Today, the design of a country house in the national style with a brick stove is becoming more and more popular. Many live in renovated old houses, not knowing how to improve and how to paint a brick oven. It is not necessary to break it, it is better to give it a chance for a second life.
Brick lining of the furnace.
Cracks in plaster - a disease of brick ovens
Very often the walls of a stucco stove are covered with a large number of cracks. It's all about the overheating that happens when using the stove. Warm air, unevenly distributed, heats up one part of the masonry very much and not so much the other, that is, hot bricks expand and shift from overheating.
After the temperature drops, the bricks remain in place. Over time, repeated overheating leads to a curvature of the outer wall. It is very difficult to notice it, but this is enough for the appearance of cracks in the plaster. However, it would be premature to break the oven in such a situation, as it can still be remedied by making repairs.
Folk painting methods
Homemade varnish
At home or in the country, you can whitewash the stove with home-made paint using safe materials. A homemade solution is prepared in this way:
To make homemade paint, you need egg whites.
- Grind the red brick to a powdery state, then sift through a sieve.
- Add egg whites and fresh milk to the powder so that the mass resembles thick sour cream in consistency.
- Mix the ingredients well.
The solution is applied to a warm surface, after which it is recommended to additionally cover the brick with linseed oil or varnish from above. Such a coating will last a long time, because the mortar protects the brick blocks from cracking and abrasion. This option will look great in an interior with natural accents.
To prevent the brick oven surface from getting dirty, it is recommended that you first heat the device well, and when it is hot, apply a thick layer of beaten egg whites. Then the whitewash will remain clean for a long time, and any contamination can be wiped off with a damp towel.
Lime-chalk whitewashing
This option is considered simple and cheap, but these are not the main advantages. The lime-whitewashed oven becomes moisture resistant, withstands temperature changes. To prepare the solution, use:
For the finished whitewash, you need to grind the chalk.
- chalk crushed and diluted in water;
- lime;
- gelatin or wood glue.
The resulting solution is applied to the surface in 2-3 layers, before applying it is important to make sure that the previous layer is dry. After such staining, the stove becomes snow-white, if you want to make a blue tint, it is recommended to add blue to the solution. And also the furnace is often painted with water-based paint. When choosing a material, you should pay attention that the composition does not contain an emulsion of PVA and styrene butadiene, since these elements react poorly to high temperatures and quickly crack.
How to extend the life of your oven
Stove-heater scheme.
Repair can be done by hand. This does not require a lot of free time and skills. If the walls are refurbished with high quality, the old stove will work for a very long time. The presence of cracked plaster may indicate that combustion products penetrate into the dwelling, and this is already serious.
Some simply fill up the cracks with clay and paint over the stove. Experts say this is wrong.The outer masonry of the stove must first be strengthened. To do this, it is enough to make a wire tie.
For work you will need:
- punch or hammer and chisel;
- steel wire;
- a hook or bar for tensioning the wire.
Outside, several horizontal grooves are grooved on the brickwork, having a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Subsequently, the wire laid in the groove should completely encircle the stove. After installing the wire, it is tensioned. To do this, you can take a metal rod or a special hook and make twists in several places. Furrows are sealed with clay mortar. The walls are plastered with clay-asbestos mortar.
It is better to put the plaster on a preheated oven.
All about greenhouses and greenhouses -
How to plaster a stove so that it does not crack
How to plaster the stove so that it does not crack during everyday use? This question arises for those home owners who have just acquired this heating device, and in those cases when it is time to repair a long-built stove.
How to plaster a stove so that it does not crack
It should be noted that cracking most often occurs when violations are made in the technology of the plastering process or in the preparation of the surface for finishing, as well as due to improper preparation of the solution.
For plastering the brick walls of the furnace, traditional sand-clay mortars and professionally prepared plaster mixes are used, which can be bought today in any building or specialized store.
Ready-made plaster mix for ovens
But whatever type of plaster was chosen, it must meet certain requirements, such as heat resistance, high adhesion and an adequate response to the expansion of the wall material when heated.
Why plaster the stove at all?
The content of the article
1 Why plaster a stove at all? 2 Tools for performing work 3 Types of plaster solutions 3.1 Video: tips on how to properly soak clay for mortar 4 Plaster the stove with your own hands 4.1 Preparatory work 4.2 Preparing a plaster mixture 4.3 Plastering process 4.3.1 First method 4.3.2 Second Method 4.3.3 The third method 4.4 Decorating the stove 4.4.1 Video: plastering the stove followed by finishing with terracotta tiles 5 What do you need to consider when starting plastering and finishing?
