of the oven. Then they were put back in place, the furnace was filled with coal and ore, and everything started all over again.
The word "Domnitsa" itself comes from the Slavic word "dmuti", which means "to blow". From the same word comes the words "haughty" (puffed up) and "smoke". In English, a blast furnace is called, as in Russian, blast furnace. And in French and German, these stoves are called high (Hochofen in German and haut fourneau in French).
Domnitsi became more and more. Mech productivity increased; the coal burned hotter and hotter, and the iron was saturated with carbon.
When removing the core from the furnace, molten cast iron was also poured - iron containing more than 2% carbon and melting at lower temperatures. In solid form, cast iron cannot be forged; it shatters into pieces from one blow with a hammer. Therefore, pig iron, like slag, was initially considered a production waste. The British even called it "pig iron" - pig iron. Only later did the metallurgists realize that liquid iron can be poured into molds and various products can be obtained from it, for example, cannonballs.
By the XIV-XV centuries. blast furnaces that produced pig iron have become firmly established in industry. Their height reached 3 m and more, they smelted cast iron, from which they poured not only the cannonballs, but the cannons themselves.
The true turn from blast furnace to blast furnace took place only in the 80s of the 18th century, when one of Demidov's clerks came up with the idea of blowing into the blast furnace not through one nozzle, but through two, placing them on both sides of the hearth. Down and Out trouble started! The number of nozzles, or tuyeres (as they are now called), grew, the blast became more and more uniform, the diameter of the highlander increased, and the productivity of the furnaces increased.
Two more discoveries strongly influenced the development of blast furnace production. For many years, charcoal was the fuel of blast furnaces. There was a whole industry that burned coal from wood. As a result, the forests in England were cut down to such an extent that a special decree of the Queen was issued prohibiting the destruction of forests for the needs of the iron and steel industry. After that, British metallurgy began to fade rapidly. Britain was forced to import pig iron from abroad, mainly from Russia. This continued until the middle of the 18th century, when Abraham Derby found a way to obtain coke from coal, the reserves of which in England are very large. Coke became the main fuel for blast furnaces.
The legend of Dada Dudley, who allegedly invented coking back in the 16th century, long before Derby, is associated with the invention of coke. But the charcoal manufacturers were afraid for their income and, having conspired, killed the inventor. In 1829, J. Nilson at the Clade plant (Scotland) first applied heated air injection into blast furnaces. This innovation has increased the productivity of the furnaces and dramatically reduced fuel consumption. The last significant improvement in the blast furnace process has already taken place today. Its essence is to replace part of the coke with cheap natural gas.
Blast furnace diagrams
Blast furnace diagrams in section (different options):
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Scheme 5
Blast furnace device
The blast furnace design is very complex, it is a large complex, which includes the following elements:
- hot blast zone;
- melting zone (this includes the forge and shoulders);
- steam, that is, the zone where FeO is reduced;
- a mine where Fe2O3 is reduced;
- top with material preheating;
- loading of charge and coke;
- blast furnace gas;
- the area where the column of material is located;
- slag and liquid iron outlets;
- collection for waste gases.
The height of the blast furnace can reach 40 m, weight - up to 35,000 tons, the capacity of the working area depends on the parameters of the complex.
The exact values depend on the workload of the enterprise and its purpose, requirements for the volume of metal obtained and other parameters.
A more detailed version of the device:
Blast furnace repair discharges
To maintain the working condition of the blast furnace, major repairs are carried out regularly (every 3-15 years). It is divided into three types:
- The first category includes work on the release of melting products, inspection of equipment used in the technological process.
- The second category is a complete replacement of equipment items subject to medium repair work.
- The third category requires a complete replacement of the device, after which a new filling of raw materials is performed with the straightening of the blast furnaces.
Systems and equipment
A blast furnace is not only an installation for the production of pig iron, but also numerous auxiliary units. This is a charge and coke feeding system, slag, molten iron and gases removal, an automatic control system, cowpers and much more.
