Which polyurethane foam to choose: rating of popular options

Created: 15.07.2018
Updated: 10.02.2021 15:31:32Share this:
Article author: Konstantin Borisovich Polyakov

* Review of the best according to the editorial board of expertology.ru. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

When performing a number of construction and repair work, such a versatile material for sealing as polyurethane foam is used. The product is a one-component polyurethane compound that is pressurized in a can. When exposed to air, the composition polymerizes and hardens, forming a dense porous layer of insulation. The material has good sound and heat insulation qualities, moisture resistance, low electrical conductivity and fire resistance. The weaknesses of polyurethane foam are sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, due to which the sealant turns yellow and collapses. There is a huge assortment of polyurethane foams in the trade network. To make it easier for the buyer to choose the optimal composition for price and properties, experts recommend taking into account several points.

Properties and field of application of the material

Polyurethane foam is a liquid polyurethane solution pumped into a cylinder under pressure. When exposed to air, it quickly solidifies and at the same time significantly increases in volume.

There are 2 types of foam expansion:

  1. Primary (when the composition leaves the cylinder). Provides ease of use: the solution is effortlessly filled in indentations of arbitrary shape.
  2. Secondary. Disadvantages: the increase in the volume of the sealant during the final polymerization can deform the window elements. Therefore, it must be taken into account when carrying out work.

A completely cured material acquires unique useful qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity is achieved due to air bubbles in the thickness of the solidified material. If not for the price, the foam could well be considered as an alternative to the usual insulation.
  • The presence of air voids increases the sound insulation of the entire window structure: vibrations transmitted to the window are damped by foam. Thus, it is a complement to the installed rubber seals, increasing the soundproofing.
  • Cured foam does not allow electric current to pass through, is water-repellent, and is not susceptible to rotting or the spread of mold.

  • High adhesion rates allow the foam to be used as a fixing material: it reliably holds in place window or door frames, as well as other elements.
  • Depending on the brand, the composition does not support combustion or is completely immune to fire.

Due to its special properties, the foam is ideal for outdoor and indoor use. But, like any material, it has disadvantages:

  • After hardening, the excess composition is cut off. And if the cut surface is not properly processed, then water will enter the open pores. Over time, this causes destruction of the material.

  • The frozen composition does not withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation, so it must be protected from direct sunlight.
  • You have to follow the rules for storing cylinders: strictly in an upright position at a temperature range from +5 ˚С to +25 ˚С.

The high adhesion of the foam allows it to reliably adhere to surfaces of different materials.Therefore, you should work with the composition very carefully: if it gets on your hands or other parts of the body, you can wipe it off only with the top layer of the skin, which will take at least a few days. Always use gloves when pouring. You should also securely cover all surfaces on which the solution may drip.

If foam does get on the floor, furniture or other surfaces, it can be removed in several ways, which are described here.

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What makes polyurethane foam an indispensable material for working with plastic windows and balcony blocks?

  1. Fast curing time and ease of use. You can start a full-fledged continuation of the installation after 12 hours. In a dry, cured state, the material is easily cut and adjusted to the required dimensions.
  2. Good thermal insulation. Small air bubbles in the solidified mass greatly increase the degree of heat retention.
  3. Noise isolation. By virtue of their design, the frames of plastic windows capture sound vibrations, which are softened by a polyurethane seal.
  4. Has water-repellent characteristics.
  5. Prevents the spread of mold.

Professional or household?

According to the design features of the cylinders and other indicators, they distinguish between household and professional foam.

The compositions with which the masters work are used only with a special pistol. A special valve is provided for its fastening in the cylinder.

The use of this design provides the following advantages:

  • The ergonomics of the pistol allows the technician to fill the crevices with one hand. The second remains free, due to which it is possible to work alone at certain stages.
  • The gun makes it possible to accurately dose the volume of the released solution. This reduces consumption by reducing unnecessary waste.
  • A thin long nozzle will freely deliver the solution into hard-to-reach crevices and holes.
  • The balloon can be used in any position.
  • The reusable valve ensures that the solution is retained between repairs.

When choosing professional cylinders, you do not need to solve the frequently asked question: where to use the rest of the solution with benefit?