In what cases and why are stoves plastered? The answer to this question is no less important than the first one, since having learned it, one can understand whether it is worth carrying out this process at all, or you can leave the stove without finishing, or decorate its walls with ceramic or fireclay tiles.
Plastered and whitewashed Russian stove
The reasons that require finishing the walls with plaster include:
If the stove is old and has already been plastered, but for some reason the finish cracked and began to fall off, and sloppy masonry was found under it. If the stove is old and there is a danger of cracking of the masonry mortar in the seams and the penetration of carbon monoxide into the room. Over time, various insects can take root in the seams between the rows of bricks, especially in cases where the oven work on the masonry was carried out on natural materials. Timely processing and plastering will help prevent their appearance.If the stove has just been erected, but the masonry is done carelessly, without joining, and the structure does not look aesthetically pleasing, plaster will help fix this situation.
The advantage of plaster over other finishing materials:
It should be noted that plastering the stove is the most affordable and simple way to tidy the surfaces of the stove. Choosing plaster for wall decoration, you can save a lot, since the price of ceramic tiles or stove tiles is several orders of magnitude higher than for a plaster mixture. applied to any of the existing types of stoves, both for the restoration of the old stove and for the decoration of a newly built one. Plaster increases the thickness of the wall, which increases the heat capacity of the building and leads to fuel savings, since the stove cools down longer. Plaster increases the level of fire safety and reduces the possibility of penetration of carbon monoxide into the room. The plastered surface can be coated with water-based paint, whitewash or decorative plasters.
Tools to get the job done
The quality of the plaster application and its ideal distribution on the surface of the oven walls directly affects the adhesion of materials and the durability of operation. To make the plastering process easy and bring the expected result, you need to carry it out with high-quality tools, which include:
Plastering tools
Spatulas - from medium for picking up mortar from a container, to wide, used for applying it to the wall Plaster hammer used for driving plaster nails Trowel (trowel) for applying and distributing mortar on stove walls Cam hammer used for working with chisel, trojan horse and toothed scissors conventional for cutting fiberglass mesh. If the walls are covered with a netting, then metal scissors will also be required. These tools are used to level and smooth the plastered surfaces. The trowel is used to bring the surface to a perfect smoothness. With this tool, notches are made on the surface of the furnace walls for better adhesion of materials. Brushes of various sizes for applying primers, and when using some techniques, for the plaster itself, and for giving it a textured surface, if any. Brush with metal bristles - for cleaning surfaces and seams, when removing old plaster. Building level to check the vertical and horizontal planes. A plumb line is used to control the evenness of walls and applied plaster. The rule helps to align the plaster applied to the walls with the beacons installed on them.
Types of plaster solutions
As you know, the oven is subject to constant temperature fluctuations, so the plaster layer must be resistant to this phenomenon. Composing the solution yourself and choosing the proportions of materials, this must be taken into account.
The most important point is the composition of the plaster solution
Plaster mixes are simple and complex:
Compositions are called simple, consisting of two ingredients - clay and sand. Complex solutions are those that have more than two components in their composition.
Some of the materials must be prepared before making the mixture by cleaning them from various impurities:
The sand should be sifted through a fine sieve. The clay is also rubbed through a fine metal mesh, turning it into powder and freeing it from plant roots and small stones.
The clay for the preparation of the plaster mixture is chosen rather oily, since this quality will directly affect the adhesion of the plaster and the wall. In the event that excessive clay is noticeable, a little more sand can be added to the solution.
Before mixing the solution, the clay is soaked, stirring with water. Further, it is left for several hours. If during this time it has absorbed all the water, then the liquids are added more, and so on until the water covers the clay from above by 100 ÷ 150 mm. After that, the mixture is mixed - it should have the consistency of thick sour cream and have good plasticity.
Video: tips for properly soaking clay for mortar
Asbestos, which is added to the solution, plays the role of a reinforcing component. Hemp, finely chopped straw, or shredded fiberglass (microfiber) can be used in place of asbestos.
It should be noted that for plastering compounds it is better to choose natural, environmentally friendly materials that, when heated, will not emit harmful vapors that are unsafe for the health of the residents of the house.