The operating principles of the furnace have remained the same as they were centuries ago, but modern computer systems and industrial automation have made the blast furnace more efficient and safer.
The modern blast furnace design involves the use of a cowper to heat the supplied air. This is a cyclic unit made of heat-resistant material, which provides heating of the nozzle up to 1200 ° C.
When cooling down, the cowper turns on the packing to 800-900 ° C, which allows to ensure the continuity of the process, reduce coke consumption and increase the overall efficiency of the structure.
Previously, such a device was not used, but starting from the 19th century. it is necessarily a part of the blast furnace.
The number of cowper batteries depends on the size of the complex, but usually there are at least three of them, which is done with the expectation of a possible accident and preservation of performance.
Top-top apparatus
Top-bottom apparatus - this part is the most critical and important one, which includes three gas valves operating according to a coordinated scheme.
The cycle of this node is as follows:
- in the initial position, the cone is raised, it blocks the exit, the lower cone is lowered;
- the skip loads the charge into the top;
- a rotating funnel turns and passes the raw material through the windows onto a small cone;
- the funnel returns to its original position, closing the windows;
- the small cone is lowered, the loading goes into the intercone space, after which the cone rises;
- the large cone assumes its original position, releasing the charge into the cavity of the blast furnace for processing.
Skips are special charge lifters. With the help of such hoists, overshoes from the skip pit grab the raw material supplied upward along the inclined overpass.
Then the galoshes are overturned, feeding the charge into the loading area, and are returned downward for a new portion. Today this process is carried out automatically, special computerized units are used for control.
Tuyeres and tap holes
The nozzle of the furnace lance is directed into its cavity, through which the course of the melting process can be observed. For this, peepers with heat-resistant glasses are mounted through special air ducts. At the cut, the pressure can reach values of 2.1-2.625 MPa.
The holes are used to drain cast iron and slag; immediately after release, they are tightly sealed with special clay. Previously, cannons were used, which were lined up with a plastic clay core, today remote-controlled cannons are used, which can come close to the structure. This decision made it possible to reduce the trauma and accident rate of the process, to make it more reliable.
Description and processes [| ]
Main article: Domain process
Blast furnace device
1 Hot blast 2 Melting zone (shoulders
) 3 Zone of FeO reduction (
) 4 Zone of Fe2O3 reduction (
) 5 Preheating zone (
) 6 Loading of iron ore materials, limestone and coke 7 Blast furnace gas 8 Column of iron ore materials, limestone and coke 9 Slag tapping 10 Liquid iron tapping 11 Waste gas collection
The blast furnace is a continuously operating shaft-type apparatus. The charge is loaded from above, through a typical charging device, which is at the same time a gas seal of the blast furnace. In the blast furnace, rich iron ore is restored (at the present stage, reserves of rich iron ore have been preserved only in Australia and Brazil), agglomerate or pellets. Sometimes briquettes are used as raw materials.
Blast-furnace production scheme
1 iron ore + limestone 2 coke 3 conveyor belt 4 top with a device preventing the escape of blast furnace gas into the atmosphere 5 layer of coke 6 layers of limestone, iron oxide, ore 7 hot air (with a temperature of about 1200 ° C) 8 slag 9 liquid pig iron 10 slag ladle 11 cast iron carrier 12 cyclone for cleaning blast furnace gas from dust before burning it in regenerators 13 13 regenerators (cowpers) 14 chimney 15 air supply to regenerators (cowpers) 16 coal powder 17 coke oven 18 coke tank 19 gas outlet for hot blast furnace gas
The blast furnace consists of five structural elements: the upper cylindrical part - the top, which is necessary for loading and efficient distribution of the charge in the furnace; the largest in height expanding conical part - the shaft, in which the processes of heating materials and the reduction of iron from oxides take place; the widest cylindrical part is the steam, in which the processes of softening and melting of reduced iron take place; the tapering conical part - the shoulders, where the reducing gas is formed - carbon monoxide; the cylindrical part - the hearth, which serves to accumulate the liquid products of the blast-furnace process - pig iron and slag.