  • Professional formulations have better performance characteristics than household ones. For example, they have a lower coefficient of secondary expansion, which makes them more convenient to use.

Techniques for pouring foam using a professional gun are shown in the following video.

Mr. Build strongly recommends: use only professional polyurethane foam for the installation of plastic windows. Secondary expansion will not create unnecessary stress on the structure and will not displace frame members. The density of the professional staff is maximum, and this will ensure the best quality of fastening, insulation and sealing of the seam.

Choose a gun for budget, ergonomics and durability. For a single procedure, the cheapest one with plastic parts is also suitable, and for professional use, give preference to collapsible high-quality models.

Household foam has less outstanding performance characteristics: poorer adhesion, higher coefficient of secondary expansion, less material coming out of the cylinder. It is realized in containers equipped with a plastic tube for supplying the solution. It is screwed onto the valve before the start of blowing. It is recommended to use up the entire bottle at once.

It is less convenient to work with household foam: both hands are used, and the spray can must be placed with the bottom up. This will provide a more complete solution yield. Use it with the utmost care, in the least important places. Fill the joint no more than 50% of the depth!


Work on the insulation of wooden windows should be started before the cold weather sets in.Subzero temperatures and moisture negatively affect the ability of materials to bond and adhere.

Frames and glasses must be cleaned, dried, if necessary, painted in advance.

It is important to determine exactly where insulation is required:

  1. In places where the unit adjoins the walls, under the windowsill, for example.
  2. Between the joints in the frame.
  3. If the window does not close tightly.
  4. In the places where the glasses adhere to the frames.

Each case has its own characteristics of insulation.

Soundproof foam

If the windows themselves do not transmit noise, then the mounting foam on which they are mounted is an excellent conductor of noise, since it is light, solid, and has a closed cellular structure, which contributes to the unhindered passage of the sound wave.

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Therefore, when installing windows or doors, it is necessary to use a special sound-insulating foam, which, unlike ordinary foam, has properties important for sound insulation:

  • high density, to reflect the sound wave;
  • elasticity, to reduce the transmission of vibration;
  • high-quality filling of cavities and cracks, so as not to let the sound "leak" into the room.

These characteristics are possessed by foam MAXFORTE SaundFLEX.

Foam MaxForte

Compared to conventional building foams, the use of MAXFORTE SoundFLEX foam adds more than 10 dB to sound insulation, which is equivalent to a 2-3 times reduction in noise.

The difference between conventional polyurethane foam and soundproofing can be seen in the video:

If you squeeze a piece of polyurethane foam in your hand, it will simply collapse, unlike specialized soundproofing foam. It will take back its shape like a "sponge". It does not harden and thus does not become a bridge of sound.

What formulations are used?

Most foams have the same composition. The main substance is one-component polyurethane foam sealant. Thanks to the aerosol packaging, it is easy to apply to surfaces without getting your hands dirty. The second substance in the can is the propellant - this is the gas that displaces the polymer we need.

After drying, all types of foam become hard. Excess is easily cut off with a knife, the foam itself is putty, lends itself to any fine finishing. Polyurethane foam is used for PVC windows, door frames, filling gaps in various structures, installing window sills, fixing parts made of concrete, wood, metal. The foam seals the cracks well, has a pronounced fixing effect.

Installing cover strips is a more modern way of finishing plastic windows. Read more about them in our article "Cover strips for plastic windows - advantages". Are your new windows not perfect? What to do if plastic windows freeze? About this in detail in our material on the site.

Read about the reasons for the yellowing of plastic windows at the link https://oknanagoda.com/okna/otveti/plastikovye-okna-zhelteyut.html.

Winter or summer?

The foam is divided according to the seasonality of its use. It happens:

  1. Summer, suitable for operation at temperatures above +5 ˚С.
  2. Winter, allowing to seal cracks at temperatures up to -18˚ С.
  3. All-season. It is found and used less often. Professionals advise using it during the transition periods in autumn and winter, or do with the first two varieties.

Traditional methods of insulation

Mounting foam for wooden windows
Classic insulation methods use the simplest materials. The plus is that they are inexpensive. However, the result usually does not look very aesthetically pleasing. These methods include:

  • Putty.
  • Paper, strips of cloth, masking tape, or self-adhesive paper tapes.
  • Cotton wool, foam rubber, tow.