Some masters add salt to the solution and this is explained by the fact that it makes the solution stronger. However, this is not quite true. Salt does not strengthen the clay, but increases its hygroscopicity, which makes it more plastic, preventing it from drying out, so the plaster cracks less. In addition, various insects do not start in salty plaster, which is also very important for a private house.
The table below shows several recipes for plastering solutions for ovens.
Composition Number | Clay | Sand | Fluffed asbestos | Lime | Cement | Gypsum |
1 | 1 | 2 | 0.1 | – | – | – |
2 | 1 | 2 | 0.1 | 1 | – | – |
3 | 1 | 2 | 0.1 | – | 1 | – |
4 | 1 | 1 | 0.2 | 2 | – | 1 |
5 | 1 | 1 | 0.2 | 2 | – | – |
6 | – | 1 | 0.1 | 2 | – | 1 |
Separately, it must be said about such material as gypsum, which is one of the components of some plaster solutions. For example, in mix # 4, it is used instead of cement as a binder. Gypsum hardens very quickly, its setting occurs almost immediately after being applied to the wall, and after 10-15 minutes the plaster layer with its use will already harden.
This building material is often used together with lime, as it gives the mortar strength and facilitates quick drying. But, choosing a solution with the addition of gypsum, you need to take into account its properties and prepare small portions of the mixture, otherwise it will harden and be unsuitable for work. It will definitely not be possible to extend its "life" even for a little while by diluting it with water.
We plaster the oven with our own hands
Preparatory work
Plastering will not work well if the surface of the oven walls is not well prepared for the application of the finishing material. Therefore, the first step is preparatory work that will create good conditions for the adhesion of the plaster solution.
If an old stove or fireplace is put in order, then its surface must be freed from the plaster on it, knocking it down manually with a chisel and hammer. After freeing the walls from the old layer, they are well cleaned of dust - this process is carried out with an iron and ordinary brush. The fresh masonry of the stove must also be cleaned, since remnants of masonry material can linger on the bricks, which will reduce adhesion, which will lead to the lagging of the plaster from the wall Further, the seams are deepened, and this is carried out both for the new stove and for the restored one. The dry mortar from the seams is selected by 5 ÷ 10 mm. Then the seams are well cleaned of dust. After cleaning, the walls are well primed, and it is imperative to cover the buried seams with a primer with a thin brush.
Applying a primer to the oven walls
Sometimes it is necessary to apply several layers of plaster - this is necessary if the walls of the stove are very uneven. This method of plastering requires additional strengthening of the surface with a metal or fiberglass mesh with cells of 15 ÷ 20 mm. Reinforcement will fix the plaster well on the walls, making it less vulnerable to temperature extremes. In addition, a thicker layer will increase the heat capacity of the oven. The metal mesh is attached to the surface using wide-headed nails that are driven into the seams between the bricks.
Reinforcing mesh on the furnace surface
The fiberglass mesh is immersed in the mixture applied to the wall, or the solution is applied to the mesh from above, leveling it. Fiberglass is mainly used if the surface is sufficiently flat.
Using fiberglass mesh
To maintain or restore the evenness of the corners of the furnace, steel or perforated aluminum corners are mounted on them on the adhesive mass.
Metal profiles help you to accurately draw corners
In order to achieve the evenness of the wall with large differences, beacons made of metal profiles are placed on top of the reinforcing mesh, fixed to the surface with a gypsum mixture, which dries quickly, which practically does not slow down the work. If time suffers, then the beacons can be put on the clay solution. But this method is possible if the mesh is close to the wall.
If necessary, a sufficiently thick layer of plaster is installed guide-beacons
The walls of the stove can be leveled to perfect smoothness for whitewashing or painting, or the surface can be left even, but rough, to cover it with decorative embossed plaster. It should be noted that it is recommended to apply a not too thick preparatory finishing layer under the laying of ceramic tiles or decorative plaster.
There are various ready-made compounds or additives that help mimic the natural stone of different types. In this case, the surface of the furnace, with the correct composition of the solution, will be indistinguishable from natural material.
The table shows the recipe for the preparation of decorative plaster solutions.
Component sucking of decorative plasters imitating the texture of natural stone, in parts by volume | |||||
Material | White marble | Yellow marble | Red marble | Gray granite | Labradorite |
Portland cement М400 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Lime dough | 0.2 | 0.15 | 0.1 | 0.1 | – |
Marble flour | 0.1 | 0.05 | 0.1 | 0.1 | – |
Marble chips up to 6 mm | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Mica (from the volume of cement) | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Paint (by volume of cement),%! | – | Ocher 3 ÷ 5 | Iron red lead 5 ÷ 10 | Manganese peroxide 1 ÷ 5 | Manganese peroxide 6 ÷ 8 |
Preparation of plaster mix
A mortar, formulated in the correct proportion and well mixed, is one of the factors on which a high-quality plastering of the stove depends. To mix the mixture, you will need a drill and a mixer attachment.