In the upper part of the hearth there are tuyeres - holes for supplying blast heated to a high temperature - compressed air enriched with oxygen and hydrocarbon fuel.
At the tuyere level, a temperature of about 2000 ° C develops. As you move upwards, the temperature decreases, and at the top of the furnace it reaches 270 ° C. Thus, different temperatures are set in the furnace at different heights, due to which various chemical processes of the transition of ore to metal take place.
In the upper part of the hearth, where the oxygen supply is large enough, the coke burns to form carbon dioxide and generate a large amount of heat.
C + O 2 = C O 2 + Q {\ displaystyle \ mathrm {C + O_ {2} = CO_ {2} + Q}}
Carbon dioxide, leaving the oxygen-enriched zone, reacts with coke to form carbon monoxide - the main reducing agent of the blast furnace process.
C O 2 + C = 2 C O {\ displaystyle \ mathrm {CO_ {2} + C = 2 \, CO}}
Rising upward, carbon monoxide interacts with iron oxides, taking away oxygen from them and reducing them to metal:
F e 2 O 3 + 3 C O = 2 F e + 3 C O 2 {\ displaystyle \ mathrm {Fe_ {2} O_ {3} +3 \, CO = 2 \, Fe + 3 \, CO_ {2}}}
The iron obtained as a result of the reaction flows downward in drops over the hot coke, being saturated with carbon, as a result of which an alloy containing 2.14 - 6.67% carbon is obtained. This alloy is called cast iron. In addition to carbon, it contains a small proportion of silicon and manganese. In the amount of tenths of a percent, the composition of cast iron also includes harmful impurities - sulfur and phosphorus. In addition to cast iron, slag is formed and accumulates in the furnace, in which all harmful impurities are collected.
Previously, slag was tapped through a separate slag tap. Currently, both pig iron and slag are tapped through the cast iron taphole at the same time. The separation of pig iron and slag takes place already outside the blast furnace - in a trough, using a separating plate. The pig iron separated from the slag enters the pig-iron ladles, or into the mixing-type ladles and is transported either to the steel-making shop or to the casting machines.
Blast furnace automation [| ]
The main directions of automation and control in blast furnace production [14]:
- Chemical composition and physical properties of charge materials.
- Loading of charge materials.
- The state of the upper zone of the furnace (top)
- Furnace shaft condition.
- Combined blowing parameters.
- Condition of the lower zone of the furnace (hearth)
- Technical and economic indicators of melting.
- Air heaters
How to make a blast furnace with your own hands?
The production of pig iron is a highly profitable business, but it is impossible to organize the production of ferrous metal without serious financial investments. A blast furnace with your own hands in "handicraft conditions" is simply unrealizable, which is associated with many features:
- extremely high cost of a blast furnace (only large plants can afford such costs);
- the complexity of the design, despite the fact that the drawing of the blast furnace can be found in the public domain (above the diagram), it will not work to assemble a full-fledged unit for the production of cast iron;
- individuals and individual entrepreneurs cannot engage in activities for the manufacture of cast iron, for this simply no one will issue a license;
- the deposits of raw materials for ferrous metallurgy are practically depleted, there are no pellets or sinter on free sale.
But at home, you can assemble an imitation of a furnace (mini-blast furnace), with which you can melt metal.
But these works require maximum attention and are highly discouraged in the absence of experience. Why might such a construction be required? Most often it is heating for a greenhouse or summer cottage with the most efficiently used fuel.
Tools and materials
To make a structure at home, you need to prepare:
- metal barrel (can be replaced with a pipe with a large diameter);
- two pieces of circular pipe with a smaller diameter;
- section of the channel;
- Sheet steel;
- level, hacksaw for metal, tape measure, hammer;
- inverter, set of electrodes;
- bricks, clay mortar (necessary for the foundation of the structure).
All work must be carried out only on the street, since the process is quite dirty and requires free space.
Step-by-step instruction
- On the prepared workpiece in the form of a barrel, the top is cut off (it should be left, as it will be needed further).