Consider the pros and cons of the options, installation technology and removal methods.

Many people think that plastic windows are sealed and do not need to be insulated. But after 5 years of operation, such windows begin to let the cold through.How to insulate a plastic window for the winter - consider the main options.

Foam flammability

Also, the compositions differ in flammability parameters:

  • B1 - the highest fire safety class, does not ignite even when in contact with an open flame.
  • B2 - does not burn independently, without an additional heating source. Such compositions are called self-extinguishing.
  • B3 - the lowest flammability class. This material is not recommended for use, especially in residential areas.


Of course, before you put the window sill, you need to mark it. We measure the width of the window block, let it be 140 cm with us. We will buy the window sill 15-20 centimeters longer, since it should extend beyond the plane of the slopes by 7-10 cm (it's a matter of taste). So, we bought a 155-centimeter one. We put it aside for now.

We look closely at our window opening:

Foam for installation of window sills

Everything is in order with him, the foam layer will turn out to be about 2-3 cm. If you get more, it will be better to raise the lower "slope", for example, with a self-leveling floor. This will make the design stronger (my personal opinion). Shortly before installation, the surface will need to be primed, do not forget.

Foam for installation of window sills

Next, we must find the exact middle of the window (we have 70 cm from the edges) and, accordingly, the exact middle of the window sill (77.5 cm). In addition, we draw their central axes with a pencil. It is from them that we will postpone all sizes so that the final result is symmetrical. In the course of the article, you will understand what I mean.

Now we take the dimensions. There are four of them to be removed, I labeled them A, B, C and D.

  • A - approximately equal to the width of the window block, perhaps a little more, if space allows; but nothing less.
  • B - the distance between the corners of the rough slopes. As a rule, it is more than A by several centimeters.
  • B - the distance between the far edge of our hero and the plane of the wall.

Under the window block there is a special groove with a depth of about 2 cm, where it starts. It is necessary to measure from the groove, and not from the plane of the window, be careful. Here it is also highly desirable that the wall with the window was already plastered. Hollow out some plaster under the "ears" and measure B so that they start "inside" the plane of the wall.

Foam for installation of window sills

All the cut edges with us will then simply be closed with slopes and a wall.

  • G is the total width of the sill.

It is chosen in such a way that it would cover vertically no more than half the thickness of the radiator under the window.

Otherwise, in cold weather, condensation will form on the windows, since the warm air from the radiator will not reach the glass. Usually the protrusion is 5-7 cm, it is undesirable to do more. Installers often make a mistake in this.

Foam for installation of window sills

This is how our window sill will look after marking:

Foam for installation of window sills

And after cutting like this:

Foam for installation of window sills

We try it on in place, insert it into the groove, set it manually at about a level, inspect it for jambs:

Everything is in order here, you can set the height of the window sill. Since ancient times, wooden wedges have been used for this, but in general, anything can be used as props. This time I conducted an experiment and used not wedges, but ordinary self-tapping screws, which I exposed along the laser.

I must say that the experiment was only partially successful. The near edge was exposed easily and quickly, but difficulties arose with the far edge (the one that goes into the groove). After all, who installs windows in our country? That's right, Uncle Vasya. And I did not take into account that the windows, in fact, may not stand strictly horizontally and even bend!

I had to put improvised means under the far edge, namely Penoplex insulation. It is necessary to ensure that there is no noticeable gap between the window sill and the window, that is, it should be tightly pressed against the window block from below.

It may be that the window goes in an arc. In this case, you need to choose the least evil. In my opinion, the main thing is the absence of a gap, and the roughness of the surface is not particularly noticeable to the eye.

Two requirements are imposed on the near edge: it must be strictly horizontal, and must be lower than the far edge, that is, the window sills are placed at a slope.

The slope is usually 5-10 mm per meter. That is, for a window sill 60 cm thick, the near edge should be 3-6 mm lower than the far one. This bias is invisible to the eye.

And it is done in order to prevent puddles, for example, when watering flowers. The water will flow downwards. Basically, if you don't want to make a bias, don't. I am only describing a general case. If using wedges, slide them behind the plane of the wall so that later they do not get in the way and you do not have to pull them out.