Mixing the solution with a mixer attachment
Before starting cooking, you need to consider some points:
Soaked clay, if used in a solution, must swell for at least two to three days. If, after standing this time, it continues to absorb water, then it is not ready for kneading and should be added to it and left to swell for a while. The sand added to the solution should not only be sifted, but also dried - this is will help in maintaining the correct proportions when making up the mixture. Lime will be a good plasticizer of the solution - its viscosity will make the mixture more adhesive. In addition, it will help the solution to grab quickly enough, which will shorten the work period. In principle, it is recommended to add a small amount of it to mixtures consisting of any ingredients. The most suitable of the cement brands is M400. It begins to solidify in 17 ÷ 20 minutes after mixing, sets in 3.5 ÷ 4 hours, and its final solidification and strength gain occurs after two ÷ three days.
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In hardware stores, you can look for both high-quality clay and ready-made mixtures.
If a ready-made dry mixture is purchased, then it is not difficult to prepare it:
Water is poured into a clean container of a suitable size. Then powder is poured into the container, the proportions of which in relation to water are indicated on the package. The solution is mixed with a mixer until a homogeneous mass without lumps and dry inclusions is formed. The solution is kept for 7 ÷ 10 minutes, then mixed again, and after that it is ready for use.
If for plastering the solution will be prepared independently, using traditional materials, then the process is carried out as follows:
The required amount of clay mass is laid out in the container.Dry sand, slaked lime and cement are added to it in accordance with the indicated proportions. The mixture is also mixed with a mixer until smooth. If necessary, a small amount of water is added to the solution during the mixing process.
This solution is applied immediately, since the cement with lime sets quickly enough.
Plastering process
As mentioned above, the plastering process can take place in different ways, some of which will be discussed below.
The first way
This method is used in the event that there are large distortions on the surface, and it requires cardinal leveling by applying a layer with a thickness of 50 to 80 mm.
In this version, the leveling beacons are fixed first. They are exhibited at the building level, achieving perfect evenness.
Installing beacons
After that, the oven is heated to a warm state, then the entire surface of the oven is moistened with water using a wide brush or roller. The water will nail down dust particles and dry mortar in the joints. After that, the walls are primed. The primer layer must dry to form a layer that will promote adhesion to the surface and the materials being applied.
Sketching the solution, or "splashing"
Further, by means of “spraying” (sketching) the first plaster layer is applied, which should not be thicker than 4 ÷ 5 mm. The solution for this layer should have the consistency of a medium liquid sour cream. The mixture is applied with accented movements, since the solution must get into the seams between the masonry rows. After completing the sketch, the solution is allowed to dry well. After it dries, the next layer is applied, which should protrude above the installed beacons by 8 ÷ 10 mm. The solution is applied from the bottom of the wall, approximately 400 ÷ 500 mm, and is immediately leveled with a rule that leads along the beacons. Further, the mortar is poured onto the next section and smoothed again, and so on, until the entire surface is covered with a leveling plaster layer.
Leveling plaster on beacons
While the mixture is still wet, the grout is gently passed over it, sanding the surface.
Stove-makers have one secret that promotes uniform drying of the plaster layer, which reduces the risk of cracks appearing on its surface. The entire oven, after applying the solution to it and grinding, is covered with a damp burlap. If it dries quickly, it is moistened one or two more times.
When the surface dries, the mat is removed, and if cracks are found, they are immediately rubbed and smoothed with a rubber-coated trowel.
The third layer - "cover", is smoothing, so the solution for it is made quite liquid and applied with a thickness of only 1.5 ÷ 2 mm. This layer is applied in the event that the surface of the stove will be covered with paint or whitewash. Difficulty always arises when removing corners, even if they are reinforced with metal corners. The easiest way to apply the mortar to them evenly and to level them well is to use an angled trowel.
The work will be easier if you have an angled spatula at hand
Some masters use the fixing of a wooden lath on one side to remove the corner, and after the applied solution has dried, the lath is transferred to the other side of the corner, and the mixture is applied to the one where the guide was installed earlier.
