Microcracks and shallow scratches on the plastic windowsill can be corrected. Several methods are in demand:
- Liquid plastic will help out. The composition can be bought at the economic department of the market. A drop of the product is applied to a soft rag, the damaged area is wiped. After a while, the procedure is repeated.
- An option that should be used with great care. Thinner 646 is a moderately aggressive mixture of hydrocarbons, alcohol, ether and other additives. With a classic sponge, the solution is applied to the plastic, after a minute the residues are removed with a damp cloth. The liquid dissolves the thin top layer of plastic and the material polishes the surface.
- A barely noticeable strip is leveled with plain water and flannel rags. The surface is wiped, then rubbed over the scratch with a cotton swab wrapped in flannel.
- Craftsmen use a primer to mask a scratch on the sill of a plastic window, followed by painting the surface. There are several nuances - it is difficult to choose a tone, to create the desired consistency.
Home craftsmen remove scratches with fine-grained emery paper. The layer is carefully erased, the place is degreased, heated with a hairdryer, and primed after cooling.
The techniques are effective for minor injuries. If the cracks are significant, then the consultation of the master is necessary. The only "recipe" may be a complete or partial replacement of the structure.
What to do if the damage is serious
The presence of chips, cracks on the windowsill is not fatal! New technologies will help correct significant deficiencies. You will need:
- Overlays. This is an alternative to replacing the sill. There is no need to re-do the slopes, remove the old structures. It is enough just to mask the defective surface.
- Laminated film. Previously, deep scratches should be putty, covered with a primer, and the bulges should be sanded. Self-adhesives are presented in different shades, textures. There are imitations of wood, stone, or presentable monochromatic options. Before removing scratches on the sill of a plastic window, the surface is leveled, degreased (wiped with alcohol or washed with conventional means). When creating a pattern, leave an allowance of at least 2.5 cm around the edge. To make the material organically lie in the corners, warm it up with a hairdryer - this will increase the elasticity of the film. It is easy to release air bubbles by puncturing the bulge with a needle.
There is a special putty on sale for the restoration of chips. You can melt a piece of plastic identical to the sill material and apply it to the crack.
Leave a request for a consultation with a specialist and find out more about scratches on windowsills!
All stages are treated with a high degree of responsibility. At each step of the installation of windows, compliance with the parameters and requirements for the quality of the installation is monitored. The work is carried out using modern equipment and tools.
You can get a free consultation and place an order by phone:
+7 4822 302-700
The reasons
The reasons for the appearance of scratches or cracks on the frames of plastic windows arise from careless use. From defects in production, to everyday troubles - a heavy thing accidentally dropped on the windowsill.
The main frequent cases.
- Careless transportation. It is always worthwhile to inspect the window carefully before installation.
- Incorrect installation of the window structure.In this case, cracks may appear after weeks or months.
- Careless installation or plastering of slopes. Traces remain after using the tools.
- Cracks from low temperatures appear when plastic production technology is not followed.
- Sloppy use. If a foreign object gets under the sash, the window is skewed when the window is closed. Over time, a crack may appear along the weld.
- Improper care. When abrasive detergents are used, abrasions occur on the plastic.
- Children's pranks or pets.
The question - how to remove a crack on the plastic can be answered unequivocally - just replace the window or sash with a new one. And you can remove shallow scratches with your own hands.
How to remove scratches from clear plastic
Transparent plastic is as susceptible to scratches as matte or colored plastic. As a rule, there may be many objects in the house that have a surface made of such plastic. Plastic glasses of glasses, most often sunglasses, are scratched quite often. It should be noted that such injuries can impair vision, and simply make their use uncomfortable.
Small scratches on transparent plastic are removed using available tools:
- Jewelry polish. Apply to glass, then polish with a microfiber cloth.
- Mixing Vaseline and wood polish can remove scratches on the transparent surface. It is important to continue polishing until all traces of petroleum jelly have disappeared.
- A mass that removes scratches from computer disks works well, it is applied to the surface of the glasses using a microfiber cloth.
- Glass cleaner and glass abrasive do a good job with this kind of damage. They are also great at solving the problem of fogging.
Removing scratches from plastic surfaces is a task that sooner or later every person faces, because objects made of this material fill every home and surrounding space. It is worth emphasizing that the removal of minor injuries is quite possible at home, and deeper ones are best removed using professional tools or the help of specialists.
How to remove scratches on a plastic window sill
COSMOFEN 10 perfectly restores the gloss of a glossy plastic surface.
The plastic window sill, of course, surpasses its wooden counterparts in many ways, but scratching it is as easy as shelling pears. It is not uncommon for damage to be left by an awkwardly moved flower pot or by a hostess who cleans it using a stiff-bristled brush. It is worth noting that scratches can become a source of additional dirt that gets into them, and it will not be very easy to remove it.
Of course, the ideal option would be to completely replace the window sill with a new one. But if this method does not work, try to remove the damage with your own hands:
Using sandpaper, you can remove all irregularities from the windowsill.