When setting a slope, it is more convenient to use not our product itself, but scraps from it. Insert one end into the groove, place a level on the trim and evaluate the slope. As soon as everything is set, we once again insert the "patient" in place and see if there are any gaps, and whether the required slope is provided:

Foam for installation of window sills

By the way, the photo shows that, firstly, I partially tore off the film from the far edge. I think it's clear why. Secondly, I aligned the center axes of the window and sill. We see that there are no gaps. If you use wedges, there is a possibility that they might slip.

To prevent this from happening, you can coat them with a plaster solution, for example, alabaster. Then they will definitely not go anywhere.

We can proceed with the installation.

Rules for choosing foam for the installation of PVC windows

For a high-quality installation of window blocks, the composition that is most suitable for a particular case is selected. What to look for when choosing?

  • At the temperature at which the gaps will be closed. It is used to choose winter, summer or all-season foam.
  • By the coefficient of secondary expansion. The lower the value, the better. It is recommended not to use formulations with an indicator of more than 15–20%. Professional foam easily fits into such a framework, but with a household choice, you should be careful.
  • For the expiration date. No one can predict how the behavior of the solution will change after the storage time. Better not to risk it.
  • For the fullness of the cylinder. Underfilling is a frequent occurrence. It's easy to check: for this, the can is weighed. A full 750 ml container weighs about 900 g.

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Calculation of the required number of cylinders causes many problems. It is believed that for one running meter when installing windows in a panel skyscraper, 300 ml of foam will be required, for a brick volume of material is 400-450 ml, for houses of Stalinist construction - 500 ml. But on the cylinder, the manufacturer indicates the release of the sealant under ideal conditions, it is not possible to achieve this in reality. Therefore, an extra bottle in reserve will not hurt.

Heat transfer mechanisms and causes of heat loss

First of all, you need to understand exactly how cold and heat enter and leave our home. There are three mechanisms:

  1. Thermal conductivity - materials such as brick walls, glass, wood, etc. resist frost to a certain limit, but at some point they cool down and conduct the cold.
  2. Infrared radiation is sunlight penetrating glass.
  3. Convection is the movement of air through cracks, pores, crevices.

It is convection, the movement of air can be felt with the palm of your hand, if it shines through the window frames.

At the same time, it cannot be guaranteed that the installation of plastic windows will completely solve the problem.

  • Poor installation and factory defects, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Particularly disappointing are the budget proposals of small organizations.
  • The number of layers. Double-glazed windows protect the house in a completely different way than eight-layer ones.
  • Age - the older the window is, the more likely it is that the insulation materials will begin to perform poorly.

As you can see, both wooden and plastic windows may need insulation.

Rating of brands of polyurethane foam

Professionals prefer proven brands. In the Russian market, the following assembly compositions have proven themselves:

  1. "Moment-Montage" - foam from a domestic manufacturer. More often all-season, presented in professional and household containers. Dense, homogeneous with good adhesion, it can be overpainted. The material is characterized by secondary expansion, so you need to work with it carefully, fixing the window elements with spacers.
  2. Soudal - formulations with a fine porous structure without an unpleasant odor. Three modifications - summer, winter, fire-resistant. Shrinkage and secondary swelling are minimal, the material is characterized by high adhesion, uniform solidification. For delicate installation work, the SOUDAFOAM GUN LOW EXPANSION composition with minimal re-expansion is suitable.
  3. Makroflex is a sealant with good adhesion, homogeneous structure. With the primary expansion, it doubles, the secondary - insignificant. It happens summer and earthy. It is allowed to trim the surplus after 3-4 hours.
  4. Penosil is a non-shrinking compound with low secondary expansion and dense structure, odorless. Provides a record high yield.
  5. Tytan. Does not emit toxic vapors during operation, has a faint odorless odor. The extension of the second type is practically absent. Represented by household and professional, winter and fire-resistant options. It hardens quickly, the excess can be cut off in an hour.

How to insulate windows for the winter. Instruction and step-by-step technology

Insulation of windows along the perimeter of the frames, places of contact with the walls

Polyurethane foam is the best way to seal up cracks and cracks around window blocks. The size of the slots for which the foam is suitable is from 1 to 8 cm. Slots less than 1 cm are sealed with a sealant, and over 8 cm - with polystyrene and other insulation. The method is used for both wooden and plastic boxes.