It is recommended to round off the very edge of the corner, which can be achieved using an angled spatula. This must be done, first of all, for the safety of young children living in the house. Also, a rounded corner is less prone to chipping, for example, during repairs and furniture movement.
Second way
When using this method of putting the stove in order, a metal mesh-chain-link is used, which reinforces the surface of the stove and sets the thickness of the plaster coating.
Plastering using a mesh-netting
With a metal mesh and level the surface, pushing it away from the wall in the right places at a distance of up to 25 mm. For rigidity, a wire is placed under it, which can be hooked onto the mesh itself or metal slats.
In this method, the plaster mixture is also applied in several layers until the mesh is completely closed under it.
Finishing with the use of such reinforcement turns out to be more durable and reliably fixed to the surface.
The first layer is also applied by the "spraying" method - the solution must pass through the mesh and fix well on the wall. After sprinkling the entire surface, the walls are left to dry. After they dry, the mesh will become motionless, and it will be easy to apply the next leveling layers of the solution on it. After leveling and drying the upper, last layer, the cracks formed are smeared and rubbed. The next stage is the installation of the decorative coating.
Third way
The third method of plastering is used if the walls of the stove are sufficiently flat and they only need to be "refreshed" a little.
Plastering with a thin layer
The solution for this method is applied in one or two layers with a thickness of no more than 2 ÷ 3 mm.
The wall is also prepared and primed. Then, if necessary, thin metal slats are fixed on it, which will help to orientate in the thickness of the layer. The slats may not be used if the surface is even and there is no need for them. In this method of finishing, it is best to use a solution with the addition of chamotte clay and crushed asbestos, which will act as a reinforcing component. The mixture is applied starting from the bottom of the furnace using a wide spatula , and immediately leveled with a rule on metal battens. If the beacons are not used, then the solution is smoothed out, focusing only on the evenness of the surface. The corners are also removed in this case with the help of an angled spatula. When the walls of the oven are completely covered with a solution, they are neatly, without pressure, leveled clean with grout.
It is good to lay ceramic or fireclay tiles on such a finish, as well as apply decorative embossed plaster.
Furnace decoration
The decorative finishing of the stove can be made for every taste. If the plaster turned out to be even, then the stove can be covered with whitewash - this method can be called traditional, since it has been used for a long time. The whitewash was often painted with water-based paints, which gave the room its distinctiveness and emphasized national traditions. Most often, ornaments were chosen that were characteristic of the area where the building is located.
Plastered stove can be decorated with simple ornaments or decorative tiles
Today, with the advent of new technologies and materials, the stove is often decorated with plasters that can create patterns on the surface that imitate one of the rocks of the stone or a homogeneous relief structure.
There are other elements of volumetric drawings - in this case, everything will depend on the imagination of the master. To create them, improvised items are often used, for example, plastic wrap, a brush, a brush, a net for cleaning dishes and other materials or accessories.
Various techniques for embossing plaster
If you have a penchant for creativity, you can create relief compositions from decorative plaster that protrude beyond the walls of the furnace even by 7 ÷ 10 mm, and then cover them with coloring compounds. The application of paints takes place on wet decorative plaster - then they are well absorbed into its surface and become more durable. After the entire surface has dried, staining can be carried out one more time.
Heat-resistant ceramic tiles are often used to cover the entire oven.
In addition to decorative plaster, the stove is often decorated with terracotta or ceramic tiles.The availability of corner trim elements on sale greatly simplifies its installation and makes it possible to make the corners and all surfaces neat and aesthetic. The tile is mounted on a special cement-based adhesive, which has the ability to withstand the effects of temperature extremes.
Video: plastering the stove followed by finishing with terracotta tiles
What do you need to consider when starting plastering and finishing?
When plastering the stove, you need to take into account some points that can affect the quality of the work performed.
Do not apply plaster to the newly erected oven structure. A "fresh" stove must not only be well dried, but also go through stages of shrinkage. To do this, it is operated for two to three months, and only after this period you can start finishing work.
For painting the plastered surface, only water-based paints can be used. Other coloring compounds containing drying oil or organic solvents will emit harmful substances and unpleasant odors into the living space when the stove is fired.
For all work on plastering and decorative design of the stove, it is recommended to use materials on a natural basis, without any synthetic additives unfavorable to human health.
It should be noted that all the methods mentioned in the article are not as easy to implement as they seem at first glance. Therefore, in the absence of experience in this work, you should not take risks and translate enough, at times, expensive materials. It is better to entrust these important events to real professionals who know firsthand the secrets of masonry and subsequent finishing of the stove.