- if small scratches are supposed to be treated, then this tool can be applied immediately to them;
- in the case when removal is required for deep damage, their surface must first be cleaned with emery paper.
It is worth noting that waxing gives excellent results because it tolerates sunlight and water very well. And also has the ability to repel dirt, protecting the surface of the windowsill.
How to remove scratches in a car interior?
You can eliminate scratches on the plastic inside the interior of your car yourself. The choice of tools depends on the degree of damage and the type of coating, including a hairdryer, polish, pencil, and if none of the proposed options helps, then overhaul of the part.
Hair dryer
You can perform the following steps both with the help of an ordinary hair dryer, which is used to dry your hair, and with a construction one. During this procedure, the plastic will heat up, and the damage will heal by itself, due to the fact that they will melt somewhat.
- Before starting work, wash the part well with detergents.
- When it dries, you should turn on the hairdryer (it is recommended to use the minimum power), and then direct it to the problem area that requires restoration.
- In the case when you do not notice that any changes have occurred, increase the power so that under the influence of temperature, the plastic surface melts a little.
- Never keep the tool in one place, as you risk overheating the plastic.
Note! You can touch the restored part with your hands only after it has completely cooled down.
- Wear rubber gloves and wash everything with detergent. Places where dirt and dust have accumulated require special attention.
- Then you need to dry the area of interest.
- Next, you need to apply a paste with abrasive properties to microcracks using a small foam sponge. Be careful! For a better effect of the polish, wait a little, which is usually indicated in the instructions for use.
- Wait until the polish turns white and start the polishing procedure.
- Moving in a circle, it is necessary to clean off the excess abrasive, from time to time removing the resulting amount of dust.
- Then wash the cover.
Masking pencils
This method is the fastest and easiest to repair cracks inside the cabin, as well as those that can be found on the bumper of the car. A high quality pencil usually has a high cost, but it is a fairly economical and effective tool. In order to carry out the procedure, you need to follow these steps:
- Clean problem areas from dirt and dry.
- Use the tip of a pencil to fill in the damage.
- Wait for the surface to dry.
- Then you can remove the residues and start polishing. This should smooth out the transitions of the restored site and the rest of the coating.
Major interior repair
Painting is the most difficult and time-consuming way to restore this kind of surfaces. However, this option will definitely be effective and help hide the existing shortcomings.
- The element requiring restoration must be thoroughly washed and the dirt removed with detergents.
- Next, you must sand the damaged area, but if the panel is embossed in its structure, then this step should be skipped.
- In the case when it is smooth, you can start sanding with the help of special equipment or improvised means (sandpaper is often used).
- Then a special primer is applied to the prepared coating, which is produced in the form of spray cans. It is necessary to select a composition that will not react with the surface.
- When you have applied several coats of primer, the plastic should be buffed with an abrasive until it is perfectly flat.
- In the case when the panels have large cracks, you need to fill them with putty.
- When you have completed the renovation work, the coating should be covered with an appropriate paint.
- If necessary, the plastic panels are also treated with varnish, however, it can cause reflections, which sometimes interfere with the operation of the machine.
Small cracks are removed using the following tools:
- Abrasives for polishing glass surfaces. Such products are also often used by artists, and they are the only way to remove all scratches, not mask them.Hydrofluoric acid can be found among the ingredients in these abrasives, so never use them on parts that are not made of plastic.
- Glass cleaning products. If you want to remove a scratch on a plastic object, use a glass cleaner, for example, in a car. It should be applied to the coating and polished with dry wipes. This option will help get rid of small cracks.
- Wax. Wax is suitable for efficient polishing of plastic surfaces. It is enough to put a little of the product on a piece of dry soft cloth and rub the plastic, moving in a circle. Remove excess with dry napkins or a cotton swab.
- In addition, sometimes they use a polish intended for processing wood products, mixed with petroleum jelly. It is necessary to buy at the appropriate point of sale the products with which the wood is polished, and treat the problem area with it by mixing the product with a few drops of petroleum jelly. This product fills the damaged area and makes it less noticeable. Continue polishing until the petroleum jelly is completely wiped off.
- Also, you can use tools for computer technology, which most often treat discs, because this way you can remove frayed areas and small microcracks. Apply the product to the plastic sheeting using a soft fiber.
- Polishes for silver and copper will help you, which should be applied to the problem area and wiped with dry napkins or a piece of fiber cloth. This process should continue until the moment when you do not get rid of all the cracks.
Compared to ordinary wooden windows, plastic ones have some advantages. These are thermal protection, high noise insulation, and low maintenance costs. And if you compare them only in appearance, then, unlike wooden ones, plastic windows have a more stylish look. They all have pros and cons. Also with plastic windows, which still have certain disadvantages (read the article about the harm of plastic windows). One of these disadvantages is the complexity, and sometimes the impossibility of removing scratches on them.