Liquid foam is very dangerous. You only need to work with it with glasses and gloves.

If the cracks are clearly visible, they need to be well cleaned, "sweep" until the material stops crumbling. You may have to dismantle the plaster around the windows a little (if you feel that somewhere is blowing, and where it is not clear). Then the surface is moistened with a spray gun with water (the ideal moisture content for foam is 80%).

Having prepared the surface, proceed to foaming:

Mounting foam for wooden windows

  1. The balloon is shaken well for 1 minute (a homogeneous mass should be obtained inside).
  2. The balloon is held upside down.
  3. The gap is filled only by a third (remember that the mass will increase in size as it dries).
  4. In vertical areas, it is better to fill the space from the bottom up.
  5. After application, the foam is again sprayed with water.
  6. After a few hours, when the foam has hardened, it must be carefully trimmed.
  7. Surfaces and cuts are treated with paint, sealant or plaster.

Insulation of cracks in frames


The putty itself costs a penny, but there is a lot of trouble with it. In order for the material to become plastic, it must be warmed and kneaded. The work turns out to be painstaking and long. After the putty becomes like plasticine, the cracks are covered with it.

After hardening, the putty has an unpleasant dirty color, as long as it remains at least a little plastic, dust and dirt adhere to it. And after it hardens, it can crack or move away from the frame - which nullifies all efforts.

It is also important that in the spring it is extremely difficult to get rid of the putty. It leaves behind dirty lumps and stains.

Paper and soap

Mounting foam for wooden windows
There are several options here. The slots are plugged with newspapers, torn into pieces, or toilet paper dipped in water. After that, the clogged slots must be sealed with even strips of paper or fabric.
The tapes are greased with damp laundry soap and glued to the wood.

The disadvantages of the method are low efficiency. Air can still penetrate the cracks, while the paper or fabric comes off and hangs.

Using foam rubber

The method is similar to the previous one. With a thin tool (or knife), foam rubber is placed in the horse slots. Ready-made strips are sold at any hardware store.Compared to paper, the insulation efficiency is higher and dismantling in the spring is easier.

You can glue the foam seams on top with the same cloth moistened with soap, or you can purchase a coil of ready-made self-adhesive paper for insulation. It is inexpensive, easy to apply, but may not adhere well if the frame surface is uneven.

If the frame itself is cracked. You can fill such a gap with a sealant or molten paraffin, which is poured into the crack with a syringe.

Loosely closing frames

Mounting foam for wooden windows
Even in winter, the dwelling needs ventilation, so if the apartment is not equipped with forced ventilation, it is advisable not to close up all the opening parts of the frames and vents for the winter.

You just need to make sure that when closed, the joints in these areas are tight.

Insulation is carried out using a sealing cord (it is a hollow tube with one self-adhesive side).

It can be made of foam rubber or soft rubber. Foam rubber is not enough for long, and it is inferior to rubber insulating properties.

If the frame is wide, you can stick two rows of cord.

  1. Insulation is glued to a clean smooth base treated with acetone or solvent.
  2. When removing the tape from the protective layer, make sure that the seal is not stretched.
  3. For good grip, the tape is pressed with your hands.
  4. At the corners, the tape can be secured with staples (construction stapler) or small nails.

The seal perfectly compresses and restores its shape, so that repeated opening and closing of the vents will not damage it. It is not at all necessary to dismantle the belts in the spring.

There are no funds to replace the windows, and the old ones are too cold to pass through? Insulating windows using Swedish technology will help restore old windows and return heat to the house.

Methods for calculating the area of ​​a room are given in this material. Calculation of the quadrature of non-standard rooms.


Places of glass contact with the frame

There are slots where the glass is inserted into the frame. They are quite small, but they are enough for cold air to enter the dwelling. A sealant is used to treat these areas:


Since the bottom surface of the window sill is smooth, the plaster does not stick to it too much. Therefore, almost always, a crack forms under it over time. Usually everyone turns a blind eye to this, but I prefer to process it. After gluing the wallpaper, I glue it horizontally with masking tape with an indent of about 2 mm; I take acrylic or any other elastic white sealant, and apply it to the corner, immediately remove the excess with a wet sponge. The end result will look like this:

Foam for installation of window sills

Whether to do this operation is, of course, up to you. I'm just suggesting. I can also recommend foaming the side slots - near the rough slopes. And it happens that from these places blows. You should also seal the window / sill joint with liquid plastic or, at worst, acrylic.