Brick oven painting
Spray gun device diagram.
The following materials may be needed to complete the work:
- brushes;
- containers for paint or lime mortar;
- roller;
- varnish;
- glue;
- lime;
- a piece of chalk;
- enamel;
- dyes;
- solvent.
If there is a plaster layer on the outer walls of the oven, painting can be done with both lime and chalk mortar. They are easy to do with your own hands. A solution of chalk is prepared as follows: it is necessary to place chalk (pieces, paste, powder, granules) in a large container and pour water in a ratio of 1 kg of chalk to 1.25 liters of water.
In addition, it is necessary to purchase special glue in advance at the rate of 0.1 kg per 10 liters of solution. You can find it in shops that sell painting supplies. As a substitute, wood glue diluted in water in the same volume is used.
Brick wall painting scheme.
Dissolving chalk in water, by stirring, achieve the required density. The consistency readiness is checked as follows: whitewash is dripped onto a vertically installed glass, and if the drop stops moving after 20-30 mm, the consistency is ideal.
If you need to add color to the dyeing composition, use special dyes. When choosing, you need to make sure that they are resistant to heat. You can take a simple blue in the ratio of 0.1 kg to 17 liters of solution.
Blueprint is currently not available, so it will be quite difficult to find it. Before starting painting work, you must make sure the integrity of the plaster layer, then use a brush to clean it of dirt and dust.
They usually paint in two stages. Dry the first coat completely before applying the second coat. Of the disadvantages of cheap chalk staining, one can single out the fact that it is very difficult to achieve a solid color. Although this can also be used as a decor - the stains left by the maklovitsa will add zest to the stove. Quite tolerable uniformity of paint can be achieved using a roller with medium pile.
If lime whitewashing is used, then 0.7 kg of slaked lime is taken for 1 liter of water.If you add a little drying oil or salt to the lime, this will increase the coefficient of water resistance of the coating. For color, as in the first case, add blue or dyes. The only difference in the production of work is that there is no need to wait for the first layer to dry, that is, the second layer can be applied immediately after the first.
The principle of operation of the spray gun.
You can not use chalk for whitewashing, and then lime and vice versa. If the old paint was made with lime, but you want to paint it with chalk, you must completely remove the old layer. Ideally, the stove should be revised after each winter, as multiple heating and cooling cycles can lead to cracks or defects.
The metal parts of the stove should also be put in order; during operation, they become covered with soot, whitewash or rust. For painting them, simple enamel will not work; as a result of overheating, the paint will crack and change color. It is necessary to purchase heat-resistant enamel, it is produced in aerosol cans.
You can find paints that can withstand up to + 600 ° C without losing their characteristics. Such paints will not be covered with a cobweb of cracks, they are elastic. Using sandpaper and a rag, the metal elements of the furnace are cleaned before painting, then the surface is degreased with a solvent.
Newspapers are glued around metal parts with adhesive tape in several layers. Newspapers are overlapped. The floor is covered with oilcloth. Heat-resistant enamels do not require a primer layer, especially since it can rarely withstand high temperatures, that is, after cleaning the surface, you can paint immediately.
Before staining, the balloon is shaken well, otherwise the layer may turn out to be uneven. The aerosol is applied to the part from a distance of 0.25-0.3 m. There is no need to wait for the paint to dry, the oven can be melted immediately.
DIY painting metal ovens
The stove in the house can be welded from metal. Metal can be painted. The painting technology is significantly different from the painting of a brick stove.
First of all, the fact that the paint must be designed specifically for metal and have high heat resistance.
Very often the question arises of how to paint a sauna stove if it is made of metal and when painted it had a unique look. In this case, the paint should adhere well even at very high temperatures.
There is a way! This method is no longer painting, but chemical treatment. At the same time, the metal surface resembles blued steel. The technology for performing work is as follows:
- the metal surface is thoroughly cleaned (to a shine);
- remove oxides from the surface using concentrated phosphoric acid, butyl alcohol and water in proportions of 150: 4: 1000;
- the surface is blued hot or cold.
How to paint the stove: tips and tricks
The scheme of plastering and painting the wall.
Not every paint is able to withstand temperatures up to 80 ° C, so the question of choosing a material for painting arises. In any case, before painting, it is necessary to put the surface in order, fix all defects, repair chips and cracks.