- A circle with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the barrel is cut out of steel, a hole is made in it for a pipe.
- The pipe is carefully welded to the circle; at the bottom, sections of the channel are attached by welding, which will press down the fuel during the operation of the furnace.
- The furnace cover is made from the previously cut bottom of the barrel, in which a hole is made for a mortgage hatch with a door. It is also necessary to make a door through which ash residues will be removed.
- The stove must be installed on the foundation, since it heats up very much during operation.To do this, first a concrete slab is installed, then several rows of brick are laid out, forming a depression in the center.
- To remove combustion products, a chimney is mounted, the diameter of the straight part will be larger than the diameter of the furnace body (required for better gas removal).
- The reflector is not an obligatory element of the design, but its use can improve the efficiency of the furnace.
Design features
The features of such a self-made oven are:
- the level of efficiency is good;
- there is the possibility of working in an offline mode up to 20 hours;
- it is not active combustion that occurs in the furnace, but smoldering with constant heat release.
The main difference between a "household" blast furnace will be the restriction of air access to the combustion chamber, that is, smoldering of wood or coal will occur at a low oxygen level. An industrial blast furnace works on a similar principle, but household blast furnaces are used only for heating, metal cannot be melted in it, although the temperature inside the chamber will be sufficient.
Temples of the Cast Iron Gods
LJ user varandej writes in his blog: Try to guess which structure seems to me the most impressive of those that are found in the post-Soviet space? Cathedral, fortress, old town? Blast furnace! I can endlessly look at these rusty, smoking, gigantic monsters. It seems to me that of all man-made structures in terms of their showiness, gloomy beauty and strength, dominance over a person and the surrounding landscape, only a gothic cathedral can be compared with a blast furnace. They are comparable in size. Blast furnaces are the Gothic cathedrals of the twentieth century, the Temples of the Cast-Iron Gods. Or - the altars of Moloch.
And in general, this night I bring to your attention a post entirely devoted to blast furnaces.
(44 images)
2.In fact, a blast furnace without any additional elements like pipes looks like this: (two abandoned furnaces near the aluminum smelter in Krasnoturinsk) In fact, this is a pipe, as they write on Wikipedia, up to 35 meters high, although according to impressions they are much higher ... They are used for smelting pig iron and ferroalloys, and if the ore is very rich, then for final concentration. The method of their work is simple: the charge is poured from above (a mixture of ore, coke and limestone), hot gas is injected from below - the temperature in the blast furnace reaches 2000 degrees. The process of its operation is continuous: it takes up to several months to fire up a blast furnace of the mid-twentieth century (the time of the heyday of these structures), and if it is stopped during operation, a "goat" is formed inside, an unusable solid mass, which, moreover, is almost impossible to extract. The name - oddly enough, Russian: "dmene" - "blow". In civilized countries, with the exception of England and America (which also have imperial ambitions), this barbaric term is not used, preferring to say “High furnace”.
3.In Europe, blast furnaces of the 18th century (German Balfe) and even the 17th (Swedish Engelsberg) have survived, in Russia the oldest fully preserved blast furnace is the Severskaya blast furnace in the city of Polevskoy (Sverdlovsk region), built in the 1840s. True, with two caveats: 1. Due to the technological lag, which the Urals approached in those years, it corresponds rather to the turn of the 18-19th centuries, if only because the plant is a water-operating plant. 2. Blast furnaces of this particular era, preserved so well, are nowhere else in the world. Outwardly, it resembles a church
4. But it should be understood that the blast furnace and the blast furnace shop are not the same thing. It's just not too big here, and therefore packaged in a brick case. The blast furnace itself at the Seversky plant looks like this
7. The furnace is surrounded by a complex system of piping through which hot gas circulates. The charge was brought in on horse-drawn vehicles and thrown over the top.
8. You may not believe me, but now this unique monument is a museum.Moreover, the Severskaya blast furnace became a museum on the initiative of the director of the current plant, Mikhail Zuev.