Now that the window sill is installed correctly, you can either sit on it or stand on it. Nothing will happen to him.

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Foam for installation of window sills

When installing window sills, unfortunately, many people make a number of irreparable mistakes. In order to prevent them, we will consider the installation details in all details. After installing the window, all the gaps formed must be filled with foam.

The main feature of the product is to increase greatly in size. The foam is used for reliable sealing and thermal insulation. Thus, your living space will be isolated from noise and blowing from the outside. But, not everyone knows how to achieve the desired result.

Installation of a window sill

If your particular sample is protected from the bottom with a film, remove it, otherwise anything can happen. We begin the installation directly from the groove in the window block. Foaming its bottom shelf, barely pulling the trigger of the pistol:

Foam for installation of window sills

Foam for installation of window sills

How much foam is needed

This will ensure a guaranteed sealing of the joint. The next step is to apply foam under the far edge of the future window sill with a wide, solid strip. It will have to effectively support the edge, thereby eliminating the appearance of a gap under the window. After that, we foam with a dense "snake" already the entire lower "slope":

Foam for installation of window sills

Before applying the foam, I advise you to wet the surface under the window unit and the sill itself from below. This will significantly accelerate its hardening and adhesion. The height of the foam layer should correspond to the thickness of the wedges / screws, you can apply a little more, but do not overdo it. After application, it gains about 100% more volume (by eye), and can easily expand our window sill, from which it will hump. It is important not to get it dirty yet when you insert it into the groove, be careful.

After you lay the window sill on the wedges / screws, you will need to additionally foaming the gap from the side of the wall. Do this approximately flush with its plane. In an hour you will see that she will already perform.

Foam for installation of window sills

Load on the windowsill

Immediately after all the foam is in place, you will need to put something heavy on the "patient": boxes with tiles, bags of plaster, dumbbells ... At the same time, we put the load closer to the inner edge - the outer one will rest against the window block. It is highly advisable to put something flat under the load, such as that de rule, so that the weight is evenly distributed over the area and there are no pits or humps:

Foam for installation of window sills

See what the level says

Installers often sin with this, too - they foamed it, put bags. When we do everything with our own hands, we can periodically control the level and plane during the first hour - you never know what can happen. In our case, everything was fine:

If something is skewed somewhere, or a hole has formed, it is not too late to fix everything. In the pits, you just need to remove the load. If after a few minutes it is not warmed up with foam, you can shove another wedge or a piece of foam plastic, for example, under this place. In case of slight skewing, it is just enough to move the load, or add / subtract it on one side.

Foam for installation of window sills

Now I will explain, if anyone has not guessed yet, why we marked the axis. When we make slopes, we, of course, will try to maintain the same angle of their opening. And when we make these same slopes, our "ears" of the window sill will be at the same distance from them. That's the whole secret. Complete symmetry. Everything is correct, everything is beautiful.

In the end, all that remains is to put plastic plugs on the ends of our hero, but this is best done at the very end of the repair, after the wallpaper.

A couple of hours after installing the window sill with our own hands, we can cut off the foam and seal the holes around it. Under it, it is most convenient to do it not with a rule (it will not crawl through), but with a guide profile of 27 × 28mm.

Basic rules for installing a window sill

  1. In accordance with the window sill profile, a strip is selected, which should freely enter the installation position. Remove interfering plaster if necessary.
  2. Install the windowsill using a level. The inserted edges must be sealed with a sealant before installation.
  3. Treat the concrete surface of the window base with water.
  4. To prevent the hardening foam from squeezing out the window sill, place a heavy object on top.
  5. Fill the resulting empty space with building material.
  6. After hardening, remove excess with a special tool.

Failure to comply with one of the conditions can cause damage to all the work done. It is important that the foam adheres well to the surface, and the niches are completely filled and have no cracks.

For those who have never dealt with this business, it is important to know that there are several components of success here: accuracy, attentiveness, and the availability of the necessary tools for the job.



Plastic windows