You can make your own oven paint. Especially expensive materials are not needed in this case. You need to purchase the following components:
- turpentine;
- PF-283 varnish;
- gouache of the required color.
Figure 1 shows: 1 - gate valves; 2 - reverse thrust; 3 - cooking place; 4 - main riser.
1 liter of turpentine requires 1 liter of varnish. The materials are thoroughly mixed. The prepared solution has a transparent color, but after staining it will give the coating a matte shade.
To make colored enamel, you need to take gouache and dry it well. The color of the gouache does not matter and is selected individually. When the gouache is dry, it is ground into powder. It remains only to gradually add the powder to the turpentine and varnish solution until the desired color is obtained.
What kind of brick is used for laying the stove?
Sometimes it becomes necessary to update the appearance of a brick-lined stove. What to do here, how to paint a brick stove in the country or in a bathhouse, provided that the finishing work will be done by hand.
If you have a question about how to paint a red brick stove, we will try to help you.
You can successfully use lime whitewash with the thickness of liquid sour cream. But there are also special paints designed for painting bricks.
Painted brick
Before you start painting the stove in the bath with your own hands, be sure to read the instructions, there are paints for bricks for indoor and facade purposes. But in our case, there is a more complicated question - how to paint a brick oven so that later during operation the paint does not change its color and does not peel off?
Before buying paint, be sure to make sure it is heat resistant. Silicon organic enamel works well; it can withstand temperatures around 600 ° C. The following brands are available for sale:
- KO-168
- KO-174
- KO-813
- KO-835A
- KO-1112
To dissolve these enamels, you can use turpentine or thinner 646. To obtain a good result, the paint should be applied in 2 - 3 approaches as thin as possible. This will get rid of the formation of smudges.
If there is no suitable paint available, you can prepare it yourself. This will require PF varnish - 283 and turpentine. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and mix well.
The resulting mixture has a transparency with a slight haze. To get the color you want, proceed as follows:
- Gouache of the required color is taken and dries well.
- Dry gouache is ground to a fine powder
- Dry gouache powder is added to a mixture of varnish with turpentine until the desired shade is obtained. You can paint.
Photo 1. Brick oven at the stage of laying out
- For laying out the combustion chamber, mainly fireclay refractory material is used (see photo 2), which is resistant to the effects of an open flame and can withstand temperatures up to 1500 ° C. A prerequisite is the use of products of the same type in masonry, since different materials (for example, ША and ШБ or expensive and cheap) have different thermal expansion.
Photo 2. Fireclay brick
- It is more expedient to lay the furnace massif using solid red bricks (see photo 3) of grades M150-M250 with a density in the range of 1600-1900 kg / m3. Higher densities impair the bonding of the clay-based mortar and increase the heating time of the masonry material. Products must be high-quality fired, have the correct geometry and exact dimensions.
Photo 3. Red ceramic solid brick
- It is allowed to use clinker material for lining the furnace (see photo 4). It is produced by firing at a temperature within 1200 ° C, therefore the thermal effect is not critical for it, especially since the facing layer is subject to heating to a lesser extent than the solid wood. In this case, the question of how to refine a red brick stove disappears by itself, since the clinker cladding looks more aesthetically pleasing compared to any other type of finish.
Photo 4. An example of cladding a kiln with clinker bricks
But not everything always happens the way we want it. Sometimes, due to design features, a limited budget, or a number of other reasons, you have to look for alternative refinement options. There are quite a few of them, but initially, let's figure out what it is for.
Another way to make paint
Image 1. General view of the furnace: 1 - gate valves; 2 - return pipeline; 3 - plate; 4 - main riser.
For cooking you will need:
- brick chips (brick ground into flour);
- eggs;
- milk.
Whipped protein and milk are added to the brick powder.The approximate amount of proteins ranges from 10-15 pcs. (depending on the surface area). It is necessary to achieve a consistency that can be easily applied with a stiff brush.
With the same solution, but with a thicker consistency, surface defects can be repaired. As a result, after painting, the oven should acquire a bright red hue. This color is resistant to temperature extremes, overheating and mechanical damage. If the color is not bright enough, then at the very end you can cover the surface with a layer of drying oil.
Preparation for painting
Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces to be painted - preparation methods differ depending on the outer oven material:
- Clay - before painting an earthen stove - it must be well dried (if the work is carried out during a non-heating period). Before drying, you can slightly blur the top layer of clay with a wet sponge - this will slightly level the surface.