9. Blast furnaces of the 1890-1940s, which are probably scattered throughout the country, are much better preserved in Russia and Ukraine. Let's say Alapaevsk in the same Sverdlovsk region.
10 or Beloretsk in Bashkiria
12.One of them, built in the 1920s and 1930s, also ended up in the museum - the Old Demidov Plant in Nizhny Tagil:
13. A very impressive thing! Although, in comparison with the blast furnaces of the current Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, it is a toy:
14. Behind the blast furnace - workshops of the 18th century
16. And here is the Kosogorsk plant near Tula, which can be seen from trains on the way to Crimea. Its blast furnaces and workshops look even rarer than in Nizhny Tagil, only this is not a museum.
19. Legend of Ukrainian metallurgy - Yenakiyevo. Why a legend? Because this is perhaps the most backward and dirty metallurgical plant in Ukraine, or even the entire former USSR. There is such a layer of soot on the asphalt that traces remain.
20.However, it is mainly the sinter plant that smokes, and the blast furnaces themselves are small
23. No less legend - Dneprodzerzhinsk near Dnepropetrovsk, the locals themselves call it Dneprod:
24. Here blast furnaces are everywhere, or rather, all roads lead to them. For example, Lenin Avenue from the station
25. Or the railway past the sinter plant
26. Towers of the church against the background of the furnaces
29. And this is Donetsk. Here, against the background of blast furnaces, an expensive hotel looks good.
30. And the Church of Ignatius of Mariupolsky at the factory entrance
31. Zaporozhye. Although this city is remembered by me as almost the most spectacular panorama of the industrial zone ...
33 .... It was the blast furnaces that were mostly left behind the scenes. Viewed somewhere out there, in the concrete forests under the smoky crowns
34. Although in some places even frightening views open up from Khortytsya. Here the blast furnace resembles some kind of monsters or giant robots from Japanese animation. Now he will make some kind of creepy sound and rush into the attack:
35.But the main Temple of the Pig-Iron Gods is, of course, Mariupol!
38. Martian tripods, galactic fortresses, robotic evangelions (there is such an anime), hellish furnaces - there can be an infinite number of associations!
39. Moreover, only in Mariupol you can see such a picture - blast furnaces by the sea
41. And not only by the sea - after all, there are two metallurgical plants here. If in the previous frames - "Azovstal", this is the Ilyich Plant. Stuck at
42.But all the same, most of all I remembered blast furnaces in Nizhny Tagil, where I looked at the metallurgical plant from Fox Mountain, and dawn rose behind its pipes and smoke. Metallurgists forged the Sun
44. For me it is truly unearthly beauty. Without any quotes.
blast furnace, blast furnace, furnace
Cost based on the example of efficiency no. 7
The manufacture of blast furnaces is a resource-intensive and expensive process that cannot be put on stream. Since blast furnaces are used exclusively in industry, their design and assembly are carried out for a specific metallurgical complex, which includes many objects and nodes of the internal infrastructure. This situation is observed not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the world that have their own metallurgical facilities.
The cost of manufacturing and installing a blast furnace is quite high, which is associated with the complexity of the work. An example is the large blast-furnace complex No. 7 called "Rossiyanka", installed in 2011. Its cost amounted to 43 billion rubles, the best engineers from RV and foreign countries were involved in the production.
The complex includes the following units:
- receiving device for ore;
- supply stations of the bunker overpass and the central unit;
- bunker overpass;
- compressor station (installed at the casting yard);
- installation for injection of pulverized coal;
- recycling CHP;
- control center and administrative building;
- foundry yard;
- blast furnace;
- air heating blocks;
- pumping station.
Complex productivity:
The new complex ensures the production of more than 9450 tons of pig iron per day, the useful volume of the furnace is 490 cubic meters, and the working volume is 3650 cubic meters. The design of the blast furnace ensures waste-free and environmentally friendly production of pig iron; blast furnace gas for thermal power plants and slag used in road construction are obtained as by-products.