Sliding doors are perfect for opening in a miniature kitchen. Such constructions are hidden in a special
Glass blocks and walls made of them are not a thing of the past, but they still live
After reworking the interior and replacing standard windows with new, original window openings, many people think,
One of the pressing issues when renovating or buying a new home is the quality of the installation.
Balcony vapor barrier when insulating from the inside with penoplex or mineral wool with your own hands Instructions Photo and video
Balcony vapor barrier - is it needed for insulation? To date, the insulation of the loggia and
To feel as comfortable as possible in the bathroom, it is recommended to use a screen that protects the floor.
The insulated loggia is an excellent option for expanding the useful area of ​​the apartment. At the same time, high-quality glazing,
picture of a bar in the kitchen
Advantages of the design The bar counter gives the design of the room a non-standard look, fitting into any style of interior,
Photo: each type of reinforcement has a unique article in the catalog of the system provider (window designer), how to choose a window
When replacing windows in an apartment or a country house, they increasingly choose double-glazed windows from metal-plastic
Windows WDS 6S | NEW More light for houses and apartments installation width, mm