Note! It is necessary to heat the oven for drying several times (3-5) - undried clay tends to shrink.
If the clay shrinks a lot during drying, it is worth adding additional clay and drying it a few more times.
Plastering the oven with clay
- Plaster - before painting the plastered stove - it must be wiped with sandpaper. The plastered surface has a smooth, glossy appearance, resulting in less heat dissipation. To increase heat transfer, the surface is matte with sandpaper.
- Brick - if the paint is applied directly to the brick, as is the case with clay, it must be dried. If this procedure is neglected, the clay seams will be pulled deep into the brick. Also, grease stains need to be washed off the surface - a solvent is used for this.
Stages of painting a brick oven
If it is decided to paint with enamel, it will be necessary to purchase heat-resistant enamels of silicon-organic type. Before painting, it is necessary to check the density of the enamel, if it is too thick, then it is difficult to work with it, it is almost not absorbed into the brick.
Therefore, when buying, you must immediately purchase a solvent. If for some reason there is no solvent, you can use ordinary turpentine. Having achieved the optimum consistency, start applying the first layer with a brush.
Before painting a second time, you must wait until the paint of the first layer dries. This may take 10-15 hours. Although some, after waiting for the moment when the paint sticks when touched, but does not stain, they begin to apply the second layer.
The third layer is necessary only if, after applying the other two, a brick is visible or stains are visible. Brick fireplaces are painted in the same way.
How to paint a brick stove?
There are several materials that can be used for staining:
- Enamel. It is characterized by good strength, moisture resistance, excellent interaction with other materials, increased durability - it can withstand up to 200 cycles of sudden temperature changes. There is also a small drawback - the choice of enamel colors is very scarce.
- Oil paint for brick oven. Among all the options, this one is one of the best. The main advantages: a variety of colors, the ability to withstand temperatures up to 600 ° C, guaranteed protection of the brick from oxidation, increased resistance, durability - up to 10 years of work with the furnace. Oil paint is easy to apply and does not require additional surface priming. There are also disadvantages: not a very pleasant smell, the presence of toxic substances in the composition, a longer drying time compared to other options.
- Drying oil. Coating with natural linseed oil is not able to change the original color of the brick, only to darken its shade.
- Heat-resistant varnish.Its main advantage is the ability to increase the technical characteristics of the strength of the brick. After applying the varnish, a transparent, shiny layer remains on the surface. The peculiarity of using varnish is the ability to add dry gouache to acquire the desired color and shade.
Applying a pattern will make the oven more beautiful
Applying a pattern to the stove will make it special and even more beautifying. The stencil can be cut from hard cardboard, which is first decorated with the ornament. Painting is done with paint based on gouache and egg white. Gouache is diluted in water, an egg is added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
It is better to stock up on two stencils, and while one dries, use the second. It can also be noted that enamels and oil paints have a good heat transfer rate, and the lighter the color, the less heat the room will receive.
Features of the choice of coloring material
Before you start painting the stove equipment, it is important to pay attention to the fact that during operation the surface temperature of the stove or fireplace structure can reach 80–100 ° C, and not every finishing material can withstand such conditions. Therefore, paint for stoves and fireplaces must meet the following specific requirements:
- The base of the coating should be dominated by non-combustible components that do not lose their properties at extreme temperatures.
- Finishing for brick ovens is forced to endure temperature fluctuations, because the performance of a heated and cold surface is significantly different.
- When heated and cooled, the furnace structure expands and contracts, therefore, the finishing coloring material must be elastic and adequately respond to such changes.
- The painted surface of the device is forced to have a high heat transfer, so the bricks can be painted in a dark color.
- Oven paint should not emit toxic substances when heated. High-quality heat-resistant paint consists of safe, quickly volatile components, and its base is water or a non-toxic solvent.
- For painting cast iron, a heat-resistant paint is selected that can withstand temperatures above 600 ° C.
Homemade paints for the stove
Is it possible to prepare a composition for painting the stove with your own hands? Sure you may! After all, this is exactly what our distant ancestors were doing, who did not even have a clue about what a construction market or a hypermarket was.
The recipe for the preparation of such compositions deserves a separate article. This is not to say that the task is too difficult, but at the same time, now almost no one resorts to this difficult path. It's much easier to go to the store and buy whatever you need.
It is impossible not to mention the decorative options for painting heating structures, for example, in two colors or with original ornaments, with decoratively processed seams, etc. But this is more about not the choice of material, but the method of painting.